According to the previous understanding of the Tiandi League's behavioral style, after they suddenly added three powerful hidden professions and did not take the initiative to provoke, then they are most likely to be doing large-scale tasks, or they are waiting for newly recruited masters to arrive.

In a word, the Heaven and Earth Alliance is now accumulating strength.

After analyzing these, Fireworks Yi Leng asked everyone to continue to fight monsters and upgrade, and to gather hero suits.

While chatting with Po Lang and Riding the Wind while attacking the old tree spirit, Ye Luo's quest items gradually increased.

Although the experience of the old tree spirit is very good, except for some coins and quest items, it does not explode other things, which makes Ye Luo a little depressed.

As he guessed, it took him more than ten hours to gather a sufficient amount of wood, and at this time he was already at level 57 and 12%. I believe that his experience will surge again after handing in the task, and it may rise to 58. Level, after all, the experience gained from serial missions increases as the number of rings increases.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Luo turned back, but when he returned to the temporary camps for soldiers, he was stunned, because the previous fifty or sixty people only left about 30 people. But the centurion greeted him with a smile on his face.

Perhaps it was because of taking herbs and eating, these soldiers were full of energy, giving people a sense of life and vigor, even the wounded soldiers were healed, and they stood guard at their respective posts.

"Huh, what about the others? Could it be..." Ye Luo asked, his face full of worry.

"My brothers are full of food and drink, and have returned to their peak state. I asked them to kill some wild bears, so that they can get some food reserves, exercise their bodies, and improve their actual combat capabilities." The centurion said, also seeing it. Ye Luo was worried, and he was full of confidence: "Don't worry, my brothers are all warriors who have experienced battles. Dealing with those wild bears is no longer a problem."

Hearing that, Ye Luo only paid attention to the ranks of these soldiers, and found that most of them were level 100 war-song level soldiers, and that centurion was even a 100 silver level BOSS, which was much stronger than him.

"Improve actual combat ability, shouldn't they also upgrade, this is pretty good." Ye Luo muttered, and when he said this, he handed in the task, and his rich experience also made him rise to level 57 and 90%, only a difference. Upgrade at one point.

Up to level 3 in more than ten hours, the upgrade speed is not unpleasant.

"Thank you, Shaoxia. With these timbers, we can build some barracks so that my brothers and I don’t have to eat and sleep." The Centurion was very excited, but looking at the unobstructed land around him, a touch appeared on his face. The color of worry: "But if we go deep behind the enemy line, we can’t do without decent defenses. If we have some simple walls or fences to stop us, then we won’t worry about monsters attacking. Ye Luo knows the young man in autumn, build those things. I need a lot of stones, I wonder if you would like to help us collect some?"

This is a follow-up task, Ye Luo will not refuse, gladly next task:

[Collect stones] (rescue mission, difficulty: C)

Task content: Go to Stone Ridge to kill the giant stone man, bring back 500 pieces of stone materials.

Task requirements: within 3 days.

Mission mode: unlimited, can be completed in teams.

Task rewards and punishments: [Liancheng] If you can complete the task, you will get rich experience rewards and follow-up tasks.

"Sure enough, there are follow-up tasks. It seems that this task is really a series of tasks as Fireworks Yi Leng said. After completion, it is possible to activate the rank system." Ye Luo muttered to himself as he drove the road, and then he carefully watched the task introduction: "It is still The difficulty of C, it seems that the strength of these stone men is not much different from that of the old tree spirits, but I don't know whether the task items are bound to explode, but even if it is bound to explode, it will take me a day or two. "

"This task can still be completed for me in a team, but it still cannot be shared." Ye Luo muttered: "It can't be shared, then they can only share the experience of killing monsters without rewards for the task. There is no need to let the fireworks come. ."

Firework Yi Leng has already assembled the hero suit, and she is also a hidden class. Her current strength is only slightly worse than Ye Luo, but she is also able to help Ye Luo. But the task cannot be shared yet, and the fireworks are easy to be cold and they have to bring Othello to upgrade, so it is not cost-effective to let her help, after all, she is now the main output among the crowd.

When thinking about this, Ye Luo came to Shioling and saw the attributes of those stone people:

[Boulder Man] (Warsong Monster)

Level: 90

Physical attack: 1100-1200

Defense: 2000

Qi and blood: 220,000

Skills: [Strike a Mountain], [Smashed Rocks]

[Strengthen the mountain] (passive skill): Boulder has infinite manpower and power. The huge power can stun the opponent. The greater the power, the greater the chance of stun the target. The stun time is 1 second.

[Stone Breaking] (active skill): The stone man can throw stones in a 15-meter radius, causing 150% damage to the target, and can stun the target for 3 seconds. The skill use interval is 3 minutes.

