VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 202: : Breaking records

June Feixue joined the six-player team. Although her skills are mostly elementary, the damage caused is not much less than that on Wednesday. If it weren't for the monsters' level to increase slightly, they would have a chance to break the record.

Violently advancing all the way, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, and I can see that June Feixue is very excited, and this is the real copy of Lin Dao.

After more than twenty minutes, Ye Luo and the others pushed to Pound again, and then began to pack the spoils.

As the firework is easy to cold said, after the first time, the explosion rate of monsters was much lower. Five quasi-boss only exploded two tomb suits, and Pound also only exploded two gold-level equipment. There is a heavy armored hero suit helmet, because the two professions of Wave Breaking and Wind and Ye Luo have helmets, so it can only be wasted.

The other piece of equipment is a gold-level ring with fire attribute damage and a bonus to fire skills. It is undoubtedly the most suitable for June Feixue, so there is no doubt about its ownership.

"Hey, most of my skills have been upgraded to intermediate level, and one even has advanced to advanced level. Now I have one more gold level ring, and the damage has increased a lot." June Feixue said, she was a little excited: "No. We have a good chance of breaking the record in three copies."

"It's a pity that I don't have a hero suit kit that I can use..." Palang Rongfeng muttered, his tone full of loss.

"The hero suit is not so easy to make into a suit." Fireworks Yi Leng didn't care, she looked at the waves and the wind: "Sister Feng, give up those shoes to Ye Luo, he now has two spiritual weapons, upgrades It needs to be equipped as a sacrifice."

In this regard, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind had no opinion, and directly traded that piece of equipment to Ye Luo.

"Next, we will have full firepower and don't be stingy with the elixir." Fireworks Yi Leng told everyone: "It is a good idea to try to break the record this time, and get the reward earlier."

Nodding their heads, everyone tidied up and dropped them, leaving a copy.

After that, Ye Luo and the others picked up the dungeon again. This time they didn’t say much. They killed monsters with maximum firepower. Ye Luo brought in as many monsters as possible. Even if the blood and blood fell violently, they didn’t care. With his group attack skills, those monsters could be killed very quickly, and he supplemented with pill, but it was not too dangerous.

Sure enough, after June Feixue’s skills were upgraded, she caused more damage, and Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng had good luck, and they triggered [Blade of Reincarnation] five times damage and [Heroic Sword Qi]. The speed of killing monsters was much faster than the second time, and the chance of breaking the record was much higher.

The result was not much suspense. Ye Luo and the others heard the system prompt when they pushed to Pound again. They broke the record and won some rewards.

However, what made Ye Luo a little disappointed was that the fireworks easy cold guessing reward did not have skill points, only a silver-level treasure chest and some prestige rewards.

After entering the game for so long, Ye Luo already possesses a lot of passive skills that can be upgraded. Although he has a lot of skill points now, he is still a bit stretched, so he will be disappointed.

"As the firework said, my skill points are almost not enough." Ye Luo said, he said to himself: "This is still the current situation. If my [Samsara pupil] learns a few more passive skills, wouldn't it be impossible? Skill points used?"

"Puff......" June Feixue couldn't help laughing. It took a long time for her to stop smiling: "Uncle Ye Luo, you really dare to think about it. The probability of one in a billion is almost impossible. You can learn it. One skill proves that your luck is against the sky, and you want to learn a few more. This seems to be lower than the probability of being struck by lightning several times in a row."

"That, Feixue still makes a lot of sense." Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubbornness, and then she joked: "Your skill is already very good, so many useful characteristics, even if you can't learn passive skills, you already have it. If you understand its value, don’t lose sight of it.”

Listening to the ridicule of the two Po Lang Chengfeng, Monday and others couldn't help laughing, while Ye Luo smiled bitterly.

"Alright, stop making trouble." Fireworks Yi Leng relieved Ye Luo, and she said: "Didn't we reward a silver treasure box? Hurry up and see what's in it. In addition, Pound seems to have lost a few good equipment. Three of them exude a golden color and should be of gold grade."

"Hehe, that's right, maybe I can draw a hidden career scroll from the silver treasure chest like Sister Feixue." said Tuesday, and then she went to open the treasure chest enthusiastically.

Of course, the hope is good, but the result is often not satisfactory. Six people open the treasure chest, and the result is all equipment, and there is only one silver grade, and it is still a breastplate. Everyone does not need it.

The most dumbfounding thing is that June Feixue actually drew a 50-level whiteboard sword, which made her angry, and even her luck was used up by the hidden career scroll that she had previously opened.

