VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2388: :upgrade unsuccessful

Miaomiao Pavilion has always had advantages in gang construction and other aspects, especially in terms of resident construction. For example, Miaomiao Pavilion was the first to have a gang resident-Wushuang City, and was the first to upgrade Wushuang City to a level 2 township, a level 3 county town, and a level 4 king city. , The people of Miomi Pavilion take it for granted that Wushuang City will be the first level 5 resident in the Chinese server and even the Heavenly Tribulation game, so when they heard that the invincible city of the Eastern family had gathered all the necessary materials and was about to upgrade, everyone was shocked and again. Be puzzled.

However, after listening to the samādhi poem, everyone also understood. After all, as she said, they were too concerned about cross-server tasks during this period. Of course, the most important thing is that Miomi Pavilion has 3 gang sites, and they devote their energy very evenly. Construction, which means that all three locations will probably be upgraded recently.

"That's right, our three stations put in equal strength, and we didn't try our best to build a certain station." Sitting on Qin Xin said softly, "The Eastern Family is different. They give priority to building the Invincible City, and naturally they can build it. It's faster, it's not impossible to upgrade Wushuang City in one step."

"But in this way, our Wushuang City is not the first to be upgraded to level 5. Wouldn't it be that the title of the Central Service and even the first gang resident of Heavenly Tribulation will be lost? This is a great loss for us." Zhiyue frowned slightly, her expression slightly solemn.

That’s right, Wushuang City has always been called Zhongfu and even the first gang resident of the Heavenly Tribulation. This is very important for Miomi Pavilion, not just because of this title, but many players rushed to Wushuang City with this title. And this has brought a lot of benefits to Miomi Pavilion, once the title is lost, the loss will naturally be great.

"Not necessarily, because the Eastern family may not be able to withstand the monster attacking the city." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at the **** of wine Dukang and Fengxing: "Uncle Bacchus, uncle Fengxing, did the Eastern family invite Where are the other gangs helping? Those gangs?"

If you think about it, if the Eastern aristocratic family can't resist the monster attacking the city, then Invincible City will naturally not be able to upgrade, so Wushuang City still has the opportunity to be the first to rise to level 5 and continue to be called the Central Service and even the first gang resident , There is no problem in attracting a large number of players, even because the first upgrade to level 5 makes the scale of the station larger and can attract more players.

The more players there are, the higher the tax will naturally be, and the greater the income of Miomi Pavilion will be.

"Even though Eastern Killing is a bit arrogant, it is not arrogant, especially after so many gangs have failed to upgrade, so he invited the gang to help. There are currently two, the hero of the battle and the family of Yeyu." Bacchus Du Kang Tell what you know.

"The Heroes of Heaven and the Yeyu Family, these two gangs are also very strong, plus the Eastern family is also very strong, it is not impossible for them to successfully resist the monster's siege." Othello muttered, and she said this. The brows frowned slightly: "After all, there are many masters in the Heroes of Heaven and the Yeyu family, and there are many players in these two gangs..."

"As I said before, a large number of players may not necessarily be able to defend in a monster attack. After all, a gang resident can accommodate a limited number of players defending the city." Samadhi interrupted Othello: "Although the hero of the sky war The He Yeyu family is very strong, but the number of their super masters is too small, and even among the two gangs, only Yuexia Tingzen has a national weapon, and the number of other elite players is also slightly smaller. Can it withstand the monsters? Siege is still unknown."

"Yes, no one knows the specific situation, so we need to wait and see." Ye Luo said lightly, and then he chuckled: "But this matter is not necessarily a bad thing for us, at least it can make Let’s first see the scale of monsters that will be encountered when the 4th-level King City rises to the 5th level, so that we will be more fully prepared."

"Well, that's right." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Firework girl, Chengfeng girl, when your gang station is upgraded, just speak up. We will bring someone to help when the time comes." Bacchus Dukang said very excitedly: "Of course, we will need your help at that time. You are not allowed to release water. "

"This is natural, we will definitely do our best when the time comes." Po Lang Chengfeng said without hesitation, and then she asked: "Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, when will the Eastern Family Family upgrade Invincible City?"

"Tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon." Feng Xingdao, and then he sighed: "Unfortunately, they didn't invite us to help. I can't feel the scene when the level 4 King City is upgraded."

"Hey, someone will broadcast the monster siege video anyway. Don't worry about it." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually, "Not to mention that we are all in the Eastern family, and we don’t want to know the specific situation there. difficult."

Hearing that, Dukang, the **** of wine, and Fengxing laughed, but they also tacitly understood.

