VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2213: :First come first

At this time, many people already know the location of the fortress occupied by Chinese players. People such as Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others naturally know that they will definitely attack. Thinking of these people’s expressions is a little serious, because if they come, they will not only make a sneak attack. Chinese players suffered heavy casualties, and Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others will get a lot of points and then surpass the waves and wind. This is not what everyone wants to see.

However, it is not realistic to abandon the already-occupied fortress in this way. Not to mention that there will be many players who will not withdraw at that time. Simply saying that you may encounter dark night and other super masters during the migration will cause more casualties. Wouldn't agree to this arrangement-most players in the fortress are single-professionals. These people can't bear the monster army and the mist of destruction after leaving the fortress, so they will naturally not leave the fortress.

At this time, Changhe Sunset proposes to let her sit on Qin Xin to return. After all, she has a powerful healing ability and the ability to resurrect players. Together with Daughter Red, most players can be resurrected, so that everyone’s casualties will not be too great, and Dark Night and they also You won't get too many points, but there are two problems with this arrangement.

The first problem is that the CD time of the [Group Resurrection Art] on the piano is very long, which means that she can only perform it once, and the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology may sneak attacks one after another, and this is also considered sitting on the piano. Xin returned to the fortress but could only save people on a large scale at one time, and her effect was less after the [group resurrection technique] was cast.

The second problem is that if you sit on the piano and return, the efficiency of getting points by breaking the waves and riding the wind will be greatly reduced. Not surprisingly, her total points will be overtaken by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology in a short time. The same is true for Yue Feixue instead of sitting on the Qin Xin. After all, the distance between the two parties is very long, and it takes a long time to catch up, and during the period Tokyo Mythology they should be able to surpass the points.

Keeping the total points of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind in the top three is the most important thing for the fireworks and the fireworks. After all, they can get two pieces of national equipment, and one piece of national equipment still greatly improves the strength of a player, so now Everyone should let the waves and wind tell to get points.

Hearing that, everyone nodded together, and they also knew that it was the best to continue according to the current arrangement, and they also had the best chance to keep the total points of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind in the top three.

"Then what should I do if the dark night and Tokyo myths come to sneak attack?" Othello said in a deep voice, not waiting for the fireworks to get cold and the samaya poetry to reply, she continued: "If they come sneak attack, then their total points will also be greatly increased. , So there is still a chance to surpass Sister Feng, if this is the case, we will lose the wife and break the army.

"There are two space players in our team. They can also protect us by casting [Space Enchantment], especially when Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology come, so they may not get points, but they may let others Take advantage of it." Samadhi said, and then she looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng: "The other thing is to let Sister Feng increase her points quickly, and it is not too difficult for her."

"Is there a way for Sister Feng to increase her points quickly?!" After hearing the words of the Samadhi poem, June Feixue was pleasantly surprised, and she hurriedly asked: "What is the solution?! If there is such a way, then we have nothing to worry about. "

In Othello, their most worrying question is whether Breaking Waves and Riding Wind can enter the top three in the total points. If she can enter the top three, then it does not matter that some of their players who are hiding in the fort are killed, so after hearing the words of the Samadhi poem They are so excited.

Think about it, too, it’s not easy to prevent Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology from increasing their points quickly, but as long as they can quickly increase their points, there is no big problem, so that her total points will still be better than Tokyo Mythology. high.

"The house of the unknown assassin is investigating the locations of the fortresses occupied by other server players, and even already knows the locations of some fortresses, and will know more and more next." Samadhi said, her pretty face appeared on her face. A thick smile: "After logging in to the game tomorrow, Sister Feng will just kill those fortresses directly according to the information provided by the nameless. This will give Sister Feng a lot of points."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Not only that, it will also increase the speed at which players are eliminated. Soon there will be only 1,000 players left. At that time, the system will arrange the next step of the game process. Maybe we don’t have to. I'm worried that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will come sneak attack."

Hearing this, everyone didn't worry about this problem. The next thing was to continue talking while eating, and then go to rest.

It is worth mentioning that this time the fireworks were easy to be cold and still was pulled by the waves and wind, and then she failed to realize the bet with Ye Luo again, which also made Ye Luo more curious about this.

