VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2113: : Send 3 people

Ye Luo finally crossed the three lines of defense of the US server and went deep. This is a good thing for Chinese players, but at this time there is still a bad news-elite players in the US server and other servers can Unscrupulously display various group attack skills without causing damage to players on different servers. Obviously, they have strange equipment and props that can make players on different servers form an alliance. I don’t know if it is Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology for US server players or US players originally have.

There is a world of difference between the major servers that can’t form alliances for their own battles and those who can form alliances. The latter’s overall combat power can at least be increased by more than two or three times, and it also means that Chinese players will be under pressure on the US server. Great, after thinking about this, everyone's expressions became serious. Many people even scolded Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology for their insidiousness. After all, the equipment and props on the US server that could allow different servers to align themselves were probably given by them.

However, Dongfang Mingxing and others think that the item is for the United States. After all, this is the only way to persuade other servers to form an alliance with them.

"This is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make much sense to entangle this. Now what we have to do is to see how to do it next." Breaking the waves and riding the wind did not care about the tunnel, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, even if they are beautiful and How about other servers being able to unscrupulously display group attack skills? Our mobility is much stronger than them, so that Ye Luo can move us quickly after launching a hunting operation. In this way, they can't help us at all."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "We can easily kill the players of the US server while we have the ultimate move and the blessing of the [Group Blessing Scroll], so that our attack power can be added up soon. We will relax a lot next."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is true. After all, the servers such as the US server and the Canadian server belong to different servers. They can't do a uniform operation, so the support will not be too timely, and Ye Luo and others can launch a sneak attack. Just withdraw, the mobility is very high, and the players on the servers such as the US server can't help them at all.

"What if the U.S. server originally deployed a line of defense not too far from the ancient battlefield, for example, they sent a 10,000-person army to blockade, just like the colorful sacred cow and they sent a large number of 10,000-person army?" Rhetorically, seeing the waves and riding the wind silently, she continued: "If we people count the past, not everyone among the hundreds of people will be very mobile, especially those flying bows and arrows blessed by the [Group Picture Blessing Scroll]. Their flying speed is not as fast as the dual-professional masters who ride flying mounts and perform ultimatums, so they are likely to be found and then entangled. If so, shall we save them?"

"Yes, there are a lot of dual professions in the U.S. server and other servers that perform big moves, and many of these players have powerful flying mounts. Even if the U.S. server does not arrange for a 10,000-strong army to block, just arrange some assassins. We can lock down the tracks of those of us and then be overtaken by players who have performed big moves and have flying mounts." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubborn words: "Once our people are caught up, then the space players of servers such as US servers will A large number of players can be sent over, and we are not necessarily their opponents because of our strength."

Although I don’t want to admit it, breaking the waves and riding the wind knows that it’s too dangerous for hundreds of players to act together, especially in places not too far away from the ancient battlefield. After all, as the fireworks are easy to cold, the US server is likely to have double insurance-in The ancient battlefield sent people to intercept them. In places not too far away from the ancient battlefield, there would be a 10,000-strong army to intercept them. Even if a large number of assassins were scattered, they could be targeted and then given the opportunity for players to perform their big moves and have flying mounts.

"Then we just wait?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then her tone changed, she said to herself: "Even if the US server finds it and then intercepts it, it's okay. Anyway, Yushou and Hua Nongyue will hide in the ancient battlefield. Where they can send players who are in danger."

Although she said so, the confidence of the waves and the wind is somewhat insufficient, because she also knows that if it is really that way, the space system players of the US server and other servers can use [Space Enchantment] to trap some people, or other enchantment skills. Players can trap some people, and once so, those trapped players will undoubtedly die.

The firework is easy to be cold and does not care about breaking the waves and riding the wind, but looks at the people around him: "Let Ye Luo teleport the East Killing Sky, Feng Sister, and the sunset over. They are all in a state of being blessed by the [Group Blessing Scroll]. , The most important thing is that they all have Primordial God-level flying mounts and killing people to increase their attack power. After meeting with Ye Luo, the 4 people are highly mobile and can be teamed up and separated. This will make it difficult for server players such as US servers to lock they."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Moreover, they all carry [True Sight Gem]. You can find the invisible assassins around, and you can also detect the opponent's Space System players from a long distance. When the time comes, you will work hard and spend the moon. Keep staring at them so you don’t have to worry about them getting trapped."

