VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2423: : Straddle tools

[Resurrection Prophecy (group)] can instantly make 1000 players stand up to the state of [Resurrection Prophecy], which means that 1000 players will be resurrected with full blood after being killed. This is undoubtedly an extremely powerful combination skill, even Many damage skills that focus on attack and control are still very powerful. After seeing the effect of this combo skill scroll, their previous dissatisfaction was wiped out. They had been entangled in the team competition before breaking the waves and riding the wind. The runner-up got the group combo skills and they only got 2 ordinary combo skills.

Then everyone began to discuss who should learn this skill. Of course, there is no suspense when sitting on the piano, but the other person is open to question.

After pondering a little, Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Let's learn this skill with Sister Qin on Saturday. After all, she is the strongest life-saving ability among other priests, and she needs a very good life-saving ability to use this skill."

Regarding this, everyone had no objection, and then they began to ask what the second combo skill scroll of Wave Breaking and Wind was—after seeing the power of [Resurrection Prophecy (group)], they would naturally have another combo skill scroll. very interested.

"This combo skill scroll belongs to the assassin. It is stipulated that only two dual-professional assassins can learn." Po Lang Chengfeng glanced briefly and saw the look of surprise in the book at Midnight, she continued: "But this scroll specifies two The assassin’s skill is [Spur], which means that this combined skill is [Spur (group)]."

"Uh, [Spur]?!" After hearing the words of breaking the waves and riding the wind, the book was stunned in the middle of the night: "Sister, have you read it wrong, [Spur] is only a single skill, even if the damage output is very high after forming a combined skill How, you can only work on one goal, it's almost useless."

"It wouldn't be useless if [Stab (group)] can kill the target directly," said June Feixue, except that when she said these, her tone was full of ridicule.

Hearing this, Midnight Shu's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, saying, "That's true. It would be great if you can kill the target directly. For example, you can directly kill high-level bosses, such as commander-level bosses, which is too cool. Up."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course, it would be nice if you can stab a single player from a long distance and then directly kill it in seconds. Hey, then we can stare at Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night who have national weapons. The player sprinted, and it was just a second..."

"You want to be beautiful, how can you have the skills to directly kill high-level BOSS? This is impossible, and it is even impossible to kill players, especially those in Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night." Othello interrupted Midnight Book's YY : "Even though [Stab (group)] is very powerful and can kill the target in seconds, Dark Night and Tokyo Myth can react in a very short time and then display invincible skills, so they can't kill them in seconds at all, and they can only be forced. If a person uses invincible means, the effect of this skill is too bad."

"Uh, this is true." Midnight Shu was stunned, and he was frustrated when he said this.

"[Stab (group)] is a group skill, capable of assaulting all hostile targets within 10 meters wide and 100 meters long in front of you." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, seeing the depression before the midnight book sweeping became excited, she continued : "Moreover, the damage bonus of this skill has reached 400% of the sum of the attack power of the two assassins. Tsk tsk, although the assassin’s attack power is not high, the total attack power is 4 times high, not to mention this skill can also make All hostile targets that are assaulted are stunned for 3 seconds. This is a powerful combination of attack and control."

"The damage bonus is 4 times the sum of the two assassins!" The midnight book's voice increased by a few points: "And there is a very powerful control effect, tusk, great, all hostile targets within 100 meters, the width is only 10 meters, but it can stab many targets without accidents. The most important thing is that this skill has high damage and control effects. It is no problem to kill a large number of players without accidents. With the [Dragon Scale Dagger] Use, tut, no surprise, my attack power will be full in one go!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded. They naturally knew that assassins rarely have powerful group attack skills, and this skill combined with the [Dragon Scale Dagger] can kill people and increase attack power. It will undoubtedly allow Midnight Book to play in the future national wars. It has a terrifying effect, and there is no doubt that this [Stab* (group)] is a combination skill tailored for him.

It is precisely because of this that this skill scroll is returned to the Midnight Book. As for his partner, it is also a good choice. After all, there are not many professional assassins in Misty Pavilion. Although the slender hand is a double professional assassin, she is a space-based assassin. The important role is to teleport the player, so he chose Jiansan.

