VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2106: : Continue to consume

Knowing that Dark Night and Tokyo Myths led the elites of Japan and South Korea to withdraw from the U.S. server and return to their own servers. After breaking the waves and riding the wind, the others were thrilled. Not only was they missing two powerful enemies, but the most important thing was that they didn’t. With the special props in their hands, the U.S. server and their allies can't form a team, so they have scruples when they use group attack skills. In this case, it will be easier for them to deal with them.

This is also true. Many people urged Fireworks Yicold to act quickly, but she refused because Ye Luo and Dongfang Killtian were not there.

Think about it too. Although the elite players in Japan and South Korea have retired, the US server itself is very strong. With the addition of the Australian server, Canadian server and other major servers joining, their strength is still very strong, Ye Luo, If Dongfang Killing and others are not there, they will have a lot of pressure to fight with them, so if you want to do it, you will need Ye Luo, Dongfang Killing and the others to join them, and at the worst, let Ye Luo return to the team, because he has mastered [ Reincarnation] This skill-US players have deployed multiple lines of defense on the edge of the ancient battlefield, and only if they use the US server to master Ye Luo's knowledge of [Reincarnation Remnants] and then make a noise, they will have a chance. Crossed the line of defense and went deep into the hinterland of the US service.

After all, this is a US server player. Hero Jack can mobilize a large number of US server players to guard. It is not wise to break the waves and ride the wind. They are unwise, especially when the Australian server and other servers are in alliance with it, so some means are needed. .

Knowing this, everyone stopped talking and continued to perform their duties.

"Fireworks, since they have already withdrawn from the U.S. server in Dark Night, should we tell Ye Luo that they will enter the U.S. server soon?" Po Lang Rongfeng looked at the fireworks with some expectation and became cold: "After Ye Luo and they arrive, we can We have sneaked into the hinterland of the US server according to the previously discussed method, hehe, then we can kill and kill here."

"You can inform Ye Luo that the others in Dark Night and others have returned, let them be more careful." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Before breaking the waves and riding the wind off the assembly line, her tone changed: "But there is no need for them to rush into the US server. , Let them spend more time in Japan and South Korea."

"Why?" Inviting Yue to raise a glass first raised the question.

"It's very simple, because if Ye Luo and the others leave the Japanese and Korean servers and then sneak into the US server, then they can sneak into the US server with the elite masters of the Japanese and Korean servers at any time, so we will still face great pressure." The daughter Hongdao, and then she laughed: "But if handsome Ye Luo stayed longer in Japan and South Korea, it would be different, because they can definitely consume a lot of dark night's methods, of course, the most important thing is Deter them not to act rashly, because we will sneak into the Japanese and Korean servers at any time and pose a great threat to them."

Without waiting to invite Yueyue to raise a glass and speak, she continued: "At the very least, we have to deter them in the dark night before sneaking into the depths of the US server, otherwise we will be very troublesome if they sneak in when we are entangled with players on the US server and other servers. "

"Oh, that's true." Inviting Yue to raise a glass and Po Lang Cheng Feng and others suddenly realized.

"Not only these, Ye Luo and the others can also hunt down a lot of high-grade BOSS in Japan and South Korea, which can get a lot of good things and further enhance our overall strength." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then said in a cold tone. Turn: "Moreover, we can also kill the patience of the US server and their allies. The longer it takes them, the more impatient they will be. Not surprisingly, many players will act rashly because they cannot bear the pressure, which will increase The chance for them to make mistakes."

"Oh, too." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded again, and she couldn't help but laugh: "This is psychological warfare, anyway, now we have the initiative, we can play with players on servers such as US servers, anyway We are not too anxious, it is them who should be anxious."

They said before that the fireworks are easy to be cold. Although the US server has found a lot of allies, these allies are people from other servers after all. Not only the players of the US server are not worried about them, but their allied servers are also In this way, the longer it takes them to break the waves and ride the wind, the more likely it is that their alliance will have problems, and there will be more conflicts, so it will be easier to deal with them in the future.

Of course, during this period of time, Ye Luo and Dongfang Xiantian can hunt more high-ranking bosses. After all, they are entering the Japanese and Korean servers again, and they have crossed the entire Japanese and Korean servers to the US server. There are few powerful BOSS, kill them will get very good equipment props.

After thinking about this, everyone no longer urged anything, and then they went to notify Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing the sky. After all, the dark night and others needed to be more cautious when returning with a group of elites.

