Gale Valley is a place full of wind and wind, players will continue to lose blood when entering it, and the blood loss speed is much faster than in the Five Poison Swamp, but Ye Luo's equipment level is much better than before, and the blood recovery speed is very fast In addition, his wind resistance is very high, so he can hold on completely at the edge of Gale Valley, and he doesn't even need to take medicine pills and use [Life Draining] skills to increase blood.

Although he was discovered and pursued by the Hulk and other American players, Ye Luo did not worry at all, because he has many advantages over the Hulk and other American players in Gale Valley, not to mention being able to enter Gale Valley and then persist for a long time. There are not many US server players at all-this is the main reason why the US server has so little information about Gale Valley.

However, thinking of what Ye Luo's mouth raised a smile, he came to the edge of Gale Valley and provokes the Hulk and other US players, and even directly attacked players who are very close to him. Before, the Hulk and other US players were watching After arriving at Ye Luo, they chased and killed them. They stopped at the edge of Gale Valley without going deep into it, and Ye Luo could fully attack them after switching to the archer mode.

Ye Luo has already planned to hunt down the Primordial Saint-level BOSS in Gale Valley. After all, hunting BOSS will explode very good equipment and props, and may even explode Chinese weapons, but he does not have much chance of winning, especially in the depth. In the case of Gale Valley, it is different if you can kill some US players, because killing them can increase some attack power, and then it will naturally be much easier to deal with the Primordial Saint-level BOSS, of course, if you can fill it up Attack power is even more of no problem, so Ye Luo will provoke the US server players.

Ye Luo's provocation made the Hulk and other US server players extremely angry. In their hearts, they had no problem dealing with Ye Luo, especially the nameless hero and Hero Blade would soon come to support, so they brazenly rushed over. , Ready to kill Ye Luo-At this time, the players in the US server didn’t know what Ye Luo’s mission was. He thought his mission was to hunt down 100 US players with a level of over 300. In this case, they would naturally not Ye Luo will be spared, and only by killing him can he avoid a greater loss. Therefore, after learning that Ye Luo was discovered by the Hulk, all the elite masters such as Hero Blade and other American servers rushed over.

When they saw the Hulk, they rushed over, and the smile on Ye Luo's mouth became even stronger. He said to himself: "When I was teleported over, the Hulk had hundreds of people, and they teleported over after seeing me 1. 200 people, many of them are double-professional masters, and there are masters on the world master list. If you can kill all of them, the loss to them will be great. The most important thing is that my attack power will increase a lot. ."

If Ye Luo wanted to kill all the elite masters of the US server in other places, it would be difficult, but it is different now, because those players in the US server in the Gale Valley will always lose their vitality, which will undoubtedly save Ye Luo has many things, of course the most important thing is Ye Luo's great power and wide range of skills.

The Hulks are not fools. They soon discovered this, so they hesitated, especially after seeing Yeluo continue to go deep into the Gale Valley, so they stopped, even withdrew from the Gale Valley, and then took a good time. Looking at Ye Luo, he looked like he was blocked in Gale Valley.

"It seems that the players of the US server are not fools. They knew that it was not wise to go deep into the Gale Valley to chase me, so they retreated to the edge, but they didn't leave." Ye Luo secretly said, and then thought that the corner of his mouth smiled stronger. "It is estimated that they think my task is to hunt down the players of the US server, so they did not leave but blocked me in Gale Valley. In their hearts, this would naturally limit me from causing losses to their people. "

Thinking of Ye Luo chasing up again, he decided to pay attention to hunting down the American players first, and then hunting down the Primordial Saint-level BOSS in Gale Valley, because in his mind, if he can fill up his attack power, then Even against the 390-level boss, there is a great chance to kill him.

Seeing Ye Luo approaching, the Hulk and other US players thought that Ye Luo was going to escape. They were more vigilant, and then made their space players ready to take action at any time-the Hulk was ready to let their people display [Space Enchantment] Trapped with Ye Luo, once you want to kill him, it is naturally much easier.

Ye Luo also saw one or two space players in the US server behind the Hulk. He understood the idea of ​​the Hulk instantly, but he was so happy because he killed all these US players like this in his heart. It's easier.

It was also thought that these Ye Luo did not stop and continued to approach the Hulk, and when the Hulk was 4 or 50 meters away from those people, the Hulk ordered that the space player decisively used [Space Enchantment] to trap Ye Luo in it. .

