VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2094: : Talk broke

Fireworks Yi Leng is best at "demolition bones and skins" on the other party during negotiations, so Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind handed her the task of raising conditions.

The fireworks are easy to get cold, and she faintly said: "Return [Dragon Scale Dagger] free of charge, compensate us for 10 natural energy stones, 100 hidden job scrolls, 10 ancient holy equipment, 3 [group blessing scrolls], 3 [True Vision Gem]......"

Next, the fireworks easy to cold put forward a series of compensation conditions, the colorful **** cow and others listened to the more ugly faces, while the waves and the wind and the others were all smiles, they clearly see that fireworks easy to cold is deliberately embarrassing the colorful **** Niu and others, because the latter is impossible to agree to these conditions.

"Sister Fireworks, this negotiation seems meaningless, because they won't agree at all." Zhiyue said in a puzzled manner: "You said before that the colorful sacred cow is likely to sneak into other servers with [Dragon Scale Dagger]. If this is the case, it is better to let them return [Dragon Scale Dagger] free of charge, and then compensate us with something casually. The conditions you put forward are so harsh and we can get nothing.

"Even if the fireworks lower the compensation conditions, they will not agree to the colorful sacred cow, even if they only return the [Dragon Scale Dagger] free of charge, because they are bound to win the five poisonous scepter." Samadhi took the stubbornness, she explained "In addition, as you said before, it would be better for the colorful sacred cows to let the colorful demon fox sneak into other servers with [Dragon Scale Dagger], so that we can easily take the people from our servers away from the printing server, and It will also make us offend a more powerful enemy, and of course it can also cause a greater loss to the enemy in India."

Without waiting for Yue Yue to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is that at that time, the colorful sacred cows can organize an elite team to follow us, and then fish in troubled waters. In this case, they have a greater chance of grabbing the [Five Poison Scepter]. At worst, it can kill players on other servers to create chaos and increase your own strength."

"Oh, it seems so, they already have a better choice, and naturally they won't agree to negotiate with us." Zhiyue suddenly realized: "So the fireworks sister can put forward some conditions at will, so that they can be angry with the colorful gods. Of course They can also be more determined to take [Dragon Scale Dagger] to other servers."

"Yes." Ye Luo took the stubborn words: "Fireworks also wants to go to other servers, because most of the main battlefields during this time are on our servers and India servers, and other servers have not suffered the flames of war. Since the players of these servers have attacked us, Then we naturally won't let them get better."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he added: "Of course, sneaking into other servers to carry out hunting operations is more efficient than doing missions and killing monsters, and it can also suppress the players of that server, so it will be much easier for us to deal with them in the future."

"That's right." Sitting on Qinxin and warmly said: "The most important thing is that this time the player from Yinfu led us, so that the server that was sneaked into will hate Yinfu even more, and there will be servers to share the pressure with us in the future. ."

"Of course, sneaking into other servers to kill BOSS has a higher explosion rate, especially the explosion of rare equipment items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and even the possibility of exploding national weapons, and this can greatly enhance our overall strength." Sitting on the piano heart added another sentence.

Hearing that, everyone agrees, and they are more happy to sneak into other servers to perform hunting operations than returning to their own server to kill monsters and do tasks.

Like Samadhi and Ye Luo, they have already made up their minds to let the colorful monster fox take the [Dragon Scale Dagger] to other servers, because this is relatively more beneficial, and the reason why the fireworks are easy to be cold. The conditions are also for other players of Yinfu, so that they can be forced to disagree with these conditions and then retreat smoothly to implement the next plan.

Sure enough, Wucai Shenniu righteously rejected the conditions that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the negotiation collapsed, but Wucai Shenniu also knew that if this continues, their casualties will be greater, and even the entire army will be wiped out, so they are decisive. The underground reached an order to withdraw, ready to implement the next plan.

"Which server are you going to take [Dragon Scale Dagger] to?" When the colorful sacred cow was about to be withdrawn, the fireworks were easy to be cold and straightforward. She didn't worry much about being known to other players, because at this time Most of the India server players have already withdrawn, only the colorful **** cow and others behind the palace.

Although there were only a few players waiting for Wucai Shenniu at this time, but the fireworks and others did not do anything about it, because not to mention the constant distance between the two sides, just say that the players in the evacuated space system can directly use it. [Space Portal] It’s hard to stop them by teleporting them away. After all, [Space Portal] is much easier to display than [Space Enchantment], not to mention that there are no more slender hands and Huanongyue at this time. [Space] Enchantment】.

