VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1604: : Group skills

There is no doubt that the [Shield of Kuangthunder] is used to break the waves and ride the wind, because the entire Misty Pavilion only has her as a thunder attribute class. Although Ye Luo can also play the role of an arm shield, he already has an ancient god-level arm. Shield up.

"Xiao Ba's luck is good. She actually delivered such a piece of equipment. After giving it to Sister Feng, her strength will be greatly improved." Othello applauded. When she said this, her tone was full of expectation: "This way We are more confident in entering the Fallen Demon Realm, hey, when we kill the boss in the Fallen Demon Realm to complete the task, then our overall strength will be greatly improved."

Hearing that, everyone is looking forward to it, but they are even more looking forward to what the next holy treasure chest can open.

"Now there is only the last Saint-level treasure chest left." June Feixue said, her tone was full of expectation: "I hope to be able to open a Saint-level equipment item, and it is still fire type. It is best if I can Equipped, others won’t grab it from me, so my overall strength will be greatly improved."

Hearing June Feixue's broken thoughts, everyone was amused, but they were not in the mood to pay attention to her, because the treasure chest was opened on August, and soon they would be able to see what was in the holy treasure chest.

"Huh, the combo skill scroll?!" On August, she said gently, without waiting for everyone to show a look of surprise, she continued: "But how do you call the group combo skill scroll? Isn't it called the combo skill scroll before?"

"Group Combination Skill Scroll!" Samadhi's voice increased a few points, and she hurriedly asked: "Little Eight, send us a quick look at how many people can use this skill scroll together!"

Although Samadhi is not as calm as ice like fireworks and easy to be cold, nor as calm as water like sitting on the heart of the piano, but she is also quite a calm person. Now she is so excited. From this we can see the group combination skills. The scroll is unusual, and this makes June Feixue and others look forward to it more.

"It can be used by 100 people." Eighty-weekly, while speaking, he sent a skill book to everyone:

[Group Combination Skill Scroll * Energy Sword Rain] (active non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: A combo skill scroll that can allow 100 people to learn together. The limited skill is Energy Sword Rain, and 10 core players are limited. This skill can only be used when all 10 core players are present. The basic damage of the skill is added to 500,000 points, each additional player participates in the skill to increase the damage by 10,000 points, and the skill range is 1,000 meters.

Learning requirements: players must be a magician and have learned [Energy Sword Rain] to learn, after learning, they will get a skill [Energy Sword Rain (Group)].

Casting requirements: You must cast this skill together in the same time period before you can cast it. Casting this skill will consume all remaining magic.

Casting interval: 10 days (as long as the core player's skills are in the CD, the entire skill will be in the CD)

After reading this skill scroll, everyone hadn't spoken for a long time, which shows how shocked they were at this skill.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a combination of skills." For a long time, June Feixue was the first to speak, her tone trembling faintly: "Oh my God, the base damage is 500,000 points, and every additional player adds 10,000 points. If Wouldn't it mean that there will be 1.5 million damage if 100 people gather together, and this is pure damage, ignoring defense at all, such high damage can kill any profession in a flash, including dual professions."

"Well, that's right, no player can resist this skill except for dual-class players who perform big moves." Black and White Chess Road, she couldn't restrain her excitement: "Moreover, this skill covers a large area of ​​1,000 meters, tusk. , If you use this skill in a team battle or a national battle to kill tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of players, it’s not a problem."

"I knew that there were group combinatorial skills when the system was introduced before. I didn't expect it to be, and we also got one." Samadhi said, she suppressed her excitement: "Great, this skill But it has the effect of turning the tide of the battle, and it can definitely cause a devastating blow to the enemy when displayed at a critical moment.

"Although it is powerful, the restrictions are also very strong. A limited number of 10 core players must be present to perform, and one less can be achieved." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she is one of the few people who can remain calm: " If any of these 10 people are drawn away, then this skill will be useless, so we need to find 10 players who are absolutely trustworthy."

"This is natural." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "It is not difficult for us to find 10 magicians. After all, we have many female players in the Misty Pavilion. There is no shortage of magicians, and we are all sisters. There are many people who can trust it."

"Although this is the case, there are too many temptations in the game and in reality, so we have to guard against it." Samadhi finally recovered her composure, and she looked at the people who sat on Qin Xin and others: "Next we have to carefully screen some magicians, And sign contracts with them just in case, especially the 10 core players."

