VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2312: : National Warfare System

The probability of killing the BOSS of the foreign server to explode the Chinese device is slightly increased. The most important thing is that the probability of killing the BOSS of this server to explode the Chinese device is less than 10% of the original. This is undoubtedly tempting players to sneak into other servers. Out of interest, she finally found an excuse to sneak into other servers.

However, Samadhi and they know that sneaking into other servers is not a good choice, because it is easy to be targeted by multiple servers. With the current strength of China Server, it is also very stressful to have several servers at the same time-many servers are now found Allies, if they act on one of them, they will act on the others, and some servers that want to confuse and fish will also act. It can be said that they will affect the whole body.

After listening to the samādhi poem and sitting on the heart of the piano, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind slightly dispelled the idea of ​​sneaking into other servers, but at this time June Feixue thought of another problem-other servers sending elite teams to sneak into other servers also have a chance to obtain National weapons, and their ability to obtain national weapons can quickly increase their strength. For example, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they may sneak into other servers to obtain national weapons, and this will also greatly increase their strength.

Dark Night’s strength is already very strong. If they get some more national weapons, their strength will qualitatively leap forward, even surpassing Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others. This is not what everyone wants to see-as everyone knows South Korea, Japan and other servers are quite hostile to China Server. Once these servers become powerful, they will definitely take action against China Server. This has to be prevented.

"Yeah, this thing has to be guarded." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she looked at the firework and coldness with expectation: "So we'd better send an elite team to sneak into other servers, hey, once we get it Some national devices will not be afraid even if the major servers are targeting us together."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, it would be better if we could grab the national weapon from the dark night and the others. One trades and the other trades, and we want to defeat them more easily in the future."

"It’s not that easy to explode the national weapon. As the player's strength increases, the chance of killing the ancient saint-level and primordial saint-level BOSS exploding the national weapon will be reduced a lot, so killing the BOSS of other servers will explode the national weapon. The probability is still very low, it is not easy to get it, and it will be intercepted by this server with all its strength.” Samadhi explained, seeing that the waves and the wind and others still didn’t give up, she continued: “Even if you want Infiltrating into other servers can’t be right now. At the very least, we have to see the situation clearly. For example, we can do it after other servers do it, so that we may be targeted much less.”

Without waiting for Po Lang Chengfeng and others to speak, she continued: "Of course I still feel that as long as I don’t sneak into our server, I don’t care about them and let them fight each other. Although some players will increase in strength, their overall strength will be better. Slow, not necessarily faster than our full strength to improve."

"It must not be as fast as us, because sneaking into other servers will not fully improve our strength, and will consume each other. After all, no server is a soft persimmon." Fireworks Yi Leng said with confidence: "So I suggest continuing to work hard to improve us. The strength of the company, by the way, wait and see the changes, looking for a suitable mobile phone meeting."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "I believe that the entire Heavenly Tribulation game will soon become chaotic, and only when it becomes chaotic can we discover more opportunities, and once we discover opportunities, we can use thunder means to gain benefits to enhance our strength. This is better than blindly shooting."

"That's right." Ye Luo took the stubborn words: "After all, no one knows what benefits other servers have gained after the demon **** descended this time. If we rashly take action, it may cause us a lot of trouble, which will hinder our ability to improve. ."

Everyone also agrees with Ye Luo and Yi Leng Yi Leng, because they also know that the coming of the devil this time will be a big change for many servers. No one knows what they have obtained. They don’t necessarily have good results.

Although a little disappointed, Palang Rongfeng knew that Ye Luo and the others said it was the best arrangement, and she did not let go of her last hope: "Fireworks, we don’t take the initiative to provoke others, but if others provoke us, then Don't blame us, whoever provokes us will sneak into which server, otherwise they think we are very bullied."

"This is natural." Samadhi said, and then she chuckled for a lifetime: "But I don't think there is any server that does not open its eyes to provoke us, even if it is Yinfu and Japanese clothes, because they should know that we are better than them."

The reason why Yinfu and Japanese servers are mentioned is because the national equipment of these two servers-[Five Poison Scepter] and [Demon Blade Village Zheng] are in the hands of Chinese server players. Not surprisingly, they will work on the Chinese server sooner or later. But Samadhi and they also know that these two servers will also look for the right time, and they will not do it at all at present.

