VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1602: : Holy Beast Seal

Hearing the system reminding Zhiyue that Zhiyue had completed the mission issued by the Beast God, the waves and the wind and others were very excited, and everyone was even more delighted after hearing the rewards she received for completing the mission.

Although the Beast God suit is only of the quasi ancient **** level, it is much better than the ordinary suit, especially the 20-level feature of the summoned beast. According to the calculation of the samādhi, this suit is not inferior to the dragon flame suit, and it is much more misty. Players who have equipped 100 Beast God suits will also greatly increase their strength.

After knowing the attributes of the Beast God suit, everyone began to wonder about the attributes of [Holy Beast Seal]. After all, everyone knew what was inside except for the treasure chest to be opened. At this time, only this kind of thing did not know what it was. Attributes.

"Yue'er, is [Sacred Beast Seal] the same as [Dragon God Statue] as a special city defense item?" asked June Feixue, she couldn't wait: "What rank is it, let us see them quickly Attributes!"

"Well, that's right, it's a castle defense item, with good attributes." Zhiyue said, and when she said this, she sent an equipment illustration to everyone:

[Holy Beast Seal (Incomplete)] (Special props * Primordial Sage)

Item description: A sacred seal with the power of a holy beast. There are 5 sacred seals in total. Each of them contains a powerful aura and has different abilities. It can be placed in a gang resident and used, and there will be unimaginable effects:

Part Name: Green Dragon Seal

Toughness: 20000000

Defense: 200,000

Attack power: 100000 points

Attack distance: 0-500 meters

Attack interval: 1 second

Additional feature 1: After being placed in the gang resident, the green dragon seal can change the surrounding environment and then merge with the gang resident, which increases the toughness recovery speed of the gang resident and restores 100,000 points per second.

Additional feature 2: After being placed in the gang resident, the blue dragon seal can double the blood and magic recovery speed of all friendly units in the gang resident, and increase the effect of healing skills and swallowing recovery pill skills by 30%. Cast skills , Reduce the interval of taking pills by 30%.

Additional feature 3: After being placed in the gang resident, the green dragon seal can increase the attribute damage of all wood type and its mutation attribute poison type occupations when attacking by 20%. This feature is limited to normal attacks.

Additional feature 3: After being placed in the gang resident, the blue dragon seal can increase the overall attributes of the summoned beasts summoned by the summoner in the friendly unit by 10%, and increase the damage of the summoned beast by 3000 points. This feature will affect any summoner's summoned beast. Effective, it can stack with other sacred beast seals, but the overall attributes of the sacred beast seals are increased by 2%.

Additional feature 4: After being placed in the gang resident, the blue dragon seal can trigger the blue dragon shadow attack when the enemy is attacking the city. The attack frequency is 3 per second. Each residual shadow can cause 50,000 damage to the enemy target, and 10% Chance to bind it for 1 second, this feature cannot be superimposed.

Additional feature 5: After being placed in the gang resident, the Azure Dragon Seal can use the [Blue Dragon Binding] skill. All hostile targets within 10 kilometers of the opponent will cause 50,000 points of damage, and they can be tied for 2 seconds. The skill display interval is 10 days. , This skill can only be performed by the city owner and deputy city owner.

Additional feature 6: The blue dragon seal can be automatically repaired, and it can restore 20,000 toughness points per second. The item can never be completely destroyed. It will be repaired with the repair of the city heart in the gang resident.

Usage restrictions: The city owner must be placed in the gang resident, and the gang resident must reach the level 3 county town.

Special Note 1: You can't actively attack the Azure Dragon Seal, or even the Alliance will be attacked by the Azure Dragon Seal.

Special Note 2: There are 5 pieces of this item in total, and all the sacred beast seals are collected and placed in accordance with the rules to achieve the greatest effect.

Seeing the attributes of the blue dragon seal of [Sacred Beast Seal], the people in Po Lang Chengfeng were stunned, and then ecstatic. Before they were envious of Dongfang Tiantian and obtained the [Dragon God Statue], they did not expect Zhiyue to complete the task of the beast god. Afterwards, he actually obtained a similar castle defense item. No, the rank is higher than the [Dragon Statue], which is of the Primordial Sage.

"Prime Saint-level city guard?!" Seeing the introduction of the rank, June Feixue was pleasantly surprised: "It is one level higher than the tree of life and the statue of the dragon god, but this attribute does not feel like this [Dragon] God statue] How about it?"

"Because this is only incomplete. To be precise, this is only one of the parts. The entire sacred beast is printed with 5 parts, just like the sacred beast beads in the East." Samadhi Shi explained that she couldn't hide the fullness in her tone. Excited: "That is to say, a gang resident can place 5 sacred beast seals. If all 5 parts are put together, the attributes will be very light and large, far stronger than the [Dragon Statue]."

Everyone has seen the holy beast beads and Ye Luo's [Tai Chi Bagua Pan]. They are most familiar with this kind of props that require all the parts to be used to exert all the functions. They think that in the future, a gang of them can install 5 such holy beast seals. , They got excited.

