VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2161: : Continue to hunt

Ye Luo's total points suddenly increased by so many people, which made a few happy and sad, and the people like Po Lang Chengfeng and others were naturally happy. In their hearts, they wished Ye Luo the higher the points the better, the best he could Sit firmly on the throne of points first, so that you can get the national device rewarded by the system. Not surprisingly, this will be the second national device owned by Miomi Pavilion, and there is no problem with Ye Luo maintaining the first place in points.

When they are excited, they also want to know how Ye Luo can get so many points in a short period of time. In their hearts, it is impossible even to complete the task of SSS+ difficulty, even as smart as a samādhi. Imagining what happened to Ye Luo, she could only guess that Ye Luo met hundreds of players in a closed space, and only in this way could he explain why he could kill 4,500 people in 10 minutes.

Of course, even if it was a samādhi, she couldn’t imagine how Ye Luo could kill so many people in a short time. Even if he had many methods, she couldn’t imagine that Ye Luo had obtained [Reversal Pill] and [Han] from Fireworks Yi Leng. The Scroll of Ice World.

Although I can't think of this, it can't conceal the excitement in Samadhi. She is as smart as she naturally knows if Ye Luo can get a national weapon this time, what it means to Misty Pavilion and even China's game power.

"Ye Luo killed 4,500 people, but even so, his points should not be so high. Not surprisingly, he killed a lot of powerful BOSS or completed some high-level tasks after killing many players. , It’s just like the [killing game] task that I got before I invite the moon to toast, but I feel that the former has a bigger face, because at the last moment, Ye Luo’s points are directly increased by 1000 points or 300 points. , This is exactly the number of points rewarded for killing the ancient sage-level and quasi-ancient sage-level BOSS." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice, and a thick smile appeared on her pretty face: "But no matter what kind of Ye Luo They will get rich rewards in addition to points, such as equipment and props. Not surprisingly, there will be a lot of ancient saint-level equipment, and maybe there are some that I can use."

I have to say that Samadhi Poetry is extremely clever. Except for not guessing that Ye Luo has obtained the scrolls of [Reversal Pill] and [Ice World], the analysis of other situations is not bad, and when she thinks about these, she also wants to see Ye Luo is now - Samadhi also knows that if she is equipped with the equipment Ye Luo obtains at this time, her strength will be greatly improved, so that it will be a lot easier to stay in the Forsaken City next time.

Ye Luoke didn't know what kind of uproar his actions caused in the Forsaken City. At this time, he was still waiting for the effect of [Ice World] to end, because only in this way could he leave here and start hunting operations.

"The system requires me to kill the monsters. I have met the requirements for killing 10 holy bosses. As for the mobs, it's still a lot worse." Ye Luo said while inspecting the system panel: "But just look at other players for now. The number of monsters killed is far from that of me, not to mention the number of people killed and the number of [Saturn] they possessed. Not surprisingly, they will not be able to surpass me for a long time, which means I can still survive. Stayed on the fourth floor of Falling City for a long time."

Because Ye Luo entered the fourth floor of the Forgotten City very early, and he took very little time to complete the task, he used this time to kill many monsters, although at this time, the system required 10,000 ordinary monsters to be killed. There is still some way to go, but still far ahead of other players.

As for the number of [Saturn] and the number of players killed, not to mention, he has already obtained 2,30 [Saturn] at this time, and the number of killings has reached nearly 500 people, which is far more than 250 people required by the system.

With these advantages, it takes a lot of time for other players to catch up with him and enter the Forgotten City, and this also means that Ye Luo has a lot of time to stay on the fourth floor of the Forgotten City-hunted here. The more other players he gets, the more points he will get, and the more likely that players from other servers will be eliminated, so the pressure on Chinese players will be much easier.

In fact, the situation of Chinese players has eased a lot, not only because Ye Luo killed so many people before and eliminated some, but more importantly, most of the dual professional players who were trapped by [Ice World] have performed big moves and big moves. Range, powerful skills, such as Dark Night, Perfume Beauty and other super masters have no big moves, so Chinese players will naturally be much easier to meet them again, and even have some chance to kill them.

"Although the safer way now is to kill ordinary monsters to more than 9900 as soon as possible, and the remaining ones are left to kill enough at the last moment to meet the conditions for entering the fifth floor of the Forsaken City, but now my attack power is still full. At this time, it’s better to hunt players from other servers.” Ye Luo said to himself, and he soon made a decision: “When my attack power is no longer full, I will kill ordinary players. Monsters are hunting players on other servers, and after the number of ordinary monsters to be killed reaches a certain level, they can concentrate on hunting players."

