VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2430: : Hive upgrade

The Misty Pavilion and even the Chinese server are the biggest winners in this competition. This has greatly improved the overall game power of the Chinese server. According to the fireworks, their push up is easy to cold even if they face two or three strengths at the same time. There is no problem with the strong server at all, and this excites the militants such as Polangchengfeng. They proposed to take the initiative, but they were rejected by the fireworks and Yiliang, and they gave a reason for fear of being grouped together. Attack it.

Think about it, this tournament has made the players of the entire Heavenly Tribulation game more aware of the power of the Chinese server. If the Chinese server’s performance is milder, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of other servers once they take the initiative. After all, they will Worried about being defeated by the Chinese server one by one, at this time they will naturally form an alliance to resist. If there are too many servers in the alliance, then even the Chinese server will be overwhelmed, and this is not what they want to see.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they also knew this, so they didn't urge to take the initiative.

"Can't take the initiative, then when is the right time for us to do it?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked.

"It is most suitable for us to do it when there is a melee on other servers and then a violent conflict, because they will not form an alliance in a short time, and as long as we can take a city with a teleportation array and pose a great threat to it. ." Samadhi Shi answered on her behalf, and then her tone changed: "Of course, if a server takes the initiative to attack us during the period, we can also counterattack, and once we counterattack, we will defeat them with thunder."

"That's right." Fireworks Yi Cold nodded.

"We all know that our current strength is very strong, and no one would take the initiative to shoot at us without opening their eyes." June Feixue whispered.

"Then wait for other servers to erupt in a melee, and then we are waiting for mobile hands." Samadhi chuckled: "Although most servers will not take the initiative to attack us because our server is relatively strong, but other servers will inevitably break out. Conflicts, especially as more and more [Cross-server*City Hearts] and [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scrolls] explode, we will naturally have the opportunity to do it."

"It shouldn't take long." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold, and she continued without waiting for everyone to ask, "No accident, the Japanese clothes, American clothes and Indian clothes will continue to plan before the competition, and we can count on it when the time comes."

Before the competition, the Japanese and American servers sneaked into the Indian clothes to do their work, but they were as smart as fireworks and cold, and it was easy to judge that they were deliberately so and then lured the Chinese clothes to do it. After all, the Japanese, American, and Indian servers have National equipment falls into the hands of Chinese server players, and it is normal for them to join forces.

However, even if the trap is easy for the fireworks to be cold, they are not without opportunities, especially when more and more servers participate in it, when the time comes, a trick will get even greater benefits.

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng's eyes lit up, and then she began to look forward to it.

Next, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they left the virtual space where the awards were given and returned to Tianxia City, because they wanted to upgrade the [Hive] with [Tian Yuan Spar], and everyone was looking forward to it. Gang resident defense items can greatly improve the defense of the gang resident even if they are only upgraded by one rank.

Soon everyone used [Tianyuan Spar], and [Honeycomb] also had a brand new attribute:

[Honeycomb] (special props * holy level)

Item description: A honeycomb with a queen bee can hatch worker bees, drones and other seals.

Toughness: 30000000

Defense: 300000

Additional feature 1: Placing the hive in the gang resident can change the environment 10 kilometers outside the resident, making it suitable for bees to survive.

Additional feature 2: After the honeycomb is placed, the resident city wall can be covered with a layer of flower vines, increasing the defense of the city wall by 15%, and the damage of the city wall is reduced by 15% when it is attacked.

Additional feature 3: When an enemy attacks the gang where the hive is located, the bees will actively attack the attacking enemy. The number, level, and rank of the bees are determined according to the situation of the city owner. The number is the level of the city owner multiplied by 15000, which is higher than the city owner. The level of the bee is 25 lower, and the rank is 2 major ranks lower than the city lord, and these bees all have the quasi-BOSS blood volume, while the level and rank of the queen bee and queen bee are the same as the city lord, they are all boss levels. There are 1 queen and 5 queen bees in a hive.

Additional feature 3: The bee attack contains toxin attack, which can cause poisoning to the hostile target, causing it to lose blood, losing 500 points of vitality per second, and also reducing its movement speed by 15% and 15% Defense, this feature cannot be superimposed.

Additional feature 4: The toughness of the hive can be automatically restored. The speed of recovery is determined by the remaining bees in the hive. The basic recovery speed is 3000 points per second, and each bee increases the recovery speed by 0.002 points. The upper limit is 150,000 points per second.

