VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2355: :victory is in sight

The three melee players in Hanbok entangle Ye Luo, while Dark Star, Shadow and Fire Dance Light are successively using their displacement skills to move towards the fireworks, which are easy to be cold, and nights are not easy to go. Although Fire Dance Light and Dark Star are not magicians. They are good at close combat, but they have powerful damage and control skills. They must use invincible means to face them every night unless the fireworks are easy to be cold, otherwise they will be controlled, and they are likely to be killed next, not to mention the shadows are still melee Master, once he gets close, the fireworks are easy to be cold and the two will undoubtedly die.

I also know this, so fireworks are easy to be cold, and nights are not stingy unless they are not stingy. The displacement skills are 15 meters away from the dark star and others, plus sitting on the heart of the piano and casting [Disperse], so easily resolve the dark Star’s control skills such as [Devil Mist] and [Devil Transformation], so naturally there is no need to use invincible skills.

As for sitting on Qinxin, she has been behind the fireworks and others, and her speed is not fuller than Dark Star 2, so she is quite safe-in fact, she recovered after sitting on Qinxin in the first two games. Magic value, after turning on the [Magic Guardian Shield], it is okay to resist the shadow and others for a period of time. At least it is okay until the shadow and others’ invincible skills are exhausted, and then the fireworks are easy to cold. Every night unless nature can control them and kill them.

Dark Star and the others are easily cold by the fireworks. Once so, they can easily get away from the magician at the speed of the archer. As for the shadow, his speed is not necessarily colder than the fireworks. Fast, it's only slightly faster than sitting on the piano heart, but before the fireworks and the others rushed, she was a long distance behind the fireworks, so there would be nothing in a short time.

Still the same sentence, with the blood and mana of sitting on the piano heart, even if it is overtaken and then attacked by the Shadow 3, it will not be a big problem, not to mention the Shadow 3 will take some time to catch up with her.

The next thing is simple. What they have to do is delay the time when the fireworks are easy to cold, and they can fight back when the invincible skills of the Shadow 3 are exhausted.

As for Ye Luo's side, although he used a pair of 3s, the strength of the three of them is relatively weak. He can also deal with them by various means, not to mention that he can easily get rid of them by using [God Dance Step] one after another. , And then easily distanced from them, and the next step was to fly a kite to them.

I have to say that Ye Luo's equipment level and class match are much better than those of Huowuzhiguang and others. In addition, they have used some methods one after another, so there is not much suspense in this battle. Dark Star is the first to be killed. Then came the light of the dance of fire, and even the shadows were quickly controlled by the night and night, the fireworks were easy to cold, and it was only a matter of time before they were killed.

After Dark Star and the others were controlled and then killed, they sat on the Qin Xin and went to Ye Luo. She assisted Ye Luo to control the opponent, and used [Dispel] to relieve Ye Luo’s negative state, so that the latter could confidently and boldly deal with the 3 People fight against each other, and he can easily solve it.

Ye Luo’s attack power was increased to 27% after solving Huowuzhiguang and others. This is already a very high number. At this time, he can deal with the 6-man team that dark night and Twilight cool. After all, at this time they still have many killers, such as invincible means, such as [Eight Shadows Clone], such as [Energy Shield of Wind] and [Energy Shield of Fire] and so on.

Soon the seventh round of the battle began. What made Ye Luo and the others amused was that Dark Night and Twilight still did not play this time, and the strength of the 6 Hanbok players on the field was only at the mid-level of the dual professional level, compared with Ye Luo and the others. There is still a big gap. It is quite simple to kill it in this way. Even Ye Luo and the others have no consumption at all. After solving this round, Ye Luo’s attack power has increased to 33%-yes, the previous one. All the 6 people were killed by Ye Luo. After all, the opponent's strength was relatively weak, and Ye Luo had a lot of room for manipulation.

"There are only three 6-person teams left, and Twilight Cool and Dark Night did not make any moves. They are the first and second masters in Hanbok, and they are also outstanding among super masters, especially since both of them have a national team. "Important." Sitting on Qin Xin said solemnly, "If they are assigned to the same team, then there are still some threats to us."

"Even if they are assigned to a small team, it is no problem to suppress them with our strength. After all, we still have a lot of means." Ye Ye said indifferently: "Not to mention the handsome uncle's attack power increased by 30 %, this is a big improvement, and it won’t be a problem with the dark night and the cool twilight."

Without waiting for Ye Luo and others to speak, she continued: "What's more, there will be 3 teams next, and the chances of them being divided together are not very high."

"Well, the chances don't wait." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Moreover, sister Qin retains a lot of control skills. It is not a problem to use all of their invincible methods one after another. The most important thing is that Hanbok ranks relatively high. The masters have been killed, they don't have too powerful helpers."

