VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1667: : Launch a sneak attack

Britain, France and the United States have already formed an alliance. Depending on the situation, Japan has also joined this alliance. After these game powers form an alliance, the overall strength is very strong. If China breaks out a frontal conflict with it, it will suffer heavy losses. Therefore, it is very important to use a large number of players to prevent these countries from capturing the fortress. Unwise choice, so you can only rely on the elite team to attack and harass, just like other countries harassing Chinese players siege.

Of course, because Yeluo and Po Lang Rong Feng can kill people and increase their attack power, their sneak attacks will have a better effect, which can greatly affect the efficiency of the United States and other alliances in capturing fortresses. If you are lucky, you can still grab some fortresses. It can also kill some people to get some equipment and national war points.

"Well, good, that's a good idea." Bacchus Dukang said, after a short pause, he continued: "If there is a need to notify us, we will directly send it to help at that time. In addition, we will send some assassins to monitor these countries. If you have the opportunity to carry out the assassination, you will be able to figure out the situation at the worst, so that the wind girl can attack and harass."

Regarding this, everyone didn't have any opinion, and then each sent someone to take action.

Next, Ye Luo and Po Lang Ride the wind to fly to the place instructed by the Bacchus Du Kang, and before leaving, the samādhi also told them something: "Sister Feng, although you murdered and added your offensive power, there are many of the three countries in Britain, France and the United States. Elite masters, and they have a large number of them, there is their territory, you better not act rashly, you need support to notify us as soon as possible."

"An la, I'm not a reckless person." Po Lang said, except that when she said this, her pretty face turned red, and then she glanced at Ye Luo: "Besides, Ye Luo is following me, he has full authority to direct it, surely Nothing will happen."

That’s right, maybe others can’t listen to what others say, but she still listens to Ye Luo’s words, and it turns out that Ye Luo’s judgment and resourcefulness of the overall situation are also very high, not even worse than fireworks and samādhi. There will be no problems with his command.

"Sister Feng, it is best for you and Ye Luo to keep full attack power. When the attack power is about to reach the time limit, go to the Indian activity area to kill and increase attack power." Fireworks Yi coldly asked, seeing Ye Luo nodding, she looked at Midnight Book: "Little Book, you send a group of assassins to monitor the situation in the three countries of Britain, France and the United States. It is best to find out which fortress they are attacking, and then notify us as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I understand." Calligraphy in the middle of the night, and then went with a group of assassins.

After breaking the waves and riding the wind, they didn’t say much, and headed towards the fortress that the system had prompted before. Although they had taken control of the fortress, there were so many mobs in the fortress that needed to be cleaned up. Yeluo rushed over to pick up a lot. Cheap.

The fact is also true. When Yeluo and the others approached the destination, the American players were clearing the mobs in the fortress, and some American elite players from the British and French players had already left. Obviously they were going to capture other fortresses.

Because it was less than 10 minutes before the fort was occupied, and the destroyed defense equipment on the fort had not been restored. Ye Luo and the two could sneak into the fort, and then the two were not welcome, they carried out a large-scale killing and powerful damage output. Soon there was a corpse around the lower area, even including one or two dual professions without big moves.

Unlike Yeluo who directly went into the fortress to kill the BOSS and then control the fortress with their powerful offensive power, Britain, France and the United States needed to advance slowly, and they used a lot of siege equipment, so most of the defense equipment on the fortress was damaged. However, Ye Luo and the others chose to sneak into the fortress without a complete defense equipment, so they could easily sneak into the fortress and then carry out mass killings.

"Sister Feng, I'm blocking these people, and you attack the heart of the city!" Ye Luo made a decisive decision, and while speaking, he used several group attack skills, including [Reincarnation Break], this skill is a control skill, American player Wanting to be close to the heart of the city will be somewhat hindered.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a smart person. She knows that other American players will come to support if the heart of the city is not destroyed, so she and Ye Luo went to the heart of the city as soon as they started, although the heart of the city at this time It merges with the fortress token, but it has not completely recovered, so it is not too difficult to break it, after all, the toughness has not been restored much after being crushed before.

The heart of the city has not been fully restored, so players from the country where this fort belongs cannot be teleported from other fortresses, and if Yeluo and the others break the heart of the city, there is no need to worry about American players coming over in a short time Supported.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind’s attack power is very high, and the toughness of the city heart has not recovered much, so it did not take long for the city heart to completely shatter under her attack. Players from other countries in the fort will be able to master this fort by killing them all.

