VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1521: : Force deployment

Although Ye Luo's equipment level is already very high, it is not an exaggeration to be called the first person in the Chinese server, but the people such as Po Lang Chengfeng naturally hope that his equipment level is better, so that he can firmly become the Misty Pavilion and even China. The first person to defeat Dongfang Tiantian is just around the corner, so they all hope that Ye Luo's equipment level is better, so they hope to give Ye Luo the ancient god-level armor.

However, Ye Luo thinks that this is not his exclusive equipment. Although he can play any attribute role, there are other ice attribute heavy armor classes in the Misty Pavilion-Yixiaofeiyang is an ice swordsman, he can equip this ancient **** Grade equipment.

"Uncle Ye Luo, Sister Fireworks and Sister Shi have all analyzed. This time the monster attack will be very dangerous. There may be more than 300 monsters. The final BOSS must be very strong. We need to create a super master to fight the final The boss, the stronger you are, the more hopeful you will resist the final boss." June Feixue gave the reason.

"Since the monster is very strong, it is naturally difficult to kill it by me alone, so I have to create a few more masters. The strength of the smile is very good. After giving him a piece of Primordial God-level equipment, he can To become a super master, at that time we can have one more powerful assistant." Ye Luo retorted, and then changed his tone: "By the way, this time we killed the Mist Hidden Demon Rat King and we also got a piece of profound ice crystal soul. , Can be used by Feiyang, so that his profession can be advanced to similar professions such as Xuanbing Mage and Lava Mage, but his equipment level is not very good, and he doesn’t even have a piece of Primordial God-level equipment. , Giving him an armor of Primordial God-level is justified."

That’s right, killing the Mist Hidden Demon Rat King this time also revealed a piece of mysterious ice crystal soul. This kind of props can make the ice profession advanced and then comparable or even stronger than the ordinary double profession, and add It’s not difficult to become a super master with a smile on the last Taikoo God-level equipment.

Hearing this, everyone is silent. Although the Misty Pavilion has other ice-based professions, especially after helping other gangs to do missions to obtain a lot of hidden professions, but at present, I look at the strongest operation level of Xiaofeiyan, and Xuanbing Crystal Soul will naturally give he.

Knowing that Ye Luo couldn't be persuaded, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others looked at the fireworks and samādhi poems, hoping that the two of them could convince him.

"Let's listen to Ye Luo." After a little indulgence, the samādhi poem expressed his opinion: "It's no surprise that Smile Feiyang will find a powerful profession comparable to the mysterious ice magician and lava magician. He has a piece of Primordial God-level equipment. Nothing is too unreasonable. Besides, what Ye Luo said is also very reasonable. This time the monster attack requires everyone to work together. It is naturally best to train a few more masters."

"Well, that's right." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Since the Samadhi poems and the firework Yi Leng both expressed their attitudes, then this must be the case, the mysterious ice crystal soul and the Primordial God-level armor returned with a smile.

"In fact, our luck was really good. Before the monster attacked the city, we got 2 pieces of Primordial God-level equipment and a piece of mysterious ice crystal soul. As a result, our overall strength has improved a lot." Othello laughed: "At least Our current dual-class number is still far ahead of the top ten gangs."

Since Ouyang Family made a lot of money in the previous gang challenge, they have almost monopolized the equipment and props such as the energy stone of good fortune and hidden career scrolls owned by various commercial organizations, and this has also given them more dual professions, and even the number has approached. Misty Pavilion, which made Po Lang Chengfeng and others feel threatened, especially after learning that Ouyang Feitian wanted to recruit the Heavenly Kill Organization into the gang.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Kill Organization did not join any gangs, and with Othello's inauguration of the Earth Dragon Knight and the subsequent upgrade of the smiling profession, the number of dual occupations of the Misty Pavilion will continue to lead, which makes the high-levels of the Misty Pavilion such as Othello a little bit He breathed a sigh of relief.

Nodded, everyone did not struggle with this matter anymore, breaking the waves and riding the wind to look at the fireworks and it was easy to be cold: "Fireworks, this time we are going to divide our forces and fight, and we will be divided into three groups. You can arrange the deployment and tactics. Right."

According to the requirements of the Game Department, this time the Monster Siege of Misty Pavilion will divide its troops and garrison Luoshui Town and Haoyue City, and Wushuang City is to defend three cities, which also means that Mishuang Pavilion will be divided into three groups.

The original number of combat players in the Misty Pavilion was not many. These days it has only been more than 2.7 million. Compared with the other ten gangs, it is too far behind. If you divide your troops into three groups, every [八一中文网www.x81zw. xyz] The forces along the way are weaker, so we need to deploy more carefully.

