VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2023: : Reimplement the old technique

The samādhi poem for the **** of wine Du Kang and others to continue to hide is very simple. It is to stop Tokyo Mythology and kill it in one fell swoop. Only in this way can it be done once and for all. After all, if Tokyo Mythology is allowed to enter the hinterland of the Chinese server, they will want to hit them all. It's hard to kill, even if there is this "eyeliner" under Mount Fuji.

When the samādhi poem said this, Po Lang Cheng Feng, Ye Luo and others had arrived, but they were forced out of their bodies by large-scale group attack skills, so that dark night and Tokyo mythology instantly reacted. , And made the next move-Tokyo Mythology immediately used [Yaki Tianxiang], and ordered the Japanese players around him to disperse and break out of the surroundings. Dark night is also a similar move.

The reason why Tokyo Mythology did this is because he saw Ye Luo and the waves coming, and he saw that they had used their big moves. The most important thing was that he saw the mammoths and the Summoners of the Qingjiao below, which made him think. The situation in the ancient battlefield of the Japanese service at the time-under the seamless control of the Green Summoner and the Mammoth Cavalry, and the interception of the waves and the wind and others, other players with [Plum Blossom Formation] used this skill to trap them one by one, this This kind of thing has happened.

After all, this is a Chinese server. There are a large number of Chinese players arriving at any time, and Ye Luo can send batches of players through the [Space Portal]. If players with enchantment skills are sent over, once they What was trapped and waiting for them was to be killed after the big move and the effect of [Baqi Heavenly Fall] disappeared.

The most important thing is the Tokyo Mythology. They mostly used all the life-saving skills under the siege of the players from the Eastern family. In this case, it is the easiest to control, and only [8 Qi Tianxiang] reduces the control time by 90% and increases some status. This can be avoided, which is why Tokyo Mythology used this skill as soon as he saw Ye Luo and others.

Although Tokyo Mythology, they can also send masters such as Mount Fuji to help, 1,200 dual-professional masters at the same time performing ults are a powerful combat power, but Tokyo Mythology they also know that Ye Luo can transmit almost all Chinese elite masters. Come here, they do not have an advantage at this point, and even the Chinese side has large units such as the Green Summoner and the Mammoth. If there is no accident here, they will lose most of them, or even annihilate the entire army.

Think about it, too, when Ye Luo and others break into the Japanese server, players in Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese servers will come to support, then at this time Chinese players will naturally also, it is too risky for Tokyo Mythology, so it is best The way to do this is to get rid of the waves and wind and other people after the [Baqi Tianxiang] is cast, and then go to the hinterland of the Chinese server. This is the wisest choice, just as the previous samādhi poem said.

"Hey, dark night has also used a skill similar to [Baqi Heavenly Fall] and [Holy Beast Coming]. He has also assembled the magic weapon together?!" Seeing the additional attributes of the Hanbok player, Qin Xin was slightly surprised. , And her tone became a little more solemn: "This is bad. It's just that we can't stop all the 11 people including Tokyo Mythology. Now there are more people like Dark Night, and it's even more difficult for us to stop them all. Up."

"Don't worry, we still have follow-up tactics. Even if they can’t be intercepted, it’s nothing. We will wait until the effects of [Baqi Skyfall] and [Dark Night Skyfall] and the effects of their ultimate move disappear. It's easy." Ye Luo comforted: "What we have to do now is to intercept their people as much as possible. It will be easier to kill one more and then deal with them."

[Dark Night Skyfall] is a skill that is triggered after Dark Night equips the combo skill and all the components are assembled. The effect is almost the same as [Baqi Skyfall]. It can also greatly improve attributes and reduce 90% of damage and control effects. The effect is just right to break through.

While Ye Luo said this, he used [Charge] to meet the Tokyo Mythology. Of course, he didn't forget to use [Reincarnation*Six Shields] before charging so that he could charge unscrupulously.

Below, one by one Summoner and Mammoth began to attack in an invincible state. They almost took turns to use their control skills. With seamless skills, they have the opportunity to always control the Tokyo Mythology. It’s easy for people who come to them to use the [Plum Blossom Array] to trap them.

Tokyo Mythology has also seen Ye Luo and the others use this tactic to trap them, so he immediately ordered their people to use invincible means, and then get rid of the entanglement as quickly as possible and enter the hinterland of the Chinese server-at this time Tokyo Mythology and them With the big move and the blessing of [Baqi Tianxiang], the movement speed is faster. As long as they are not entangled by the front, it is easy for them to get rid of Ye Luo and others.

Of course, when doing this, Tokyo Myth didn't forget to tell Dark Night not to be entangled and try to escape as much as possible. After all, Dark Night was their ally now, and he didn't want to watch them all get killed here.

