VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2101: : Accumulate points

Fireworks Yi Leng did not agree to act immediately to sneak into the US server for many reasons. For example, the players of other servers have not passed, and these servers must be unable to win over the US server, so the US server will allocate a lot of energy to deal with them, of course. Some players are needed to deal with the Indian server players, and this will make the US server players consume some big moves, [Group Blessing Scroll], so that Ye Luo and other Chinese players will be easier and safer to dive in.

In addition, Jiansan and the others have just detoured to other directions of Yinfu, and there are many high-rank BOSS in these places because the people of other major servers did not carefully search for them. Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and others rushed to find and general The kill also takes some time.

Of course, the most important thing is that to go to the US server does not require everyone to do it together, only some assassins can rush to the edge of the US server border, and then Ye Luo and others can lock that person and send them to the past and then send everyone to the past. This is undoubtedly It is the most time-saving method for everyone, and only some assassins are more mobile, more difficult to be stopped and found, and thus safer.

The fact is also true. Although the fireworks are easy to cold and did not let everyone start the action, but she let the famous assassins such as Wuming, Ten Steps and One Kill go to the border of the US server. After they arrived, about two or three hours passed. At that time, the time mentioned by the fireworks is easy to be cold, and this is why the fireworks are easy to be cold and everyone waits for 3 hours.

Of course, there are other reasons. For example, Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng can launch sneak attacks on the leveling points of the Indian server from time to time. The reason for this is not because they want to cause much loss to the Indian server players. After all, the elite players of the Indian server are mostly Hidden, just killing ordinary players doesn't have much effect on them, and the reason for continuing to hunt is because the national war points of Changhe Sunset and June Feixue are approaching 300,000 points, especially Changhe Sunset.

If the national war score reaches 300,000 points, then in June Feixue and Changhe Sunset, they can exchange for a Primordial God-level flying mount, and this also greatly improves their mobility and strength, so after entering the US server, there will be more Strong life-saving ability.

"Fireworks beauty, our people have found out. There are many server players who have entered the US server, such as the Australian server, the Canadian server, the Pakistan server, etc., and of course the Indian server players." An unnamed voice sounded in Ye Luo and the others. In the team channel of: "And according to our people, the US server players are discussing alliances with other servers, and there have been some results. For example, the Australian server and the Canadian server have chosen to form an alliance with them."

"Sure enough, as they predicted by Fireworks, American players are best at forming alliances with people from other servers." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "But even if they form an alliance, they are not immune to mutual attacks. They can't exert their maximum combat power at all, and even when they are together, they will throw rat-in-laws, and we have no such scruples, and we can attack them unscrupulously."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "And if they are separated, it would be better to say, we can break them all, so there is no point in their alliance."

"What if players from Japanese and Hanbok also form an alliance with players from US?" Suddenly, Fireworks asked Yi Leng.

"Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology shouldn't be involved in this matter. After all, the players of Japanese and Hanbok have just suffered a serious injury. At this time, they should recuperate." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite puzzled. The reason for the doubt is because of her. Knowing that fireworks are easy to cold will not mention these for no reason.

"I guess Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology don't want us to grow stronger. If they have the opportunity to hit us hard, they won't miss it." Samadhi said indifferently, without waiting for everyone to ask, she continued: "If the United States takes the Australian service, plus service, etc. The news that the server had already formed an alliance with them convinced Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, so the latter was not impossible to agree, after all, Dark Night did not want us to obtain [Dragon Scale Dagger]."

"Of course, the US server may also use [Dragon Scale Dagger] as a persuasive condition. For example, they will formulate a plan around [Dragon Scale Dagger] to lure us and then wipe us out." Samadhi Shi added: "Dark night in this case They are more happy to agree to join the US server."

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind is a little silent, because she also knows that the dark night and the Tokyo myth are most afraid of the growth of the Chinese server, and this time the actions of the Chinese players in the Indian server have improved the overall strength by one or two grades, especially in the Eastern Stars. [Five Poison Scepter] and Fireworks are easy to cold. After all the [Five Elements Ring] components are assembled, Dark Yee desperately wants to stop the Chinese players from taking back the [Dragon Scale Dagger]. In addition, they have the opportunity to severely damage the Chinese players. Will miss it.

"Even if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology agree to join forces with American players, it's okay." Po Lang Cheng Feng muttered, but she was a little lacking in confidence when she said this, and she faintly understood why fireworks are easy to get cold and want them to fight more [ Group Picture Blessing Scroll].