I have to say that Ye Luo's approach is very wise. After all, players who use their current state of full attack power to hunt other servers are not only more efficient, but also safer, and even encounter the cooperation of super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. problem.

It didn't take long for the effect of [Ice World] to disappear, and Ye Luo didn't stay idle either. He went invisible, and then began his hunting journey.

I have to say that Ye Luo is too strong after he is full of attack power, coupled with his fast moving speed, coupled with the help of [Samsara pupil], once he is targeted, there is almost no chance of escape, even some The dual-professional masters with big moves have also become dead souls under his hands, and his total points are still increasing at a faster rate. Although not as fast as in the [Ice World] before, it is also better than many players. It's a lot faster.

After more than 10 minutes, Ye Luo has hunted down 1, 20 players on other servers. It is worth mentioning that he once met the emperor’s hymn before, and Ye Luo did not show mercy, so he killed it again. The emperor's hymn has no big tricks. Although he has [True Sight Gem], he can find Ye Luo's whereabouts 100 meters away, but his movement speed is quite different from Ye Luo's, and he was caught up in no time. And then he was killed by Ye Luo again.

Think about it, too, the emperor’s hymn does not have a big move, and Ye Luo is faster than him, plus Ye Luo has a lot of acceleration skills, it is still very simple to catch him and kill him, not to mention this time The invincibility methods of the emperor's hymn are all in the CD-whether it is invincible skills or [Invincible Pill], the CD time is mostly 1 hour, or more than 1 hour. At this time, it has not been long before the time of the ice world.

Of course, Ye Luo also knows that the emperor’s hymn is more threatening, so even if he encountered one or two other servers before, he gave up directly and went directly to chase the emperor’s hymn until he killed it. It is estimated that the mood of the emperor's hymn will be extremely depressed at this time.

"The luck of the emperor's hymn is a bit bad. At this time, he has been killed 4 times, 2 of which died in my hands. I think he is in a bad mood." Ye Luo said, and said During these moments, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Of course, the more he is killed, the better. It is best that he can be eliminated early, so that our pressure will be less, but it seems that the next time Killing him 6 times is a bit difficult."

"Forget it, kill him if you can meet him. If you don't meet him, he is lucky." Ye Luo said, and then changed his tone: "Of course, it would be better if you could meet Dark Night or Tokyo Mythology. Their threat It's bigger than the emperor's hymn, if you can kill them one or two times more, then the final result will be less suspenseful."

The operation of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology is slightly better than the emperor’s hymn, and the level of equipment is better. In addition, the former can kill people and increase attack power. At this point, they are more threatening than the emperor’s hymn. If you let Ye Luo choose He naturally hopes to meet super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

"Unfortunately, in the Forsaken City, players will not explode anything except [Earth Star] if they are killed, otherwise the [True Sight Gem] in their hands in the dark night will explode." Ye Luo said with regret. : "Of course it would be better to be able to meet Hero's Blade and other players holding national weapons, so that I can have more national weapons in my hand."

Of course, Ye Luo also knows that participating in the competition will generally not burst any equipment. Besides, Oriental Star, Changhe Sunset and Longteng Tianxia still have national equipment in their hands. At present, Chinese players have the most national equipment. Relatively speaking, this rule is more beneficial to China. Some-even Ye Luo is not completely sure not to be killed in the Forsaken City, let alone Changhe Sunset and Eastern Stars.

Maybe Ye Luo’s "prayer" was effective, and then he met some super masters, such as hero Jack, such as the colorful monster fox, etc. In addition to one or two masters with big moves successfully escaped Ye Luo Everyone else was killed except for the pursuit, and this also increased Ye Luo's total points a lot.

It is worth mentioning that the dual-professional master with a big move thought that he could beat Ye Luo, because he also guessed that Ye Luo would have no big move before quickly gaining points, so he wanted to rely on the status of the big move. Killing, only after starting his hands did he discover how high Ye Luo's damage output was, and he was so shocked that he directly used invincible means and then fled.

Although Ye Luo still has a big move at this time, he doesn't want to use the big move for this person. After all, no one knows what kind of trouble he will encounter next, and for him, that person has already used the big move. Within 24 hours, there is not much threat to him and the Chinese players, and there is no need to waste big moves and time on him.

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