After a while, the fireworks became cold and began to give orders: "Sister Feng, Ye Luo, Sister Qin, you all take Yue'er, 20% of priests, 30% of heavy cavalry, 30% of magicians, and 30% of summons. Professionals such as divisions, archers, etc. settled in Luoshui Town. You will defend Luoshui Town. You can hold on for as long as you can, but you must give up Luoshui Town in the end."

Hearing the arrangement of fireworks that are easy to be cold, everyone present showed doubts, even Ye Luo was the same, and only the samādhi poem looked thoughtful.

"Sister Fireworks, what is your arrangement?" June Feixue said in a puzzled manner: "Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo are the two most powerful people in our Misty Pavilion, and Sister Qin is the best in our Misty Pavilion, China and even the world. Strong pastor, let them be together? Shouldn’t they be separated from the Belt and Road armies?"

"Yeah, your arrangement is too strange." Othello took the conversation, and then she lowered her voice: "In addition, although Luoshui Town and other towns were hacked by monsters to our advantage, the game department did not require guarding. , But it’s not good for you to blatantly say that it’s not good to give up. If you hear it, you will definitely be criticized."

That's right, the game department asked for 40% of the troops to be stationed in the system city. It stands to reason that Haoyue City should allocate more people, and Fireworks Easy Cool deployed more than 30% of the troops in Luoshui Town, which naturally made everyone confused.

In fact, Othello's worry is a bit redundant. At this time, they are the only people in their chat channel, and no one else can hear it.

"I'm not afraid of being heard, because as long as we don't say it, no one will know." Samadhi poem said, and then he looked at June Feixue: "The reason why the fireworks are distributed heavily to guard Luoshui Town, even the force is occupied. Our 30% is still more. Ye Luo is with Feng Sister and Qin Sister. It is hoped that they will defend as long as possible. The longer they defend, the more monsters they kill and the more experience everyone gains. The greater the benefits, because the strange experience of killing people in a team is equally shared."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Anyway, the first few waves of the monster's attack on the city are not a threat to us at all. At this time, we don't need to send too many people to Haoyue City. I believe the Eastern Family will defend us."

According to the requirements of the Game Department, all the gangs stationed in a certain system city must be stationed separately. The cities where the Misty Pavilion has stationed are Luoshui Town and Haoyue City. At the same time, there are also the Dongfang Family who stationed in Haoyue City. I believe they will separate out The few troops stationed at Haoyue City, according to the samādhi poems, they estimated that they would at least exceed 20%.

The overall strength of the Eastern Family is stronger than the Misty Pavilion. After all, they now have 67 million players. If two to three percent of their troops are stationed in Haoyue City, they need to eliminate nearly 2 million. This is a very powerful force. The wave is not very strong and the monster army attack is still very simple.

Although what the samādhi poem said was not difficult to understand, everyone quickly understood it, but thinking of the last sentence said by the fireworks easy to cold, June Feixue asked again: "But why must we give up Luoshui Town? What? With our strength and the deployment of heavy troops, maybe we can really hold it."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Although the disappearance of Luoshui Town is good for us, after all, it is our systemic city in China. It is the best to defend and live. After all, you said before that we will face more than just Monsters attack cities, and players from other countries. The more cities we have, the higher the price they will pay to break."

Not only did June Feixue and Palangchengfeng wonder about this, but even Ye Luo was the same. This was also his rare look of doubt.

"Luoshui Town is a system city, do you want to turn it into our resident?" Fireworks Yi Leng asked rhetorically.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of June Feixue, Polangchengfeng and others brightened, and they were excited, and June Feixue nodded again and again: "Of course I think, although Luoshui Town is only comparable to a Level 3 gang resident. The city, after all, is a system city. It is slightly better than the gang resident and is more recognized by others..."

Speaking of this, June Feixue shook her head. She couldn't help but muttered: "But the leveling, various minerals, and herbal resources around Luoshui Town are not very good. The effect is far less than Wushuang City, or even worse. Going up and down the city, operating such a city may not necessarily be profitable, and it may even lose money. It’s not good.”

"That's because you only value leveling and all kinds of mineral and herbal resources, not the tourist resources around Luoshui Town." Samadhi said, seeing June Feixue showing a sudden look, she continued: "No Wrong, Luoshui Town is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the surrounding environment is very good. Even the lake formed by the Luoshui River surrounding Luoshui Town is much better than Meniscus Lake. If various tourist facilities such as painting boats and small boats are arranged here, The attractive life players are definitely better than Wushuang City. At that time, we were not making a lot of money."

Yes, as the samādhi poem said, the tourist resources in Luoshui Town are very good, but because this is a systematic city, and the major gangs are operating their own gang sites, not many gangs plan it as a tourist city .

"That's really true." Black and White Chess said, she laughed: "Luoshui Town is a ready-made city, even better than Wushuang City. It doesn't cost much to transform directly into a tourist city. The problem is that it is very fast. It will be profitable, and we can't miss it."

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