VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1580: :business suit

Because Ye Luo and others had rescued Wang Yue and the elves, and the intimacy was very high, reaching the point of intimacy, so after learning that the demon army came to support, Wang Yue and Lingxin led the army to intercept them, not It exaggerated to say that Ye Luo and the others had no suspense when they attacked the city this time, and this made June Feixue and the others happy.

Lingxin grew from the fairy princess to the fairy queen. This is a good thing for Ye Luo and the others, and they are all happy for it.

"Nevertheless, we should not be careless. We can empty the monsters in Luoshui Town as quickly as possible. This will not only reduce losses as much as possible, but we can also support Lingxin and Wang Yue after we have emptied the monsters." Shen said: "Although Wang Yue and the elves must be very strong after so long of development, none of us knows the number, rank, and level of the demons in the Sunset Canyon and the Fallen Demon Caverns. If it hurts Wang Yue and the elves. It's not good to be heavy."

Although Wang Yue, Lingxin and others are all system NPCs, Ye Luo and the others have a good relationship with them, and naturally they don't want to see them in an accident, so they have also increased their attacks and advanced a lot faster.

Perhaps seeing that the heart of the city was threatened, the BOSS guarding Luoshui Town and the quasi-boss set out to kill Ye Luo and others, and the war was about to start.

The BOSS guarding Luoshui Town is no more than King Qiongqi, and the level of Ye Luo and others has increased by level 1 and 2, and the level of equipment has increased a lot. In addition, they are all using big moves, so they resist the BOSS. Then there is no problem with killing it.

Although it is not possible to kill all bosses before the end of the ultimate state, Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind and Zhiyue can still perform the second ultimate, and various powerful skills are covered, not only covering BOSS and quasi-BOSS, but also Covering many mobs around, then the group attack skills are displayed, and the surrounding area has almost become a vacuum zone except for a few BOSS.

In Ye Luo, they dealt with the BOSS, Jian Liu, Yi Xiao Sui Feng and others. They led the cavalry to kill, and then used the nightmare commander, mammoth cavalry and other cavalry to forcibly isolate the surrounding mobs, so Ye Luo They can safely deal with the BOSS boldly.

Under the attack of the siege crossbow and the attack of some cavalry, all the defensive equipment around the heart of the city were destroyed. As a result, the players of the misty pavilion released the remaining siege chariots and attacked the heart of the city with all their strength. The toughness is also rapidly decreasing.

After the tenacity of the heart of the city is cleared, the various defense equipment on the wall of Luoshui Town will not be able to operate, and only in this way can it be regarded as taking Luoshui Town.

Three or four minutes after the three of Ye Luo performed their ultimate move again, all the bosses were killed. They were surprised by the fact that these bosses had dropped 3 or 4 Primordial Artifacts, which can be improved after being equipped. Their strength.

Because Damo Guyan was here to help, and with the face of watching the sunset over the Changhe River, they presented him with an ancient artifact as a reward, but Damo Guyan did not take it and took the opportunity to offer to buy some siege. Crossbows and siege chariots can even be purchased at a slightly higher price, which is 10% higher than the market price.

I have to say that Damo Guyan is quite smart, and he uses a piece of ancient artifact equipment to make him speak better. After all, it is difficult for the people like Breaking the Waves and Chengfeng to refuse, and even embarrassed to ask for a high price, not to mention it depends on Changhe. On the face of the setting sun.

In fact, after taking Luoshui Town for a long time, the Misty Pavilion did not need to use siege equipment, because they had no towns to attack in the near future. After all, they also knew that this time they started to work on the gangs of the Ouyang Family and the Dongfang Family. Is unwise.

Since this is the case, and there are already some siege equipment, it is natural to sell some, and it is nothing to sell to the heroes of Heavenly War.

Because of this, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the samādhi promises to sell some siege equipment to the heroes of the sky war.

In response to this, Da Mo Lone Smoke was overjoyed. Then he attacked the mobs around him and asked the fireworks to be cold: "Fireworks beauties, wind beauties, are you going to capture other towns next?"

Fireworks are easy to be cold, and they are also smart. Through the lone smoke in the desert, he helped Tianzhan heroes buy siege equipment and what he asked now. It is easy to infer that Tianzhan heroes also want to capture some towns, but there is no way to break the waves and ride the wind. Concealing, she said: "We already have a lot of gang sites, and there is no need to capture other towns."

Damo Guyan is also quite smart. He naturally knows that the strength of the Miaomiao Pavilion is limited. It is already the limit to operate 3 or 4 gang sites, so he can easily judge that what the waves and the wind said is true, and then he directly expressed the hero of the sky war. Want to capture a town, ask which one is the best.