Additional feature 5: It takes 24 hours for bees to be killed to resurrect, but the premise is that the hive and mother bee cannot be destroyed, and the queen cannot be killed. Once destroyed, the entire hive collapses and cannot be recovered.

Additional feature 6: The honeycomb can produce honey. The manager of the gang resident can collect honey regularly and quantitatively. After taking honey, it can increase the recovery speed of magic and blood by 500 points per second for the next 30 minutes. This effect cannot be superimposed.

Additional feature 7: All bee-like summoned beasts will increase their overall attributes by 30% when they are within 10 kilometers of the hive, their blood, magic recovery speed, attack power and attack speed will increase by 30%, and they can be used by the summoner. Various buff skills stack.

Usage restrictions: The city owner must be placed in the gang resident, and the gang resident must reach the level 3 county city. The hive has been placed in the city and cannot be moved again.

Special note: You can't actively attack the hive or queen bee, or even the alliance will be attacked by the bees.

"Tsk tusk, after a rank upgrade, the function of [Honeycomb] really has a qualitative improvement, and it even has an additional attribute, which is quite good." June Feixue tusk: "All bee summoned beasts as a whole Attributes have been increased by 30%, and the characteristics of blood, magic recovery speed, and attack power have also been increased by 30%. This is a big increase. As far as I know, we also have some players whose summoned beasts are sealed."

"Well, that's right." Nodded on Thursday, her tone was faintly excited: "Because [The Hive] and bees are the characteristics of our world city, many players come here especially, and most of the summoners in the Misty Pavilion are Girls, many of them like this place. Once they found out that they could teach the bees here as summoned beasts. Although the strength of each bee is not very strong, the most important thing is that they can have multiple bees at the same time. On the one hand, the damage is pretty good, and the bee is also a flying-type summoner, so its effect is not much worse than that of the Green Water Summoner."

"There are even a lot of other gangs and scattered summoners here to tame bees. After all, flying summoners are still very rare." Friday added: "Now [The Hive] has an additional feature that these swarm summoners can play. The effect is even greater."

"What, can the bees here be tamed?!" After hearing this, the waves and the wind were shocked. She frowned slightly when she thought of this: "Doesn't it mean that the number of bees here is decreasing?"

"That's not true." said Thursday, she chuckled: "Because there are queen bees and queen bees in the hive, the energy is constantly producing bees, not to mention the number of bees in the [Hive] is related to the level of the city lord, so Taming them will not reduce."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of the waves and the wind brightened, and she repeatedly said: "Then we can encourage our people to tame more bees. After all, bees can play a more important role here, not to mention that bees are also flying. Summoned beasts are also very useful in other places."

"Well, well, I will organize our summoners to tame some bees at that time, and strive to build an army of bee summoners." Thursday was quite exciting and authentic. After all, she is a summoner. Naturally, I hope that the Summoner Legion of Misty Pavilion will be even better. powerful.

As he said, Feng Xing connected with the fireworks being easy to cold, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and almost at the same time, the **** of wine, Dukang, also came up. Of course, they not only congratulated the Misty Team and Ye Luo for winning the team championship and the individual championship respectively, but There are more important things-their gang station is finally facing an upgrade. Although the major celebrities and gang leaders have agreed before, but they say hello to the fireworks, the waves are easy to be cold, and the waves are greeted by the wind. It is also necessary to send some players to help.

Although after experiencing this competition, the overall strength of the popular and the wine family has improved a bit, at least the level has increased a bit, but they still do not have full confidence to resist the monster's attack, because the monster is very powerful, and with The level of monsters will increase over time, so other gangs and celebrity list masters are still needed to help.

"Uh, Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing, the gang resident of your two families must be upgraded." Po Lang was shocked by the wind, watching the two'old men' vying for the'first' upgrade of the gang resident, she was amused. : "Two uncles, you still have to discuss which gang station to upgrade first. After all, we can only upgrade one station at the same time. Not only because of our lack of skills, but also because of skill CDs even if we have time to catch up. You have the strongest combat power, so you two should also stagger at least one day."

The gods of Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing naturally knew that their two gangs needed to be upgraded. However, the two of them had been fighting for most of their lives. Naturally, neither of them agreed with each other. For a while, they argued endlessly. This made the waves and fireworks on the side easy. Leng waited for the heads to be big and funny.

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