VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2266: : Main city upgrade

The secondary main city is the main city of the system. It does not matter to many players whether this city is destroyed by monsters. After all, they can go to the major gangs in the future, and it is even more convenient, especially when going out for missions, When killing monsters.

Of course, there are many people who hope that the secondary main city will be destroyed, especially those players who have a gang station, because the number of players who go to the gang station in this way will greatly increase, and this also means that their income will greatly increase.

It is precisely because of these that many people are not worried after knowing that they cannot hold the second-tier main city. Only the **** of wine Du Kang and others are worried. Not only will this reduce the national tax revenue, but the most important thing is that there will be less strategic importance However, after thinking that other servers could not keep up, they didn't worry about it anymore. After all, they couldn't do anything.

"Although we can't defend, we have to do our best to defend." Also seeing the negativity of everyone, Bacchus Dukang said solemnly: "Maybe the last few waves of monsters attack us and we can't keep it, but the first few waves must have nothing. Problem, and killing those monsters can also give us a lot of benefits. Don’t forget that this time the monster’s monster experience and explosion rate will be greatly increased. If you kill some Primordial Saint-level BOSS, you can still get Primordial Saint-level equipment. Even the national equipment, and this can greatly enhance our overall strength."

Think about it, even though it is difficult to resist the monster attacking the city in the end, it is still easy to resist in the first few waves, because the explosion rate and experience of the monster have increased by 20%, and there are many bosses among the monsters, which will make the city defend. Players get a lot of benefits, and the improvement of strength is inevitable, and it is necessary for the players in the Chinese server to greatly improve their strength with this monster siege.

It is precisely because of this that many players have decided to lead their own gang to defend the city. As for how to defend the city, they will follow the strategy they have discussed before-each defending their own secondary city, such as the Eastern Family and Misty Pavilion defending Haoyue City, other gangs are the same.

Because the monster attacked the city after 24 hours, and everyone had already discussed the countermeasures, they didn't stay anymore and withdrew separately.

Ye Luo and the others returned to the ninth floor of Linglong Tower again, and June Feixue asked while attacking: "Sister Fireworks, why did the system suddenly make such a decision? It is not a good thing for players to destroy the main city of the system. At the very least, there are fewer places to shelter."

June Feixue and the others also knew that the Demon God's revenge was just a cause, and it was the brain system that really wanted to do this, so they wondered why the brain system made such a choice.

"Because there are too many system main cities in a server, especially after the first-level main cities and imperial cities appear." Samadhi replied: "So the brain system decided to destroy all the second-level main cities, and then The first-level main city replaces these second-level main cities. If I didn't expect it to be wrong, this is just a process of upgrading the main city."

Seeing the stunned look of June Feixue and others, she laughed: "Do you remember Luoshui Town, before the brain system used monsters to attack the city to remove them from the name of the system, but those system towns... "

"Does this mean that we can **** Haoyue City back from the monsters in the future, especially after our strength is strong?!" When Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Samadhi, her tone was full of excitement: "We must Try every means to get Haoyue City. After all, Haoyue City is a second-level main city, and this city is much stronger than a fourth-level gang resident."

Not only is it exciting to break through the waves and ride the wind, but so are the people like June Feixue. After all, they have already gained a lot of benefits by snatching Luoshui Town from the monsters before. If they can grab the level of Biluo Water Town like Haoyue City again For cities that are much higher, the benefits they receive will naturally be greater.

"This time we can't do what we want." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, without waiting for everyone to ask, she explained: "Because this time the monster is attacking the city because there are too many system cities in each server, or there are too many locations and cities. So, with the help of the monster’s hand, it will be destroyed, and it will be completely destroyed, erased from the map. In this case, we naturally have no chance to take it for ourselves."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Not only that, in the future, monsters may also attack major gang sites. Not surprisingly, many sites will be eliminated, leaving only some with higher levels and stronger defensive strength. And all this is to prepare for the future national war."

"Prepare for the future national war?" For a moment, Othello looked dazed.

"If there are too many gang sites, players will attack more targets, and many low-level sites are easily destroyed. In this case, they can easily be occupied by players on other servers. Therefore, national warfare is too simple. The brain system will choose to destroy some prefecture-level stations, and the most effective and reasonable method is undoubtedly the monster siege.” Yanyiyi Leng explained. She looked at Yanyiyi Leng and others: “So next we will try to improve our Resident level, otherwise you may fall victim to monster siege."

