VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2436: : Infiltration daily clothes

Taking the initiative to attack the four servers of Japan, South Korea, the United States and India with the strength of the Chinese server is naturally not good, even if the East Killing the sky returns all of them, but if it is to lure them into the Chinese server and use various advantages to deal with them, it is naturally different, especially by using The gang resident and the system city are used for defense, so the fireworks Yi Leng has formulated the strategy of'lead the snake out of the hole' or'invite the king into the urn', and the implementation of this strategy is the elite masters such as Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng-Japan, South Korea, the United States and India. The number of players who sneak into the server is quite limited. After all, they cannot gather hundreds of thousands or even millions of players in a short period of time, even if they use the [Cross-Server*Group Teleport Scroll], and as long as there are not too many The strength of the players in the Chinese server can cope with it, especially when Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind can return to support at any time.

Soon everyone realized the benefits of this strategy, and they were completely relieved, and breaking the waves and riding the wind urged the fireworks to act quickly.

"No hurry, we have to tell these things to Uncle Dionysus and let them cooperate with us." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "We even need to notify Eastern Stars and others. After all, if the Tokyo Mythology burns with us, they will lead a large number of players to attack. We will also have some trouble."

I also know that these things must be told to Bacchus Du Kang and others, and even if the major servers start to mobilize a large number of players, they still need Eastern Killing and the others to return to support, so even if the waves are a little anxious, they can only be patient.

Then the fireworks Yi Leng found the **** of Bacchus Du Kang, Nangong Yunlong, and Longteng Tianxia, ​​and then briefly explained her plan. As knowledgeable as the **** of Bacchus, Du Kang also instantly realized that this strategy could make them passive. Take the initiative, so they all agreed, and Bacchus Dukang also said that he would try to get in touch with Fengxing and Dongfang stars, so that they are ready to return to support at any time-in fact, this is not too difficult to do, for example, At that time, you can ask Samadhi and the others to use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] to send them back, and as long as the Samadhi knows the ID of Dongfang Tiantian and their group.

After that, Samadhi Shi left masters such as Command Midnight Book and Long River Sunset to deal with Wucai Yaohu and others, while Ye Luo and the others were about to sneak into a certain server.

"Sister Fireworks, which server do we sneak into?!" Unless Ye Ye asked expectantly, she was quite excited to be able to participate in this action.

"Well, it must be a Japanese service." Po Lang Chengfeng replied, and then she laughed: "Not only because the Tokyo mythology is currently the strongest besides Ye Luo, let him return to the Japanese service meeting. Let us be less stressed. The most important thing is that those of us who have left a lot of teleportation points in the Japanese service, and are most familiar with the Japanese service, so choosing here to start will pose a greater threat to it, and we will be safer ."

Yes, although Ye Luo and the others have left a lot of transmission points in the US server and the Indian server, and they are quite familiar with these two servers, but because the Tokyo Myth and Dark Night and their rest elite masters are in the Indian server, they are printed First of all, the service was eliminated. After all, they now sneak into the Indian service completely by themselves, and they simply cannot achieve the strategic purpose of'leading the snake out of the hole'.

As for the US server, this server is not directly bordered by the Chinese server. Although it can be sent to the past by using the teleport point, it is a little troublesome to return, especially if it will be intercepted by the Indian server or Japanese server players. In this way, it is possible to miss the battle in the Chinese server, so this server is also directly excluded.

Next is Hanbok, this server can also be excluded directly, because Ye Luo and the others have not sneaked into this server, and they are not familiar with it, and there is no transfer point in this server, which makes them extremely inconvenient— —At the beginning, the people who led people to sneak into Hanbok to harass and attacked were Dongfang Jitian and others. Ye Luo and others had never sneaked into Hanbok, so this server can also be ruled out.

Excluding the three servers, then only the Japanese server is left, not to mention that, as said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Tokyo Mythology is the strongest player besides Yeluo at this time. Luring him back to the Japanese server will also make the next action Easier.

"Well, yes, just go to the Japanese service." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then glanced at Ye Luo. The latter immediately woke up and immediately used the [Transport Pearl] to come to the border of the national border with the Japanese service. Go down and use the [Space Portal] to teleport all the waves, wind, fireworks, etc.

The next thing was much simpler. Ye Luo took the lead in sneaking into the Japanese suit to see if there was an enemy in ambush, and after making sure that no one was blocking him, let the fireworks get cold, break the waves and ride the wind and others to rush over. This is the safest way.