"Of course the most important thing is that we still don't have enough strength to attack cities where other servers have transmission capabilities." Samadhi said: "Before this, attacking a server rashly will be very dangerous, and the worst will also hold a lot of combat power. This is a very risky thing."

After hearing this, everyone nodded, and they naturally knew this, so they became more determined to continue to watch the changes.

The people who discussed these issues were found by Dukang, the **** of wine, Fengxing, etc., because they also saw the reforms after the system upgrade. They also attached great importance to this point, and then solicited the opinions of fireworks and Eastern Stars. , After all, many voices in their gang clamored to sneak into other servers, which made many people excited.

"The current situation is unclear, and it is still focused on improving our overall strength." Dongfang Star expressed his opinion: "Now we can easily receive many tasks, and Linglong Tower is open again, and these can be quickly Enhancing our strength is even more beneficial than infiltrating other servers, and there is no need to worry about any danger, so it’s best to continue until the situation becomes clear."

"Yes, let the other servers move first. When they move, the game world will become chaotic, and this will allow us to find a lot of opportunities." Ye Yufei also expressed his opinion.

After the Oriental star and Ye Yu Feifei, Yi Leng Yi Leng also expressed her thoughts, just as they discussed before, and this also allowed Feng Xing, Bacchus Dukang and others to determine what to do next-the top ten after the meeting The gangs and the masters on the celebrity list began to restrain their people from sneaking into other servers rashly, and the consequences of acting rashly would be severely punished.

After the meeting, Ye Luo and the others continued to work hard to improve their strength, as the Eastern Stars said they killed monsters while doing quests and made good use of the Linglong Tower to make the players of the major gangs quickly improve, and the major gangs began to accumulate strength.

In fact, there is another reason why everyone does not agree to sneak into other servers, that is, the distribution of monsters around the gangs of the major gangs has also changed significantly after the [Devil's Coming], and there are many powerful monsters, which are for the major gangs. It has somewhat caused some impact, and it is imperative to clean up these monsters. After all, everyone knows the truth about how to allow others to snore on the side of the couch.

Time lapsed while trying to improve his strength, and another two or three days passed.

After such a long time, more and more players have been upgraded to level 300, and finally reached the level required by the system for more than 1 million players to reach level 300, and the level 300 dungeon mission [Legacy City] was officially triggered. Wait until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow, when everyone will inevitably fight for it-getting the first kill will still get some very good rewards.

And after the system prompt for this matter sounded, another system prompt sounded:


System reminder (full server): Because the full server has reached level 300 with more than 1 million players, the small-scale national warfare system is now officially triggered. This system will be triggered once a week on Sunday, when all servers will be randomly matched to an opponent For fighting, each party is limited to an increase of 100,000. At that time, players with a total score of 11111 in the major professional arenas of each server are eligible to participate. Players who fight between the two sides to win the victory will receive generous rewards. The defeated party will be punished. This is a notice, and I hope everyone will make adequate preparations.

This system prompt sounded 10 times in a row, yes, it was 10 times, and it sounded throughout the entire Heaven Tribulation game, and this also caused an uproar in the game.

"Hey, the national warfare system is officially triggered?!" After hearing this system prompt, the voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little, and her tone was full of surprises: "Great, but finally the national war is fought openly, and Once a week, tusk, this must be interesting."

"It's just a small-scale national warfare system. There are only 100,000 players participating in each server." Samadhi smiled lightly: "This is still a long way from the official trigger of a large-scale national war. Don't be too excited, Sister Feng."

"Hey, since the small-scale national warfare system has started, then the large-scale national warfare system is not far away." Po Lang Chengfeng disapproved, she was still excited: "As long as it is a national war, it is better than just doing tasks. Many, not to mention that there will be good rewards after winning."

"Yes, fighting with players on other servers is far more interesting than fighting with your own people, and it's much better than doing tasks and killing monsters." June Feixue said very excitedly, and then she couldn't bear it after noticing something. Shim murmured: "Unfortunately, this kind of battle can only be triggered on weekends, and today is only Tuesday. You still need to wait a few days before you can fight with other servers."

"Isn't it just waiting for a few days, these few days are just right to prepare." Black and white chess, and then thought of something she smiled: "But to be honest, our current strength should be the strongest in the whole server, no matter what We have a great chance of winning on either server."

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