Of course, this is a bit difficult for them. After all, there are many American players in this fortress, there are as many as 2300,000. Although there is not much air power among them, it will take a long time to kill them. Players from Britain, the United States and France who left before this period can rush back to support, and there are many elite masters among these people, and they have no chance of winning against them.

It is precisely because he knew this, so after breaking the wave and riding the wind, after destroying the heart of the city, he summoned the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon to attack from a commanding height, and he was also ready to leave here at any time.

While Ye Luo and the others launched their attacks, the assassins of Midnight Shu, Jiansan, and Wuming also launched their actions. They decisively used their ultimate moves, and then launched an assassination. After the ultimate move, their damage output was also terrifying, especially the assassination ability. , And can even control the target to death.

The target of Midnight Book and Wuming is naturally those elite masters, such as elite masters who directly target American players through teleportation skills. They have performed big moves and sneak attacks. They can control the target in the first time and then kill it. This also relieved Yello and the others a lot of pressure.

There are not many players in the United States with teleportation skills, at least far less than China, and many of them have teleported past when the No. 4 fortress was attacked, so not many players can teleport to this fortress. .

Although there are many players with teleportation capabilities in Britain and France, the players in this fortress are American players. They naturally can't lock these players and teleport over. This also gave Ye Luo and the others a lot of opportunities.

"It's a pity that Uncle Bacchus and their teleportation skills are in the CD, and so are Fireworks. Otherwise, they can be directly teleported. It is very easy for dozens of elite masters to clear this place, and they can even fight against the players who support them. It’s not a problem to occupy this fortress.

That’s right, before the waves and the wind and the others just teleported to the middle fortress No. 4 for support. The teleportation skills still need more than 50 minutes to be used. Yeluo and others can’t hold on for that long. After all, the elite masters of Britain, America and France can only leave for 8 , 9 minutes, they will be back soon.

"Kill as many people as you can. Seven or eight minutes is enough for us to kill a lot of people, and many people have to go back to the main city to resurrect because the time to lie down is up. This will cause them to drop levels and lose equipment. , The loss is also great.” Ye Luo said lightly, and when he said this, he did not forget to attack. The long sword and magic wand were swung again and again. After the group attack skills were displayed, the high damage figures floated.

"Yes, we can kill as many people as we can." Wuming said in a deep voice: "This is also a big loss for the United States, and we kill the target as much as possible also means the number of American players in the Fallen Demon Realm. It is reduced, and it will be convenient for us to carry out sneak attacks later."

"That's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "When the fireworks and their teleportation skills finish the CD, then we will be able to steal their fortress directly by launching a sneak attack, and it will only take 4 to 50 minutes."

Realizing this, everyone stopped talking and continued to kill. While they were killing, the Assassins such as the Slender Hand and Jing Ke Assassin were also monitoring the surroundings outside the fortress, reporting whether there were reinforcements coming.

After about 7 or 8 minutes, the players from Britain, France and the United States finally arrived outside the fort, but at this time Ye Luo and the others also killed 20, 30,000 American players, and most of them had to return because the time for lying down was up. The city was resurrected, and some equipment was lost even after losing level 1.

These American players are all elites, and many of them are equipped with Demon Suits, and Ye Luo has gained a lot from picking up and dropping them. One trades and the other changes, and the Chinese side will have a greater advantage over the United States.

Seeing the menacing Anglo-French-American tri-nation forces, Ye Luo and the others were not worried. Instead, they called out flying mounts to confront them, and even rushed over with a big move, completely in a posture of fighting with them.

Of course, this was done by Ye Luo deliberately instructing Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, because it can slightly prevent the Three Kingdoms allied forces from entering the explosion. The longer the delay, the more American players need to return to the city to resurrect. This is also a loss for the United States. Bigger.

It has to be said that Ye Luo two have a terrible reputation in the world, especially at this time they murdered and added to their offensive power, and players from the three countries of Britain, France and the United States also know that Ye Luo two people also have a large range such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return] With powerful skills and even big moves, rushing rashly will cause heavy casualties.

Think about it, right now, Ye Luo and two of them have filled up their attack power. One [Ten Thousand Swords Returning] may not be able to kill them with invincible skills, but it is enough to destroy their mounts, and if Ye Luo It is not impossible for the two of them to use their big moves, invincible skills, and rush into the crowd to kill, so they need to wait and wait for their other air power to arrive.

That's right, it was the air cavalry from Britain, France and the United States who rushed back at this time. Other air forces have not yet arrived, and their control is slightly insufficient. They know that Ye Luo has a lot of invincible skills.

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