VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2061: : Detour on both sides

Dongfang Tiantian, Changhe Sunset, and others led more than 10 double professional archers to follow Ye Luo's tactics against the 10,000-thousand-thousand army of Indian clothing, plus the assistance of daughter red, Dongfang star and others, but also for Indian players It caused a lot of trouble, and killed some people. As time went by, the attack power of the sunset also increased, and their threat to the Indian army's 10,000-person army became more and more serious.

In this way, Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing took the two-pronged approach. Not surprisingly, they can attract many dual-professional masters and space-based professions, and they can even force many people to perform big moves, and in this way, the overall strength of the players can be printed. They are getting weaker and weaker. After they have fewer players with big moves, Ye Luo and the others will be able to fight with it. At that time, they have no scruples.

For the tactics of fireworks and their coldness, the colorful sacred cows are quite helpless, because no matter what they know, even if they rush over to support, it is useless, including the use of big moves, even this is what Ye Luo people want to see. So this makes them a bit dilemma.

If you think about it, if the colorful sacred cows rush to support and then use their big moves, then Ye Luo and the others can use their high mobility advantages to distance themselves from them, or even to withdraw directly, so that those dual classes that perform big moves The masters are abandoned, and Ye Luo and the others can kill them after the effect of the double-professional masters of the printing service is over. The cycle repeats, and the double professional masters of the printing service will soon perform their ults soon, and at that time they will again They were also unable to resist Ye Luo.

It was also thought that these colorful sacred cows were hesitating to support them, and for a time they struggled.

After struggling for a period of time, Wucai Shenniu finally thought of a way, that is, to let some 10,000-person army nearby go around from both sides, and the army facing Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian chose to retreat. It is possible to encircle Ye Luo and the others, and as long as they can encircle them, they will have the opportunity to kill all of them. After all, there are many flying summoners and flying powers in the Ten Thousand Legion, and there are even some dual professional masters and space systems. Players, as long as they can entangle Ye Luo and others for a period of time or cast [Space Enchantment] to trap them, then they have the opportunity to kill them all.

That’s right, after five times, the sacred cows struggled for a while and came up with a countermeasure. They sent some dual-professional masters and one or two space-based professions to deal with Eastern Killing. These people still have the opportunity to cooperate with the Ten Thousand Army Corps. They were entangled and trapped by Dongfang Tiantian.

Like Ye Luo and the others, after seeing dual-professional masters and space-based players to support, they deliberately maintained a distance of more than 100 meters from them, and they did not retreat. This move will undoubtedly continue to bring the printing service players. Come more pressure.

"Brother Ye Luo, the several ten-thousand-thousand corps of Yinfu passed around from both sides, ready to surround you, be careful." Ye Ling's voice suddenly sounded in the team channel, and Jing Ke was talking about this. Assassin Qin also reported the same situation to Dongfang Xitian and others.

That’s right, the fireworks are easy to get cold. They have long prevented the other 10,000 Indian army from going around from both sides, so they sent some assassins to monitor the whereabouts of other Indian 10,000 army, and this time there were many assassins following Ye Luo and the others. , It's also enough to monitor those ten thousand troops in India.

Think about it, too, the Heavenly Kill Organization and the Assassin’s House are the two largest assassin organizations in China’s servers, and because [Dragon Scale Dagger] is an exclusive national weapon for assassins and swordsmen, they have sent many elite assassins, plus Misty Pavilion The gang has also sent many elite assassins to collect intelligence, survey the terrain, and monitor the operations of the Indian Army Corps.

"Hey, I want to detour and surround us from both sides. This is a very good tactic, but the premise is that we can surround us, and we won't give them such a chance." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said with a smile: "Our people are all With flying mounts, you can easily get away from them and get rid of their encirclement. They can't help us at all."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "The only way to drive us away is for their dual-professional masters to perform big moves, or use the [Group Blessing Scroll] to rush towards us, but wait until the effect of the big move or [Group Blessing] After the effect of the scroll] is over, we will make a comeback again. At that time, not many of them have big moves, and there is no [Group Blessing Scroll] to use, and then we can deal with them unscrupulously."

"Yes, no matter what tactics they use now, it is almost useless for us." Unless Yeye takes the conversation, she is faintly excited: "As time goes by, they will become more and more inferior, and when the time comes, we can attack them. The Thunder attacked, not to mention that they now have to face not only us, but also elite masters from other countries."

