VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 207: : Try it out

Zhiyue is quite satisfied with the beautiful environment and complete supporting facilities in the villa courtyard where the studio is located.

As for Ye Luo, he was completely ‘deceived’ by the fireworks and Yi Leng and others, and became a security guard here, so he agreed to be settled in the Miao Miao Pavilion studio.

Ye Luo is also quite satisfied with the housing arrangement. While they were talking, everyone got out of the car, the firework Yi was cold and asked the porters to carry things, and Ye Luo and Zhiyue looked around curiously.

As if hearing the sound of a car, sitting on Qin Xin and others came out to greet them. A group of women, Yingying and Yanyan, the atmosphere soon became lively, but they left Ye Luo aside.

As he was looking around, Ye Luo suddenly noticed something strange from the corner of his eyes, and then saw a dark shadow rushing towards him, faintly hearing the feeling of a sharp blade piercing the void.

Ye Luo was also a wise man, and instantly understood who the person was, but he didn't make a sound. He even watched the people sitting on Qin Xin and the others, but there was a faint smile on his mouth.

"This should be the book in the middle of the night. The way to hide your figure is good. You know how to use the surrounding things and use the angle of the sun to sneak attack from the best angle." Ye Luo said to himself, but also against the dark shadow man's methods. The thumbs are false.

When Ye Luo spotted the man in black, the fireworks were easy to be cold and the waves and the wind were both noticed, but they guessed the identity of the person at a glance, and wanted to see how Ye Luo responded, but they didn’t say anything to stop them. .

Sombra is very fast, but it is silent. If it hadn't been trained by Ye Luote, he was very sensitive to dynamic views, and it would be difficult to find out the first time.

That's right, that person is naturally a book in the middle of the night. Since he had a game with Ye Luo once in the game, he was happy with the hunt and learned that he is more skilled in reality, so he couldn't help but want to test it. This one.

He was only two or three meters away from Ye Luo, and the target still looked like "lost and unconscious". He couldn't help but mumble a little: "What's the matter, Master used to tell me before. At my current level, if you are a master, I'll definitely notice it within three meters of him, because I can't hide my aura perfectly. But why does Big Brother Ye look unknowingly, does he just look at his sister and them?"

"Yes, even if it is a master, I would never have thought that I would come here suddenly, not to mention that Big Brother Ye's attention was attracted." He wrote in the middle of the night, and then he suppressed his excitement: "Hey, then I will attack him once. , And let Fei Tianyue know that her brother Ye is not invincible, and she will dare to show off in front of me in the future."

Thinking like this, Midnight Shu tried to restrain his excitement, adjusted his breathing, and his state reached its peak, and then the black dagger was like a black snake, the snake vomited softly, and pierced towards Ye Luo's heart. .

At this time, sitting on Qin Xin and others also saw Ye Luo’s book of Midnight. After all, they were opposite Ye Luo, but they didn’t give any reminders. After all, they were also curious whether Ye Luo could find out, and they also knew that Ye Luo could find out. The book knows the severity, and it won't really hurt Ye Luo.

Zhiyue also spotted the dark shadow, and instantly guessed who it was. She didn't panic, and whispered: "Humph, take advantage of Ye's careless attack and defeat him, and then show off in front of me, but your wishful thinking It’s empty, but I’ve seen Brother Ye make a shot, and assassins who are better than you can’t help him.”

Thinking of this, Zhiyue watched with interest, as if watching a good show.

While Zhiyue was thinking about this, the dagger of Midnight Book had already arrived 30 centimeters away from Ye Luo's heart. I thought I could withstand Ye Luo's heart this time, so I would have achieved the goal, but Midnight Shu found that Ye Luo, who had not done anything, suddenly flickered, and he seemed to have lost his goal in a daze.

My heart tightened, Midnight Shu knew that his whereabouts had been discovered, but he was not too shocked, his body moved, like a dragon out of the abyss, like a spirit snake vomiting a letter, his arms stretched, and his dagger moved away, like a tarsus The maggots follow the shape like a shadow, and the thorn turns and thorns Ye Luo's arm.

With the sharpness of the dagger, if Ye Luo was stabbed, his entire arm would be destroyed, so it was considered that the assassination of Midnight Shu was successful.

Of course, the imagination is beautiful, but the result is not so: a black light flashes like black lightning, followed by a harsh metal clash, and the book's attack in the middle of the night also abruptly stopped.

Looking intently, Ye Luo already had a black short blade in his left hand, blocking the Midnight Book's attack without letting it go, and then looking at his opponent with interest, as if he still had enough power.

"Little book, the assassination method is quite good." Ye Luo said lightly, and then changed his tone, faintly teasing: "But it's not good to play this hand right away, I don't want to embarrass you in front of so many people... "

His assassination was resisted. It stands to reason that the assassination failed. However, Midnight Shu was not half depressed, and he even became a little excited: "It is worth seeing Brother Ye's methods, even if it is embarrassing, sisters are not the first. It’s okay to see me collapsed the next time."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, he continued, with a look of anticipation: "Big Brother Ye, you seem to be holding knives in both hands, let me see and see."

