VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2019: : Breakthrough tactics

That’s right, even if you break through a resident, you have to wait 24 hours to repair it before you can truly own it. During this period, Tokyo Shinhwa and others will surely lead a series of attacks, using the advantage of numbers to consume the players on the side of the city. On the Japanese server, the killed players have to return to their own country to resurrect, and it takes a long time to rush over, and it is very inconvenient to support troops.

"Well, that's right, facing tens of millions of players, our people will be overwhelmed. What's more, elite masters from various countries such as Tokyo Mythology have already sneaked into our country. The situation does not allow us to lead an army to attack the city." Black and white chess said: "Let's talk about it after killing all those people in the dark night, or to accumulate some more strength, at least we have to wait for us to be level 300, or to make more siege equipment."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and everyone agreed.

Next, everyone continues to get busy. Although Tokyo Mythology has already sneaked into the Chinese server, everyone is not too worried about it. After all, it will take a long time to cross the ancient battlefield. According to the fireworks Yi Leng said, wait another half an hour. It's nothing.

Time passed while waiting, and half an hour passed quickly.

After such a long time, the Tokyo Mythology still has no intention of returning, and everyone is sure that they will execute the hunting plan on the Chinese server.

Next, under the arrangement that the fireworks are easy to be cold, Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Sitting on the Qin Xin and others return to the Chinese server, while the Changhe Sunset, the Desert Guyan and others continue to perform in the Japanese service under the command of the fireworks to be cold. Hunting action.

Use [Transport Pearl] to teleport to the teleportation point on the secret path, and then Ye Luo uses [Space Portal] to teleport the waves and the wind and others. Then they crossed the enchantment and returned to the Chinese server, while crossing the border After the enchantment, Ye Luo did not lock the Samadhi and others to transmit. After all, the CD time of the [Transport] skill is 1 hour. After using it, it cannot be used again within 1 hour. If you find Tokyo Myth, Dark Night, etc. during the period, it will be bad. So Ye Luo and the others rushed along the secret path, asking about the situation in Samadhi.

"It stands to reason that they would have come to the edge of the ancient battlefield and attacked our defenses in the dark night, but they still haven't taken any action after so long. Obviously they are preparing to join forces with Tokyo Shinhwa and others to have a greater grasp." The poem said in a deep voice, and then his tone changed: "But now, Sister Feng, you will have no problem when you return, especially Ye Luo has leaves here. As long as we find the whereabouts of the dark night and others, we will be sure to surround them all. Because Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport a group of elite masters, and the next step is to kill them and drive them out of our country."

Samadhi has dispatched many assassins from Miomi Pavilion, almost all over the edge of the ancient battlefield and the periphery, including the site of the Eastern family. After discovering the whereabouts of Tokyo Myth and others, Ye Luo can lock them and send them to stop them. , He can use the [Space Portal] to intercept a group of elite masters, and there are also a large number of green-flooded summoners, mammoth cavalry, and people from the Eastern family to help. It is not a problem to kill them in the hearts of Samadhi.

"Sister Feng, where is the foot of Mount Fuji?" Ye Luo asked, after all, there is [Nine Sky Profound Thunder] in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, which can sense the position of the player holding the Profound Thunder Orb.

"Hey, why has he stayed at the border of the national border?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in a puzzled manner after investigating: "Could it be that he wants to withdraw his daily uniform at any time, if the sun sets, they will have some trouble. Tell them to be careful later."

"Relax, the fireworks are commanding everyone, and we will keep you informed of the situation here. They won't have any problems at sunset." Samadhi said, and she continued to indulge a little: "It seems that Tokyo Mythology wants to break through us with one or two people. The defense then sneaked into the hinterland of our country, so that the people under Mt.Fuji could lock him and teleport after Tokyo Mythology got rid of our pursuit. There is no doubt that this tactic is the most wise."

That’s right, people under Mount Fuji, Sakura Ruxue and others also have [Teleport] skills, they can lock the Tokyo mythical teleportation, so as long as the latter can pass through the obstacles of Chinese players and get rid of the pursuit, it is enough, and this pair has [ It’s not difficult for him to do it.

Think about it, too, after turning on the [Yaki Tianxiang], the strength of Tokyo Mythology is very strong. Maybe Ye Luo can prevent him from doing things to everyone, but it is difficult to catch up with him. At the beginning, he used it for the first time. This is the case when Qi Tian Jiang], and if there are other people enjoying the blessing of "Yaki Tian Jiang" and then escape from other directions, it will be even more difficult for Ye Luo and the others to stop the Tokyo Mythology.

