VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2053: : Infiltrate each country

Ye Luo and the others discovered that the US server players had also broken into the Indian server, which surprised them, but they thought that the US server players always like to fish in muddy water when other servers are in chaos, and they like to bring war to other servers. Relieved, then began to discuss how to deal with these US server players.

"It's no wonder that we used the colorful sacred cows on the leveling team of thousands of Indian servers before and they didn't come to support them. I want to have something to do with the players from the US server sneaking into the Indian clothes." Sitting on the piano, she looked at everyone: "Just no I know how many U.S. server players have sneaked into the Indian server. If there are a lot of them, they are also very threatening to Indian server players, and even a great threat to us. I don’t believe that they will not do anything to us, especially when we follow When the Indian server players are fighting."

"This requires the assassin's house to inquire about the news." Yanhui Yi said coldly, and when she looked at the Eidolon, the latter immediately woke up and went offline to communicate with the unknown person waiting for the assassin's house.

"Fireworks, I feel that the players who sneak into the Indian server are not only us and the players on the US server, but maybe the players on the Australian server and other servers have also sneaked in." Suddenly breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "You Remember that the emperor’s hymn and others suddenly withdrew from our national server. That’s too weird. I feel that they were going to sneak into the Indian server before leaving. After all, they started hunting on our national server after I, Ye Luo and others left. The action will be much safer, and in this case they will not leave suddenly."

"Well, it's very possible." Fireworks Yi Leng still said indifferently: "Australian servers, Southeast Asia and other servers are bordered by Indian servers. It is not impossible for the emperor to see that we will want to fish in troubled waters after we arrive. I think they also want to get [ Dragon Scale Dagger] This is the exclusive national weapon of assassins and swordsmen."

"Of course, the emperor's hymn and others are worried that [Dragon Scale Dagger] will fall into our hands. If that is the case, their pressure will be even greater in the future." Firework Yi Leng added, and her words were also received by everyone. go along.

Think about it, Yeluo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and Eastern Killing of Heaven can increase their attack power. Their operation level is super-class, and their equipment is super-class, but they make other servers feel the pressure. Long Teng Tian Xia received [Seven Stars Dragon Abyss Sword], and Chang He Sunset received [Demon Blade Village Masaru], which further strengthened China’s game power, and if Chinese players can take back [Dragon Scale Dagger], then China’s game power will To reach an extremely terrifying point, this is too much of a threat to other countries and servers.

It is precisely because of this that people from other servers came to print clothes to give Ye Luo and the others some trouble, kill Ye Luo and the others, or prevent them from grabbing [Dragon Scale Dagger].

"Well, it may also be the case." Polangchengfengdao, and then thought of something, her beautiful eyes lit up: "Will Yinfu already form an alliance with the players of Australian and American servers, and then they will join forces to deal with us? "

The strong rise of China’s gaming power has made other countries and servers feel threatened. Under this circumstance, it’s not impossible for people from countries’ servers to form alliances. Even if they entered the Indian server, they were invited by Wucai Shenniu and others to target Ye Luo. And if this is the case, then Ye Luo and the others are a little dangerous, and it is precisely because of these waves and wind that they are a little worried.

"Indian service players have always been arrogant, and I'm afraid they won't take the initiative to form alliances with other countries." The voice of the Eastern Star sounded on the team channel: "And if they form an alliance, I am afraid that they will take action before we start the action. The players of the server have already arrived, and the players of the other servers should also be in place. It was the best opportunity to shoot us before."

It’s a big deal for everyone from the US server to sneak into the Indian server, so after discovering these, Ye Luo and the others notified Dongfang Jitian and others immediately, and they also pulled them into the team channel to discuss this issue as soon as possible. So Eastern Stars also expressed their opinions after hearing these.

"Maybe the US server players haven't locked our position..." Yuexia listened to Fengdao, but was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"The U.S. server players that Xiaoshou discovered are not far away from us, and their ability to go so deep into the India server shows that they have been in the India server for a long time, and they have definitely been in place for such a long time." Ye Yufei said with certainty. , And then his tone changed: "And if the Indian server players form an alliance with other servers, then they can also pose a great threat to us without waiting for the US server and the players but the colorful sacred cows. They should come out to support us before we started. After all, there were a lot of people at the leveling location that we sneaked into before, and there were some air powers that restrained our arms, so it would be great to support it at that time."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: "Don't forget that the players of the US server are hunting the BOSS. If they were to help the players of the Indian server, they would not do such a move."

