VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 213: : The battle is over

The women in the Misty Pavilion have their own talents. For example, sitting on Qinxin Cooking Wushuang, Fireworks Yieldly Cold, and June Feixue have a lot of research on flowers and plants, and Samadhi Poetry is the one who has the deepest knowledge of medicine, and she just sees it at a glance She sighed astonishingly when she left Ye Luo and avoided the bones and strategies of those people.

"If it's just one or two swords, it's fine. He can accurately avoid bones and tactics with every one, and he is not bad at every inch, master, absolute master." Samadhi poetry said, her beautiful eyes were full of praise: " In such a chaotic battle, he can still do this. He is absolutely superior to Sister Feng in single-round control. As for the comparison with fireworks..."

"It's not bad." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Tsk tusk, the control power is comparable to that of Yan Yanjie, doesn't that mean..." June Feixue murmured, but did not say the second half.

"His strength is above me." Fireworks Yi Leng took the conversation, and she groaned: "Sister Feng is still very sure to block the arrow feathers I shoot. Ye Luo's control is stronger, and it is Double-swords, it’s no problem to block, so as long as he is close, I have almost no resistance."

As if they knew the same, everyone nodded.

"Hee hee, don't worry, Brother Ye doesn't know how to make fireworks, so you can do it." Zhiyue said, and then she was taken aback when she heard something, "Hey, I heard the sound of the police siren. It was an ambulance. They came quickly."

"It will take five or six minutes to hear the sound. At that time, the battle just ended." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she smiled: "It seems that Sister Feng called 120 ahead of time. The details are really in place."

Ye Luo and the others kept moving as they talked. As guessed by the fireworks and others, in another two or three minutes, almost all of those people were knocked down, and the remaining few fled in fright, and the person who looked like the head seemed to be frightened by this scene, holding it in his hand. The phone, but his face was dull.

After solving the remaining few people, Po Lang Ride the Wind and Midnight Shu came to this person. Midnight Shu kicked the arm that was hanging from the arm, a click accompanied by a pig-killing cry.

"Hmph, dare to scold the fireworks sister, dare to underestimate the little master, now you know that the little master is amazing." Midnight Shu snorted, obviously he has not forgotten the first thing.

Listening to the pig-killing cry, the leader was agitated, watching Po Lang Chengfeng and Midnight Book blocking it, as if he knew he could not escape, a flash of terror flashed in his eyes. But then he seemed to have caught the life-saving straw and leaned out his phone: "I, I have already called the police, you, dare you..."

"Oh, I just dialed out, but I haven't connected yet." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't care, she faintly heard the standard inquiry voice on the phone, she laughed: "Answer the call, don't worry, I won't Interrupting you, you saved our business by calling the police."

As if seeing that the two of Po Lang Chengfeng didn’t interrupt themselves, the man raised the phone: "Hey, I call the police, we are..."

After speaking out his current address, the person hung up the phone, and he looked at Po Lang Chengfeng and the others in horror: "I have not done any more. If you act against me, it is no longer a legitimate defense. You, you..."

"Dare to threaten my old lady, believe it or not, my old lady will destroy you with a single knife." The wave of the wind said, the jade hand raised, the cold light flashed, and the dagger in her hand was thrown out.

With a chuckle, the dagger pierced the green tree in the middle of the road and entered without a handle.

This can be done with just one throw, and it can be seen that breaking the waves and riding the wind also have high attainments on the way to the knife.

On the other side, Ye Luo solved the people who rushed towards him early, and borrowed a tissue from Zhiyue to wipe the double daggers in his hands. He said lightly: "If you are not allowed to come out, why are you not obedient?"

"Hehe, Brother Ye, I'm not curious about your fights, you can't see clearly in the car." Zhiyue didn't care about Ye Luo's reproach, she was very excited: "Brother Ye is so amazing, no one I can get past you. Sister Feng and Brother Xiaoshu are also very good. They knocked down more people than Brother Ye."

That's right, because Po Lang Chengfeng and Midnight Book rushed straight up, most of the people in the Tiandi League rushed to them, but Ye Luo just passively defended and protected Zhiyue and others, so the first two people defeated the majority. .

With a slight smile, Ye Luo didn't bother with this issue either. He looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, the matter is over, can I go back now?"

"Not yet." Fireworks said coldly. She pointed to the surveillance system with a jade finger: "Although the surveillance has recorded the incident, at least we have to wait for the police to arrive. If we don't escape, we won't leave anything behind."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "Don't worry, the police will be there in five minutes, and not much time is wasted."

On the other side, he didn't do anything to the headed person, breaking the waves and riding the wind and turning back in the middle of the night. Looking at the smiles on their faces, they knew that they were quite satisfied with this shot.