The players in the Japanese server also prevented the players in the middle server from sneaking in. They arranged some masters at the border barrier, but these masters could not help Ye Luo at all, and they were even easily killed by Ye Luo. Do not give Japanese players the opportunity to come and support-Ye Luo's overall strength has improved too much after this tournament, even if it is easier to face Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, etc., let alone others , Especially in the case of his sneak attack.

After solving the defensive players, Ye Luo let them pass through the border as many as possible, and then used the [Transport Pearl] to arrive at a teleport point she had previously marked, and then notify Ye Luo and others after confirming the safety. The reason why Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind was the first to send it to the past is to let Ye Luo save the use of [Transport Bead]. After all, [Transport Bead] can only be used 3 times a day.

The place where the waves and the wind are transmitted is the center of the Japanese server. The reason for teleporting to this place is naturally to disrupt the deployment of the Japanese server players, and launching sneak attacks and assassinations in the central place can pose a greater threat to the Japanese server, and the most important What's more, it will make Tokyo Mythology believe that Ye Luo and their determination to sneak into the Japanese service to make trouble and attack the gang resident, so they will return to support.

Next, Ye Luo locks the wave and rides the wind to teleport, the fireworks are easy to be cold and they are the same-although Ye Luo can use [Space Portal], but this skill is in the CD at this time, and a large number of players may teleport at any time in the Japanese server. Come here, so it's safer to leave here early.

Everyone teleported to the place where the waves and the wind were, and every night afterwards, unless they looked at the fireworks, it was easy to get cold: "Sister Fireworks, what are we going to do next?"

The firework is easy to be cold, looking directly at Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and commanded: "Ye Luo, Sister Feng, you are looking for the leveling point of the day service. The number should be within 100 people. After finding the target, we will Send it over, and then you will do it again."

Ye Luo and others are also smart people. They quickly understood the purpose of this arrangement of fireworks easy to cold-to let Ye Luo and Xiaolang ride the wind to fill up their attack power quickly. Once they fill up their attack power, their damage output will be Increased several times or even ten times, the next action will naturally become a little easier, even if the Tokyo Mythology returns all of them, they may not be their opponents.

As for why the fireworks and others also passed by, it was naturally because she was worried that at this time the players of the Japanese server were already ready to attack the players at the leveling point when Ye Luo, countless players of the Japanese server rushed over and surrounded them. But the fireworks are easy to be cold and they can use their powerful mobility and control ability to help Ye Luo and the others break through.

Nodded, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng didn’t say much. They went invisible, and then they chose a direction to sneak past. With their mobility, they quickly found a target-a level of 7, 80 people. Point, this leveling point is just in line with the requirements stated before the fireworks are easy to cold.

However, Ye Luo and the others did not make the first move. Instead, they searched around, using the abilities of [True Sight Gem] and [Reincarnation Eyes] to detect if there are sneaking assassins around. After all, people in the Japanese server are likely to take advantage of it. When Ye Luo and the others started, they locked these assassins to teleport and then used the [Group Teleport Scroll], so Yeluo and the others might be surrounded by groups, which was not what they wanted to see.

However, it is clear that the Japanese server did not expect Ye Luo and the others to teleport here to make trouble, so there were no assassins sneaking around this leveling location. Then Ye Luo retreated to a relatively secret forest to relay and teleported all the fireworks and others. Coming over, everyone took high-grade stealth pills and then moved closer to the target, but they did not do anything, but prepared to guard the surroundings-fireworks are easy to cold and they are useless even if they kill people, it is better to leave the'heads' to Ye Luo and the others. After all, Ye Luo and their killing can increase their attack power.

In addition, the fireworks are easy to be cold. They can prevent these day-server players from escaping with their ultra-long-range attack capabilities and powerful control capabilities, so that they are more sure to kill them all. This allows Ye Luo and the waves to ride the wind in the shortest time. Full attack power.

Ye Luo is also quite smart. He and Po Lang Chengfeng are opposite, and then the two of them launched a sneak attack at the same time. All kinds of group attack skills were displayed for a time, including control skills, even sitting on Qin Xin and others. Some control skills are provided, and there is no problem in controlling all those 7 and 80 at a time.

Now that they can control the target, the next thing is much simpler. Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind and the others launched their attacks. With their powerful attacks, they easily killed dozens of people, even less than 10 seconds. The rest of the players were killed-those Japanese players had no chance to react, so they didn't display the invincibility skills at all, and it was easy to kill them with Ye Luo's damage output.

Think about it, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, after all, are the most powerful players in the Heavenly Tribulation game, especially after they get [Ghan Jiang] and [Mo Xie], even they can kill ordinary players in seconds with ordinary attacks, not to mention Said they have used their skills.

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