Hearing that, everyone nodded in unison, and they all agreed, and this made them a little relieved. After all, players on the US server and Australian server will be faced with the players on the US server and the Australian server when the Indian server is waiting. It will be quite troublesome.

"Yes, it's very possible that players on servers such as the US server and the Australian server just want to come over and get a piece of the pie. After all, the Indian server is also a piece of fat, and the people in the US server and other countries are also unprofitable people. You don't risk to offend us to help Yinfu." Yingyue said with a toast, and then changed her tone: "Of course they will deal with us if there is a chance, and at least they will prevent us from snatching [Dragon Scale Dagger]."

"Yeah, that's right." Everyone agreed with what Yueyue said about a toast.

"Nevertheless, we still have to be more cautious in the next step, because if there is a chance, people from the US server and waiting for the server will definitely do it to us." Sitting on Qin Xin said, then she turned to look at the fireworks and it was easy to be cold: "Fireworks, then How are we going to deal with these American players, they are hunting down the boss..."

"It's just a matter of saying, since we are sure that they will definitely do something to us, then we don't have to be polite with them and kill people directly!" Po Lang Chengfeng said quite directly.

"Yes, anyway, the US server players will also do something to us, so we might as well do it first." Daughter Hong took the stubbornness, she sneered: "The US server players don’t like fishing in troubled waters the most, hey, let them also Knowing that they might be fish."

"Will it be too hateful to do this?" Yuexia listened to the wind and said in a deep voice: "After all, our main goal now is to print server players. Although the US server players may also act on us, but that is the future. , Don’t you provoke them now to force them to form an alliance with the Indian server players?"

"Even if we don't act against them this time, they will look for opportunities to act on us. If we let them find the right opportunity, then we will be in trouble. In that case, we must act first to be stronger." Po Lang Chengfeng took it for granted. Tone: "What's more, they are dealing with the BOSS now. We can just kill people and kill monsters, killing two birds with one stone."

"Yes, such a good opportunity cannot be missed." Dongfang Xiaotian said with a strange smile.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind and Dongfang Xiaotian have already expressed their views, and they are under the acquiescence of the fireworks and the oriental stars. This means that Miomi Pavilion and the Dongfang Family have agreed to take action on the players of the US server. The family and other members of the gang also agreed to take action on the US server players, and this is how it was decided.

However, Eidolon was back online before he started, and he did not wait for everyone to ask. He directly said: "Our people have found out. In addition to the US server, the Australian server, Southeast Asian server, British server, French server and other server players have also formed elites. The team sneaked into the Indian server, and based on international trends, other surrounding servers may also send people in."

"What, so many servers have to sneak into the Indian server?!" After hearing the news, the Othello voice increased a little, and then she was excited: "Hey, this place can be lively now, if the Japanese and Hanbok players continue Sneaking in is almost the same as the situation in our country before, and I don’t know if the Indian clothing can bear it."

"If the people of these servers are going to deal with the players of Yinfu, then they can't bear it naturally, but the people of these servers will not necessarily join hands." Ye Ling said, seeing everyone showing a thoughtful look, he continued : "Yes, the players on these servers do not just sneak into the Indian server to deal with the Indian server players. The most important thing is that they want to get [Dragon Scale Dagger], and the least help will not let us grab it."

"Hey, I want to grab [Dragon Scale Dagger], is it possible that they are not afraid that they will have their lives?!" Po Lang Chengfeng sneered, and she said that the killing intent was faint in her eyes.

The meaning of breaking the waves and riding the wind is very obvious. Which server player grabs [Dragon Scale Dagger], she and Ye Luo and others will sneak into which server to perform hunting operations, just like they sneak into the Indian server now. A server grabbing [Dragon Scale Dagger] has to endure the anger of Chinese players, which is not a wise choice for these servers.

"Yes, they can't get [Dragon Scale Dagger]. If they get it, they will endure our anger. No country can afford it now." The daughter red said: "So they do not do so. How wise."

Think about it, even a powerful server such as IndoServices may not be able to withstand the anger of Chinese players. Not to mention other countries, even if their strength is stronger than IndoServices, it is still not a wise choice to provoke China at this time. After thinking of this, many people wonder why players on these servers still do this.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that it is the people who traded the [Dragon Scale Dagger] to these servers by the colorful monster fox, right? How dare they sneak into the printed clothes and fight with us?" June Feixue was puzzled. typical.

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