VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2258: : Helm of Reincarnation

Everyone finally killed the BOSS, but what disappointed everyone was that the long sword was not a national weapon. Fortunately, it was an ancient holy-level thunder attribute long sword. The attributes and additional characteristics were not much worse than the national weapon. At least it can greatly increase the damage output of Wave Breaking Wind, and this somewhat stretches the look of Wave Breaking Wind Wind.

Swordsman classes can use two long swords. Breaking the waves and riding the wind has a spiritual weapon long sword, but the long sword of the off-hand weapon is only holy, which is far worse than the ancient holy long sword, and a long sword is also It can greatly improve her damage input and output. After she replaced this long sword, she couldn't wait to ask about the other equipment and props that the BOSS burst on August.

The second piece of equipment was quickly taken out on August. This piece of equipment is also of the Primordial Saint-level, heavy-armor type breastplate. Among the people, Xiaochen is a fire fighter class, so the breastplate is given to him, and this is also Let his overall attributes improve a lot.

The third piece of equipment is also of the Primordial Saint-level, and it is a talisman, which adds a lot of attributes and damage output. Although it is not a thunder attribute, it still gives the wave to the wind, because the amulet she is currently equipped is only level 320 Holy rank, the rank is a bit too low now.

Although everyone can equip the amulet, this amulet increases the power of the sword skill and reduces the CD time of the sword skill. If it is given to other players, it will be a little wasted. Although Changhe Sunset can also be equipped, his current equipment is ancient The saint-level one is much better than the original one of the breaking waves and riding the wind, so it is more cost-effective to give the breaking waves and riding the wind.

Of course, you can also give it to Ye Luo, but Ye Luo’s talisman is a spiritual weapon, and you don’t need to change it at all, so it was finally given to Breaking the Waves, not to mention that she will need to deal with the BOSS next—the player who has 2 big moves and Not much, breaking the waves and riding the wind is one, and the higher her damage output, the easier it is to kill the boss.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind are not polite, and equipped directly. A Primordial Sage Longsword and a Primordial Sage Talisman increase her damage output by at least 30%, and this also makes her equipment level not much worse than Eastern Killing Heaven. .

"Is it just these equipment?" said June Feixue, her tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Although the BOSS had dropped a fire-type equipment, it was not what June Feixue could equip. Even none of these Primordial Saint-level equipment could be equipped by her, she was naturally disappointed.

"There's still one more." On the Eighth Road, she said while investigating, and then her beautiful eyes lit up: "This time our luck is very good. A BOSS actually burst 4 pieces of Primordial Saint-level equipment. , And this one is the outstanding one among the Primordial Saint Grade equipment."

Speaking of these, she traded the equipment to Ye Luo, and of course did not forget to send everyone an equipment illustration:

[Helmet of Reincarnation] (Helmet*Heavy Armor-Primordial Sage)

Qi and blood: +100000

Magic: +50000

Physical defense: 10000—10000

Magic defense: 5000—5000

Strength: +3000

Constitution: +3000

Agility: +3000

Intelligence: +3000

Additional feature: After equipment, 10,000 points of power of reincarnation damage are added to the wearer. This damage is pure damage and ignores defense. Only ordinary attacks can trigger this feature. This feature can only be triggered by reincarnation and six-level occupations.

Additional features: increase the wearer's energy recovery by 1000 points per second, increase the wearer's recovery of magic by 1000 points per second, and an extra 5000 points of energy and blood can be added when the skills of reincarnation and six ways are used. The full state is converted into magic value.

Additional features: Increase the wearer’s resistance to various attributes by 5000 points. When damaged by various attributes, 20% of it can be absorbed into the wearer's blood, and if the wearer's blood is full, it will be converted into mana.

Additional feature: Reduces the skill CD time of the wearer by 25%, but this feature is only for skills whose CD time does not exceed 12 hours.

Additional features: Increase the hit rate of the wearer by 30%. When being attacked, there is a 10% rate to trigger the'reincarnation dodge' feature. After triggering this feature, the wearer's evasion rate will increase by 50%, and the damage received will be reduced by 50%. This reminder For 3 seconds, this feature cannot be superimposed.

Additional features: Increase the wearer’s critical strike resistance by 25%, and reduce damage by 30% when a critical strike is triggered by an attack.

Additional feature: It can make the wearer ignore the level 5 suppression.

Additional skills: [Reincarnation*Immunity]

Additional skills: [Sacred level driving easily]

Long-lasting equipment: 600/600

Need level: no level restrictions.

Equipment restrictions: Only male players can be equipped with this equipment, only certain occupations can be equipped, and then the equipment is bound to the equipment.

[Reincarnation* Immunity] (active skill): Use the power of reincarnation to form an energy layer to resist all negative states for the wearer. After casting, you can ignore any negative states in the spell, and the damage is reduced by 50%, and the damage crit rate is reduced If it is 0, this state lasts for 10 seconds. It takes 50,000 mana to cast this skill, and the interval between skill casts is 2 hours.

