VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2383: : Successfully displayed

Because the waves and the wind and the others performed their big moves, and they were in the state of [Thunder God from Heaven], their moving speed was very fast, much faster than Ye Luo and the others, even Ye Luo and the others needed 1, 2 minutes In order to get there, but only to deal with Polangchengfeng and others, there is still a way to print clothes—Yinfu sent 2,30 dual-professional masters to perform big moves and then meet the waves and others, because of the big move As well as invincible skills, so there is no problem to entangle the waves and wind and others in a short time.

Not only that, other players of Yinfu abandoned the wall that they attacked frontally, so even if they used the powerful and wide-ranging skills of "Wanjianguizong", they could not do anything to players of Yinfu. casualties.

Faced with such a situation, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind was a little anxious, so she was ready to directly use [Kuang Lei Sprint] and then directly rush into the Indian clothing city, but was stopped by the fireworks Yi Ceng.

"Sister Feng, you should retreat first, and you will perform [Kuang Lei Sprint] after 7 or 8 seconds." The firework Yi was cold and she gave the order, and then she looked to the side of Ye Ye unless others: "Xiao Fei, Yuexia Listening to Zen , Inviting the moon to raise a glass, Dongfang Xiaotian, you now lock the teleportation of Sister Feng, and after teleporting, you can use ults, clone skills, invincible skills, and powerful and wide-range skills to create trouble as much as possible."

Everyone is smart, and they immediately understood the purpose of the firework Yi Leng command. They didn't say much, and directly locked the wave and rides the wind to teleport, and sat on the piano and waited for the priest to do the "spell immunity" for them. equipment.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, she and Xiaofeng Canyue and others chose to retreat temporarily, and it is very easy to do this at their speed. While retreating, the waves and riding the wind also calculate the time, ready to perform [Crazy] Lei Sprint].

After 7 or 8 seconds, unless the others were about to complete the teleportation, Yeye also decisively performed the [Kuangthunder Charge]. The next moment she appeared in the printing service city, and even rushed directly to a large number of printing service players. , And she deliberately chooses places where there are more double-professional masters in the printing service, such as the places where Wucai Shenniu, Wucai Yaohu and others are located. There are hundreds of professional experts here-the idea of ​​breaking the waves and riding the wind is very simple. Waiting for people's attention will then cause some consumption, of course, if you can kill some people, it would be better. After all, the fewer dual-professional masters on the other side, the easier it will be for them to attack the city.

After being sent to the Indian clothing city, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind directly used the invincible skills, and then the [Lei Ying Clone], while the clone was buying some time for herself, she began to use other skills, all kinds of powerful, large-scale groups. The offensive skills were displayed, and the colorful sacred cows were already unable to dodge them. They had to use invincible skills and ults to deal with them. After all, at this time, the wave breaking and riding the wind using a good group offensive skill can still kill them in seconds, not to mention the lightning class. Most of the skills have very powerful control effects.

The colorful sacred cow reacted very quickly. After he used his ultimate and invincible means, he directly used the displacement skill and then bypassed the Raiking clone and came to the wave and the wind. A tomahawk easily intercepted the wave and wind and used other group attacks. skill.

At the same time, other Indian players have also launched attacks. Various group attack skills have been displayed, preparing to eliminate those Raikage clones in the shortest time. Of course, some masters have also come to Polangchengfeng. The colorful demon fox may not necessarily prevent the wave breaking and riding the wind from using the group attack skills-although the big move is used, the colorful demon fox does not use the final skill of the combination equipment similar to [Thunder God].

But Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not come to the Yinfu city alone. While the colorful monster fox stopped her, Ye Yewu, Yueyue Toast, Dongfang Xiaotian and others also sent them over, and they listened to the fireworks and it became cold The command directly used the big move, and also with the effect of [Spell Immunity], and immediately after they transmitted it, they used the displacement skill to go around.

Next, unless they have also used clone skills, many clones and ontology have used various group attack skills for a while. If it is not for the players of Yinfu, most of them have used invincible means, I am afraid that some of them will be Spike on the spot.

Seeing Ye Ye unless the others rushed over directly, the expressions of the commanders of the colorful sacred cow and other Indian costumes became difficult to look at. They also knew that if these people were allowed to disperse, their formation would be easily disrupted. The important thing is that most of them will be forced to use ulterior tactics, invincible means, and even a lot of people will be killed. This is not what they want to see, so they can only stop every night unless they are waiting. Because only by restraining them can they prevent them from displaying great power and wide range skills.

Although there are only more than 10 people in Ye Ye, but because they are scattered, and they also display clone skills, the most important thing is that their operation level and equipment level are called super master level, so they need to use a lot of printing clothes. Players can hold them back—the players in the printing service want to hold Yeyewu, Palangchengfeng and others, but they never thought that these people are being held back by Palangchengfeng and others.

