VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2111: : Outrageously forward

Riding a colorful unicorn, Ye Luo rushed forward at the fastest speed. Although he was less than 50 meters away from the first line of defense, the players on the US server did not worry too much, because he and Po Lang Riding the Wind were not the first. The U.S. server rushed to this position for the second time. They thought he was still the same this time, so they still didn't ask for support, but the double-professional masters were ready to use their ultimate interception at any time.

This is good news for Ye Luo. He continued to urge Qi Cai Qilin to move forward at the fastest speed, and soon the tenacity of Qi Cai Qilin was to the end, but at the same time he also came to the first line of defense. , And he used the [Reincarnation Domain] and acceleration skills for the first time, so his flying speed was greatly increased, not even slower than riding a colorful unicorn before.

At this time, some US server players realized that Ye Luo might be playing for real. Some people began to use control skills to intercept, and the two or three dual-professional masters of the first line of defense also performed big moves in the middle of the field and then welcomed them. When they got up, they were going to entangle Ye Luo, because as long as they could entangle Ye Luo, the surrounding players could only be killed by group attack skills coverage and moving magic crystal cannon attacks, and it was quite easy.

However, Ye Luoke was not in the mood to entangle with these people. Seeing that the US server players used the group control skills, he immediately used [Reincarnation*Six Shields], and was ready to take the mutant [Invincible Pill] at any time. , After all, [Reincarnation*Six Shields] cannot prevent sonic control skills.

Fortunately, most of the US players defending the first line of defense do not have a powerful flying mount. In addition, he has the [Bright Clothes] skill to offset the control effect once, so Ye Luo does not need to take [Invincible Pill], but instead Next, he cast [Flash] to dodge a dual-professional master's [Charge], and then [Charge] locks on the magician farthest from him, and he rushes over like a cannonball.

That magician is a dual-professional magician. She is at the back of the crowd, 15 meters away from Ye Luo, but after Ye Luo casts [Flash], the distance from it is less than 12 meters, and this distance is enough for him to cast [ Charge], after all, he has the bonus of increasing the skill cast distance.

It is impossible for a magician to have [Charge]. Although this magician has a displacement skill such as [Flashing], Ye Luo locked her charge and moved 11 or 2 meters. This distance has already gotten rid of the charge of many US players. Including those double professions, and this also allowed Ye Luo to almost get rid of the interception of the first line of defense.

Yes, Ye Luo easily crossed the first line of defense of the US players, and then he easily got rid of the players who chased him by virtue of his speed advantage. After all, after he performed his ultimate move, he was worse than many players who ride flying mounts. Be fast, and the players who can catch up with him in the whole robbery game are extremely limited.

In this way, Ye Luo easily distanced himself from the players behind by virtue of his speed advantage, and then he brazenly went to the second line of defense, and the distance to it was getting closer and closer, and the chasing soldiers behind him were getting farther and farther away. .

Yeluo crossed the first line of defense and rushed to the second line of defense at the fastest speed, but the US players were not worried, even they were a little excited, because in their hearts the players of the first line of defense and the second line of defense They can form an encirclement and then encircle Ye Luo group, so they can kill it easily. Killing the No. 1 Master of the Tribulation is quite a glorious thing for them. In addition, they can also use the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan ] This combo-type equipment burst out-at this time the US server players still didn't believe that Ye Luo could cross the second and third lines of defense.

After crossing the first line of defense and quickly pulling away from the chaser behind by 1, 20 meters, Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief. After all, there are not many U.S. players between the first line of defense and the second line of defense. It is enough to deal with the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon, but at this time he has already used his big move, his vitality is 5 times the original, and his defense power has also doubled, so even if it is hard to resist the attack of several mobile magic crystal cannons, it does not matter. What's more, he still has the state of [Samsara*six shields] at this time, so he can charge unscrupulously.

However, after Ye Luo crossed the first line of defense, the U.S. server players realized that this time he was not a feint, but really wanted to cross the three lines of defense and go deep into their hinterland. Therefore, many U.S. server players became vigilant. Other double-professional defensive masters also sent over to help.

However, it takes 10 seconds for these people to lock the player and send it over, and these 10 seconds are enough for Ye Luo to do a lot of things. At least 10 seconds after he casts his big move and uses acceleration skills, he can reach the second line of defense. As long as he can do this, he will be able to cross all the defenses of the US service.

Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief. There was no news from the fireworks Yield, which also means that the US server did not send space players to intercept him, but even if there are space players to intercept him, there are ways to get rid of [ The siege of Space Enchantment, after all, the range of this skill is 100 meters, and the [Remnant Shadow] is enough to get rid of him when the player in which space system uses the skill.

