VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2069: : Five Poison Swamp

After looking at the attributes of one of the five poison suits and the additional skills of the suit-[Flight], everyone realized the role of this suit, but they also knew that it is undoubtedly that they want to explode a large number of this suit in the current situation. Foolish dreams.

"Well, I have a doubt. Although the Five Poison Suit is the highest grade suit currently, the monsters that burst this equipment should be of very high grade, at least more than 330 grades, but monsters of this grade should It’s hard to stop the players of Yinfu, and at least the double-professional masters of Wucai Shenniu." Sitting on Qinxin said in a puzzled manner: "And the place where Xiaoshu is now is not too secret, that is to say. The Yinfu players should have discovered it a long time ago, but why didn't the Yinfu players equip the five poison suits? If so, I'm afraid we will be very passive."

The five poison suits are equipped with the skill "Flight", and with the resourcefulness of Wucai Shenniu and others, they can naturally realize the importance of this suit. Give them some time to burst out many of these suits. There will be a lot of archer equipment among the players, and these archers can pose a great threat to Ye Luo and the others even if they are just ordinary hidden occupations.

Think about it, too, if the colorful sacred cows and their monsters burst out thousands of five poisonous suits, then it is very easy to form a flying archer army, and such an army can pose a great threat to Ye Luo and the others. Even they can easily suppress fireworks and others.

"Yes, the colorful sacred cows can definitely play the five poison suits, but why do they have almost no archers that can fly?" Othello said in a puzzled way: "Could it be that they deliberately hid them and wanted to beat us? One was caught off guard."

"It is very likely that this is the case. After all, the Five Poison Suit is an exclusive suit for the archer. It increases the archer's attack range and even strengthens the effect of [Split Arrow]." June Feixue took the words: "With the game Go on, and more and more archers have obtained [Split Arrows]. If these archers are blessed by the five poison suits, their attack distance and damage output may not be much worse than the fireworks sisters. If there are more archers like this Some, such as forming a corps of 10,000 archers, can easily suppress us by virtue of the number advantage, so that Uncle Ye Luo and the others' previous tactics of using dual professional archers to suppress them are useless."

"This is already the situation at this time, and even they have to sacrifice the colorful monster fox and the [Dragon Scale Dagger]. If they burst out a lot of five poison suits, they will naturally not hide themselves anymore, and they must have been used against us." Ye Luo Dao, his tone was quite determined: "Since they didn't do this, then it means that they didn't play such a suit at all."

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue said, and then she said to herself: "The place where this suit should not be exposed is very peculiar. Players such as Wucai Shenniu have not noticed it, right? This is not impossible."

"It's not as troublesome as you think. They don't have the Five Poison Suit because they can't get into this place at all." Midnight Shu couldn't help but said, as if seeing the people's doubts and then curious look, he didn't sell it, and continued: "Boom The place where the Five Poison Suits came out is called the Five Poison Swamp, where the poisonous mist is filled with miasma, and hundreds of points of qi and blood are dropped every second when entering the periphery. As the poisonous mist and miasma become more and more dense, players drop The falling qi and blood are also increasing. I estimate that thousands of qi and blood are falling from the deepest point every second. If I hadn't had the [Poison Resistant Heart] and had taken the mutant detoxification pills, it would be difficult to stay here.

"What, it's just that the peripheral blood drops so quickly?!" After hearing the news, the voice of the waves and the wind rose a little, and her tone was a little excited: "This is good news for us, because we have The high-level detoxification pills can withstand 60% of the poison attribute damage, plus the [Poison Resistant Heart] can offset 25% of the poison damage. Entering here, we hardly lose blood, even just a strong energy and blood recovery speed. It can be sustained, not to mention that we still have a lot of priests, which means we can completely kill monsters and drop equipment here."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "We have a lot of high-grade detoxification elixirs, but the players of Yinfu don’t have them. Even if they have the elixirs, thousands of people will consume a lot of elixirs when they enter this place. I can't bear it, but only a few people entering the Five Poison Swamp is not a threat to us, which means that we can safely enter this place to fight monsters and explode equipment."

Think about it, the biggest advantage of Yinfu is the number advantage, but many times the number advantage does not play a role, such as hunting in the water, such as entering the poisonous fog swamp, because the large number of people will consume a lot of [Water Guardian] and high-grade detoxification pills , This is not something they can afford.

"Yes, if this place is very big, there are not many players who can enter into it. With such a high-level detoxification pellet, we can stay in it for a long time. It is not a problem to explode some five poison suits." .