Looking at the face of Changhe Sunset, the samādhi poems didn't hide their personalities. After a simple analysis, they also gave Changhe Sunset some suggestions.

Da Mo Guyan also valued the samādhi poem's suggestions. After passing the news to the world, there will naturally be someone who analyzes the pros and cons of conquering the city.

Next, Ye Luo and the others continued to deal with the surrounding monsters, because they successfully occupied Luoshui Town after they were completely emptied.

It is worth mentioning that the 3 or 4 Primordial Artifact Equipment Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and June Feixue each got one, so their equipment level has improved a lot.

What June Feixue obtained was a fire helmet, which had quite good attributes, and what he obtained by breaking the waves and riding the wind was a ring that increased the chance of a critical strike, and also increased the damage of sword skills. A piece of attack equipment, so this ring can be called a violent output equipment, and Wave Breaking Wind also likes this equipment the most.

As for Ye Luo, he got a 280-level Primordial God-level shoes with good attributes, increased movement speed, evasion rate, and some attribute damage and some defenses that can ignore the target. After being equipped, his defense power , Qi and blood will increase a lot, and because he can ignore some defenses of the target, his damage output will also increase a lot.

As everyone killed monsters, there were fewer and fewer monsters in Luoshui Town, and soon only a very small part remained. At this time, the demons still did not arrive. Obviously, they were still intercepted by Wang Yue and the elves. It also means that there is no suspense for everyone to capture Luoshui Town.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, we are lucky, Xiaoshu, they said they killed Medusa and dropped 3 [Split Arrows], and also broke 100 sets of exclusive suits for archers." June Feixue He smiled and said authentically: "Although it is only a quasi ancient god-level suit, the overall attributes of a suit are comparable to equipped with a whole set of ancient artifacts. In particular, one of the additional features of this suit can increase the number of split arrows. Now, the archers of our Misty Pavilion are even stronger."

[Split Arrow] Needless to say, the damage output of archers will be a qualitative leap after learning, and the value of exclusive equipment for archers of quasi ancient artifacts is also very high. Unsurprisingly, these equipment can cultivate a batch Elite archers are not even worse than hidden professional archers.

Seeing the familiarity of the archer suit, Samadhi nodded and said: "The attributes of the suit are very powerful, much better than the exclusive suits of the ordinary archers. I didn't expect Medusa to explode such equipment. Why didn't the monster attack the city? What about bursting?"

"Who knows." The black and white move, and then the tone changed: "In addition to the archer suit, the knight's exclusive suit has also been released, and there are also 100 sets, which greatly increase defense and vitality, and there is a certain chance of attacking the target. It’s repulsive, this feature is very similar to the iron armor beast."

"The knight-like exclusive suits that are still bursting, and there are also 100 sets?" Samadhi froze for a while, and then she said: "Couldn't these exclusive suits burst only when attacking the towns occupied by monsters."

Although it is speculation, the tone of the samādhi poem is quite sure.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she asked: "Are there any other suits besides the exclusive suits of the Archer and Knights?"

"At present, only these two are found." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "I guess that other towns will also burst professional suits, and there should be other professional suits. As Xiao Shi said, only those who kill and occupy system cities Monsters will burst into professional suits."

There was no doubt about the inference of sitting on Qin Xin, and then June Feixue became excited: "I didn't expect that there would be such benefits in capturing these towns. Sister Feng and Sister Fireworks, why don't we go to capture other towns, so much more. Professional suits can also greatly enhance our strength."

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but I didn't want her to shook her head and said lightly: "No, it's not worthwhile."

Since the fireworks are easy to be cold, it is not cost-effective, so naturally such a plan cannot be made, which disappointed June Feixue.

"We have now discovered a lot of professional suits. Although the attributes of the professional suits obtained by siege are slightly better, it is really not cost-effective to capture a town just for these professional suits. Don’t forget that we will lose every time we siege. With less manpower, 500,000 of us lost level 1 this time in the siege, which is not a small loss." Samadhi explained, "In addition to the players losing level, we have also destroyed some siege equipment. Shao Pills and organ products, if we often occupy towns and cities, not only will it not increase our strength, it may weaken it."

Although she didn't want to admit it, June Feixue knew that the samādhi poem was true, so she didn't say anything anymore.

Miao Miao Ge did not intend to attack other towns in order to obtain professional suits, but the lone smoke on the side was excited. For him, it was a surprise that the occupation suits could be destroyed by capturing the town, and this made them more determined to choose a town. Determined to attack.

"Come on, everyone, clear the last monster, and then we will go to support Lingxin, Wang Yue and the others." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, her tone was full of expectation: "Maybe killing those two demon army can also explode. Drop some good equipment!"

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