After the Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing retreated, Ye Luo and the others did not entangle with the Dongfang Family's upgrading of Invincible City. They just asked their people to pay more attention to the monster's attack on the city. I believe they have enough intelligence to make the fireworks easy to cold. Make a corresponding judgment.

Time passed, and another day passed in a blink of an eye, and the Oriental Family’s upgrade of Invincible City finally came to fruition-they did not defend the monster to attack the city and ended in failure, although Invincible City was not destroyed or demoted, but However, 10% of the resources were lost, which is a huge amount of resources. It would take a long time to re-collect so many resources even with the strength of the Eastern family.

"Haha, as expected, the strength of the three gangs of the Eastern Family, the Yeyu Family, and the Heroes of Heaven is not enough to resist the monster's siege." After learning this result, Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help laughing: "Invincible City is directly lost. 10% of resources, tut, it takes a long time to get together, and it will take more than 10 days at least without accident, and the resources required to upgrade our Wushuang City have reached 99%, and it will be upgraded soon Once the Wushuang City is successfully upgraded, it is still the first gang resident to be upgraded to level 5, and the title of the first gang resident of the Chinese server and even the robbery will be retained."

For now, in addition to Invincible City, the most likely gang resident to be upgraded to level 5 is Wushuang City, and the upgrade of Invincible City has failed, so naturally it is Wushuang City. They are good for successfully resisting monsters to attack the city and break the waves. Very confident.

"The premise is that we have to successfully resist the monster attack." Sitting on Qin Xin said, her gentle voice was slightly worried: "The Eastern Family, the Yeyu Family, and the Heroes of Heaven are three relatively powerful gangs, especially The Eastern family, even if they can't withstand the third wave of monsters attacking the city, we will also have some trouble with it, at least it's not perfect."

The level 4 king city of the gang resident must face 3 waves of monster siege when it is upgraded to level 5. You can only complete the upgrade by killing all 3 waves of monsters, but Dongfang Tiantian only resisted the first 2 waves of monsters and faced the third wave. When the wave failed.

"Yes, there are commander level monsters in the third wave of monsters, and there are also 2 monsters. The most important thing is that the 2 commander level monsters are obviously stronger than when the Demon God descends, and they are much stronger. It’s normal for people from the Eastern family, the Yeyu family, and the heroes of the Heavenly War to be unstoppable.” Yanyu took the conversation: “After all, at that time, we concentrated on the power of several gangs and used the powerful defense equipment of Haoyue City. Help kill it."

Yes, Ye Luo and the others used a lot of methods to kill the Thunder Commander. Dozens of professional masters wore big moves, [Five Elements Great Array], [Thunder God Fall] and [Group Blessing Scroll] status, of course. Haoyue City’s powerful defensive equipment was able to kill it, but the current Invincible City and the original Haoyue City’s defensive strength are quite different, even if the strength of Dongfang Tiantian is much stronger than before, after all, the strength of monsters Also improved.

"The player's strength can be improved, and the monsters can naturally, too. It is normal for those commander-level monsters to increase in strength." Samadhi said, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, do you see if a gang alone can resist it? How about 3 waves of monster siege?"

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Compared to the Eastern Family, we have many advantages, such as our players’ overall equipment level and level are higher, we have more dual professional masters, and most importantly, we have more. With the addition of multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] and combined equipment with [Five Elements Grand Formation], [Thor Deity], etc., it’s not without a chance."

"Yes, the number of dual-professional masters in the Yeyu family, the heroes of the Heavenly War, and the Eastern family is not much more than us. The most important thing is that they only have 3 national weapons, but we have 6 national weapons here. It's twice theirs." June Feixue was full of expectation.

"Although so, it is still a bit unsettled." Yi Leng Yi Leng said after a moment of contemplation, and then her tone changed: "But if you ask Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing and some elite experts of the Long family to help, then there is no problem. , Especially when we use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

"Hey, isn't it the [Group Blessing Scroll]? We have been rewarded a lot in [Devil's Coming] and other missions, so we don't have to be too stingy." Po Lang Chengfeng said nonchalantly: "As long as we can defend the monsters and attack the city, there will be no what is the problem."

"Well, then there is no problem." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "At that time, as long as the two-professional masters of Uncle Bacchus and the others come over, they will be able to defend the monster siege. This will benefit us more. ."

"Uh, just ask their dual-professional masters for help. Isn't this a bit too big?" Po Lang Chengfeng sneered: "Uncle Bacchus and the others have expressed their willingness to let tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players come and help."

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