"Fireworks, emperor hymns and other Australian servers have been against us, not only actively sneaking into our servers to provoke us, they are also printing servers against us, and now they are teaming up with US servers. They are too arrogant." After boarding the game, breaking the waves and riding the wind angrily, she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "I propose to teach them a lesson after solving the [Dragon Scale Dagger] problem, and let them know that we are not good to bully."

Although some Australian server players were killed on the Chinese server, and the Australian server players in the Indian server were almost wiped out, they were still dissatisfied with breaking the waves and riding the wind. After all, the Australian server still firmly developed their opposition, which made her Quite upset.

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi said coldly, obviously she had agreed to the proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind, which also made the latter excited.

Not to mention that the fireworks are easy to be cold. They continue to kill monsters in the ancient battlefield that consume the players of the US server and other servers, and that Ye Luo and Dongfang Qitian have been notified by them.

"I didn't expect Tokyo Mythology to bring people back so soon. I thought it would take a while." Long Teng Tianxia chuckled after learning the news, and then his tone changed: "Brother Ye Luo, then What are we going to do next?"

"Fireworks wants to play psychological warfare with the US server and other servers, and continues to consume them, so they ask us not to enter the US server too early, and we can continue to find something to do in the Japanese server." Ye Luo laughed: "For example, hunting from time to time. Those who kill them, for example, look for some high-ranking bosses to kill them."

"The fireworks beauty is really smart. She is not only trying to deter players in the US server, but also to deter players in Japan and South Korea, or to consume their methods, so that we will be more relaxed in the US server." Long Teng Tianxia He is also a smart person, and he immediately understood the purpose of fireworks being easy to cold.

"In that case, let's have fun with them." The book monster in the middle of the night smiled: "Next, I will take some assassins to detect their leveling places. After killing them, Big Brother Ye can keep increasing his attack power. The state is full, so we will be easier to hunt the boss."

"Be careful, and the number of targets chosen should be less than a hundred people, because we can kill all of them in a very short period of time, and we won't give Tokyo Mythology the opportunity to support them." Ye Luo exhorted: " And the main thing is to look for high-ranking bosses, after all, killing is for hunting and killing bosses."

It's not that Ye Luo is cautious, but because they only brought 2,30 elite masters this time, and the number of players is too small, while the Japanese server has hundreds of double professional masters. The most important thing is that this is the site of the Japanese server. , They can mobilize a large number of players to besiege, and if Ye Luo is surrounded by them, they will be very dangerous.

However, if the target is less than a hundred people, it is different. With the damage output of Ye Luo and Longteng Tianxia, ​​they can kill all of them in a very short time, which does not give Tokyo Mythology the opportunity to come and support.

As for asking Midnight Book to find more high-ranking bosses, it is also very understandable. After all, hunting bosses can reveal a lot of good things, and killing people with a state of full attack power will make them more efficient at killing bosses. Of course, even if you encounter It will be safer when the enemy is besieging.

"Hey, don't worry, I understand." Shuguai laughed in the middle of the night, and then he took some assassins to move.

Next, in the middle of the night, they found some leveling points, most of them were under a hundred people, and Ye Luo and the others did not show mercy to them, and they attacked them from time to time. As Ye Luo said, they could be shorter every time. The time to kill them all did not give Tokyo Mythology the opportunity to come and support them, and Ye Luo and the others are not worried that they will be trapped by the space class of the Japanese server to perform [Space Enchantment]—this Midnight Book also has [True Sight Gem]. Before sneaking on the target, he and Ye Luo will detect hundreds of meters around the target to avoid other players here that can be teleported by Tokyo Mythology, or when Ye Luo and the others do it, Midnight Book They hunted down those people, so that they could also prevent cherry blossoms such as snow and others from coming.

As long as it is not for the arrival of space players such as Sakura Ruxue, Ye Luo and the others have nothing to worry about, because they can use the advantage of the flying mount to get rid of the Tokyo mythical pursuit.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others did not forget to kill the BOSS they found while hunting, but they also killed a lot of BOSS. Although there is no ancient Saint-level one, they also broke some good grades. , Such as 1, 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], for example, a [True Vision Gem] burst, so this will also make their next actions easier.

Time has passed, and the quasi-eye has passed for a long time, and Ye Luo and the others still have no intention of leaving the Japanese clothes. They continue to hunt in the Japanese clothes, or kill high-ranking bosses, and this also makes Tokyo Mythology annoyed. , But also helpless.

"Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they are deterring us, detering us not to enter the US service easily to deal with them." Cherry blossoms smiled bitterly.

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