Although they are all 90-level warsong monsters, the attack power and defense power of the giant stone men are stronger than those of the old tree, and only their vitality and blood are less. However, compared with the old tree spirit, Ye Luo prefers to face this monster, because the giant stone people do not have the strong resilience of the old tree spirit, so it is easier to kill them.

Attempt to kill one. With Ye Luo's current equipment, just taking one [Tianxiang Pill] every other time can keep the blood in a healthy state, and also because the giant stone man's recovery ability is not as fast as the old tree spirit, he killed it. The speed is also faster, one can be killed in about two minutes.

The experience of the giant stone man is similar to that of the old tree spirit, and the quest items are bound to explode. This makes Ye Luo a little relieved, the secret path only takes a day to complete the quest.

It was already more than 10 o'clock in the night. According to Ye Luo's life and rest, he could still play for 3 hours, so this task would not be possible today, and could only continue tomorrow.

"Ye Luo, the level has increased very quickly, faster than those of us, don't forget that your level of experience is three times ours." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, her tone was full of envy: "It's still a powerful killer. Monsters are upgraded quickly. At this speed, Ye Luo has a great chance of being in the top ten of the ranking list."

After checking the rank list, he found that the person with the highest rank was already at level 61, not much higher than Ye Luo.

"The premise is that you have the strength to kill those monsters, otherwise it is not the level of killing monsters, but the monsters killed." June Feixue teased, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Sister Fireworks, our level is only Level 54 is too low. We need twice the experience to level up. If this continues, our level will be pulled down sooner or later."

"It's okay, after everyone has put together a few hero suits, we can stand firm here without us, then we can go to upgrade alone." The firework is easy to cold, and then the tone changes: "According to my estimation, that At that time, Ye Luo’s mission should be shared, and if you do the mission with him, the upgrade speed will be very fast.”

Hearing that, everyone was a little looking forward to it.

"Sister Fireworks, it seems that seven of the top ten people in the ranking list are hidden occupations." Zhiyue said, she was full of envy: "Hidden occupations are still powerful. Although the experience required to upgrade is doubled, their skills and The growth aptitude must be much stronger, so that you can kill much stronger monsters, and the upgrade speed will naturally be faster. I envy those hidden professions."

"Not only your girl envy, we also envy it." Black and white chess said, and then her tone changed: "But it is too difficult to find a job to hide occupations, and there are too few hidden occupation scrolls. It is still Feixue's luck that she just opens a silver treasure box. Can draw out hidden career scrolls."

"Yes, there are not a hundred or ninety treasure chests I found when I went out, and there are no shortage of golden treasure chests, so why didn't you open a hidden profession?" The voice of the midnight book sounded on the team channel, his tone was full of envy: "I heard that the Assassin Hidden Class has a bonus to [Stealth], maybe even Big Brother Ye's [Samsara Pupil] can't be detected."

"Well, it can't be detected, because [Samsara's Eyes] can only detect ordinary stealth units, and he can't see the enhanced version of stealth." Firework Yi Leng said calmly

"Hey, speaking of this skill, Uncle Ye Luo seems to care about the characteristics of copying and learning passive skills." said Tuesday, with a smile on her face: "But that probability is only one in ten billion, hey, it's almost impossible. Learn passive skills, unless you step on a dog when you go out..."

Before finishing Tuesday, Ye Luo's voice sounded in the team channel: "Hey, the system reminds me that I have successfully copied the skills of [Li Bashanxi], which is great!"

"What, Uncle Ye Luo, you really learned passive skills?!" Saturday was full of consternation, and then she shook her head soon: "Uncle Ye Luo, how could it be possible? The probability of one in ten billion is equivalent to No, how can you successfully copy the skills? Don't play with the second sister."

"Well, Ye Luo brother seems to have never joked with us." Jianbadao, seeing everyone showing surprise after silence, he hurriedly asked: "Brother Ye Luo, hurry up and see, what skills have you copied? ?"

That's right, when Ye Luo killed a giant stone man, the system prompts that he copied a skill, which is exactly what the giant stone man has mastered [Li Bashanxi]:

[Strengthen the mountain] (passive and non-upgradeable skills)

Skill introduction: Strange skills. After learning, you can use the strength of the mountain to stun the opponent. There is a certain probability that the opponent will be stunned for 1 second during an attack. The basic probability of a stun is one in a thousand, and the greater the difference between the strength of the opponent , The greater the probability. Every time the power difference increases by 100 points, the probability of stunning the opponent increases by one in a thousand.

Seeing the introduction of this skill, Saturday and others finally believed that Ye Luo copied this skill, because Ye Luo also sent the attributes of the giant stone man before, the introduction of this skill was not like this at all.

"Every time the power difference increases by 100 clicks, the probability of stun increases by one in a thousand. This skill seems to be too suitable for Uncle Ye Luo's reincarnation..." murmured Tuesday.

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