VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 217: : Continuous task

Although the level 90 wild bear has good attacks and defenses, and also has active stun skills, there is not much pressure on Ye Luo, even he can maintain his blood health while holding three wild bears at the same time.

In this way, Ye Luo attacked tirelessly, and the skill CD was released when the skill CD was completed, supported by [Fuqi Pill], and his intellectual growth aptitude was also very good, but it was completely able to sustain consumption.

"Brother Ye, how are you, the harvest is pretty good, right?" Zhiyue came to the newsletter.

"It's not bad. I opened the treasure chest and came out with a Warrior Rank 2 skill [Charge], and I can learn it now, and I will have another assassin on the magician in the future." Ye Luo responded while attacking, and he was in a good mood: "In addition to these, I also received a task, and there are follow-up tasks, some of me are busy during this time."

"Wow, I can also receive missions in the wild, and it's still a serial mission. Brother Ye is very lucky." Zhiyue said, her tone was full of envy: "And she also learned a fighter skill in advance, which is also very good. Not bad."

Randomly chatting with Zhiyue, Ye Luo continued to kill the wild bear, and his experience was soaring.

Time passed, and soon it was 11:30 at night. According to past habits, it was time for fireworks to be cold and others to go offline and rest. After learning that Ye Luo had taken up a task, they stopped urging and went off the assembly line to rest.

After spending three or four hours, Ye Luo finally killed more than 500 bears. With a high amount of experience, he rose to level 54 and 68%, which was a rapid upgrade.

Bringing the bear meat back to the place where he encountered the soldiers, and handing in the task, Ye Luo received a generous experience reward. He successfully rose to level 55, and the most exciting thing for him was that there were follow-up tasks.

"Thank you for bringing us so much bear meat. It not only solved our urgent need, but also gave us three or four days of food reserves, which should be able to persist until the supply comes." The centurion thanked him, and then his tone changed, and he looked worried: "But many of my brothers were injured in the previous attack, especially those **** hyenas. The wounds they caused contained toxins. Only herbal medicine can be cured, so please ask Shaoxia to help us gather it."

He didn't hesitate to take the task and asked about the location of the medicine. Ye Luo was about to set off, but was summoned by the centurion: "Young man, there are high-level warcraft activities around those herbs, so be careful. "

With a slight smile, Ye Luo nodded, rushing to investigate the mission:

[Gathering Cangshu] (rescue mission, difficulty: D)

Task content: Collect 100 atractylodes and give it to the centurion.

Task requirements: within 1 day.

Mission: Only one person.

Task rewards and punishments: If you can complete the task, you will get rich experience rewards and follow-up tasks.

"Tsk tsk, there are follow-up tasks." Looking at the final task rewards and punishments, Ye Luo became excited: "Depending on the situation, this should be a serial task. As such a task proceeds, the experience reward will increase."

"100 herbs, it doesn't take much time, it's better to complete this task first and then practice." Ye Luo thought, and then enthusiastically thought about the destination.

As the centurion reminded, atractylodes is not difficult to collect, but there are 80 warsong monsters around these herbs. Warsong-level monsters have much stronger attributes than elite-type monsters. Fortunately, they are only level 80, and they act alone. Ye Luo can barely deal with it.

After spending half an hour, Ye Luo finally completed the task. After handing it over, he rose to level 55 and 40%. He was only up to a half level with just one task, which made him excited.

Perhaps it was because they had eaten bear meat to replenish their physical strength. Those soldiers became energetic, and they were no longer as weak as before. They began to stand guard to protect the wounded, but they were a little angry.

Asking his subordinates to boil pharmaceutical materials, the centurion thanked Ye Luolian, and then he glanced at the soldiers behind him, and said: "Young man, the task given to us by the city lord must be completed. We must build a camp here. But it lacks wood. I wonder if you can help us get a batch?"

Since he would not refuse, Ye Luo decisively accepted the task:

[Collect wood] (rescue mission, difficulty: C)

Task content: Go to the barren forest to kill the old tree spirits and bring back 100 pieces of wood.

Task requirements: within 2 days.

Mission mode: unlimited, can be completed in teams.

Task rewards and punishments: If you can complete the task, you will get rich experience rewards and follow-up tasks.

"Hey, there are follow-up tasks behind this task?" Ye Luo was taken aback, and he said to himself: "It looks like I guessed, this is a serial task. This task can be completed in a team, and it seems that it should be more difficult than before. Two are bigger."

"But there shouldn't be any need to let the fireworks and the others come to help." Ye Luo said, he quickly made a decision: "After all, I am far away from where they are at this time, and there are many high-level monsters along the way. Coming here will waste a lot of time, and killing these monsters is also quite difficult for them. It's better to stay there and kill the swamp lizard."