The next day, everyone logged in to the game on time, and they continued to take part in the [Forsaken City] game after a while in the US server. Because there are already things discussed yesterday, so everyone no longer worry about this, and always be ready for someone to sneak attack. ready.

As for Yeluo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, although the increased attack power from their previous killings no longer exists because time has passed for a long time, they are not worried about this problem because they know that their attack power will add up soon. ——At this time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they have learned from the nameless the location of the fortresses occupied by many servers. As long as they sneak attack on these fortresses, they can kill many players, so they can not only increase their attack power, but also increase a lot integral.

For Ye Luo and the others, adding up their attack power is now the most important thing, so they headed to the nearest fortress, quickly found the target, and then launched an attack.

This time Ye Luo and the others sneaked on a fortress that was not considered a powerful server. There were 3 to 40 people in it. Although there were one or two quasi-super masters among these people, they couldn’t bear the attack against Ye Luo. After persisting for a period of time, almost the entire army was wiped out-there were several dual-professional masters who used their ultimatums and decided to escape after seeing that the situation was not good, because there were still many players in the fortress at that time, and Ye Luo did not pursue them. .

"Hey, my points have increased a lot this time, and it has opened a gap of more than 5,000 points from Tokyo Mythology. It is not that easy for him to catch up with me." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she was pretty when she said this. There was a smile on his face: "Even if he knows what our fortress is, they are not bullies. Even if they can kill some people, it will take a long time, so the efficiency is much lower, at least without me. High, so don’t worry about his points surpassing me."

The total points of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind increased rapidly, while the total points of Tokyo Mythology did not, so it is easy to guess that he did not kill many players during this period, so his damage output will not be higher than that of the Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind. Next, the efficiency of getting points will naturally be higher.

"Don't be careless." Sitting on Qin Xin said warmly: "We know the fortresses occupied by other server players, Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night also naturally know, and even they are on their way to these fortresses, so they may also be short in the future. A lot of points increase in time."

Although I didn’t want to admit it, Po Lang Chengfeng knew that it’s not impossible to sit on Qin Xin’s words, but she didn’t care, because they still had some goals to solve. After solving these, her total points and attacks Strength will also be greatly improved.

Time passed by, and another half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

As time goes by, the damage of the mist of destruction is getting higher and higher. Although Yeluo 3 can easily deal with it, even sitting on the piano heart without applying healing skills, but other players are a little overwhelmed, even in the fortress. The same is true in China, and there are fewer and fewer players participating in the game, and soon there are fewer than 5,000.

Ye Luo and the others didn’t care about this, and they even wished that there were only 1,000 players left, not only because there were still a lot of Chinese players left at this time, but the most important thing was the total points ratio of breaking the waves and riding the wind. The Tokyo Myth is higher. Fewer players means that he won't get many points, and the harder it is to surpass the waves.

Hunting high-ranking BOSS all the way while rushing, Ye Luo and the others soon arrived at the next fortress, but when they saw that the fortress was empty, their expressions became a little dignified—someone had already boarded first.

"Someone came here one step earlier than us." Po Lang Chengfeng's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she looked around: "I don't know who made the move."

"It should be the dark night." Ye Luo said solemnly: "His total points have improved a lot compared to before. At this time, there should not be many players who are still hunting other server players. There are only a few people. Since Tokyo Myth’s total points have not increased significantly, so it is naturally dark night."

He was deeply impressed by Ye Luo's analysis, sitting on Qin Xin frowned slightly: "Dark Ye should also know the location of our fortress. Why doesn't he come here to deal with our people at this time?"

"It's very simple. There is some distance from our fortress here. It will take a long time for the dark night to pass, even if he is riding a holy mount." Ye Luo explained: "It is better to choose some fortresses nearby to sneak attack instead of wasting time. It can also increase a lot of points. After all, according to our intelligence, we know that there are several fortresses occupied by server players. I think they should also know about the dark night, so they will do this."

"That's true." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, and then thought of something, her voice improved a little: "Well, doesn't this mean that he has to compete with us for several other fortresses, and this will increase my total points Less efficiency?!"

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