"Other elite masters are not as easy as ours." The ten-step kill sound sounded in the team channel: "According to our eyeliner report, the colorful sacred cows and their tactics still have some effects, at least there are players from other servers. Was arrested and then besieged. For example, the Australian server has killed 3 or 4 people, the British server has killed 2 people, and even the US server has killed some people, and these servers have been killed over time. More people will be killed."

"Hey, the people on these servers are really unlucky enough." Yaoyue laughed with a toast: "If they can be killed just like this, wouldn't they be killed if we weren't there?"

Ye Luo and the others have attracted hundreds of double-professional masters and 3 or 4 space-based players in the printing service, and this is almost half of the elite printing service, so the pressure on other servers will be much smaller.

"Of course, this is mainly because the information collected by other servers is insufficient. I did not expect that the Indian server will have such a tactic." Ten steps to kill coldly said: "And these players who sneak into the Indian server for the first time are not sufficiently prepared, etc. After they are prepared, it will be difficult for the players who want to kill them."

"Hey, if there is no way to deal with the raids by the Indian Army's ten thousand army, then they will be hunted down and killed sooner or later, or returned directly to their server." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed: "I just don't know if they can think of us like this. Tactics, no, even if they think of the same tactics as ours, they may not be able to suppress the players in printed clothes. In the end, they still cannot escape the fate of being surrounded by groups, even us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "But I think we have many ways to cross the hunting line of the Ten Thousand Army Corps of Indian clothing. Even after the Wucai Shenniu and other dual-professional masters have performed their big moves, we can forcefully kill them, so there is nothing There is a problem."

"But for now, it seems that we have not been able to cross their search line." Saturday was quite worried and said: "And according to Sister Fireworks, they still have several lines of search and arrest after this line of defense, even if we can cross this line of defense. We also have to face other search lines, and if the players of the Indian server find that we have crossed their first line of defense, their two lines of defense will close together, so we may be surrounded by them."

"What are you afraid of? Soon their dual-professional masters can't help but use their big moves. After many people have used their big moves, we won't have to worry about anything." Po Lang Chengfeng said disapprovingly, and then his tone changed: "In addition, even if we are surrounded by two search lines, because we can easily escape, don't forget that Yushou is outside. She has worked for Space Thorn, and Hua Nongyue is also there. It is very simple to send us away. "

"Oh, that's true." Saturday Zhenshou lightly said: "So as long as they consume them."

"Yes, this is why Ye Luo came up with this kind of tactics, forcing the double-professional masters of Yinfu to have to use big moves, and the big moves will give us a chance." Sitting on Qin Xin said, She was full of admiration in her voice when she said this.

If you think about it, if you just simply think of a way to cross the hunting line of the Indian army ten thousand army, it will not have much impact on the overall strength of the Indian elite masters, and once they are surrounded by two hunting lines or even more groups The colorful sacred cows can still pose a great threat to Ye Luo and the others, but it is different to use Ye Luo's tactics to consume them. In desperation, the colorful sacred cows can only use their big moves to drive Ye Luo and the others.

"What if the colorful sacred cows and their people don't perform big moves?" asked on August: "If they retain their strength, then we don't dare to kill people at will."

"Hey, if they don’t use big moves then we can always deal with them like this. Anyway, we can use this tactic to kill people. It won’t even take too long for us to kill an army of ten thousand people. I don’t believe in colorful The sacred cows are not in a hurry.” Po Lang Chengfeng smiled, and then she changed her conversation: "Besides, the players of other servers will not be idle. They will also create some trouble for the colorful sacred cows, and we will be even more troublesome. Relax."

"Oh, that's also true." On August, she said to herself, and then thought of something, she continued: "But now the other ten thousand legions of Indian clothing are going to surround us from both sides, we have to retreat, so we will They can no longer kill their people, and some of the people they killed before will also be resurrected."

"We are only retreating temporarily, waiting for us to rush out of their encirclement, no, we can now go to the other side to deal with the 10,000-strong army from behind, and then continue to use this tactic against them, so that we can still deal with them. They caused some casualties." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "And their army of ten thousand people circling from both sides also means that there have been loopholes in their search line. Our assassins can shuttle through these loopholes, so that they can Crossed their search line."

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