Although there is still some confusion, since the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the samādhi poems say so, then it is very likely that this is the case, but the waves and the wind are not worried about these, after all, there are dedicated people in charge of station upgrades, and she is the most important The mission is to improve the strength, by the way, work hard to improve the strength of other players in Misty Pavilion.

Of course, you can also use a simple sentence to summarize her mission, that is, to follow the command of fireworks and easy cold.

"Hey, I can't take Haoyue City back, it's a pity," Po Lang muttered.

"Although Haoyue City cannot be snatched back, we must try our best to gain benefits from defending the city this time to improve our strength." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "According to the results of the discussion, we and the Dongfang Family will defend two walls separately. We must kill as many bosses as possible and take back the spoils. Of course, if the Eastern Family can't hold on, we can also support..."

"Then take advantage of their support to grab their boss." June Feixue chuckled: "We all know that, hey, we discussed it anyway, which party can be defeated by the city wall and the other can be supported. Our overall strength It is stronger than the Eastern family, and Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng are very mobile and powerful. It’s no problem to steal some of the Eastern family’s BOSS, and even some Sage-level bosses, so you can earn money. It's bigger, of course, it would be even better if it could explode the Chinese weapon."

"Yes, it's best to explode the national weapon, and it is a long sword type." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then thinking of something, her tone was full of envy: "The luck of the colorful sacred cow is too good, kill the tenth demon **** *Growler actually obtained a high-grade national weapon, and it is a weapon type. I checked the properties of that weapon before. Tsk tsk, it is too powerful, and it is better than the [Sirius Shooting Wolf] integrated with [Flying Snow Bow] ] It is too powerful, and the additional skills are extremely overbearing. At present, there is almost no skill that can compare with it."

"Yes, this national weapon alone can increase the strength of the colorful **** cow by 30 to 40%. He was originally a super master, and he is the best in super masters, and this is even more so now." Black and white chess said, what did he think of She sighed: "It's a pity that [Devil God* Growler] is not a national weapon that will explode when killed, like Ye Luo's [Heavenly Tribulation * Destruction]. Otherwise, we will try to kill him and explode this national weapon. Give a smile to Hongchen, so that he can also become a super master."

"Yes, it's a pity." Po Lang Chengfeng took the conversation, and then she murmured: "The most important thing is that this national weapon is actually a battle axe, which is not what our swordsman can equip..."

"Yi Xiao Hong Chen can be equipped, and Ye Luo should also be able to equip it. Don’t forget that Ye Luo is proficient in all weapons, which means he can use any equipment. [Devil* Growler] is a one-handed battle axe, which is also very suitable for Ye. Luo.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, she looked at Ye Luo: “Although Ye Luo already has a national weapon, the ring-type national weapon cannot be compared with the weapon type. If he can obtain a weapon type That’s fine, even if it’s just a low-grade one, it can greatly enhance his strength."

"This kind of thing can't be met, let's try your luck." Ye Luo said casually, and then his tone changed: "Xiaoshu has already gone out to investigate and find high-ranking bosses, and he should also be in this monster siege. I will encounter some high-ranking bosses, kill them and have a chance to explode some national weapons. I am not very good at battle axes. I'd better use long swords or daggers."

"It's best for a long sword." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she looked angry, and everyone was amused.

"Of course the long sword type is better." Ye Luo said, but when he thought of something, he looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng: "Sister Feng, the most suitable national weapon for you at the moment should be [Thunder God Sword]. We will look for opportunities in the future. Killed the perfume beauty..."

"Of course this is the best." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Ye Luo's words, and a glint flashed in her eyes as she said these: "The perfume beauty has troubled us more than once, so I have the opportunity to meet him in the future. You can't blame us for killing her."

At this moment, suddenly every night unless said: "Hey, how could this happen? Players who participated in the [Devil's Descend] defense will not be able to leave through the teleportation array. Doesn't this mean that once participating in the defense, we will be killed once, after all, we resist Can't help monsters attack."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and then hurriedly searched for the information about the defense this time. As expected, unless it is said that during the monster siege, the player can only rush to the system city from other places and cannot leave by the teleportation formation. This restriction can undoubtedly greatly change the situation of defending the city in the future-many players worry that the defending city will lose the level and not participate in the defense, and this will undoubtedly reduce the strength of the defending city.

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