VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2083: : Was sent away

The battlefield is changing rapidly, so Fireworks Yi Leng has developed a lot of coping strategies. For example, after seeing that there are many dual-professional masters on the major servers to perform big moves and use the [Group Blessing Scroll], she is ready to use [Space Enchantment] to 70% to 80% Enemies of ”are isolated from the outside and only use enchantments to trap two to three percent of the enemies. After all, with the strength of Chinese players, these two to three percent of the enemies can be easily killed. Although the number of enemies is 20 to 30%, a large number of players are the first to charge. Come here, so the overall strength of these enemies is not that strong, not even a double professional master.

In the face of two to thirty percent of enemies, Chinese players can easily deal with them and kill them all, without even using many people to perform their ultimate moves, only with so many mobile magic crystal cannons and many archers and summoners.

Because the [Space Enchantment] lasts for 10 minutes, this also means that after the enchantment disappears, the effect of the player's ultimate move outside the enchantment will end, and even the effect of the [Group Blessing Scroll] will disappear. There are definitely few dual-professional masters who come to the major servers and retain their ultimatums, and they don’t necessarily have [Group Blessing Scroll] anymore. In this case, Chinese players can easily defeat them, even if they all work together. .

This kind of tactic undoubtedly has a great chance to kill the people of the major servers, and it also has the best chance to grab the sacred artifacts, because only the fireworks are easy to cold, they can withstand the attacks of the two to thirty percent of the players in the enchantment, and Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others can go to support Dongfang Killing Heaven and the others, so it is more likely to kill the BOSS.

Even if a [Space Enchantment] can’t kill the boss, it’s okay, because Hua Nongying can perform [Time Clear] on the slender jade hand, so she can cast [Space Enchantment] again, nearly 20 minutes is enough Ye Luo and they killed the BOSS.

Even at this time, the slender jade hand can still teleport Hua Nongyue, and he will use [Space Enchantment] again, so that there is no problem.

The reason for this is because there is the best chance to grab the sacred artifact. After all, Wucai Shenniu and others have not done it yet. Not surprisingly, they can mobilize nearly 200 pairs of professional masters and many air powers. This is a very powerful force. After the heavy casualties of the major servers, they will be the biggest opponents of the Chinese players. If the Chinese players have too many people to perform big moves and use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] because of the players of the major servers, they will give the colorful **** cow They have a chance, so it is safest to use [Space Enchantment] to trap the BOSS and kill it, and then grab the sacred artifact.

It is a pity that the plan cannot keep up with the changes. The energy barrier is greatly affected by the poisonous miasma. It can only last for 15 seconds. Obviously, these times cannot kill the BOSS, or even the two to 30% of the players in the barrier. , Even if the slender hands and Hua Nongyue used [Space Enchantment] again.

Facing the sudden change, the waves and the wind and others were stunned, and because they were trapped in the [Space Enchantment], they cannot be teleported away by Hua Nong Yue using the [Group Teleport Scroll], and there must be a lot after 15 seconds. The enemy rushes to the city wall, and this means that many players will be entangled. In this case, even if Hua Nongyue uses the [Group Teleport Scroll], it can't send everyone away.

"It's okay, it's just a little troublesome." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then her tone changed: "[Space Enchantment] The drastically reduced time that can be maintained is good news for us, because the space of other servers is for players. It will be harder to trap us with this skill."

"But after the enchantment disappears, a large number of players will rush over. So many people have performed their big moves, and they have also used a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls]. We are not opponents against them, even if we use all the means to display it. "Dongfang Zhantiandao, when he said this, he was a little anxious: "Big brother, they are still dealing with the BOSS. If the people from the major servers rush over again, we will suffer from the enemy. In this case, we will suffer heavy casualties, even It may be wiped out."

"When the space barrier disappears, I will order Hua Nongyue to use the [Group Teleport Scroll]. We people can teleport as much as we can." The tone of the fireworks is easy to be cold, and there is still no fluctuation: "The first time the space barrier disappears. Spend a while and use the scrolls, so you ask everyone to get out of the battle as soon as possible, or use invincible means, including the Eastern Killing Sky, so that we can get out of the battle as much as possible."

Without waiting for Dongfang Zhantian and others to speak, she continued: "If anyone is left..."

"It doesn't matter if some people are left behind. There are no undead in the national warfare." Bacchus Dukang said casually: "Besides, if everyone reacts in a timely manner to leave the battle or use invincible means, they will be easily transported away. Someone will be left behind."