"The sacred beast seal seems to be somewhat different from the [Dragon Statue]. The sacred beast seal has an attack on its own, with an attack power of 100,000 points. The attack interval is only 1 second, and the attack power reaches 500 meters. This is better than the magic crystal cannon. It is also powerful, although there is only one, but at this point, it is better than nothing." Sitting on Qin Xin was the first to discover this: "Moreover, the Holy Beast Seal also has a large-scale group control skill, although it can only be bound. The target is 2 seconds, but the envelope range is 10 kilometers, which means that it can have an effect on almost all siege targets. This is similar to the [Dragon God Statue] additional [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens] skill, not to mention this skill has a lot of Nice damage."

"Yes, this thing is very good. Putting it in Wushuang City can greatly increase the defense of Wushuang City." June Feixue said, and then she laughed after thinking of something: "We knew we could get such good equipment and props. I placed the hive in Wushuang City, because Tianxia City needs this item even more."

Because Wushuang City is surrounded by water on three sides, with this kind of natural protection, its defense is much stronger than Tianxia City, which means that Tianxia City needs more powerful castle defense items. It will undoubtedly be better to place the [Holy Beast Seal] there. a little.

It's a pity that this kind of thing can't be moved once it's placed, so even if you regret it, it's useless. At this time, only Wushuang City doesn't have any guards, so it's already a certainty where this green dragon seal will be placed.

"This is an unexpected joy. No one knows that we will get such props. The decision we made at the time was the best for the time." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and then thought of something, she asked: " Yue'er, it seems that you have obtained 2 sacred beast seals, what effect does the other one have?"

Hearing this, everyone remembered that there was a sacred beast seal, and they couldn’t help being excited. After all, they also knew that placing two sacred beast seals in the gang resident would greatly increase the defensive power of the gang resident, even two sacred beast seals. The role of is bigger than a complete 【Dragon Statue】.

"This one is a Vermillion Bird Seal, and the previous attributes are almost the same, except for the increased fire attribute damage from this Holy Beast Seal." Zhiyue said, sending an equipment illustration to everyone:

[Holy Beast Seal (Incomplete)] (Special props * Primordial Sage)

Item description: A sacred seal with the power of a holy beast. There are 5 sacred seals in total. Each of them contains a powerful aura and has different abilities. It can be placed in a gang resident and used, and there will be unimaginable effects:

Part name: Suzaku seal

Toughness: 20000000

Defense: 200,000

Attack power: 100000 points

Attack distance: 0-500 meters

Attack interval: 1 second

Additional feature 1: After being placed in the gang resident, Suzaku's seal can change the surrounding environment and then merge with the gang resident, increasing the attack power of all the defense equipment in the gang resident by 20%.

Additional feature 2: After being placed in the gang resident, Suzaku's seal can increase the skill power of all friendly units in the gang resident by 15%, reduce the skill CD time by 30%, and reduce the mana consumed by the skill by 30%.

Additional feature 3: After being placed in the gang resident, Suzaku's seal can increase the damage of all fire system and its variant attributes such as lava system when attacking by 20%. This feature is limited to normal attacks.

Additional feature 3: After being placed in the gang resident, the Suzaku seal can increase the overall attributes of the summoned beast summoned by the summoner in the friendly unit by 10%, and increase the summoned beast’s 3000 points or attribute damage. This feature will affect any summoner’s summoned beast Effective, it can stack with other sacred beast seals, but the overall attributes of the sacred beast seals are increased by 2%.

Additional feature 4: After being placed in the gang resident, the Suzaku imprint can trigger the Suzaku afterimage attack when the enemy is attacking the city. The attack frequency is 3 per second. Each afterimage can cause 50,000 damage to the enemy target, and it can be trapped. Burning state for 10 seconds, losing 10,000 points of vitality per second, this feature cannot be superimposed.

Additional feature 5: After being placed in the gang resident, Vermillion Bird Seal can use the skill [Burning City of Flames]. All hostile targets within 10 kilometers of the opponent's circle will cause 150,000 points of damage, and it can also be burned for 10 seconds, every second Loss of 10000 points of vitality, the skill is used for 10 days, this skill can only be used by the city lord and deputy city lord.

Additional feature 6: Suzaku's seal can be repaired automatically, recovering 20,000 toughness points per second, and the item can never be completely destroyed. It will be repaired with the repair of the city heart in the gang resident.

Usage restrictions: The city owner must be placed in the gang resident, and the gang resident must reach the level 3 county town.

Special note 1: You cannot attack Suzakuyin actively, or even the alliance will be attacked by Suzakuyin.

Special Note 2: There are 5 pieces of this item in total, and all the sacred beast seals are collected and placed in accordance with the rules to achieve the greatest effect.

Seeing the attributes of the Vermillion Bird Seal, everyone was stunned. They knew that placing this item together with the Azure Dragon Seal in Wushuang City would greatly increase the defense power of this gang’s residence, even better than a single [Dragon God Statue]. .

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