Think about it, too, the top players in Hanbok such as Fire Dance, Dark Star, Shadow, Razor, and Violent Butcher have all been killed, and the remaining players are ranked 2, 30 except for Dark Night and Twilight. Players outside the name, these people will not play a big role in the next team battle.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they no longer worried about this issue. Then they recovered their state while waiting for their opponents to play in the next round. The blood, magic, and so on were also well recovered. After all, with their equipment level , The overall attribute qi and blood and magic recovery speed are very fast.

The eighth round of battle started quickly. Ye Luo and the others were completely relieved that this time there was Twilight and Cool in the 6-man team, which means that he was separated from Dark Night. In that case, they had to fight Ye Luo 4 people. It shouldn't be a threat. After all, the two super masters together can play a role far greater than one plus one, but the role that can be played separately is simple.

"We focus on attacking Twilight and Cool, Ye Luo, you are responsible for pestering him, don't be stingy with your skills, because there are not many people left in them, and only one dark night will not pose a big threat to us." The firework said coldly, seeing Ye Luo nodded and turned to look at Qin Xin, "Sister Qin, your mana has been restored in the previous battle. While Ye Luo entangled Twilight's coolness, you entangled the remaining 2 melee players. , Give the remaining 2 magicians and archers to me and Xiao Fei."

They didn’t disagree with Ye Luo’s tactics that fireworks are easy to be cold, and the battle will soon officially begin. After Ye Luo is close to 50 meters in the cool twilight, Ye Luo will shoot at him unless the night and the fireworks are easy to cold. Flame Arrow], in order to force him to use invincible means, of course he does not do so, after all, it will be much easier to kill him with so much energy and blood.

Twilight was slightly cold and did not use invincible means, because he also saw that it takes 30 seconds to cast [Devil Flame Arrow], and his vitality can be restored for such a long time, not to mention the next When facing Shang Ye Luo and others, he will also use invincible means. These times can also restore a lot of Qi and blood. Twilight Weiliang also knows that as long as he is not controlled, there is no problem in losing some Qi and blood, and once controlled, Even if he was full of blood, he would inevitably be killed.

Seeing that Twilight was cool and not fooled, Ye Luo and the others were not disappointed, and then started the battle according to the previously agreed tactics.

I have to say that Twilight's coolness is very strong. After being equipped with the national equipment, his strength is more cold than fireworks, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and it can also cause some threats to Ye Luo, but at this time The fireworks are easy to cold, every night unless and sitting on the heart of the piano, and even though there are 5 teammates in Twilight Slightly Cool, their role is much weaker.

With the state of [Spell Immunity], Ye Luo entangled Twilight's coolness, relying on the advantages of [Wind Thunder Wings] and [God Dance Step] to suppress him, there is no problem, at least it will not let him get rid of Going out then threatened fireworks and others, and even Ye Luo helped to sit on Qinxin and intercept a Hanbok player.

Although Ye Luo does not have the clone skill, Twilight’s cool clone does not have much room to play, because the fireworks are easy to cold, and every night unless their attacks are under the action of [Split Arrows], the clones can be enveloped. Strong At this time, the powerful control abilities of the Thunder System and the Ice System are reflected. For a while, the twilight cool and the clone system skills of the other two Hanbok players are all controlled, so the effect that can be played is naturally small.

Not only that, fireworks are easy to be cold and their damage output is also very powerful, especially for the clones. Under their attacks and some group attack skills that Ye Luo displayed, those clones were quickly cleared out-because of [God Dance Step 】、【Wings of Wind and Thunder】Ye Luo has a speed advantage, although he cannot use 【Reincarnation Shatter】These skills that require accumulating power, it is okay not to use instant skills such as 【Sword Qi aspect】, even just normal attacks plus The splash effect can also cause high damage to those clones.

It is worth mentioning that the damage and attack range of [Sword Qi] have increased a lot, and this has also made it easier for Ye Luo and the others to clear all those clones.

All the clones were cleared, so Ye Luo and the others' pressure was much easier, and because he entangled Twilight Weiliang and another Hanbok player alone, it was easier to sit on Jinxin, even she still Being able to fight against that close combat player is on par-after all, the level of equipment to sit on the Qinxin is very high, and with powerful attack and control abilities, it can still compete against the less powerful dual professional masters.

Ye Luo, sitting on the Qin Xin entangled the opponent's master, so the fireworks are easy to be cold, unless every night can be unscrupulously attacked, this forces players in Hanbok such as Twilight and cool to have to use invincible skills all the time. Soon their invincible skills will be exhausted.

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