However, at this time, the people on the second line of defense also took the initiative to attack. At a time, hundreds of players rushed to Ye Luo, and they were surrounded by him.

Ye Luo is not afraid. He uses a [Group Mirror Scroll]. Although this scroll is a group, there is nothing wrong with Ye Luo alone. The latter mirror appears. This mirror does not have any attack ability, but You can ignore any attacks, and this mirror image inherits all the attributes of Ye Luo, including his speed at this time. The most important thing is that Ye Luo can lock the mirror to teleport, which is equivalent to a displacement skill.

Seeing the appearance of the mirror image, Ye Luo controls the mirror image to charge diagonally, and he goes to the other side. In this way, the US server players will have to split their troops in two ways, otherwise Ye Luo will teleport to the mirror image and then go to the other side. Fleeing in the direction-most US players also know the function of [Group Mirror Scroll], so they immediately set up a team to intercept the mirror.

A few seconds later, Ye Luo was only 3 to 40 meters away from the mobile magic crystal gun on the second line of defense, but at this time the players on the second line of defense had already greeted him, but Ye Luo still did not entangle with it. The technique was displayed, and then it was [Jianchi Tianya], and these two displacement skills were displayed in succession to be enough for him to travel 2,30 meters, so he was less than 10 meters away from the second line of defense.

Within 10 meters, the mobile magic crystal cannon can no longer attack him, and this also greatly reduces Ye Luo’s pressure. The most important thing is that two consecutive displacement skills allow Ye Luo to get rid of the second line of defense and rush out to intercept his players. , This also means that he rushed out of the circle of players on the first line of defense and the second line of defense. At least most of the players on the second line of defense have been dispatched and got rid of, and there are not many players who can intercept him.

Seeing that the effect of [Reincarnation * Six Shields] finally disappeared, Ye Luo took the mutant [Invincible Pill] for the first time, so that he could charge again unscrupulously, and soon he passed those moving magic crystals. The gun, and then greeted the remaining players on the second line of defense that had long been lined up.

After crossing the second line of defense, Ye Luo only needs to cross the last line of defense to go deep into the US server hinterland. At this time, he still has a lot of killers, such as [Reincarnation Remnant], such as [Reincarnation Boots] additional skills [ Sudden body shadow] Wait, but there is no big problem with Pi Ning that he wants to cross the last line of defense.

Seeing the remaining players on the second line of defense rushing towards him, Ye Luo didn't hesitate, and immediately used the [Shattered Shadow]. This skill can have 8 afterimages within a radius of 15 meters, divided into eight positions. Yeluo locked any one of them to be able to teleport, and he chose to teleport diagonally forward, although this is not as close as the afterimage directly in front of the third line of defense, but the number of players intercepting him in this direction is the least, and it is easier to teleport in the past. some.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo easily got rid of the second line of defense after teleporting, and the distance between him and the last line of defense was only more than 80 meters, which also means that he can pass the third line of defense by casting [Remnant of Reincarnation] Line of defense.

However, at this time, news came from the fireworks Yield that a space system player was teleporting here, and it would be teleported after 4 seconds without accident.

In 4 seconds, if Ye Luo casts [Remnant Shadows] now, then there will only be 3 seconds to escape, and it is difficult for him to escape 100 meters in 3 seconds, which also means that he will be [space enchantment] 】To be trapped, everything so strong is gone, so he can't use [Reincarnation Remnant] because he still needs to keep this skill to escape the siege of [Space Enchantment].

Thinking of this, Ye Luo didn't say much, and continued to rush forward at the fastest speed, and he was also attentively observing everything around him, and he was best prepared to deal with the interception of that space player at any time.

Like the first line of defense and the second line of defense, after Ye Luo crossed the block, there was almost no player blocking in the middle. He could charge unscrupulously, and his flight speed of 3 or 4 seconds was enough for him to fly a long distance. For example, when the space system player teleported over and appeared in front of Ye Luo, he was less than 40 meters away from the second line of defense. Soon he could cross the last line of defense and escape to the sky, using him to perform big moves. As long as his state can pass, no player can stop him.

But the premise is to be able to escape the [Space Enchantment] displayed by the Space System player, and after that Space System player appeared, he saw Ye Luo's figure, and then prepared to cast [Space Enchantment], in his heart Ye Luo at this time He is only 40 meters away from himself, and the effective range of [Space Enchantment] is 100 meters. He doesn't believe that Ye Luo can escape the siege of this skill. After all, no player can fly more than 60 meters in 2 seconds.

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