Although I am very puzzled why not rely on their current state to kill Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind to kill them all, so they can almost run wild here, but the dark night also knows that Tokyo Mythology has fought against Ye Luo and the others. I know it best, after seeing him cast his invincible skills without hesitation and then escape, he did not hesitate and issued the same order.

Then Dark Ye understood why Tokyo Mythology did this, because someone in their team was already trapped by various control skills, and the first time the waves and the wind used [Plum Blossom Formation] trapped 3 players-before and The people of the Eastern family have been fighting for so long. Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night retain one or two invincible methods, but others don’t have so many invincible methods. It is still very simple to be trapped by the [Plum Blossom Array] after being controlled successively. of.

"The Eastern family is still alive, send someone with [Plum Blossom Dart] to cast [Plum Blossom Array] to trap the target." Po Lang Chengfeng did not idle after casting [Plum Blossom Array], and his body flashed to another target. Go: "The priest saves people and strives to save everyone. Don't let the dark night and the Tokyo myth increase the attack power. People with control ability will control the target with our people, and control them as much as possible!"

Having said this, Po Lang Chengfeng glanced at Dongfang Yutian, which was self-evident.

Although irritated by the phrase'the Eastern family is still alive' in the mouth of the waves, Dongfang Yutian also knew the situation at this time, and he also issued the same appearance. For a while, everyone acted separately and possessed the [Plum Dart] Players began to look for the right time to display the [Plum Blossom Formation], while those with the ability to control flying players would interact with the Mammoth Cavalry, Green Summoner, and control the target, while those dual-professional masters who were not killed would interact with the waves and wind, Ye Luo, etc. People entangle the target together.

Of course, the busiest is the pastor. The people who were killed before they started to resurrect, because many people were killed, they were also very busy.

Although sitting on Qin Xin possesses the skill [Group Resurrection Art], she did not use it under the deliberate request of Samadhi. It is not because the players around were all Eastern families. The most important thing is to keep this skill in the next step. They are very helpful to deal with dark night and Tokyo mythology.

Of course, the number of priests in the Eastern family is not bad, and it takes only 2 minutes to resurrect most or all of the players, and there is no need to sit on the heart of the piano to perform the [group resurrection technique].

While breaking the waves and riding the wind to display the [Plum Blossom Array], Xiao Hongchen and the others did not idle. They acted separately, and together with the people from the Eastern family, although the dark night and the Tokyo mythology were already prepared, but they were Has been in control, so there are still many players trapped by [Plum Blossom Array].

Of course, Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night react very quickly, and with the blessings of [Eight Sky Fall] and [Dark Night Sky Fall], their flying speed is very fast, plus they are invincible, so they are quite relaxed. After getting rid of the interception of Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, they dispersed and rushed to the west. Then they could rush out of the ancient battlefield and enter the hinterland of the Chinese server.

"Oh, with the blessings of [Eight Qi Tian Jiang] and [Dark Night Tian Jiang], their speed is too fast. We can't catch up at all. We are afraid that even if the handsome man summons a colorful unicorn, we will not be able to catch up with them." Looking at Tokyo Mythology they escape every night unless they can't help but sigh.

"It is really difficult for us to trap the Tokyo Mythology and them all." Zhiyue said: "Five or six people escaped by them. I don't know if Shijie and the others can stop all these people. If they can stop them, then Okay, then the people under Mount Fuji will have to return."

Think about it, too, if Tokyo Myth and Dark Night are killed, it will be difficult for the people under Mount Fuji and others to pass through the blocking of the Eastern Family and Misty Pavilion and go deep into the Chinese server. Then they have to return to their own server or wait for Dark Night and Tokyo Myth. Came here again, but it will be at least 24 hours later.

"Uncle Bacchus and the others also have a lot of masters, even Longteng Tianxia and Yuexia Listening to Zen have come, so there should be no big problem with so many people intercepting 5 or 6 people." Sitting on Qin's heart, his tone changed: "However, as long as Dark Night or Tokyo Mythology can escape, they can lock them and teleport them under Mount Fuji, which means that they must be intercepted."

"Sister Feng, let's send it to Sister Shi to help, so that our people don't have to use all the big tricks." Ye Luo said solemnly: "This is left to the people of the Eastern family. Brother Hongchen and Yanyu Beauty will stay and command. If you trap these people, you must connect seamlessly. You can't give them any chance to escape. It's best to trap them for 10 minutes, because the state of [Baqi Heavenly Fall] is too strong."

"Understand, you go, we will definitely kill all of these people." Hongchen said with a vow with a smile.

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