VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2118: :Participate in the competition

Ye Luo's performance has been very eye-catching since he entered the game world. He has a great credit for the strong rise of Miomi Pavilion, and even his credit is not less than that of fireworks and coldness, plus later in extreme challenges, fallen devildoms, and martial arts competitions. His performance is amazing, so he has long been a thorn in the eyes of many people, especially in other server players. Not surprisingly, this time he participated in the mission of [Lost City] will definitely be targeted by many people, even including Chinese servers. Players.

Although Ye Luo's strength is very strong, if he faces too many masters at the same time, he will be a little bit overwhelmed. Even if he can solve them one by one, he will not have enough time to earn points, so his ranking will not be too good. Third, it will be difficult to get the national equipment.

Like Ye Luo, people who break through the waves and ride the wind, sunset in the long river, etc. will also be deliberately targeted, so the fireworks tend to be cold, and they deliberately ask them to be careful.

"I don't have any problems, because I have stealth skills and the [Samsara Pupils] after advancement. I will withdraw if the situation is not good." Ye Luo said casually, and then changed his tone: "But Sister Feng and the others Be careful. After all, the only means they can hide is to take high-grade invisibility pills, and their life-saving methods are less than mine. Now the servers of the US server are targeting us, so if you are found, you will be attacked by groups."

Yes, Ye Luo has a lot of life-saving methods, and the CD time of the Assassin's stealth skills is very short, plus [Samsara's pupil] can detect 100 meters, when encountering danger, he can withdraw by his means and hide in the dark. What's the problem, but breaking the waves and riding the wind, the sunset over the long river is worse than him.

"This is really a bit troublesome. According to the information obtained, you can't lock friends to send in the Forsaken City mission, and everyone is randomly placed on the map. It is very difficult to encounter it like this." Po Lang said in a deep voice, then The tone changed: "If we can no longer ride the flying mount here, it would be a bit of trouble for us to get some, especially when too many people are watching."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "I don't have any problems. I still have [Kuang Lei Dash], [Rain Shadow Clone] and so on to escape. If I can't, I can kill them forcibly. It's hard for others to do this. "

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, our participation in this mission is to accompany you. It would be best if we can solve some opponents for you. If we can't solve it, it can only be so." Black and white chess said, and then she laughed: "But I believe you The method must be able to persist until the end and then grab the national weapon."

"It's not so pessimistic. Although the map of the Forsaken City will definitely be huge, there must be many people participating in this mission from Miomi Pavilion and even the Chinese server. Although we can't form an alliance, we still have no problem getting together." Sitting on Qin Xin warmly said: "As long as we get together, then the problem will not be big. At that time, Ye Luo and Sister Feng will charge for the battle, and the fireworks will make tactics. We will be responsible for assisting. It is not a problem to get some good rankings."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and Firework Yi Cool said directly: "Ye Luo, if you can, you'd better act alone, so that you will get points faster."

There was a response, but Ye Luo didn’t have much. He continued to follow the instructions of the fireworks to be cold. At this time, the fireworks were cold. They went offline and contacted the **** of wine Dukang, Samadhi, and others, and discussed with them. Participating in the [Forsaken City] mission, they soon reached an agreement.

Soon one hour came, and then Ye Luo and the others got a system prompt asking whether to participate in the [Lost City] mission, and after they chose to confirm it, they were teleported into a space.

At the very first moment when the teleportation was over, Ye Luo used his invisibility, and then carefully observed the surrounding situation. He found that there was a foggy area. Under normal circumstances, objects could not be seen clearly from 10 meters away, but after seeing this, he corners his mouth. A smile was evoked, and then he began to check the system map-the reason for the smile is because it is beneficial to him and the people like Po Lang Rong Feng in such a restricted view map, because many of them are Having [True Sight Gem] or [Reincarnation Eyes] after advanced, so they are not restricted here, and this will also give them more advantages.

"Hey, there isn't even a player within a hundred meters?!" Ye Luo said lightly, and he was a little surprised.

Think about it too, because this time the mission will be rewarded with national equipment, and it is 3 pieces of national equipment. Not surprisingly, there will be many players participating, at least 90,000 people, and even those who pay for participation are even more. But with so many people, Ye Luo didn't find anyone within 100 meters, which undoubtedly surprised him, because it meant that the map this time would be huge.