"Sister Feng, you forgot the Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night has some kind of peculiar equipment items. This equipment item allows players from different servers to form alliances, so they don’t have to worry about accidentally hurting allies when they use group skills. ." Sitting on Qin Xindao, I also saw that Po Lang Chengfeng's expression became dignified: "That is to say, after the US server and other servers form an alliance, they can exert a very powerful combat power, not just as simple as one plus one, and we It will be more difficult to face."

"Yes." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly: "It is precisely because of this that we need to make more preparations, such as exploding more [Group Blessing Scrolls], [Group Guarding Scrolls], and even more preparation. Some mobile magic crystal cannons, various elixirs, etc., and this also takes time."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, we should also take advantage of this time to figure out which servers are allied with the US server, and those servers are not allied with them, and the servers that are not allied with it will do so even if they don't. Share the pressure for us, such as consuming the big moves of the elite masters in the US service, [Space Enchantment], etc., so we will also be easier."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison, and they all agreed with it, and they thought it would be wise to arrange fireworks like this.

"Then which servers are not aligned with the US server?" Ye Luo asked curiously.

"The Indian server, Russian server, German server, Pakistan server and other servers have not formed an alliance with them, at least not yet." Wuming Shen said: "The details need to be further investigated. Of course, we will know these things when we enter the US server later. Yes, because U.S. server players will act on server players who are not allied with them."

"Yes." Ye Yufei said: "And this not only allows us to see which servers are not allied with the US server, but also the players on the US server and other servers intercepting the Indian server, the Russian server and other servers will also consume , So it will be much easier for us to sneak into the US server."

After listening to the Eastern Stars and Wuming, everyone was more reasonable. [Liancheng www.lcds.info] explained why the fireworks Yi Leng arranged to enter the US server later. After all, the overall strength of the US server, Hanbok and other servers was too strong after the alliance. Luo and the others are difficult to contend with.

Think about it, after the US server and other servers are allied, it is not surprising that there are thousands of dual-professional masters, many of which are space-based and time-based players, and these servers have many air powers and legions that restrain air power. Ye Luo and the others have difficulty trying to contend with.

"Well, now that everyone knows this, let's continue to prepare and improve our strength as much as possible." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then closed the team channel. Then she asked Changhe Sunset: "Sunset, you still have How far is the national war points to 300,000 points?"

"It's less than 10,000 points." Changhe sunset truthfully said, his tone was faintly excited: "According to the current increased speed, one or two hours should be enough. Then I will be able to exchange for a Primordial God-level flight. Mounted."

"Wow, your national war points are increasing so fast, much faster than me. I only have 240,000 points now, and there is still a long way to go before we can get 300,000 points." June Feixue exclaimed, and her tone was full of envy when she said this.

"Sunset killing can increase attack power, and after full attack power, his damage output is not much worse than Yeluo. In short, it is much higher than Feixue you, especially [Demon Blade Village Masaru] is very powerful. The splashing effect of, and the attack speed is very fast. After the attack power is added, every attack of the sunset is comparable to the group attack skill, and the number of targets to be killed in a team battle will be a lot." Samadhi Shi explained, and then the tone One turn: "After redeeming a Primordial God-level flying mount in the sunset, his overall strength will be further improved, and his life-saving ability will be stronger. The reason why the fireworks were delayed for 3 hours before is that he can get 300,000 points for the national war. Points can then be exchanged for mounts."

"Oh, that's right." June Feixue said, and then she sighed, "Unfortunately, I am a little worse, and the killing speed is not fast now. It seems that it will take some time to get 300,000 points. Minute."

"What is the urgency? Anyway, a national war will be indispensable in the future. If you kill, you can make up to 300,000 points just around the corner." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently, and then thought of something, she asked: "Yes, Dongfang Tiantian should be too It's 300,000 points. After all, he can kill people before the sunset to increase his attack power, and he also killed a lot of people in Hanbok."

The reason why Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind asked about these intentions is also very simple, that is, if Eastern Killing Sky also exchanges for a Primordial God-level mount, then she, Ye Luo, Changhe Sunset, and Eastern Killing Sky can work together to take advantage of the flying mount. Some things, coupled with their killing and full attack power, they will pose a great threat to the US server and even their allies under high mobility.

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