VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2127: : Leggings of Darkfire

Ye Luo’s sneak attack was quite successful, not only killed 2, 30 players, but also successfully grabbed the BOSS, and even grabbed all the explosions. He couldn’t help but smile after seeing the BOSS’s explosions. Get up, not only because there are [Jizhixing], [Split Arrow], etc., but also 2 pieces of ancient holy equipment, one of which can be equipped:

[Darkfire Leggings] (Legguards*Heavy Armor-Ancient Sage)

Qi and blood: +50000

Magic: +25000

Physical defense: 5000—5000

Magic defense: 2500—2500

Strength: +2500

Constitution: +2500

Agility: +2500

Intelligence: +2500

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 3000 ignition attribute and dark attribute damage. This feature is only effective for normal attacks, and only certain occupations can trigger this feature.

Additional feature: Increase the evasion rate of the wearer by 30%, and give the wearer a 15% chance to dodge spell attacks, including group attack spells.

Additional feature: Increase the wearer’s fire resistance and dark resistance by 25%. When encountering fire and dark attribute attacks, it can absorb 25% of the damage and turn it into the wearer’s blood. If the wearer’s blood is full It is converted into magic value.

Additional features: increase the wearer's 3000 physical and magic defenses, and reduce 15% damage, including spell damage.

Additional feature: When the wearer attacks the target, there is a 15% chance that the target will fall into a dark fire attack state, lose 5000 blood points per second, and reduce the defense power by 25% for 5 seconds. This feature cannot be superimposed, only normal attacks can Trigger this feature.

Additional features: increase the wearer's spell resistance by 10%, reduce critical strike damage by 15%.

Additional skills: [Shadow of Dark Fire]

Additional skills: [Holy rank is easy to learn]

Long-lasting equipment: 600/660

Required level: 360

Equipment restriction: Only male players can be equipped with this equipment, and then the equipment is bound to the equipment.

[Shadow of Dark Fire] (active skill): After casting, the movement speed of the wearer increases by 30%, and there is an 80% chance to dodge any attacks, including group spell attacks. This state lasts for 30 seconds, and casting this skill consumes 10,000 magic points. The skill display interval is 1 hour.

This is an equipment with dark attributes and fire attributes. Although there is a profession in Misty Pavilion that combines these two attributes at the same time-the dark fire archer of Sword Eleven, but he is an archer and can only be equipped with leather armor type armor , And [Dark Fire Leggings] is a heavy armor type, so only Ye Luo in the Misty Pavilion can perfectly perform the function of this equipment, plus this is obtained by him, naturally there is no suspense about the ownership.

After replacing [Meteor Leggings], Ye Luo's overall attributes have improved a lot. The most important thing is that he has another life-saving and chasing skill-[Dark Fire Shadow], casting this skill increases the movement speed by 30% But it has been greatly improved, especially when he was originally moving very fast, and being able to dodge any attack by 80% also allowed him to run away or pursue unscrupulously, which greatly increased his life-saving ability and pursuit ability. .

Next, Ye Luo sneaked into stealth again, ready to continue the hunting operation. Before he killed 2, 30 players and increased his attack power by 30%. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could easily meet other players. The solution.

Ye Luo's points suddenly increased by 3 to 4000 points, not to mention successfully occupying the first place, but also opened a gap of more than 3000 points from the second place, and this process was completed in almost 30 seconds, which made the participant lose The players in the city mission were stunned, they couldn't think of how Ye Luo could suddenly kill so many players and get so many points.

After seeing Ye Luo firmly occupying the leaderboard and first in the killing list, the players on other servers became more determined to target him and the Chinese players, otherwise they would not be able to get too good results, and this also made Chinese players' The pressure is even greater.

Of course, after seeing Ye Luo kill so many players, the Chinese players are very excited, especially the people in Miomi Pavilion. In their hearts, Ye Luo will definitely get very good results this time, even if he can’t be the first, he can enter the top three. In this way, they will be rewarded with a piece of national equipment, and they are even more excited to think of these.

Ye Luoke didn't know this. Then he used the advantage of increasing attack power to continue the hunting operation. In the next tens of minutes, he killed more than 10 players and 2 or 3 holy bosses. The number of players he killed on the second floor of the Forgotten City reached 100 was only 2,30, so he could enter the third floor of the Forgotten City.

Although he has killed so many people and BOSS, Ye Luo has only 7 or 8 [Jizhixing], which is far away from the 20 required by the system. At least it seems that he chooses to kill other servers. Players are more likely to meet the conditions for entering the third layer.