"The number of these people is enough, but there are no masters, and they are not completely happy." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she glanced at the Midnight Book: "Little book, your boy has hardened wings. You dare to compete with your sister. Nor Learn from your brother Ye and see if people don't take the initiative to rush forward, leaving me the opportunity to shoot."

"Hehe, I couldn't hold back." The book chuckled in the middle of the night, and then murmured in a low voice: "Brother Ye is protecting Sister Qin and the others, otherwise he rushed up too. With his skill and double knife advantage, I was afraid that he would stay at all. Not less than a few people for you."

"Little book, go to the other side and collect my bow and arrow." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Seeing that Midnight Book did what she said, she looked towards the waves and wind: "I will leave you with the task of dealing with the police. "

"Don't worry, it's a trivial matter." Po Lang Chengfeng didn't care, and then looked at the people screaming at her feet. She applauded: "Ye Luo, that's not bad, it's a good shot, and it's just right. None of them. People hurt bones and meridians."

"It's a shame to shoot these people, and hurt them again. If those people know about it, you still don't know how to laugh at me." Thinking of his previous brothers, Ye Luo's mouth raised a smile.

"Hey, what's the matter? These people provoke us first. The fireworks have warned them before that they don’t listen. We have to do it reluctantly." Po Lang Chengfeng tried hard to find an excuse, watching Ye Luo chuckle, she said. Saying to myself: "I didn't say that I was a master, just a little woman."

"Ninety-eight people, you only knocked down fifty-two. Are you a little woman?" Ye Luo asked back, seeing the waves and riding the wind laughing, he no longer struggled with this issue: "Ambulance fast Here, I heard the sound of the police siren, please solve it quickly and go back to leveling."

"You guy is a leveling madman." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually.

"My experience in leveling is three times that of yours. If you don't level up quickly, I'm afraid it will drag you down a lot." Ye Luo said, and then looked at the midnight book that returned from picking up arrows: "Little book, you know where there is better than the swamp. Lizards are more advanced weird, killing those lizards is almost no pressure for me."

"If you continue to go deeper, there will be level 80 and level 90 monsters. Those monsters are very powerful, and there are even some of the war song level, which is very suitable for Big Brother Ye to level up." In the midnight calligraphy, he saw Ye Luo nodding, and he continued: "Next, I will continue to look for a good leveling point, and try to open a few treasure chests to see if I can open some hidden profession scrolls. The hidden professions of the Assassin are also very powerful."

"Ye Luo, if you are not doing a large-scale task in the future, you should go out to practice leveling alone." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold. Seeing Ye Luo's future look, she continued: "There is no pressure to level up with your strength alone. Even if you don't bring a pastor. In addition, with your strength, you can go further than Xiaoshu and you can inquire about more things. These all mean opportunities."

"Yes, with my current level, even if I cast [Invisibility], I can be spotted by high-level monsters. I can't beat them, so I can't go far at all, and I can't go to many places." Midnight calligraphy, then The tone changed: "But Big Brother Ye, you are different. Even if you take the Invisibility Pill and you are discovered by a monster, you can kill it. There are many treasure chests in strange places, and these are worthy of your exploration."

"The little book is right. You can accumulate our advantages by your own actions." Fireworks said coldly, and then turned to look at Po Lang Chengfeng and others: "It's still your sentence, follow us to level up, yours The level will be dropped, which is not good for your development."

"With Ye Luo's current strength, there is nothing wrong with dealing with level 80 and 90 elite monsters." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she had seen how easy Ye Luo could kill the swamp lizard: "Kill such a high monster, Your level will rise very quickly, and it is not surprising that you will catch up with the Dragon World and others. Maybe you will be the first to reach level 80 than them. The first to complete the second rank will be rewarded a lot."

Hearing this, Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he nodded: "Well, I will act alone after I go online. Yue'er, you should continue to kill the swamp lizards. The upgrade speed is also very fast."

"Wait for sister, I will gather a hero suit, then I can also act with you, so that it won't be too slow." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she faintly looked forward to: "Kill monsters around level 90, upgrade. The speed must be fast, and it won’t take long to rise to level 80."

"Well, when you collect a set of hero suits, you can also let Ye Luo take you to upgrade." Firework Yi Leng nodded: "Complete the trial mission of the hidden career scroll at level 80, so we have one more hidden career. Accumulate our advantages even more."

Seeing the fireworks, Yi Leng agreed. Breaking the waves and riding the wind patted Ye Luo on the shoulder. She said: "Ye Luo, my sister will need you to take it with me. Don't dislike my sister and hinder you. I will hide my job when I wait. It will also take you to upgrade."

With a slight smile, Ye Luo said: "Then I wish Sister Feng will rise to level 80 as soon as possible and find a powerful hidden career."

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