VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 209: : Someone makes trouble

Perhaps it was because he had experienced the horror of driving by breaking the waves and riding the wind. It was only when Ye Luo sat in the driver's seat in the middle of the night that he breathed a sigh of relief, and then got into the car with peace of mind, and Zhiyue and the others also got on the car.

As the Midnight Book says, Yeluolian fighters that have undergone special training can drive, let alone a car, and the driving level is extremely high. At least in the middle of the night, it is dozens or hundreds of times stronger than breaking the waves and riding the wind.

As said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, the villa courtyard is only ten minutes away from the city, which is very convenient. Soon they stopped at a high-end restaurant and watched the fireworks, Yi Leng and others, greeted the hotel manager familiarly. Ye Luo knew that they often come here to eat.

It was dinner. There were a lot of guests eating here. From time to time, I could hear them talking about the game of Heavenly Tribulation. Ye Luo knew that the game of Heavenly Tribulation had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When he remembered that he was gradually attracted by the game, a smile came to his lips.

They did not let the waiter lead them. The fireworks were easy to get cold. They went straight to the private room on the second floor, and then everyone ordered the dishes. They asked Zhiyue and Ye Luo about their tastes. Within a few minutes, more than a dozen dishes were ordered.

Listening to the names of the dishes, Ye Luo's heart moved slightly, knowing that these women are very particular about what they eat. Especially when she sits on Qin Xin, all the dishes she chooses are high-quality dishes, and some of them are very helpful for nourishing qi and nourishing the body. Obviously, they are specially for their love of staying up late.

From the tastes of several women ordering dishes, Ye Luo analyzed a lot of things. At the very least, he knew that the fireworks are easy to be cold, the waves and the wind are the children of large families, and he feels more relieved that Zhiyue has moved into the Misty Pavilion studio.

"Hey, the food is ready, come to the bar." Po Lang said, she looked at Ye Luo with interest: "Ye Luo, white wine? Red wine? Or beer?"

Seeing the appearance of breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo knew that she was good at this, and she was amused, and then said lightly: "Unless it is in an absolutely safe place, I never drink."

"Don't worry, the place where there are a few of us is absolutely safe." Knowing the habits of certain occupations, breaking the waves and vowing to the wind, and then without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she directly made a decision: "It's white wine. Luoyang Dukang Liquor is still very famous, with the same name as Uncle Bacchus."

Seeing that Po Lang Chengfeng made such a strong decision for himself, Ye Luo smiled bitterly, but didn't say anything.

It seems that I have long been used to breaking the waves and riding the wind, and other people don't care. But what made Ye Luo grinning was that they all ordered what they wanted to drink, such as June Feixue ordered green tea, sat on the piano, ordered Longjing, and Othello ordered Oolong tea. The most funny thing is that Midnight Shu actually ordered a cup of yogurt. According to his words, an excellent assassin is absolutely free from alcohol and must remain absolutely awake.

"Just the two of us drinking..." Ye Luo muttered, but his words soon drowned in the laughter of the girls.

The food hadn't arrived yet, so I sat on Qin Xin and waited for people to chat, and asked Zhiyue about her eating preferences and what kind of flowers she liked. After all, she knew that these would be convenient for her in the future.

Then everyone naturally talked about the game. What equipment and skills they learned today. They also talked about the heroic deeds of Ye Luo fighting against hundreds of people in the Tiandi League. When it comes to the strange things in the game, it is also true. It was so happy that even Ye Luo was immersed in these conversations.

Soon after, the food was on the table, watching the delicacies on the table, everyone couldn't help but move their index fingers, especially Zhiyue. After eating takeout for so long, she was tired of it. Now seeing so many delicacies, she can’t help but lick her lips. Moving, looks like a greedy cat, which makes sitting on Qin Xin and others amused.

Next, the opening remarks of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are not too formal. They just say that Zhiyue and Ye Luo are welcome to enter the studio of the Misty Pavilion. Then everyone will work together to build the Misty Pavilion.

Seeing the little greedy cat on the table move his index finger, he didn't say much about breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Chinese people have an innate ability, that is, everyone can quickly become one at the dinner table, and the feelings become harmonious, and soon they will talk about everything and laugh more.

Originally didn't plan to drink, but he couldn't brave the waves and ride the wind. Ye Luo had to drink a few drinks. He had also done anti-alcohol training before, and one or two bottles of liquor was nothing.

What made Ye Luo laugh bitterly was that Polang Chengfeng actually pestered him to fight wine, and a bottle of wine quickly fell. Ye Luo is nothing, but breaking the waves and riding in the wind is a little bit drunk, with a blushing face, and beautiful and charming, which makes Ye Luo can't help but look at it a few more times, evoking the memory of the shadow in his mind, and his emotions are a little more complicated. I drank a few more glasses.

Knowing that fireworks are easy to be cold and Midnight Book is a master, coupled with the sadness in his heart, Ye Luo can't help but want to indulge himself once, but the more he wants to get drunk, the more sober he is, the more profound the memory in his heart.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind was also a little drunk. Although his pretty face was blushing, he was still sober and his words were clear. He continued to fight with Ye Luo, as if he wanted to fight him down. This made the people watching sit on the piano and smile bitterly.