"After we entered this swamp, our map showed the outline of the Five Poison Swamp. It occupies a large area with a radius of more than 100 kilometers. We are now only a few dozen kilometers away." The voice of the book in the middle of the night. Once sounded in the team channel: "In other words, hundreds of thousands of people can easily hide here, not to mention only our 2,300 people."

The Five Poison Swamp occupies a wide area, which means that Ye Luo and the others have a large range of activities here, and only 2,300 people are hiding in it. It is inconspicuous. It is not possible that the players want to find them. Not to mention that they won't send too many people here at all, so Ye Luo and the others can be at ease here to fight monsters and upgrade.

"Such a big place is very suitable, even if the colorful sacred cows learn that we are here, they can't help us." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Even if they send dual-professional masters to sneak into it, we have an advantage, because at the moment It seems that there are not many people who can refine high-level mutant pills. Using these, we can slowly deal with them, even if elite players from other servers also enter it."

"So you agree to enter the Five Poison Swamp to fight monsters?!" Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was a little excited: "Hey, great, we can mobilize more archers when we play a large number of Five Poison suits. At that time, we will pose a greater threat to Indian clothing."

"Could we all hide in the Five Poison Swamp?" June Feixue couldn't help but muttered: "Although Uncle Ye Luo can refine the detoxification pill, there is no need to waste it, so many people enter the Five Poisons. The Poison Swamp consumes a lot of medicine."

"Before entering the Indian service, we made sufficient preparations, especially carrying a lot of high-grade pill. The detoxification pill is not lacking. It is enough for us to use it for some time." Ye Luo said casually: "In addition, we can collect herbal refining immediately. It's nothing to make medicine pills. Anyway, Jiansan and the others have the habit of collecting herbs. I believe they have a lot of herbs for refining detoxification pills in their hands."

"Really a lot." Jiansan and the others said in unison.

I think Ye Luo and the others were with Jiansan and others before they met with Polangchengfeng and others. At that time, Yeluo, Fireworks Yilian and others were in charge of missions and monsters, while Jiansan assassins were in charge of investigation. The map is easy to pick herbs, so these people are very advanced in their [medicine gathering skills], and they have also developed the habit of picking herbs at will. The herbs needed for high-level detoxification pills are not that rare, but they can gather them. A lot of refining, not to mention that Ye Luo and the others had prepared a lot before.

"Ah, shouldn't we people all enter the Five Poison Swamp, then the situation outside..." June Feixue has not given up her last hope.

"Assassins and single-professional archers do not need to enter the Five Poison Swamp, they can continue the previous things. Ye Luo, Feng Sister and Sunset do not need to enter the Five Poison Swamp, they continue to carry out the hunting mission." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "We other Everyone has entered the Five Poison Swamp, and they can even notify those who invite Yueyue to toast and Eastern Killing the Sky to let them decide whether to enter the Five Poison Swamp."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Jade Hand, you are an exception. You locked the little book into the five poison swamp, and then sent us people in."

If it’s the early stage of the game, the fireworks are easy to get cold. They naturally want to enjoy the five poison suits, but now the situation is different. The national war is about to break out, or a local national war has broken out. At this time, the gangs such as the Eastern Family and the Yeyu Family are strong. Getting up is also very helpful to the Misty Pavilion, especially archers who have the ability to fly, so the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they are not stingy to hide the five poison swamp.

"In fact, with the exception of a limited number of people such as Ye Luo, Feng Sister, Dongfang Killing Heaven and so on, everyone else can't help much when dealing with the Indian Army Ten Thousand Army Corps and the leveling location. It is better to enter the poisonous fog swamp to fight monsters. Explosive five poison suit." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "And Ye is outside, if we need our help, he will also use [Space Portal] to teleport us over, so that we can play a greater role."

While sitting on Qinxin and talking about this, June Feixue told Dongfang Killing and the others about the Five Poison Swamp and the Five Poison Suit, and the slender hands were even more direct. She locked the Midnight Book and sent it over, and then prepared. Send all the fireworks and others over.

June Feixue and Othello also knew that what they said on the piano was true, and then they did not say much, they were preparing to enter the swamp of five poisons.

Eastern Killing Sky, Eastern Stars and others are also smart people. They are naturally aware of the role of archers who have the ability to fly. Especially after seeing the archer army led by the fireworks, they learned that the five poisonous swamps, five After the poison suit, they didn't say much, and directly agreed to enter the Five Poison Swamp, and they naturally owed Miriam Pavilion a favor.

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