In the hearts of the Hulks, Ye Luo wanted to move more than 50 meters in 2 seconds, only to use the 100-meter displacement skill [Remnant of Reincarnation], and they knew that Ye Luo’s reaction would definitely be able to display it for the first time and then escape [ Space Enchantment] coverage, but they didn’t care. Using a [Space Enchantment] in their minds to force Ye Luo’s skill out is pretty good-there are several space players in the US server, and they use a [Space Enchantment] ] It’s totally worth it to force [Remnant of Reincarnation] out, and they also know that only if Ye Luo doesn’t have this skill, they will kill it.

But what excited the Hulks was that Ye Luo did not use [Remnant of Reincarnation] to escape. There is no doubt that [Space Enchantment] trapped him in it, and there are also more than 300 US servers trapped in it. Elite masters of, and the next space player in the US server can use the [Space Portal] to send more US server players, and even the world masters such as Hero's Blade and Heroes Unknown. Killing Ye Luo is also very easy in their hearts.

Seeing that the players in the US server used [Space Enchantment] and then [Space Portal] to teleport the hero Wuming and others, Ye Luo's mouth evoked a smile, and then he decisively used [Reincarnation Clone]. The control clone moved closer to the hero's blade and others, and he also began to use his strength behind the clone to perform [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole].

Seeing that Ye Luo was trapped, Hero's Blade and others were also very excited. In their hearts, they would definitely be able to kill Ye Luo this time. Although he could not explode his equipment and national weapons, he could drop 1 level and hit him. The cross-server task of breaking him was still good, so they rushed up aggressively one by one, preparing to kill Ye Luo.

But soon they were stunned, because a dark curtain enveloped everything around them, and they found that their heads began to lose blood. After reading the battle information, they discovered the power of [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], and their complexion instantly became ugly. They got up, and then they did the same action as the emperor’s hymn and others-escaped the black hole as quickly as possible. In their hearts, although they were trapped by [Space Enchantment], there were still some in the Space Enchantment. It is the place where [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] is not covered, as long as they persist for 1 minute, then they can kill Ye Luo.

Soon the hero Wuming discovered that they couldn't leave the black hole at all, and even their space system players could not teleport them away when they cast [Space Portal], and their faces became ugly when they saw the thousands of energy swords shrouded in Ye Luo's head. Get up, but they can afford to let them go, ordering their people to use invincible means and ultimatums-the heroes are nameless, they also know that they can resist even if they use their ultimatums Able to survive, only by using invincible means.

The reason why they still use their big moves is naturally because they are ready to use their big moves and then rush to Ye Luo and kill him as quickly as possible, because the heroes are unknown and they realize that if they can't kill Ye Luo in a short time, then they These people are likely to die here.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo also decisively performed a big move, and then [clouds and mists] and other skills that restricted the US server players, and he began to retreat, obviously using the speed advantage to delay the time with the unknown heroes.

Although the overall strength of the trapped US server players such as Hero Wuming is much stronger than the emperor’s hymn and others, and the current Ye Luo’s attack power has not increased, but here is Gale Valley, and Ye Luo is completely in peak state. , It is easy to deal with the unknown heroes.

The next thing is simple. Ye Luo keeps away from the unknown heroes and calculates the time. Every 5 or 6 seconds, he will use a powerful and large-scale skill. Tribulation * Destruction] and other powerful, large-scale group attack skills are displayed, and after 2 or 30 seconds, all players in the US server will have no invincibility means and invincibility. Even the hero Wuming and others are the same, waiting for their fate Think about it.

After another 1, 20 seconds, Ye Luo finally killed all the US players who were waiting for the Hero Blade in the [Space Enchantment]. At this time, he has not yet performed [Cooling Reset], and even [Reincarnation* Immunity] ] Also did not display, and this also means that he still retains a strong combat power.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the unknown heroes do not know the introduction of [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole], otherwise they would not rush over together like this, but entangle me in batches, so even if I can kill some people, I can’t kill them. They killed all of them, but I couldn't kill all of them, so I would definitely be killed by them." Ye Luo secretly said, the smile on his mouth became stronger when he said this: "This time I killed more than 300 people. The attack power is full, and after casting [Cooldown Reset], I still have a big move and several invincible methods. In this state, I should be able to kill the Primordial Saint-level BOSS in Gale Valley. After all, I have a full attack After Lili, my damage output increased several times."

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