VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1676: : Adventure Plan

Small fortresses have been captured, and now players from other countries are still eyeing them. Breaking the waves and riding the wind naturally wants to launch a sneak attack on these people as soon as possible, not only to drive away the players from these countries, but the most important thing is to kill people and masters. Fight.

"Wait a minute, Xiaoshu and Huanongyue are not in place yet." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she gave an order: "Leave some people guarding this small fortress, and others will turn to the large fortress. Go, the air cavalry protects along the way."

Although there are some doubts, everyone will not hesitate about the command of the fireworks to be easy to cold, and immediately acted, and dozens of millions of players went to the large fortress.

Of course, there are smart people who instantly understand the purpose of fireworks' easy coldness, and they are more serious about implementing such orders.

With so many people marching towards the large fortress and attacking this fortress, people from other countries will naturally not sit idly by and will follow them, but the assassins such as Midnight Shu and others have been following them. The opportunity to flick them back and forth, even a simple sneak attack will make them very scrupulous.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of players rushed towards that large fortress, vast and mighty, and there was a tendency to sweep everything by force.

Seeing the direction the players from our country are rushing, players from other countries instantly judged our country’s intentions, so they all followed suit. Even if it can’t be stopped, it can greatly interfere with our players’ capture of large fortresses. Taking food, at worst, can kill some people to get some national war points.

"Hey, it seems that the players from Australia and Canada did not send elite masters to deal with us." June Feixue was the first to discover this, and she was puzzled: "Aren't they worried about us taking the big fortress? ?"

"The two countries have joined forces, and then they are taking over a medium-sized fortress." The nameless person in charge of intelligence investigation said: "Their target is a little far away from our place. It is difficult for us to get past, and this can be seen from this. The two countries are very smart. When other countries entangle us, they take the opportunity to capture some fortresses, which will give them some benefits."

"It's really smart." Samadhi Shizhen said lightly: "Because they know that all countries are targeting us, so no players can harass or stop them, and they also know that even if they send someone, they may not change this. The situation on the side, it is better to let other countries entangle us and they capture some fortresses. For them, it is not a problem for the two countries to jointly capture the medium-sized fortresses."

Australia and Canada are both big game countries. There are super masters in the country such as Berserker and Red Maple Leaf. In addition, the quality of the players of these two countries is very high. It is easy to jointly capture a medium-sized fortress, not to mention that there is no harassment by outsiders. in the case of.

"This is also a good thing for us. If they don't come, our pressure will be much less." Ye Luo said solemnly: "And if other countries learn that these two countries have captured a medium-sized fortress when they dealt with us, it must be They will also be a little shaken, because it is better for them than to let others take advantage of them as they capture more fortresses to gain benefits while we are capturing large fortresses."

"That's true." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she laughed strangely: "We will launch a few more sneak attacks and then defeat them, so that people from other countries will definitely withdraw, and then we will be able to secure the large fortresses. "

"No, we only attacked them once." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Although her voice was soft, her tone had an unquestionable taste: "Only one time is enough to drive away all of them, unless they want to follow us. Hard work."

Hearing that, the beautiful eyes of the waves and the wind brightened, but she shook her head soon: "Fireworks, a sneak attack should not be enough to drive these people away, let’s not be too extreme, come again and again, anyway, to us It’s also very simple to attack them by sneak attack. Several sneak attacks can make them kill more people.”

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is not to suspect that the fireworks are easy to be cold, but in her heart there are more people who sneak attack a few times, and they can participate in more battles. This is what a fighting madman dreams of.

"No, only once is enough." Fireworks Yi Leng still said lightly.

"Fireworks, you are planning to use ourselves as bait to lure people from major countries to approach us and then attack us." Ye Luo said, although it is a guess, his tone is quite sure: "It seems we really want to attack large It’s a fortress, but I’m reluctant to let the children not be able to trap the wolves. This time we will play with them and defeat them in one fell swoop, so that we can safely and boldly capture the fortress."

Perhaps the fireworks are easy to be cold alone, which made Polangchengfeng and others puzzled and then questioned, but now Ye Luo also said the same, then they realized that there is really a sneak attack that will force players from other countries to retreat.