As he spoke, the dagger in Shu Shu's hand in the middle of the night withdrew a little later, and then his body shape turned, and he slammed up from an astonishing angle, strange and strange.

However, Ye Luo didn't worry. As soon as his body turned, the black short blade blocked the dagger with no hair, and then the white light flashed, Ye Luo's right hand had a white spike, and his right hand swiped gently. The spike swept toward the door of Midnight Book.

The dagger was blocked by the black short blade, and the white spike attacked again. It stands to reason that Shu could only retreat in the middle of the night, but he was short, with the dagger pulled away, and the figure leaped forward. The dagger pierced Ye Luo's waist.

His eyes lit up slightly, and Ye Luo's expression showed some approval, but he kept moving. He retreated half a step. Seeing that the power of the book in the middle of the night was exhausted, his black dagger was lightly slashed, and he swept straight towards his dagger. Wrist.

Frowning slightly, Shu Shu's wrist turned in the middle of the night, the dagger block blocked the black short blade, and then backed back with the help of counter shock. But at this time Ye Luo's white spikes also attacked, much faster than before, piercing his brows.

Feeling the coldness of the white spikes, Shu was shocked in the middle of the night. At this time, the dagger was blocked again, and he could only retreat. But this time it was Ye Luo's turn to attack. The white spikes were like tarsus maggots. They were always one centimeter away from the center of the book's eyebrows in the middle of the night, and they could hit them with a single touch.

Seeing that Ye Luo still had enough energy, Midnight Shu knew that he couldn't dodge, so he couldn't help but laughed bitterly, spread his hands, took the dagger, and gave up.

Ye Luo was not aggressive either. With his wrists, the black short blades and white spikes disappeared quietly, as if he had never held a dagger, which shocked the people who watched sitting on the piano and others.

"Tsk tsk, Ye Luo had discovered the Xiaoshu sneak attack a long time ago, but he can do it before the dagger is 30 cm away from him. He is worthy of being a master and a bold art master." Po Lang Chengfeng praised: "Just two or three rounds. From being attacked to actively attacking, the situation is reversed in an instant, with a high degree of grasp of the battle, master, super master."

"The reason why Xiaoshu's attack is so close to him is because under this situation, Xiaoshu's attack moves have been finalized, and it is difficult to change them. It is much easier to block it, and it can also make Xiaoshu lose the opportunity." Fireworks said coldly, and her tone was as indifferent as before: "Double knives, left-handed knives to block, if Ye Luo wants to win, the white spikes on his right hand can be used directly. With the speed of his knives, Xiaoshu is difficult to hide. Ever."

"Yes, Ye Luo didn't want Xiaoshu to be so embarrassed, and what he said earlier proved his words." Po Lang Chengfeng took the stubbornness, and then changed his tone: "It's just that the guy in Xiaoshu is ignorant and doesn't know Ye Falling down to him, it turned out to be a tragedy, so many people watched."

"It's worth seeing the double-knife secret skills." Fireworks said coldly, and then she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng: "Sister Feng, now you know how strong Ye Luo is. How good are you against him? The odds?"

Hearing that, sitting on Qin Xin and others all looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng curiously, after all, she was the strongest among the crowd.

After pondering for a moment, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind Zhenshou lightly shook his head: "Although I can see those tricks clearly, and I think I can avoid it with my reaction speed, my instinct tells me that it must be me who loses against him."

"I also have this intuition." Fireworks said coldly, and she murmured a little, "Perhaps this is the advantage of the battle, and the experience is much richer than us."

"Hehe, it's a good thing that you are better than Sister Feng. If Uncle Ye Luo can adapt in the game, then he will become a more powerful master than Sister Feng and you, so that our position of the Misty Pavilion will be more stable." June Feixue said, her pretty face was full of excitement.

"Double knives, one is as black as ink, and the other is white as jade, so familiar. Have we heard of such a person?" Sitting on Qinxin muttered to herself, but she couldn't remember how she thought about it. About Ye Luo's memory.

"Follow him, anyway, Ye Luo is not a bad person." Black and white chess said, and then she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng: "Sister Feng, you have a way to fool Ye Luo directly, hehe, we will work in the future. Stay in the room."

"What is cheating? Is it good for us to pay a lot of money to invite it?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner.

"Oh, spending a lot of money?" Samadhi was stunned for a moment, and then she was curious: "I'm curious, what price did you spend to get Ye Luo to agree to stay? Could it be you who sacrificed your sisters..."

"Fuck you, am I so unscrupulous?" Po Lang Chengfeng smiled and cursed, and then her tone changed, she chuckled: "With the rent of a house, so he agreed to be our security..."

"Uh, it's just rent?" Othello was stunned, her voice increased three degrees: "Sister Feng, you're too clever, this is a peerless master..."

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