VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1528: : Treatment output

The attributes of [Hell Bow] are very powerful. Whether it is an additional feature or a skill, the most important thing is that the additional features of this longbow and the additional attribute damage are the most suitable for Ye Luo. After all, I learned the [Split Arrow] in the Misty Pavilion. There are only 8 or 9 players, and the only player who can play the role of the three attributes of darkness, ice and fire at the same time is himself, so there is no objection to the ownership of this longbow.

Equipped with a longbow, because there are two more split arrows, Ye Luo’s damage output is greatly increased. If he can be equipped with a high-level off-hand weapon-the quiver, his damage loss is more than that of holding a long sword and a magician. Be higher.

Of course, equipped with a longbow is only suitable for confronting monsters with less strength and a large number. After all, each split arrow can only attack one target, and the damage bonus of split arrows is not high. This is when dealing with powerful BOSS. Very impractical.

Even so, after having this longbow, Ye Luo has one more attack method, and [Hellscream] can also be regarded as a large-scale control skill, which can play a very important role in team battles, and maybe use it Well done can turn things around.

Among the next two pieces of equipment, one is an ice-attribute heavy armor helmet, which is best for a smile, and the other is a leather breastplate with fire attributes, which is best for Sword Eleven, because he is a fire spirit bow and arrow. Hands can play the role of this breastplate most perfectly.

In addition to these 3 ancient artifacts, the three-headed dog king of the **** also burst several high-rank gems, which are of ice, fire, and dark attributes. The increased attribute damage is not bad. Ye Luo asked for 2 dark attribute ones. For some damage output, the ice and fire attributes were given to Yixiaofeiyang and others, and they each got what they needed.

Think about it, too, the Misty Pavilion currently does not have a dark system career, and only Ye Luo can play the role of dark attribute equipment and gems.

Then everyone continued to kill monsters. Even the most powerful BOSS was killed. Naturally, other mobs could not pose any threat to everyone. This wave of monsters was successfully resisted, and the next wave was the ninth wave of monsters.

The monsters in the ninth wave are snake-like monsters similar to Medusa, dark fire flying snakes, but these monsters have two heads and short wings, which can fly for a short time.

Like the three-headed dog of hell, the two heads contain different attributes, dark attribute and fire attribute. The combination of the two has a higher damage output. The most important thing is that they can fly for a short time, which means that they can fly above the city wall. , It will be troublesome for players to face them.

Seeing these dark fire flying snakes, the people of the heroes of the sky war chose to withdraw immediately, and the players of other gangs also decisively chose to give up. For a while, only the players of the Misty Pavilion were left, and these players were all It's a crispy profession, if the flying snake rushes over it, it will cause heavy casualties.

"Sister Feng, hurry up and let our players in Luoshui Town leave. They can't resist these monsters." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel.

Even if she had the confidence to break the waves and ride the wind, she knew that the players of the Misty Pavilion could not withstand these flying snakes at all, so she did not hesitate to break the waves and ride the wind. She ordered everyone to leave while the monster was still some distance away from the city wall, and then Zhiyue and Jianliu I took everyone to Haoyue City, and for a while, only Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and Sitting on Qin Xin were left here.

"I thought I could resist for a while with the city walls and various siege equipment. I didn't expect the monsters in the ninth wave to have a short flight ability, so they could only retreat." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite sorry, she looked towards Ye Luo: "There are only three of us here, what should we do now?"

"Retreat to the place where the city defense equipment can attack, and then we will hold on for a while as much as possible. If we can wait for this wave of BOSS to arrive, it will be fine. If we can't, we will leave directly." Hou Yeluo said with a slight pondering. He glanced behind him: "But we must leave before the wall is broken and the monster rushes into the city, otherwise we have to perform big moves if we want to go."

Level 290 monsters, and these monsters are used for short-term flight ability. If surrounded by countless such monsters, then the purple electric holy dragon that rides on the wind and rides through the waves will not accidentally be knocked out of toughness, and at that time They can only use their ultimate move.

"Understand." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked around: "Although this wave of monsters is very powerful, the defense force of Luoshui Town is also very strong. After all, the monsters were rewarded when they attacked the city for the first time. There should be no problem for a while."

That’s right, Luoshui Town and other towns have been rewarded after they resisted the monster’s attack, and the overall defense power has increased a lot. It is precisely because of this that the scale of Luoshui Town is much larger than the usual level 3 gang resident. Only Wushuang City can match it.

It is precisely because of this that the firework is easy to be cold and it takes aim at Luoshui Town, preparing to take it down and claim it for himself in the future.