Ignoring the slightly surprised look of Wucai Shenniu and others, Fireworks Yi Leng continued to say indifferently: "You and I are smart people. Since you refused our conditions, naturally you thought of other ways, and sneaked into the others with [Dragon Scale Dagger]. The server is about to leave it there is undoubtedly the best way. You directly tell us the selected target, and we can rush to it as soon as possible. This will benefit you and me."

It’s true that the fireworks are easy to cold, because if the colorful sacred cow tells the fireworks that they choose the target, the Chinese players can sneak into the target server earlier, and the time to grab the [Dragon Scale Dagger] will be earlier. This is good news for Chinese players, not only because [Dragon Scale Dagger] can create a super master, the most important thing is that [Dragon Scale Dagger] won't be ridiculed because of the national weapon being robbed.

Of course, at this time, the Eastern Star obtained the [Five Poison Sacred Staff], and the rank of this national implement was higher than the [Dragon Scale Dagger], which was already a shame.

As for the Indian server side, the Chinese players will naturally lose less if they leave earlier, which is naturally good for the colorful sacred cows.

Wucai Shenniu is also a smart person. He soon realized that the fireworks Yi Leng said was true, and he also hoped that the Chinese players would leave Yinfu as soon as possible, so he said the target they chose without thinking about it, and then he and others All the players in the printing service left the swamp of five poisons.

"They chose the US server instead of a server made up of Southeast Asian countries with a large number of players?" Wei Wei was taken aback, and her tone was full of doubts. She looked at the fireworks on the side and the samādhi: "Fireworks, poems, Is it possible that the colorful sacred cow is lying to us?"

"It's unlikely, because he doesn't have to lie to us in this regard. After all, we will soon be able to figure out where the colorful monster fox has gone with the [Dragon Scale Dagger]." Samadhi shook his head: "And I think the colorful **** Niu and the others chose a very good target, at least better than choosing servers made up of Southeast Asian countries."

"Why?" June Feixue was puzzled: "Isn't it said that the more target players the better, the more threats it poses to us."

"The servers in Southeast Asian countries are composed of many countries. Because they belong to different countries, the players here are not united, with many factions, complex forces, and frequent melee, even more chaotic than our country. In this case, their The average player level is much worse, and this server does not have many elite masters. Going to this server will not pose too much threat to us.” Sitting on Qin Xin explained on behalf of him: “Colorful God Bulls don’t want to see us sneak into a server. Those who go to the slaughter, they hope that we can cause losses to the target server while also allowing that server to contain us. Of course, it would be better if it can cause us some casualties, so they have to choose a more powerful server."

After pondering for a moment, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind nodded: "That's true. At least the overall strength of the US server is much stronger than that of the Southeast Asian servers, and their threat to us is naturally greater."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she laughed: "But I am also very happy to go to the US server, because this server has always liked to take the flames of war outside, and it is quite good at fishing in troubled waters. Now we went to their server and it gave them a headache. , To see if they will play these conspiracies in the future."

"The US server is not only stronger than the Southeast Asian servers, but the most important thing is that this server has always been hesitant to get other servers to form alliances with them. For example, servers such as Japan, South Korea, Canada and Australia have a good relationship with them. It is estimated that this time we After entering the US server, they will also cooperate with players on some servers to deal with us. This will undoubtedly pose a greater threat to us." Samadhi said, she looked in the direction where the colorful sacred cow was leaving: "The colorful sacred cow is obviously Knowing this, I deliberately chose such a goal, so that not only will the US server be dragged into the quagmire of war, there are more other servers."

"Hey, I didn't expect the colorful sacred cow to be so insidious." Othello scolded, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold, with a faint expectation in her tone: "So the colorful monster and fox will definitely take the [Dragon Scale Dagger] to the US server. Now, should we prepare now and go to the US service?"

Not only Othello, but also Polang Chengfeng and others, after all, they have suffered a lot of loss this time in their hearts, and their anger is almost out, and they can go to other servers.

"Not in a hurry, although there is a great opportunity for the colorful **** cow to tell us the truth, but there is no guarantee that it will not lie to us." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she muttered to herself when she saw the puzzled look of Po Lang Cheng Feng and others. : "It is good for them to lie to us. This will make us offend one server person, and our troubles will be greater."

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood the meaning of fireworks being cold. After all, for them, sneaking into a server is a complete fight with them. It is inevitable that they will be retaliated by the country in the future, so they are not willing to offend if there is no need. Too many servers, at least not thinking about it now.

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