VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2163: : Continue to hunt

To enter the fifth floor of the Forsaken City, there are 3 conditions: killing, killing monsters, and obtaining [Saturn]. Killing monsters is a task that must be completed. The other two conditions only need to complete one of them, and Ye Luo had already fulfilled the condition of killing people, so he didn't need [Earth Star], so he could give it to Samadhi.

As for Samadhi, although she is a double-professional master and the level of operation is first-rate, it is not so easy for her to kill people. Relatively speaking, it is easier to kill monsters or kill [Saturn]. In this case, she Cooperating with Ye Luo to get what they need, it will be easier for the two of them to complete the conditions. If lucky or even Samadhi will have a chance to enter the fifth floor of the Forsaken City in the first three, this will also give her a generous reward.

Ye Luo has a strong damage output ability. Although the samādhi is quite different in this respect, the Tai Chi master class has a strong control ability. The two will complement each other. Even Ye Luo can use the samādhi as a'bait' to lure others Players act on her so that their hunting action will be easier.

In this regard, Ye Luo would naturally not refuse, and at the same time, he also traded the ancient holy ring exclusive to the boxer to Samadhi, so that her equipment level would be improved, although it may not greatly increase the hunting. The lethality of other players, but there is no problem to improve some life-saving capabilities.

I have known that the equipment attributes of the ancient saints would be very good, but after seeing the ring, the samādhi found that it was better than expected, especially with the addition of a large-scale group control and group damage skills, which also greatly increased Improved her control ability and damage output.

Putting on the ring unceremoniously, Samadhi looked at Ye Luo expectantly: "Ye Luo, I guess you killed a lot of BOSS before, do you have any other equipment?"

"Naturally, there are, and there are some you can equip." Ye Luo didn't have any secrets, and while talking, he showed the more than 10 ancient holy equipment he had obtained to Samadhi Shi: "Sister Shi, Let's continue hunting players from other servers while watching."

I also know that Ye Luo's full attack power state is quite precious, and the samādhi poem didn't say much. He chose a direction at random, and checked the equipment while walking forward. She was delighted with every piece of equipment, especially After seeing a few pieces of leather armor type equipment, after all, that is what she can equip.

Among the more than 10 pieces of equipment, there are 4 pieces of leather armor type, of which 3 pieces can be equipped by archers, assassins, and boxers. This also means that Samadhi can be equipped with those 3 pieces of equipment, but she only picked one of them. , The other two are left to others, such as the book at midnight, such as fireworks are easy to cold, in her heart they need them more, and her choice of taking the overall situation into account also makes Ye Luo admire them.

In this way, the two cooperated in a hunting action, because Ye Luo was in stealth, and players on other servers saw a "weak woman" in Samadhi, and naturally thought she was bullying and chose to act on it, but they all became successful. With Ye Luo’s sword, Ye Luo’s points further increased, and Samadhi also won a lot of [Saturn Stars], and not long after, the amount of [Saturn Stars] she had already belonged to all players. At the forefront.

Of course, this is mainly because Ye Luo’s damage output is very high. Once a player appears in his field of vision, he can hardly escape his hunt. In addition, he killed several holy bosses on the way and burst some [Earth Stars], so the number of [Earth Stars] obtained by Samadhi poetry is quite considerable.

On the way, the Samadhi poem would naturally ask what happened before, and after learning about the existence of the [Reversal Pill] and [Ice World] scrolls, she finally understood why Ye Luo could get tens of thousands of points in just a few minutes. , She couldn't help but sigh Ye Luo's good luck.

"It's the luck of the fireworks that I actually got those two props." Ye Luo said with emotion.

"Well, yes, you are extremely lucky to get one of those two things, let alone get two fireworks." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "Not enough fireworks. Good luck also means your luck. Okay, because those two things don’t play a big role in the hands of fireworks, and even in our entire Miomi Pavilion and even the entire Chinese game industry, only you can play those two Taoism [豆豆小说www.thedu.cc] effect."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "In addition, if you are not lucky enough to encounter the fireworks, you will not get those two pieces of equipment. If you are not lucky, you will not find that they are playing BOSS in the dark night and attracting so many players. It also shows that your luck is very good."

With a slight smile, Ye Luo also knew that his luck was very good, but he did not continue to struggle with this issue. He continued to carry out hunting operations, chatting casually while launching hunting operations, and through chatting Ye Luo knew almost every kind The requirements for the number of monsters killed by the profession on the fourth floor of the Forgotten City are different. For example, samādhi only needs to kill 5000 ordinary monsters and 5 holy bosses, which makes Ye Luolian unfair at the same time It also secretly said that this different condition can be regarded as the most breakthrough for each profession.

