VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 205: : The gossip of the mask

After that, Ye Luo and the others began to move things. In fact, apart from Zhiyue's things, he didn't have much to do. With a few pieces of clothing, the biggest one naturally belonged to the game warehouse. But this time the fireworks are easy to be cold, they hired a dedicated porter, and they arrived in a pickup truck, but they were able to load everything.

Soon, those people finished processing everything, and the next step was to set off for the Miaoge Studio.

"Ye Luo, you seem to use double knives in reality, right." Suddenly breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was a little confused in her tone: "I also watched moving things just now, there is no double knives at all."

With a slight smile, Ye Luo didn't say a word, even in the face of the waves and wind, he would not tell his secrets.

"Sister Feng, don't ask, everyone has their own secrets." The fireworks said coldly. She didn't care about seeing the waves and riding the wind. She pointed to Ye Luo: "If I guessed correctly, he was carrying weapons with him. , A master weapon is the most basic."

"Is there this one?" Po Lang Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then said to himself: "How can we be considered masters? We have never carried weapons on our bodies."

"Because we are not professional, and there is almost no threat around us." Fireworks said coldly, and then glanced at Ye Luo: "He is professional, very professional. Xiaoshu always carries a dagger, which is from Now you understand the habits learned from the person who taught him."

It’s already quite obvious that the fireworks are easy to be cold. Breaking the waves and riding the wind finally understood. She looked at Ye Luo with curiosity in her expression, and then smiled: "It turns out to be like this. It seems that I have a chance to see it. "

With a slight smile, Ye Luo looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, revealing so many secrets of me, are you not afraid of me..."

"Don't be afraid." The fireworks blurted out easily, the tone was as indifferent as before: "Because I have no secrets."

"That's what you think." Ye Luo said, his tone changed, and his voice picked up: "For example, why do you always wear a mask, what is under the mask, these are all secrets to us."

Hearing this, fireworks are easy to be cold and silent, and a ray of cold light overflows from the bright eyes like black gems, but it fades quickly, and her tone remains unchanged: "This is not a secret."

"Uncle Ye Luo, I advise you, don't even think about peeking at the true face of Sister Fireworks." June Feixue said, her tone was faintly playful: "Although I don't know why Sister Fireworks always wears a mask. , But I guess it will be troublesome if someone removes her mask. Do you know the old TV plots, you are responsible for a woman's true face when you see her, you will be responsible for her forever, you know?"

"Uh, this..." Ye Luo was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but laugh, she scolded: "Girl Feixue, where did you guess the bridge, what era is it now, there is such a **** thing."

Aside, listening to June Feixue’s words, the corners of the fireworks’s mouth twitched slightly, and her smooth forehead was slightly puckered, but she didn’t struggle with this issue anymore. She looked at Ye Luo: "All packed up, packed up. Let's go."

Ye Luo nodded and said, "Let's go."

The three people in the fireworks and easy cold drove a business car, but five people could sit down, and drove in June Feixue, then started and set off, and headed for the place of the mysterious pavilion studio.

Along the way, Zhiyue looked a little excited when looking at the passing cars, but it seemed that something was bothering her. She looked at the fireworks from time to time, and she looked like she was eager to talk.

"Girl Yue, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask, don't be so polite." Po Lang Chengfeng said.

"Uh, uh, Sister Fireworks, who really wants to marry you after unveiling your mask?" Zhiyue said, she looked at the fireworks with curiosity.

"Puff..." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but laugh, and she was showing up. It was a long time before she stopped smiling: "You girl is too innocent, too easy to deceive, how can there be such a rule, you really take it It's a bridge in the old TV series decades ago."

In the front, the driving June Feixue couldn't help but laugh: "Sister Yue, it's just a fun for you. It's just me and Sister Qi and others who guessed and played in private, and they couldn't count it."

After hearing this, Zhiyue let out a long sigh of relief, and then thought of something, she asked: "Couldn't you have never seen the true face of Sister Fireworks?"

"Well, I don't seem to have seen it before," said June Feixue, as she murmured as she drove the car, "I guess only Sister Feng and Xiaoshu might have seen it. After all, they have known each other since childhood."

After hearing this, Zhiyue was even more curious. She looked towards the waves and rides the wind and asked what she meant.

"I've seen it, I probably haven't seen it before." Sister Feng said, and then changed her tone: "Forget it, don't worry about this matter, just tell you, don't think about peeking at the true colors of the fireworks. Be careful that she will be really angry. Especially you, Ye Luo, be careful that our sister really let you marry fireworks."