"Uncle Bacchus, if people from other servers cast [Space Enchantment] when Hua Nongyue is casting [Group Teleport Scroll], after all, it takes some time to use the scroll, and it will take some time for everyone to react." Ye Yufei Dao, seeing the dignified look of the **** of Bacchus Dukang, she continued: "But Sister Fireworks said before that [Space Enchantment] can only last for 15 seconds is also good news for us, because they cannot trap us too much. For a long time, our people should be able to delay some time."

"Yes." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly: "Hua Nongyue uses the [Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport our people away as much as possible, and then handsome guy Ye Luo and they take turns using [Space Portal] to leave us behind. People teleported away, so there should not be many people left behind."

In fact, there is another sentence in the heart of Eastern Star, that is, in this case, even if some people are left behind and killed by people from other servers, it doesn’t matter. After all, it’s impossible for such a large-scale conflict to kill a single player, especially In the case where the other servers are all elite masters.

After listening to Dongfang Star and others, Bacchus Dukang and the others stabilized. They arranged their own arrangements. Everyone was ready to leave the battle at any time. Before that, they were fully fired and all the mobile magic crystal cannons launched their attacks. , And they also used the active skill [Laser Arrow Rain], which also caused a lot of casualties to the 20-30% of players, and at least delayed their speed.

Even so, there are a lot of people trapped in the energy barrier, and there are some dual-professional masters who have performed ultimatums who have been blessed by the [Group Blessing Scroll]. They rushed over with their attacks. After 10 seconds They are less than 25 meters away from the city wall, and some large-scale skills at this distance have enveloped Chinese players.

Of course, the Chinese archers were not idle at this time. Everyone launched an attack. For a time, energy arrows roared away. Coupled with the damage of the mobile magic crystal cannon, the damage output was very high, even if it was a dual class with a big move. And the players blessed by the [Group Blessing Scroll] are also overwhelmed. As a result, the casualties of the major servers have increased a lot in an instant.

Although they have decided to withdraw, Ye Luo and the others are not idle. Although Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others did not use their ultimate moves, they went up with the state of [spell immunity], and the powerful damage output was further increased. If the enemy's casualties are large, it is currently seen that they can kill all the enemies in the enchantment within 4 to 5 minutes, and they almost don't even need to use big moves or use the [Group Blessing Scroll].

Can kill all enemies in the enchantment within 5 minutes, which means that if the [Space Enchantment] can last for 10 minutes, the tactics before the fireworks are easy to cold are completely effective, and Ye Luo and the others are enough to kill the BOSS in the remaining time. Then obtain the sacred artifact.

After Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others joined, the pressure on the Chinese side was a lot easier, but at this time they did not have much time to deal with these players, and soon the effect of [Space Enchantment] disappeared, and here Shihua Nongyue also used the [Group Teleportation Scroll], preparing to teleport all the people in the Five Poison Altar.

Although Chinese players have been prepared for a long time, they want to get out of the battle as soon as the space barrier disappears, but some people are still entangled, and even a space player on another server feels the space fluctuations here. [Space Enchantment] was used for a while.

Although this person is 7 to 80 meters away from the city wall, after all, most space players are single-class players and cannot withstand the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon, so they hide far behind, but this distance casts [Space Enchantment]. Also trapped 1,200 Chinese players.

"The trapped people use a [Group Blessing Scroll] after we leave, and they can hold on for as long as they can." The firework is easy to be cold and decisively gave orders, and at this time the [Group Teleport Scroll] also played. In effect, she and thousands of Chinese players were teleported away.

The trapped players had a big smile, because he led the melee class to the front, but he was not worried. After the fireworks and others were teleported away, he decisively used a [Group Blessing Scroll], one 100 players who were also trapped around him were blessed by the scrolls, and their overall attributes were greatly increased. For a time, they rushed to the enemy like tigers, and the powerful damage output was quite easy to hit all the players around. kill.

Think about it, too, the players under the blessing of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] are comparable to dual professions with big moves. There are hundreds of such masters appearing at a time, and they can easily kill all the players around, let alone laugh with them. There are also many mobile magic crystal cannons that are also trapped, so much damage output can easily kill enemies who have no invincible means.

"The players blessed by the [Group Blessing Scroll] are in front, and those who are not in this state are behind us, let's hold on for some time!" Yixiao Hongchen commanded calmly.

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