It is worth mentioning that after Ye Luo knew this, he met the holy boss and gave it to Samadhi. Fortunately, she only needs to give her 3 holy bosses, but 300 points less. This is for Ye Luo. It's not a big deal-Samadhi has killed 2 holy bosses before.

Letting the samādhi three holy bosses naturally has a lot of benefits for her, because she doesn’t need to worry about killing holy bosses anymore, and she doesn’t need to worry about how to get the [Saturn Star], and enter Yeluo without accident. Before the fifth floor of the Forsaken City, she could help her get the required [Saturn], so she only needs to kill a sufficient number of ordinary monsters, which is not difficult for her, especially in After she used the props to increase attributes.

"Different professions have different conditions for entering the fifth floor of the Forsaken City. Single professions and dual professions are also different. After all, various professions have their own advantages and disadvantages. We boxers are not very good at killing monsters directly, at least It's far inferior to your swordsmen, and it's normal to kill different monsters."

Ye Luo also deeply believed in this, and he did not continue to struggle in this regard, and then continued to act with Samadhi.

Soon after, Ye Luo encountered Sword Eleven, Wednesday, and Midnight Books. Ye Luo didn’t have any secrets to them, and asked them to choose some equipment. As a result, their equipment level has also improved a bit-Sword Eleven and theirs. The higher the level of equipment, the easier it will be in the Forsaken City, and more players on other servers will be killed, which is also a good thing for Chinese players.

Although they gave Sword Eleven their equipment, Ye Luo did not act with them. After all, for them, the larger the team, the worse the mobility. It is better to continue hunting other servers with a team of two or three people. Of players.

Of course, the most important thing is that the professional match of the Sword Eleven team is very good. The powerful assassin of Midnight Book is responsible for the sneak attack on the target, and Sword Eleven and Wednesday are responsible for the damage output. With their current damage output, even if they encounter a big move. Dark night and other super masters also have the power to fight. Such a team is undoubtedly very mobile and does not need to team up with Ye Luo and others. In addition, the magician on Wednesday can also be used as a'bait', which is more convenient for him to hunt in the middle of the night. Kill players on other servers.

In fact, teams like Midnight Book and theirs lack a powerful warrior player, such as masters like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, even knights like Sword Eight and Sword Nine will do. After all, as long as they are in front, it’s fine, but Midnight Book’s equipment The level is very strong, and he still has half of the warrior's profession, and his operation level is getting better and better, and he is not much worse than Ye Luo, so he can be competent for the role of MT.

In addition, Ye Luo gave them 2 [Team Stones] when they were separated from Midnight Book, so that they will have no problem with Midnight Book. As for [Team Rocks], Ye Luo also has a lot of them. , Not only because he killed so many BOSS in the [Ice World] before bursting out 4 or 5, but after he hunted BOSS also burst out, not lack.

Time slowly passed, and soon another 2, 30 minutes passed, and at this time Ye Luo's state of full attack power only left more than 10 minutes.

Although Ye Luo has killed many players one after another, but far less than 100 people, so soon his attack power will drop, and not surprisingly, it will continue to decline over time, unless he encounters the team again Fight, and the goal is a team of dozens of people.

I have to say that Ye Luo and the others are very lucky. They encountered an ancient sage boss and 3 quasi ancient sage bosses when they had 10 minutes to increase their attack power, which made them a little bit happy. This high-ranking BOSS can not only get a lot of points, but also explode other equipment and props, and at the very least, can explode some [Sarth Stars], which is exactly what the Samadhi poetry needs.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Luo’s points have increased rapidly during the previous period. At least other players did not get closer to him, but the gap in points is getting bigger and bigger. This means that Ye Luo has secured the first place in total points. The position is one, and if you kill all the BOSS found this time, you can get nearly 2000 points. This is the point you need to kill 1, 20 dual-professional masters.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo’s current damage output is not a problem with the boss’s attack. In other words, they can kill the BOSS. Of course, to be on the safe side, in order to let Ye Luo attack the BOSS unscrupulously, so they use Created a 【Team Stone】, so that you don’t have to worry about hurting the samādhi, and samādhi can also participate in the fight against the BOSS.

The fact is also true. Under Ye Luo's attack and the control of the Samadhi Poet, the blood of the BOSS is rapidly decreasing, while the main resistance of Ye Luo's blood has been maintained in a healthy state. At present, it seems that they have no problem killing the BOSS.

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