Listening to Po Lang Chengfeng's ridicule, Ye Luo smiled bitterly: "I'm not a gossip, just rest assured."

Hearing Ye Luo's words, Zhiyue seemed to fall as a boulder in her heart. She looked at the fireworks and became cold and curious: "Sister Fireworks, how uncomfortable wearing a mask is, shouldn’t it, shouldn’t it be your face..."

"Don't worry, fireworks are not ugly, she is a stunning beauty." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Zhiyue, and then his tone changed: "As for why you are wearing a mask, I can't answer this question. You can ask fireworks. ."

After that, Zhiyue looked at the fireworks curiously, but the latter said lightly: "I refuse to answer this question."

It seems that I also know the coldness of fireworks. Although I was curious, Zhiyue did not ask any more.

"Sister Feng, Tiandi League has made a lot of big moves recently. Not only are they collecting hidden career scrolls, they are also recruiting celebrity list masters. According to my inquiries, there are more than one or two." June Feixue said while driving. There was a faint worry in her tone: "From these actions, we can know that they are going to act on us next, what should we do?"

"They dare to come, my old lady cut them all down, isn't it just three more hidden occupations, my old lady doesn't care about it." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't care.

"Ignore them for now, and develop ourselves as much as possible." The fireworks said coldly. Seeing June Feixue nodded, she continued: "Let us people gather the hero suit first. We can use this equipment up to level 70. Even longer, with the equipment advantage, we don't have to worry about the Heaven and Earth Alliance making moves."

"In addition, in addition to the three dungeon missions per day, people over level 50 will let them swipe level 75 swamp lizards. This can increase everyone's level the fastest. With us carrying it, the pressure is not too much." Yi Leng continued to make arrangements: "With the level up and the equipment advantage, it will be much easier to deal with the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance."

Hearing this, June Feixue nodded, his expression also relaxed.

Obviously, the fireworks are easy to cold is the brain of Miange, and she makes up many things.

"Fireworks, your strategy is a bit too conservative. If we don't provoke the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, they will also provoke us." Po Lang Chengfeng said, with a slight dissatisfaction in his tone.

"I have seen Ye Luo's greatness. According to Tiandi's personality, he will rest for a while, and will not easily provoke us until he recruits masters." The firework's cold expression remained unchanged, and then he looked at Ye Luo:" If it really provokes us, we are not afraid, so we will teach them again. Ye Luo's profession is very suitable for team fighting."

Thinking of the effect of [Samsara* Soul Eater], everyone nodded subconsciously.

"Hey, that's right, as long as we have the right tactics and let Ye Luo kill some people to accumulate offensive power, then there will be few people who can stop him in team combat." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she smiled: "Although It’s hard to have the advantage of the grove, but those of us are not vegetarians, and the knights can’t help but to charge."

"To deal with Ye Luo, it can only be the arrival of elites, otherwise any big gang will not be able to withstand the horror after his attacks increase by 200%." ​​The firework was easy to cold, and he groaned slightly, and continued: "If I were the world, I would He specially sent Tiandi Jie and other hidden professions to stop Ye Luo, otherwise the consequences would be serious if he rushed into the large army."

Without waiting for Ye Luo and the others to speak, she continued: "But Ye Luo will not entangle them. He will use his speed advantage to leave them alone, kill people to accumulate attack power, and then solve those hidden occupations. It is simple, and the initiative is It is difficult for them to defend against Ye Luo."

"It seems to be like this." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said to herself: "Unless you have a firework master like you, and there are so many control and deceleration skills, it is difficult to leave Ye Luo."

"Yeah, only the celebrity list masters have the opportunity to leave Ye Luo, and it is still a hidden career." Fireworks coldly said, and then her tone changed: "But Ye Luo's current equipment is very advantageous. Individuals are his opponents, even the celebrity list masters. As for the trio of Heaven and Earth, it is estimated that the three of them can leave Ye Luo together."

"It's also hard to say. After all, they are the hidden professions of archers and magicians, and one of them is an ice and snow magician who is good at controlling." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo is a good operation, but I don’t have much experience in PK with people, and it’s a bit choking to be one-to-three."

"If Ye Luo can make good use of the invisibility pill and get close to Heaven and Earth Death and Heaven and Earth Yijian, then the next step will be much simpler." The firework was easily cold, and she looked at Ye Luo: "From the battle yesterday, Ye Luo has already used the Invisibility Pill very well."

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