"It's already one or two o'clock in the morning, let's rest, and come back to finish the task tomorrow." Ye Luo said, and then he quit the game.

When leaving the room, Ye Luo saw a note at the door of the room, which read some words: "There is Tremella soup in the refrigerator in the living room, clear the heat and quench the fire, warm it up a bit before drinking it."

Looking at Junxiu's font, Ye Luo guessed that this was left behind by sitting on the piano, his heart was warmed slightly, and then he did what he said.

Drinking the delicious white fungus soup, Ye Luo said to himself: "Sure enough, as Sister Feng said, Sister Qin's cooking skills are as good as a bit-class chef, and they are quite suitable. It seems that I will have a good taste in the future, and I don't have to worry about it. Yueer’s diet is a problem."

Thinking like this, Ye Luo tidied up the dishes, washed and went to bed.

The next day, Ye Luo got up and ate the porridge and dishes prepared by Qin Xin. Before going back to the line, he was stopped by the waves and the wind: "Ye Luo, how is the task done?"

"I have completed two, but I took another one, and there are follow-up tasks after completing this." Ye Luo did not hide it either.

"Serial tasks, tusk, you are very lucky." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then her tone changed, she was faintly expecting: "Are those tasks difficult? Can they be shared?"

"Collect wood, the monsters you encounter should be 80, 90 warsong level monsters." Ye Luo said: "You can share but you can share, but I have gone deep now, you will waste a lot of time when you come here, and ..."

"And there are very powerful monsters around. We will be in trouble in the past." Fireworks Yi Leng took the stubbornness, and she looked at Sister Feng: "Sister Feng, let's fight the swamp lizard honestly. Although monsters with more than 80 levels are experienced Higher, but it will also be very stressful for you and me. It is not cost-effective. According to my guess, it is not as fast as the swamp lizard."

Without waiting for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to speak, she continued: "In addition, we have not assembled the suit yet. Even if Ye Luo has a follow-up mission, I think the monsters we face are very powerful. We may not be able to deal with it with our strength. The dungeon of Lu, get together the hero suit as soon as possible, don’t forget that it’s the fastest to upgrade when you receive the dungeon.

I also know that the fireworks are easy to be cold, but the waves and the wind are a bit depressed. After all, her character is more adventurous, looking for powerful monsters.

Ignoring breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks were easy to be cold and looked at Ye Luo. She asked: "Ye Luo, tell me about your mission and start from the beginning."

Knowing that the fireworks are easy to be cold and not invincible, Ye Luo will meet the soldiers and accept the mission.

"Building a barracks, and it's a series of tasks, is it possible to start a 70-level dungeon mission?" Othello took the words, she was a little excited: "The monsters Ye Luo fights are all 8th and 90th level, and there is no shortage of war song level. , It might be like this."

He also knows how rich the rewards for starting a dungeon mission are. Hearing the words of Othello, everyone was excited.

"It's possible, but it's not very likely. After all, we still have some way to go before level 70. It's a bit early to trigger." Firework Yi Leng shook her head, and saw the disappointment of everyone, her tone One turn: "But it should also open new systems, such as the military rank system. After all, Ye Luo received the mission from the soldier, Centurion, hey, interesting."

"To trigger the military rank system?!" In the middle of the night call, he couldn't restrain his excitement: "Big Brother Ye is too powerful, I just triggered the level 50 dungeon mission not long ago, and now I want to trigger a new system. Up."

"It's just possible, not necessarily." Ye Luo said, and after a change of tone, he asked: "Well, what is the military rank system, I have only heard of the treasure chest system..."

"Like the real army, after the military rank system is turned on, the player will get some points for military missions, and the points will correspond to the corresponding military ranks." Fireworks Yi Leng explained: "Higher military ranks have many benefits, such as in the game. Soldiers will be quite respected when they see it, similar to their friendliness and prestige, and it is much more convenient to accept tasks.

"In addition, if the military rank is high, it is possible to lead the soldiers in the game to accompany them and let them assist in the battle." The firework was easy to cold, and then the tone changed: "In short, the benefits of a high military rank will be high."

"Oh, that's the case." Ye Luo said, and then he muttered to himself: "So there will be a lot of rewards for triggering the rank system. It seems very good, but I don't know if this task will trigger the rank task."

"Hey, Brother Ye, don't worry, now that Sister Fireworks has analyzed it, it is largely true." He wrote in the middle of the night, and then remembered something, he was a little excited: "Isn't it said that this task can be shared, if we I have also accepted the task. Wouldn't it be possible to start the rank system and get rewards?!"

"It is possible, and it may not be small." Fireworks said easily: "After all, the military rank system has a great influence in the game, and it is difficult to complete those tasks with a single player..."

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