"Sister Feng, it seems that the rewards given to us by the system include the [Cross-server* Group Teleportation Scroll], what is this?" Suddenly June Feixue asked curiously. Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: If you can’t use it, you can directly teleport players in the middle server or other servers to other servers. If this is the case, then this kind of scroll is too useful."

When Feixue said this in June, the waves and the wind were investigating. She quickly figured out the role of [Cross-server*Group Teleportation Scroll], and then a thick smile appeared on her pretty face: "No Wrong, you can send players from different servers, and you can directly send 10,000 people. Tsk tsk, this is a good thing, especially when sneaking into other servers. If you use it well, you might be able to capture a gang site at once!"

Hearing that, everyone was pleasantly surprised, as smart as they naturally realized the role of this scroll, especially in the national war.

[Group Teleport Scroll] can also teleport 10,000 players, but the scroll is limited to players who teleport on the same server, and [Cross Server * Group Blessing Scroll] allows them to teleport players in different servers, such as sneaking in When the Japanese server subsequently attacked a gang station in the Japanese server, using this scroll and then suddenly teleported 10,000 players. This has a chance to reverse the situation, and it can even take a gang station in one fell swoop. This effect is self-evident.

"Unfortunately, there are only 3 [Cross-server* Group Teleportation Scrolls], which can only transmit 30,000 people. These numbers can only be regarded as small and medium-scale battles..." Zhiyue said, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Hey, although only 30,000 people can be sent, but if you are an elite master of 30,000, it will affect the overall situation. The most important thing is that you can unexpectedly disrupt the other party's deployment." Po Lang Riding Wind said with a smile: "No accident. Greatly increase our chances of capturing other server cities, and at least greatly reduce our casualties."

"Oh, that's true." Zhiyue nodded, and then thought of something she continued: "Yes, we were also rewarded with a [Cross Server*City Heart], what is this, shouldn't it be Let us build a gang resident on another server. If this is the case, that would be great, because once we build a gang resident, then our people will continue to transmit energy, and the next thing is simple."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Othello shook her head, and looked at everyone as she spoke: "Even if we can build a gang resident on other servers, I am afraid we will not do it, because building a gang resident is a A very long process, especially upgrading the gang resident to level 3. This process will be longer, and it is useless if it is not upgraded to level 3. After all, there will be teleportation formation only after reaching level 3, and our people can directly Teleport to the past, and in the process, players on that server will definitely attack us frantically, so we have no chance to build a base at all, and it is even more difficult to raise it to level 3."

Hearing that, Zhiyue and the others are silent, because they also know that it is almost impossible to build a gang station in other servers.

"Doesn't that mean that the heart of the city is useless at all?!" Zhiyue said, looking at the waves and riding the wind while talking, that was self-evident.

Think about it, the brain system can’t give players some useless items, especially this is the reward for the team championship of the tournament, so they think this [Cross Server*City Heart] must have other effects, which is why they Qi Qi looked at the reasons for breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"The introduction of this thing says that after destroying a gang site in other servers, we can use [Cross Server*City Heart] to repair it, and the repaired city will be under our control." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, saw Ye Luo and the others showed a look of surprise, and she continued: "Moreover, during the repair process, the gang resident is invincible and cannot be attacked, and after the repair, the gang resident will be restored to its previous peak state."

"Sure enough." Samadhi said. Seeing Zhiyue and their doubts, she explained: "Although we destroyed a gang site, this is a base built by other server players after all. The heart of the city is theirs. Controlled by them, we naturally need our own heart of the city if we want to use it for ourselves, and because we are not players on their server, we need special items to force it to be ours, [Cross-server*City of The function of the heart] is this, so that after we destroy a gang resident, we don’t have to worry about being besieged by the players of the server during the period. At least not until the resident is restored, and once the gang is restored, our people can teleport and pick up Even if a large number of players come to besiege us, we don’t have to worry too much."

"Yes, this is a good thing." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and while she was talking, she looked at everyone: "It is no exaggeration to say that the real start of the national war must have [Cross Server*City Heart], because there is no such thing. It is almost impossible to sneak into other servers to occupy the gang's premises."

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