After playing around for a while, everyone looked at Pound’s explosion. This time Ye Luo and the others had good luck. The three pieces of gold equipment were all hero suits. Two of them were of the commoner type, and all three of them were able to Useful, they discussed the points.

The other is a heavy armor type shoe, which means that it can be used to break the waves and ride the wind, so she has four sets of hero suits, and only one leggings can make up a suit.

"Tsk Tsk, Sister Feng had good luck today. I made up four sets of suits in one day, and only one piece is enough to make one set." June Feixue tutted: "Tomorrow you can brush three copies, maybe tomorrow you You can make a set."

"Hey, it would be fine if this is the case." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled recklessly, extremely hearty.

"Ye Luo can't use the hero suit, and Sister Feng also got four of them. If the heavy armor type kit is released tomorrow, there is a great chance that it will be wasted." The firework was cold, and she looked towards June Feixue. Several people: "Feixue, on Tuesday, you can switch to Sword Five or Sister Qi, so you don't waste your suit."

Knowing that the fireworks Yi Leng said is true, everyone nodded and said on Tuesday: "Sister Fireworks, let me switch to Sister Chess. Sister Feixue’s damage is already higher than mine."

"It's not necessary. We won't record the record tomorrow." The fireworks said coldly. Seeing the puzzled look of everyone, she continued: "I have done statistics, and the reward for the record will be worse than once. There is no need to brush again, not to mention that our strength has not improved much, and it is impossible to brush, and Sister Qi is a knight."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the firework Yi Leng looked at June Feixue: "Fei Xue, you can bring other people to brush the dungeon with me, and try to give them a chance to obtain a hero suit."

"What, Sister Fireworks, are you also withdrawing?" On Tuesday, he was taken aback, a little unclear.

"Feixue and I took the other people. There is no pressure. It is difficult for her to kill the last Pound by herself." Fireworks Yi Leng explained. Seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "Of course, this will not be possible until tomorrow. , We have more important things to do next."

"What's more important?" On Monday, she was slightly taken aback, a little unclear, so she pondered for a while, and said: "Is it right for Sister Feng to upgrade, let her rise to level 80 earlier."

"No." The firework Yi Lengzhen shook his head, and then looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, do you remember what we said yesterday? After completing the dungeon today, we will pick you up and Feitianyue."

Hearing that, Monday and Tuesday, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this is a big event." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she couldn't help but became excited: "Ye Luo, are you and Yue Mai tidy up?"

"Okay." Ye Luo nodded: "You can leave at any time, but those game warehouses are a bit big. I will find a special transporter when I come back..."

"I've already contacted people." Yan Yan Yi Leng interrupted Ye Luo's words, and she looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng: "When I and Sister Feng pick you up, you will be ready."

"Yes, girl Yue has already told us where you live, but it's not far away. It will be there in an hour or two." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, her tone changed, with a smile on her face: "Wait back and arrange everything. It’s not too late for dinner, hehe, today I’ll treat you to a big meal."

"Sister Feng, I'll go too." June Feixue said, she was a little excited: "I can see Uncle Ye Luo in reality and see if he is handsome in the game or in reality, hehe, I can't wait. "

He didn't refuse, and the fireworks looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you take everyone to the leveling location found by Xiaoshu to practice. It will not be too late for you to go offline when we are almost there."

Nodded, Ye Luo remembered something, he asked: "Fireworks, about the house I rented..."

"I helped you fix it early." Po Lang Chengfeng said, when she said this, she was full of a sly smile, but Ye Luo didn't notice the clues above.

"Thank you very much, then." Ye Luo nodded.

After that, the fireworks and the three girls were off the assembly line, and Ye Luo took Monday and the others, joined Qin Xin and Zhiyue and others, and then led by Zhiyue out of the east gate of Luoshui Town, and went straight to the midnight book. Where to report.

"Hehe, Brother Ye, you are too powerful. You really got the first kill of the dungeon, and you also broke the record you set." On the way, Zhiyue smiled, her face full of envy: "Also, Feixue My sister's luck is also great, but the silver treasure chest can actually open a hidden career scroll. I heard from Sister Qin and the others that the Flame Mage is a super explosive career, which is quite suitable for sister Feixue's character."

"Yes, the girl Feixue likes violent output. This profession is just what she wants. With her operating style, she can maximize the advantages of this profession. Maybe she will also have the opportunity to enter the celebrity list." Qin Xin said, her voice is gentle and elegant: "In addition, the firework profession is the most suitable for her. With her calculation ability, as long as the control skills are sufficient, I am afraid that few people can get close to her."

"Hey, that's right, they are very lucky. Hidden careers are the best for them..." Black and white chess said.

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