Thinking of this, Samadhi and Ye Luo's expressions became solemn, because they found that things were more troublesome than imagined, and even the waves and wind were aware of this.

"Yeah, if Tokyo Mythology brings 10 players together to use [Yaki Skyfall], and then these people break through from different directions, and they also attack our defense at the same time in the dark night, then it will be difficult for us to defend. Live, even if only one or two people can break through our obstacles, they can sneak into the hinterland of our country." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she asked: "Xiao Shi, do you have any good countermeasures?"

"If Tokyo Mythology does what we said before, it will be difficult for us to stop them all. We can only kill as many people as possible with them. Of course, it would be better if we could kill Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night "Samishi said, and then the tone changed: "But even if the Tokyo Mythology breaks through our interception and then goes to the hinterland of our country, there is nothing wrong. Sister Feng can lock the foot of Mount Fuji through [Nine Heavens Xuan Lei] without any accident. They will definitely be together. After the effect of the Tokyo Myth [Yaki Skyfall] disappears, we can use this to find ways to surround them, so that we can be more confident."

"Sister Feng, now you know the benefits of keeping this eyeliner under Mount Fuji." Ye Luo smiled.

Think about it, if there is no such "eyeliner" under Mount Fuji, it would be difficult for Yeluo and the others to want to encircle it after the Tokyo Mythology breaks through the barriers, but with this "eyeliner" it will be different, they can always know The location of Tokyo Mythology and even Dark Night and others, so looking for opportunities to surround them still does not explain the problem.

If the dark night and Tokyo Mythology join forces, then they should be together, and this time there will be a chance to encircle one another and then resolve it.

"Hey, too." Po Lang said with a sneer, but she quickly changed the subject: "Xiao Shi, how about the other border enchantments?"

"Every country is just like an appointment. They have sent masters to sneak into our country, and the number is increasing. Now on the other three sides except ours, players have broken through the obstacles and sneaked into the hinterland of our country, causing our players. Some losses." Samadhi said, her tone was a little serious when she said this.

"Hey, it seems that these people really think that we are the greatest threat to them." Po Lang Riding the Wind laughed, and then asked: "Xiao Shi, which of these countries is the most arrogant? Hey, wait until we solve the Tokyo myth. People will go to their country to play and let them know the fate of offending us."

"Colorful sacred cow, the Indian clothing and Australian server players led by the emperor's hymn are the most arrogant, especially the Indian clothing, the colorful sacred cow even led a team of thousands into our country." Samadhi said.

"What, a team of thousand people?!" Sitting on Qin, she was stunned. For a long time, her lips were lightly opened: "The colorful sacred cow is crazy, isn't it to bring a team of thousand people into our country to die? The team is not a big threat to us at all, and they will almost certainly die if they are targeted by our people."

Think about it, other countries have led dozens of elite masters to sneak into Chinese servers. Most of these people are dual-professional masters or some special professions, such as space professions, such as priests. The reason for this is that such teams are the most mobile. . But the Thousand-man team is different. These people are not enough to attack the city, and they are very mobile. Once they are targeted, they will suffer heavy casualties. It is no exaggeration to say that it is foolish to sneak into other countries with such a team. thing.

It would be fine if this thousand-man team are dual-professional masters. After all, these people can split into dozens of teams to perform hunting tasks, but this is impossible, because as far as we know, the entire Indian server is only more than 100. Dual-professional masters, that is to say, about 900 Indian server players who sneak into the Chinese server are only single-professionals. These people are undoubtedly quite dangerous here.

"Hey, it is indeed crazy." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, she sneered: "Couldn't the colorful sacred cow think that the number of people can cause more damage to us? This is too small for us, only these people It’s not enough to stuff our teeth."

"Is there anything special about these people?" Ye Luo asked: "For example, these people have special occupations and possess special skills, such as group combination skills. Just a group combination skill requires 100 people to display at the same time. And they have a large number of group combination skills."

"It seems that the entire Yinfu has only two group combination skills, so they can bring 2,300 people at most, and there is no need to bring so many people." Sitting on Qin Xin shook his head.

"Some of these people have professions with special abilities, such as space assassins, masters of formations, etc., but the most are hidden professional assassins." Samadhi said, her tone was a little serious: "It seems that they are I want to use these hidden professional assassins to cause us some trouble, but if these assassins spread out, it can cause us a lot of trouble."

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