"Although this is a bit risky, it can kill a large number of foreign players and greatly reduce the pressure on the monsters, but you can also try it." Samadhi chuckles, and she looks around: "Even we will hit people in these countries hard. After that, not only can we capture a large fortress, but also the surrounding small and medium fortresses can be easily captured."

"Definitely." Ye Luo said quite surely. He laughed: "Unsurprisingly, the small and medium fortresses around that large fortress will be included in our pocket, and we even have the opportunity to capture another large fortress, so we No one can shake your position in the Fallen Demon Realm, and the dominance of the Fallen Demon Realm is just around the corner."

Ye Luo and Firework Yi Leng were so sure that everyone was puzzled and surprised. They knew that Firework Yi Leng and others were not slanderers. Since they said this, things would happen like this, they would naturally look forward to it.

"The three big game nations are facing monsters siege, and YG is crippled by us. It is not a fear. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Taking this opportunity, we naturally have to greatly expand our advantages and completely stand firm in the fallen demon realm. "Ye Luo said, he looked at everyone: "So it's okay to take a little risk, because it's totally worth it."

"What dumb riddles do you guys play?!" Bacchus Du Kang said in an annoyed manner: "This is a big deal. We have to be careful, otherwise the advantages we have accumulated before may be ruined, so you still discuss with us. Your tactics, just in case."

"Uncle Bacchus, we are going to really attack that large fortress." Samadhi said, seeing the astonished look of Bacchus Du Kang and others, she chuckled, "Because only in this way can we induce those people to do something against us. We have the opportunity to hit them hard in one fell swoop and prevent them from harassing us anymore. Even today we can expand our advantage, because after capturing one or two large fortresses and the surrounding medium fortresses, they can no longer shake our position in the fallen demon. status."

"Speaking of which, you still haven't said specific tactics." Feng Xingdao, he pretended to be angry: "Anyway, if you don't give us a convincing statement, we won't listen to your arrangements. That would be too risky. After all, we are steady and steady. Can also dominate the Fallen Demon Realm."

In spite of this, anyone who is familiar with Fengxing knows that he is already in his heart at this time, but at this time he is curious about what tactics they have developed.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, it seems that Misty Pavilion wants to use group combination skills." Dongfang Star said. Seeing the look of horror and stunned Bacchus Dukang and others, she reached the top of her head lightly, her tone quite sure: "This combination of skills covers a large range, with a radius of 1,000 meters. Obviously the enemy dares to come so close to us, especially when we capture large fortresses. Therefore, the capture of large fortresses is just a decoy. The purpose is to lure more people. Close to us within 1,000 meters, so we can kill more people."

"Although this combination of skills is very powerful and can kill most players in seconds, don't forget that most players now have invincible skills or spell immunity effects. One skill is not enough to change the situation of the battle." Bacchus Du Kang said, and then he Look at the crowd: "Besides, other people are not fools. If we are just attacking large fortresses, they will not attack us aggressively. Even if we are only a part of the masters attacking the city, they will be alert, so that they will only come by a small number of elite masters. Harassment, that will make it hard for us to ride a tiger."

"Yes, this tactic is too risky." Dongfang Yutian said solemnly, his tone resolute: "I don't agree."

"Agree or disagree is not your decision." Po Lang Chengfeng sneered, and did not pay attention to Dongfang Yutian, who had a pale face. She looked at samādhi poems and fireworks, and it was easy to cold: "Fireworks, little poems, as Uncle Bacchus said, We are just attacking large fortresses..."

"Sister Feng, we said before that we are really going to capture large fortresses this time." Ye Luo said again: "We masters will rush to large fortresses, because only in this way will foreign players see us being caught When monsters are entangled and approach us, the best effect can be achieved by using group combination skills."

"You really want to capture the fortress, are you sure?!" June Feixue's voice raised a few points, which shows how surprised she was at this time.

"Yeah, that's right." Samadhi was sure, and seeing the brows of the **** of Bacchus Dukang and the others frowned, she continued: "I know what you are worried about. Only one group combination skill can't kill all the enemies. Because most of them have invincible means and spell immunity skills, the next tactical arrangement will be very important. It is a matter of whether we can succeed this time. I hope everyone will seriously implement the tactics we have formulated."

Hearing this, the eyes of Po Lang Chengfeng and others lit up, and then they all looked at Samadhi and others, wondering how they would arrange.

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