I have to say that the arrangement of the fireworks is very wise. The four mounts such as Breaking Waves and Ride the Wind are at least of the Primordial God level, and the flight speed is faster than the dual-professional masters who use their big moves. The damage output is extremely high. In the case of a sneak attack, a team of hundreds of people can be killed in 10 seconds, so that their attack power can quickly add up.

The most important thing is to find out that they can easily escape at the speed of the four of them, or they can join hands, or fall apart. It is difficult for players on the US server and other servers to help them, and this will further disrupt the US server and its Arrangement and deployment of allies.

There is no lack of smart people among the crowd. Naturally, they also know that the arrangement of fireworks is easy to be cold, so they all agreed, and Hou Yeluo directly used the [Space Portal] to send the three waves and the wind, and then the three people invisible to the surroundings. Forced, and Ye Luo continued to go deep into the US server at the fastest speed-this is also arranged by the fireworks easy to cold, and the damage output of the three people who break the waves and ride the wind is enough, and Ye Luo continues to go deep into the US server. It can perform [Space Portal] rescue when they are in danger by breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the deeper the Chinese players, the larger the range of activities.

Again, the greater the range of activities, the more places to hide, and thus the safer.

Of course, Yeluo's high-speed flight can also attract the attention of US players, so it will be more unexpected for the 3 people to break the waves and ride the wind to carry out a sneak attack, and it will be easier to kill all the targets.

The fact is also true. Although the US server did not arrange for the 10,000-strong army to block off places not too far from the ancient battlefield, it arranged for many assassins to hide around. These people did not find the three people such as the waves and the wind. After all, Ye Luo They were teleported when it was confirmed that there were no players around, and the three people became hidden after being teleported.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo flew into the depths of the US server with great fanfare. It was too arrogant and conspicuous. At this time, almost all the assassins sent by the US server locked him, so few people paid attention to the situation behind, and this also gave the wave to break the waves. Wind 3 people have some opportunities.

Because the [Group Blessing Scroll] has 7 or 8 minutes of blessing time, the 3 people who break the waves and ride the wind are not in a hurry. They go forward in stealth and are ready to choose a suitable target. Of course, Ye Luo needs to attract more players at this time. Attention, so they will be a lot easier to act next.

Ye Luo's flying speed is very fast. He flew a long distance after one or two minutes, and he changed his flight trajectory several times in the middle, which made it difficult for the US server players to infer the direction of his next flight. They could only arrange to monitor him with multiple assassins, and they also sent some airpower to pursue them, and of course they did not forget to let those dual-professional masters who are not too far away from Ye Luo and them encircle him.

I also know what the result of letting Ye Luo go deep into the US server hinterland, so Hero Jack sent a lot of players to deal with Ye Luo, and this gave them a chance to take action, and they quickly chose it. A hands-on goal-a leveling team of 4,500.

I have to say that Eastern Killing is a person with a great'appetite', and the same is true of breaking the waves and riding the wind. They reached a consensus on this point, so they chose the goal of 4,500 people instead of the goal of nearly 100 people. Hands on.

However, they did not care about breaking the waves and riding the wind. The 3 people approached the target from different directions, and then launched a sneak attack at the same time, and they were all powerful and wide-ranging control skills. World Kuang Lei], and this skill almost killed dozens of players in seconds, and the others were directly controlled.

At this time, most of the US server players’ attention was on Ye Luo, and they didn’t expect that the three waves and wind riders were teleported over, so their sudden attack made most of the players unresponsive, and they did not show mercy. Large-scale group control skills almost controlled most of these people.

Even if only controlling the target for 2 or 3 seconds is enough, after all, the 3 people of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are still in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time, and the damage output of the 3 people is very high, not to mention after controlling all the players around. They can attack unscrupulously, and as a result, almost no US server players are still alive before 5 seconds, and most of the players who are still alive have used invincible means, and they can't help them in a short period of time.

However, there are less than 50 US players alive at this time, and from this point, we can see how powerful the damage output and control ability of the three waves and wind are.

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