This piece of equipment belongs to the Samsara series, and only players of Samsara and the Six Dao series can equip it. At present, only Ye Luo can equip it in the entire Celestial Tribulation game. It is no wonder that after seeing this equipment, it will be directly traded on August. To Ye Luo.

Seeing this piece of equipment, Ye Luo frowned slightly, and he solemnly said: "Although the additional basic attributes and additional features of [Helmet of Reincarnation] are much stronger than [Helmet of Five Elements], the additional skills are gone. Come on, the additional skill of [Helmet of the Five Elements] is a large-scale damage and control skill, and it is a continuous damage skill, and the skill of [Helmet of Reincarnation] does not seem to be of much use to me."

Ye Luo has a lot of life-saving skills. After casting [Cooling Reset], there are as many as 5 or 6 invincible methods. So for him, the effect of [Reincarnation*Immunity] is dispensable, no wonder it is He only said that after seeing this piece of equipment.

"It seems so." June Feixue nodded: "Uncle Ye Luo doesn't seem to lack invincibility at all, not to mention [Reincarnation*Immunity] is not an invincible skill. I feel that the group damage skill has a greater effect on him. ."

"Not to mention the additional basic attributes and characteristics of [Hem of Reincarnation] are much better, just to say that the additional skills can also play a great role in future national wars. Don't forget that Ye Luo will face several Thousands of players besieged and deliberately targeted. In this case, it is very important not to be controlled." Sit on the Qin sister and analyze: "Although [Reincarnation*Immunity] is not an invincible skill, it means he is immune to any negative state. He won’t be controlled, which is enough for him. After all, it’s no problem to resist the attacks of many players with his vitality and defense power. Moreover, [Reincarnation*Immunity] can also reduce damage by 50%. The critical strike rate is reduced to 0, which means that almost no player can kill him when he uses this skill."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: "What's more, this skill lasts for 10 seconds. Such a long time is much better than most invincible methods."

"Ye Luo, it seems that only you can equip this piece of equipment. You can change the equipment. Anyway, your [Helmet of the Five Elements] won't be thrown away." Breaking the waves ride the wind road, and then noticed something, she laughed : "Furthermore, the CD time of [Reincarnation*Immunity] is only 2 hours, which means that you can also use it in arena PK and many matches. With this skill, your chances of winning will undoubtedly be greater."

Ye Luo is also a smart person, and he naturally knows that the additional skills of [Helmet of Reincarnation] and [Helmet of Five Elements] have their own advantages, and the additional basic attributes and characteristics of the former are better, not to mention that he can watch it as said by breaking the waves and riding the wind. The situation changed to use these two pieces of equipment, so he didn't say anything, and then changed into the [Helmet of Reincarnation]-it is undoubtedly better to equip [Helmet of Reincarnation] when dealing with powerful BOSS.

As mentioned on August, a BOSS burst 4 pieces of Primordial Saint-level equipment, not to mention that the BOSS also burst 2 pieces of Primordial Saint-level equipment, as well as some strengthening stones, high-level gems, and so on. Somewhat improved everyone's strength, and then everyone went all-out toward the last BOSS, because they were still in the state of [Five Elements Great Array], so their efficiency was pretty good.

"Fireworks, how do we deal with the last BOSS?" Othello asked: "After all, many of us don't have big moves, and [Thunder God's Fall] can only affect 10 people at most, and many of us don't have that. Status, dealing with BOSS like this is a bit dangerous."

Think about it, before everyone had big moves and the state of the [Five Elements Great Array] was killed. Now, if it weren’t for the pastor’s [Resurrection Prophecy], I’m afraid there would be some downsizing, but now most of us don’t have big moves. The last BOSS will undoubtedly be more dangerous, even if the strengths of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others have improved a lot.

"Use a [Group Blessing Scroll], and Sister Houfeng will cast [Thunder God's Coming] on Ye Luo and other players who have performed ulterior moves." The fireworks are easy to cold and soon have tactics: "If killed, there will be a [Resurrection Prophecy] You can continue to deal with the BOSS in this state, and after being killed and resurrected without this state, you can withdraw from the attack range of the BOSS. Not surprisingly, the remaining people can still kill the BOSS."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: "If necessary, everyone will form a team to perform combo skills. Of course, they can also use powerful and large-scale group attack skills."

I have to say that the arrangement of the fireworks is the most sensible and the most sure to kill the boss. After hearing her arrangement, everyone has no objection and is ready to deal with the boss.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (Thousands of miles to ride alone): Ye Luo, it's been a long time since I saw you, and I have time to learn from each other.

I know Ye Luo when I ride a thousand miles alone. I naturally know Ye Luo’s real name, but he is not a friend of Ye Luo in the game. In addition, Ye Luo refuses to add players as friends, although he can be contacted through the Nangong family. Ye Luo, but he also likes to be direct, so he contacted Ye Luo directly on the system announcement.

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