The fact is also true, even if the Dark Fire Flying Snake is stronger than the previous three-headed **** dog, it will take some time to break Luoshui Town.

As for the three people who break the waves and ride the wind, they are all very powerful. Under the cover of countless siege equipment, there is no problem with these dark fire flying snakes. Even sitting on the piano heart still does not need to add blood to everyone. They can kill more strangers if they come to an extra player.

"Fighting against so many waves of monsters, even though our level has also increased by level 1 and 2, and the level of other players has increased a bit higher, we can't resist this time the monster siege and killed level has also increased a lot." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she looked into the distance: "What's more, given the current situation, it is difficult for us to be killed by these monsters."

"We haven't used any big tricks yet. It's not easy for these monsters to kill us." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said while attacking, and then she checked the list: "Alas, the melee class is in the monster siege. Sure enough, my equipment level is among the best in the entire Chinese server, but the overall damage output is only in the top ten, currently the ninth, most of the top eight are magicians."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, two professional magicians such as June Feixue, Nangong Yunlong, and Ye Yu Fei were on the list. Their damage output has been greatly separated from others, and they want to surpass them with the current state of the waves. It's not easy.

"Sister Feng, you can be content. Masters such as Dongfang Xiaotian and Yueyue toast have not even entered the top ten. Wouldn't they cry to death." Black and white chess said, and then the tone changed: "But Qin's healing output is unexpectedly If you haven’t entered the top 10,000, it’s a bit undesirable. How can you say that you are also the number one pastor in China, and the number one treatment output is also very good.

In addition to the list of kill monsters and the list of healing output, there are also lists of healing output, damage suffered by MT, and the top 100 on these lists will receive very good rewards, especially the first place. It stands to reason to sit on the piano. It shouldn't be difficult for Xin to get healing output, but she actually didn't make the top ten thousand, which made Othello puzzled.

Think about it, so far, the Chinese server has only three double-professional priests, and sitting on Qin Xin is higher than the daughter's red and Saturday in terms of professional skills and equipment, and she ranks first in the treatment output with her strength. The name is still not a problem.

"Don't say it's going to the top ten thousand. It is estimated that sister Qin's treatment output has not even entered the top 100,000, because her first wave of blame has not used any healing skills until now." Ye Luo said, he laughed: "But no By accident, she was the first in damage output among priests."

"Hey, really, even sister Qin's damage output is already in the top 1,000, which deserves to be a dual career." June Feixue teased, and then her tone changed: "It's a pity that she won't get any rewards at all. It's better to be mixed. The treatment output is the first, and daughter Honghe Saturday is no better than Qin sister."

"Sister Feng and Ye Luo don't need me to treat at all. At this time, the output of mixed treatment is not mixed data. It is better to kill more monsters." Sitting on Qin Xin smiled: "Kill more monsters. It will be lighter. As for the reward, it’s not too important. Just get the reward on Saturday.”

"It's a pity that Saturday's treatment output is not as good as that of the daughter Hong, but only the second place. The reward for the first place is much better than the second place." June Feixue muttered, and then she thought of something, she was full of anticipation: "Sister Qin. , With your strength now turned into treatment output, you should still be able to enter the top 100, especially after you and Uncle Ye Luo have combined skills, and [Qin Yin Hualin], these two skills are more than dozens There are hundreds of large-scale healing skills, not to mention that Sister Qin has other effective healing skills."

"Let's go with the flow, it's okay not to be in the top 100, after all, rewards within 100 are not a big deal." Sitting on Qin Xin said disapprovingly, and then his tone changed: "But Ye Luo's damage output is stable. He is firmly in the first place, and the damage he has suffered is also the first. These two first places can give him a very good reward."

In terms of damage output, naturally no one can presume against Ye Luo. In addition, he and Po Lang Cheng Feng have been rushing in the monster group, facing the attacks of countless monsters, so their damage is also very high, and they are even ranked first. A first place allows him to get a very good reward, which is already very content in the heart of sitting on the piano.

"Yes, now it won’t be very high if you transfer to the treatment rankings, then forget it. It’s best to let the flow go." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she looked into the distance: "Actually, Qin Xin can follow us in these waves. The equipment and props obtained by BOSS for kills are also very good, and may even be more generous than the rewards obtained by winning the first place on the list."

"That's true." Ye Luo said: "Now the ninth wave of monsters has lasted for 5 or 6 minutes. According to previous experience, the BOSS will appear soon, which means we still have a chance to kill them."

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