The meal lasted more than two hours. During the period, Zhiyue and June Feixue also went to the bathroom twice. Fireworks followed by cold, but Ye Luo was not too worried.

It's just that when Zhiyue and the others went out for the second time, Ye Luo faintly heard some quarrels and Zhiyue's tender voices, his expression immediately changed, and he wanted to go out to see the situation, but was held down by the waves and the wind: "Don't worry, the fireworks will follow, and nothing will happen to Yue'er."

In the middle of the night while talking in the wind and the waves, the book turned around and slipped out. Ye Luo felt a little relieved when he saw him go out too.

Then there were a few screams, and the waves and the wind chuckled: "A group of blindfolded guys dare to provoke us. I really don't know whether they live or die."

"It's a pity, I have to fight with Ye Luo, otherwise I have to teach them personally." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and then looked at Ye Luo: "Come on, come on, today we must decide the winner, it is rare to encounter one Fight with me."

"If it weren't for you to hold on, the ghost would be willing to fight with you." Ye Luo muttered in his heart, but he was helpless to this competitive woman, so he had to drink another glass.

A few minutes later, Zhiyue and June Feixue and the others came back and saw Zhiyue and June Feixue whose faces were blushing and a bit angry, Ye Luo's eyes flashed with a thick light, killing The meaning pervades.

Feeling this strong killing intent, Shu couldn't help feeling a cold in the middle of the night. He hurriedly explained: "Big Brother Ye, a few gangsters see that Sister Yue and Sister Feixue are beautiful. Sister Fireworks learned a lesson, and it is estimated that her arm will not heal in ten and a half months."

"Brother Ye, we are okay." Feeling Ye Luo's anger, Zhiyue hurriedly said: "They just have a dirty mouth. Sister Fireworks and Brother Xiaoshu have already taught them."

Hearing this, Ye Luo's anger a little bit less, he looked at the fireworks, which are easy to cold and break the waves and ride the wind: "Is it always like this here?"

"This has never been the case before." Feeling Ye Luo's scolding, she sat on Qin's heart and said, then her expression became a little serious: "This thing is a bit strange, fireworks, do you have any impression of those people?"

"People from the Heaven and Earth Alliance." The firework's expression remained cold. She and the women in June Feixue sat in their seats: "I have seen two or three of those people. They are the ones who besie Ye Luo in the game. Look. They also recognized us when they came, so they provoke."

"Hey, a group of despicable guys, we are not our opponents in the game. They are harassing us in reality." Po Lang Chengfeng sneered and said, she stood up: "That's good, I can't make a move in the game, in reality. You guys who provoke me, I don’t need to be polite to you..."

"Sister, you sit down first." In the middle of the night, the book held down the waves and rides the wind, and he smiled: "Those guys have been taught a lesson by me and the fireworks sister, and have already left the hotel."

"Have you escaped?" Po Lang Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then muttered: "It's really cheap for them."

"Don't pay attention to these flies." Sitting on Qin's heart, she said to herself, "Why there are people from the Heaven and Earth Alliance suddenly here, there seems to be no one before."

"Sister Qin, don’t you know, the studio of Tiandimeng moved to downtown Luoyang not long ago. It is estimated that many players from Tiandimeng will follow along, and they have also recruited many small studios offline. "June Feixue said: "It's no surprise to meet a few people from the Heaven and Earth Alliance here."

"Oh, that's it." Samadhi said, her pretty face narrowed: "It seems that Tiandi League really wants to go with us, knowing that our Misty Pavilion's studio is here, they have also moved over."

"A group of clowns who are jumping on the beam, it is not enough to be afraid." Po Lang Road, and seeing Ye Luo's face condensed, she laughed: "Don't worry, the online game industry has its own rules. Things in the game are solved in the game. They dare not do anything to us in reality. Of course, I would rather they come over and make trouble."

"Sister Feng, Ye Luo is not worried about you, but about Yue'er." Black and white, and then her tone changed: "Ye Luo, don't worry, we rarely come out, most of them stay in the studio. Of course. , Except that Feixue likes shopping..."

"We all have Sister Fireworks and Sister Feng here, so nothing will happen." June Feixue hurriedly interrupted Othello, but his face blushed slightly.

After a little hesitation, Ye Luo's expression stretched a little, then looked at Zhiyue, and said: "Yue'er, if you want to come out in the future, you must tell me and I will accompany you."

"Well, I see, Brother Ye." Zhiyue nodded her head obediently.

"And you guys, talk to me when you come out." Ye Luo looked at June Feixue and the others, and looked at the excited expressions of the women. He glanced at Po Lang Cheng Feng: "But I am also a misty pavilion. The security, protecting your safety as it should be."

"This sentence really touched me." June Feixue said, and then her tone changed, she said to herself: "But it should be the responsibility of the bodyguard to protect our safety, the security is just..."

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