It seems that the system map is as wide as a judgment, but Ye Luo didn't worry about it, so he chose a direction to go forward-as they predicted by breaking the waves and riding the wind, he can't ride and ride here, so he He and Po Lang Chengfeng and others have the advantage of having high ranks.

Less than 1 minute before walking, a system prompt sounded:


System prompt (personal): Dear Ye Luo Zhiqiu, you are on the first floor of the Forsaken City. If you want to enter the second floor, you need 10 [Water Stars] or kill 100 people. If not within 24 hours Completing any one of the conditions will reduce the chance of one resurrection, and the top 10 players who enter the second tier will receive generous rewards.

After hearing the system prompt, Ye Luo was stunned for a while, and then inquired how to obtain [Water Star], and soon he found the answer-killing monsters has a certain chance to burst [Water Star], monster rank and level The higher the chance of falling [Water Star], the higher the chance of falling [Water Star]. In addition, killing players with [Water Star] will also have a certain chance of falling [Water Star].

"Getting [Water Star] and killing people can enter the second floor, and killing people can also burst [Water Star], so it’s more cost-effective to kill players, especially players on other servers, after all After the kill, it is revealed that [Water Star] they have less [Water Star]." Ye Luo muttered to himself, as he continued to move forward.

However, a problem was soon discovered: "However, the first floor of the Forsaken City seems to be very large. It is not easy to find players, so it is better to kill monsters while killing people. The two-pronged approach will be more efficient."

Ye Luo didn’t go far and found some monsters through [Samsara Pupils]. Most of these monsters are above level 320, and the rank is still very high, which is very stressful for ordinary players, even for many. Hidden careers have some pressure, but there is no pressure for Ye Luo.

"Hey, the attack power that I increased by killing people is gone, and I don’t know if all the previous buff states no longer exist or if the skills such as [Reincarnation* Soul Eater] will be restricted, if it is the latter, it will be a little troublesome. , So that the advantage of me and Sister Feng will be smaller." Ye Luo said to himself, but when he said this, his movements did not stop.

Although there is no state of increasing attack power, it is relatively easy to kill those monsters with Ye Luo's strength. He soon killed all the monsters around him, but he obtained it after killing hundreds of monsters. 1 [Water Star], the explosion rate of this kind of thing can be seen how low.

However, killing these monsters also revealed some one-time consumables, such as items that can temporarily increase the player’s attack power, and some items that can temporarily increase the player’s defense power. Although these items are only one-time consumables, and their maintenance time It's not long, and can only be used in the Forsaken City, but the increase in their attributes is not small, but it can also greatly enhance the player's strength.

In addition, there are still points for killing these monsters, but the points are a little low. Only one point is gained by killing one end. Ye Luo only earns hundreds of points for killing so many monsters, and seeing the system list, I found that there are now. After the player had 500 points, Ye Luo knew that it was too inefficient to get points by killing these low-level monsters, so he decisively gave up, and then continued to go deeper-when Ye Luo killed monsters, the system appeared one by one, such as points. Lists, such as lists with the number of kills, and lists with the number of [Water Stars].

Ye Luo's more than 100 points can barely make it into the top 500, and having one [Water Star] barely make it into the top 100. He is not even on the list of killings. If this continues, he wants to get the top three. The name is a bit difficult.

But Ye Luo didn't worry about anything. After all, the game has just started, and this time the game will last for 5 days. There is no problem with his strength coming from behind.

"Participating in this competition is more beneficial to the assassins, and the priest has almost no chance to participate in such a competition." Ye Luo said to himself as he walked forward: "Fortunately, Qin's damage output ability is also very strong, killing or hitting. Killing monsters is not a problem for her, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo found that a red dot lit up on the system, which meant that an enemy was approaching, and he did not hesitate to choose to be invisible, and then quietly approached the target, and said to himself as he approached the target: "Hope The first player you meet is from another country."

I don't know if Ye Luo's prayer is effective, or other server players accounted for a large proportion of all participants in the competition. This time he encountered a Pakistani server player, but it was only a single hidden professional swordsman.

Seeing that he was not a Chinese player, Ye Luo would naturally not show mercy to his men. [Backstab] successfully controlled the opponent, then [Scary Slash], and then [Samsara Slash] + Flat Slash + [Samsara Slash] With a set of skills, this person has blood remaining, and after a single stroke of the dagger, this person is killed, and Ye Luo points have also increased by 50 points. Obviously this person does not have the ability to passively resurrect. .

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