"I will leave this to Xiaoshi and Qinxin, and fireworks will help." Po Lang Chengfeng arranged: "I believe you can find 10 core players. As long as 10 of them don't defect, then there is no problem, I I don’t believe anyone can win all the other 90."

"It doesn't matter if they are all drawn together. This skill has 500,000 damage and it is pretty good." June Feixue said.

"Now everyone's vitality has reached 500,000, and the vitality is getting higher and higher with the passage of time. Only 10 core players can use this skill to kill people in a second." Samadhi poetry said, and then his tone changed: "So The other 90 players also have to sign contracts, the big deal is to give them more benefits in the future."

"Well, you can." Po Lang Chengfeng agreed.

"In fact, this skill doesn't necessarily kill many people in a second, because seeing so many people use powerful combination skills together, they will definitely use life-saving methods, or spell immunity skills, or invincible methods." The book in the middle of the night, not waiting for everyone to speak to him Continue: "Of course, using a wide range of skills to force our enemies to use life-saving methods is still very good. After all, we have more than one powerful skills, and it is much easier to kill them without life-saving methods."

Yes, as the game progresses, many players already have invincible skills, and even have 2 or 3 invincible skills because some gang skills have [Guardian Shield], which can be used in the face of powerful and large-scale group attack skills. Invincible means of life-saving is not a big problem.

Of course, everyone also knows that it is much easier to force a target to save life and then kill it, and one more such powerful, large-scale skill will naturally have a better chance of winning.

All the treasure chests have been opened, and everyone is very satisfied with the harvest this time. Then everyone continues to be busy. The three of Sanmeishi went to find suitable players to learn the group combination skills, Breaking Waves and Riding Wind and Ye Luoze Towards the sunset canyon.

Soon after, Ye Luo and the two arrived at Sunset Canyon. They thought that there was a cave like the Fallen Devil’s Cave, but they found that there were only more monsters and higher levels. There was nothing special about them, and they had no interest in spawning monsters here. , So return to Wushuang City, ready to do the gang resident mission to improve the level of Wushuang City.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind received the seal of the sacred beast from Zhiyue. After all, only the city owner has the right to place this kind of city guard.

"Sister Feng, the seal of the sacred beast has introduced that it must be placed according to a specific rule to achieve the greatest effect." Before the wave of the wind and the wind, the voice of the samādhi rang in the team channel: "No accident should be in accordance with the sacred beast. The locations are the East Green Dragon, West White Tiger, South Suzaku, North Xuanwu, and Zhongqilin."

Everyone knows the position of the holy beast very well, and they have no objection to breaking the waves and riding the wind. However, they encountered some differences when placing the holy beast seal-whether to place the holy beast seal around the heart of the city or place it. Above the city wall, if it is placed on the inner wall or the outer wall.

Although the attack range of the Holy Beast Seal can reach 500 meters, Wushuang City occupies a large area and will grow larger and larger in the future. Placed near the heart of the city cannot attack the enemies outside the outer wall, so everyone has this Disagreement.

"The sacred beast seal seems to never be destroyed, and they can attack, so there is no need to place it near the heart of the city. It is better to place it on the wall. Each sacred beast seal is more powerful than the magic crystal cannon." Black and white chess.

"That point of injury is dispensable, I feel it is safer to settle in the heart of the city." June Feixue has different opinions.

"More damage is naturally best, so it is better to place it on the city wall. After all, more damage will reduce the pressure of defending the city, especially when there are flying monsters or air power attacking the city." Samadhi poetry said, and then said. One turn: "However, the outer wall is the easiest to be attacked. Although the sacred beast mark will not be completely destroyed, it will also affect the damage output if it is destroyed early, so I feel that it is best to place the inner wall. After all, the outer wall and the inner wall The previous distance was less than 500 meters, and the enemy could only attack them when they broke through the outer wall."

Everyone agreed with the samādhi proposal, even in June Feixue, so I did not hesitate to break the waves and ride the wind, and placed the green dragon seal on the east wall of the inner city wall, and the vermilion bird seal on the inner wall. On the South City Wall.

The seal of the sacred beast merged with the city wall after it was placed, and the seal of the sacred beast with the palm of the hand became several tens of meters high. The sacred beast seal was surrounded by the phantom of the blue dragon, the sound of the dragon's chant was hidden, and the seal of the red bird was surrounded The phantom of the Suzaku, with the faint sound of the phoenix, is quite spectacular, and this has become a major feature of Wushuang City.

Seeing such a change in Wushuang City suddenly, countless players were curious and couldn't help but watch, and this news quickly spread throughout the game industry, I believe this will attract many players.

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