"As far as I am looking at the number of killings on the second floor, I have killed 72 people, which means that if you kill 28 more players, you can enter the third floor, and the number of kills on the second floor The second-most player only killed 50 players, which is far away from me." After checking the system list, Ye Luo thought: "And now players have the most [Jizhixing]. I, ranked second, only got 7 stars, and I still have a long way to go from the 20 required by the system. I was the first to enter the third floor of the Forsaken City without much accident."

In spite of this, Ye Luo also knows that it is difficult to guarantee whether there is an accident. After all, he has the ability to kill 2,30 players in a short period of time. Other players also have such strength, such as Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, Eastern Killing Sky, etc. This is the case. For example, on the first floor, the fireworks are easy to cold, and the [Jizhixing] owned by Tokyo Myth suddenly surpassed him.

In addition, there is another point. At this time, many players from the major servers have gathered together, and they can compare the larger groups, and then concentrate [Jizhixing] in the hands of one player, so they still have a chance Be the first to gather 20 [Jizhixing] and then enter the third floor of the Forgotten City earlier than Ye Luo.

Of course, it seems that Ye Luo has the best chance to meet the conditions and enter the third floor of the Forsaken City first. After thinking that the first one to enter the third floor will receive a very good reward, he began to look forward to it.

But not to mention that Ye Luo's luck is very good, but this time the good luck is not reflected in encountering a powerful BOSS or encountering players on other servers, but he met his own person-sitting on the heart of the piano.

Because killing the ancient sage-level BOSS before burst an ancient sage-level ring that increased attack power and healing output, Ye Luo always wanted to meet Qin Xin and give it to her, so her life was saved. The ability will increase a bit, and it is more hopeful to meet the conditions for entering the third layer.

Of course, Ye Luo’s good fortune is not only reflected in the experience of sitting on the piano, the most important thing is that the latter has obtained a strange item-[Immunity Stone], and the biggest effect of this item is that it can be immune to its own server. The player's attack, and this will give her a great advantage in the Forsaken City.

That’s right, although [Immunity Stone] can’t let Qinxin team up with Ye Luo and others, but she doesn’t have to worry that Ye Luo and their group skills can harm her, which also means that she can follow Ye Luo unscrupulously Waiting for the Chinese players, and can lock Ye Luo and the others to increase blood-although the group healing skills are useless for Ye Luo and the others, they can be locked to brush the single healing skills, and her healing output is pretty good.

Not only that, sitting on the Qinxin can also impose [Spell Immunity] for Ye Luo and others to drive them out of negative states, and this will also give Ye Luo and the others more advantages. The most important thing is that [Immunity Stone] is not One-time consumables can be used all the time, at least in the Forsaken City.

After learning this, Ye Luo was pleasantly surprised. He naturally knew what kind of advantages would be brought to them by sitting on the piano in this situation. At least in this case, he could more easily kill the ancient sage-level bosses and rush into The enemy's crowd can also be unscrupulous.

Of course, the ring given by Ye Luo also made Qin Xin very happy. Not only this ring can greatly enhance her strength and healing output, but the most important thing is that she, no, in any woman’s heart, a man gives another ring to her. Layer meaning, even in the game.

"Sister Qin, since you have the [Immunity Stone], let's stay with me next." Ye Luo said, he chuckled slightly after sitting on Qin Xin and his beautiful eyes lit up. "Don’t worry, you won’t be a drag on me. Maybe you can bring me better luck. For example, seeing that you are a priest will surely have many players attack you, so I can hit them. Killed, anyway, I don’t have to worry about group attack skills causing you harm."

Sitting on Qin Xin, the beautiful eyes lit up because she naturally wanted to be with Ye Luo, not to mention the two being'alone,' and the reason for her doubt was because she worried that Ye Luo could not better hunt other servers under her own burden. Players of Ye Luo then affected the results, but what Ye Luo said completely dispelled her doubts, because she already understood Ye Luo's tactics.

The priest is undoubtedly the most disadvantaged profession in the Forsaken City. After all, this profession has almost no damage output, and the single priest is more likely to be a target. It is not surprising that a person sitting on the heart of the piano will have many players against it. Do it, and Ye Luo, who was hiding in the dark, could kill these people one by one.

"You want to use me as bait, that's a good idea." Sitting on Qin Xin smiled lightly, and she said that this was undoubtedly agreed to be with Ye Luo.

"Our cooperation must be very pleasant, and it can even speed me up to meet the conditions for entering the third floor of the Forsaken City." Ye Luo said, without waiting for Qinxin to speak, he continued: "Because I kill far more people now. The [Jizhixing] that I have in my hand, that is to say, the best way for me is to continue to hunt players from other servers, and the [Jizhixing] that kills the players can be given to you, anyway, I don’t need it anyway. [Jizhixing]."

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