Fireworks Yi Leng also discovered the situation of Polangchengfeng through the shared perspective, and then she glanced at Ye Luo, Ye Luo immediately woke up, before she could speak, he locked Xiaofeng and Wanyue and used [Transport]——At this time Xiaofeng Wanyue was in front of the Indian clothing fortress, Ye Luo locked him to transmit and undoubtedly came to the Indian clothing fortress.

The reason why Yeluo did not lock the players in the city such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to teleport is because they are all entangled by the elite masters of the printing suit such as the colorful sacred cow, and [Transport] needs 10 seconds to accumulate power, which is enough time to convince the player Make sufficient preparations and then intercept him, and lock the Xiaofeng waning moon teleportation and use [Reincarnation Remnant] to avoid this-the next thing Ye Luo has to do is to attract the attention of Indian players in the waves and wind and others In the case of force, rush into the relay of the Indian server city and cast [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], so try to avoid being entangled by Indian server players.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo locked the Xiaofeng waning moon transmission completely to avoid being targeted and entangled by the Indian server players. Then he decisively used [Remnant of Reincarnation] and then came to the Indian server city, and the place he chose was also very good. Yes, most of the players around are archers and magicians. The melee capabilities of these professions are almost the worst. This means that Ye Luo doesn't worry about being interrupted to perform skills after he casts his invincible skills.

Not only that, Ye Luo is not too far away from the colorful sacred cows, at least not 100 meters away, which means that Ye Luo can use the [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] to trap the double-professional masters such as the colorful sacred cow. among them.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Ye Luo also directly used [Reincarnation clones]. Under his control, these clones were protected by [Reincarnation*Six Shields] so that he could use [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] at ease. After 3 seconds, he Successfully used this skill, and all the surrounding players were controlled and prevented from going out, including those who broke the waves and ride the wind.

However, the waves and the wind and others have all performed big moves and even withstood the state of [Thunder God’s Fall], so even if you are trapped in a black hole and lose 20,000 points of vitality per second, there is no problem at all, let alone sitting on the piano heart, Saturday Waiting for the priest to lock the waves and ride the wind and others to send over, they can use the [Magic Guardian Shield] and the invincible state or [spell immunity] to fully use the group healing skills, so the pressure on the waves and the wind and others is less.

[Tianjie*Black Hole] The successful display has trapped hundreds of thousands of people in the printing service. Among them, there are many double-professional masters in the printing service, including the super masters on the printing service rankings such as Wucai Shenniu, and even the double-professional masters of the printing service. Eighty percent of them were trapped in the black hole, which included the flame cobra and others who were killed before.

Next, what Ye Luo has to do is simple. All kinds of powerful and large-scale group skills are displayed. Because at this time, he has used his ult, so those skills can kill almost any player in seconds, including dual-class masters who use ults. , The worst can also force those players in India to use invincible skills.

However, Ye Luo is not afraid of fighting invincible skills. Not to mention the additional invincible skills such as [Reincarnation*Immunity] and [Reincarnation Barrier]. They are just [Reincarnation Guardian], [Guardian Shield], [God Dance Step], [Strong Hidden] Shu] and so on can also ensure that he has the upper hand at this point, not to mention that he can also use [Cooling Reset] and then use these skills.

In addition, as the firework Yi Leng said, Ye Luo’s damage output is very high. Only he can kill all the players in the black hole, which means that the double-professional masters such as the colorful **** cow will be hit. Kill, and this will weaken the strength of Yinfu by nearly half.

"Tsk tusk, Uncle Ye Luo successfully performed the [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], and almost trapped 80% of the double professional masters in the printing service." After seeing this scene through a shared perspective, June Feixue was pleasantly surprised: "Next Things are much simpler. Those of us can easily kill the players outside the black hole, Sister Fireworks, can we attack now?!"

Fireworks Yi Cold did not reply, but directly issued an order: "Little hands, Hua Nong Yue, you can use the [Space Portal] to teleport us through."

Having said this, Fireworks Yi Leng directly used the [Five Elements Great Array], and most of the dual-professional masters such as June Feixue next to her were covered, which also means that they are stronger than usual when they use their big moves. The masters are much stronger, even if they are not as good as the current players such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, they will not be much worse than the players who are facing the [Thunder God of Heaven], at least it is very easy to deal with the masters of Yinfu.

In the past, the slender hand and Hua Nongyue locked the Xiaofeng Wanyue and sent them to the past and then waited for orders at any time. Now they heard the order of the fireworks to be easy to cold, they did not hesitate to use the [Space Portal], and then the fireworks were easy to cold and other 200 elite masters were transmitted. After coming over, they also joined the siege war!

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