VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2448: : Dive into the Indian service

After sneaking into the U.S. server, Ye Luo and the others did the same to attack Iron City. However, because of the Midnight Book, Long River Sunset and Jianliu, they joined, so this time the action was easier and smoother. It took them less than 10 minutes. It can be seen by destroying all the guards on the wall of the Iron City.

Now that all the defensive equipment has been destroyed, the next thing is even simpler-Ye Luo and the others have to take action on the teleportation formation of Steel City.

However, the hero Wuming and the others did not give Ling Tian such a chance, because when Ye Luo and the others were preparing to attack the teleportation formation, the hero Wuming came back, and brought all the elite masters of the US server, so their purpose of sneaking into the US server can be regarded as Reached.

When the hero Wuming and other elite U.S. service players returned to U.S. service, the fireworks were easily cold and commanded the crowd to retreat, and they were pulled away by dozens of nearly 100 meters, so even if the U.S. server has several space professions, it cannot be used [Space Enchantment] ] Trapped them.

"Hey, the hero Wuming has returned all the time, so the elite masters who only print clothes and Hanbok in Zhongfu, Xiaoshi and their pressure will be reduced a lot, and even our people can already go out to search for them or level up." Breaking through the waves and riding the wind, she looked at the fireworks with anticipation and it was easy to be cold: "Fireworks, the hero is unnamed, and the hero's blade is a little worse than Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji, and they don’t have the final combination of equipment. Skills, which means we can kill them more easily. Should we stay and continue dealing with them?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Anyway, they can't pose any threats to our server anyway, we can play with them."

Hero Wuming and other US server players also have national weapons in their hands. Once they are killed, they can be exploded. This will further enhance the strength of Misty Pavilion and even the Chinese server. Of course, the most important thing is that the waves and the wind are looking forward to fighting the super masters— -After getting [Moxie], Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has not played against a super master level master. In the previous competition, she was defeated by a hero without a name. Now that she has the opportunity to find a place back, she naturally does not want to miss it.

"Although the top combat power of the US server is slightly worse than that of the Japanese server, the number of elite masters in the US server is much larger than that of the Japanese server. After all, the number of players on the US server is much larger than that of the Japanese server." The fireworks are easy to shake. He shook his head: "The most important thing is that there are many space-based occupations among the US server players. If we are trapped by them, we are afraid that we will always be controlled by the space enchantment. Then the US server players can take turns to enter the space enchantment to consume. We, even if we are afraid of our life-saving methods, will be killed by them."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "There are many flying summoner corps in the US server, and their summoners have the ability to control. You and I have seen how much trouble they caused us before. Nowadays, there are heroes who have no name and they command, and it will be very difficult to face them. If we don't pay attention, we may be killed. We can't take this risk now."

Although I don’t want to admit it, but Polangchengfeng also knows that they will be dangerous when facing US server players, but when she thinks about it, she looks at the fireworks and becomes cold: "Then we should go to print clothes next. They are forced to come back, so we must not let them go, and try our best to capture one of their gangs, even if we use the [Cross Server * Group Teleport Scroll]."

"Well, good." Firework Yi said coldly.

"Actually, after the colorful sacred cows and the others are forced back from the server, only Dark Night will not be able to pose a threat to the people on our server. Even then, Dark Night will automatically return to Hanbok, so we can have plenty of time to deal with the Indian server players. "Sitting on Qinxin and smilingly said: "With our strength, it is still very possible for the players of India to take their gang resident, even if they are crowded, after all, their individual player quality is a bit poor."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "The most important thing is that the printing service is eyeing us, and their player base is very large. If they are given a chance to grow up, we will be under great pressure in the future, so it is necessary to capture them. One of the gangs stationed here then caused them some trouble."

Think about it, the players in the Japanese server, the US server, and the Indian server were forced back to their respective servers by Ye Luo and the others. Only the Hanbok players such as Dark Night have little threat to the Chinese server. At this time, Ye Luo and the others can naturally be unscrupulous. Yinfu started its action-even when the dark night waiting for the Hanbok players are worried about being killed and returned to the Hanbok because they are isolated and helpless, Ye Luo and the others have no more scruples.

Hearing the fireworks Yi Leng agreed, breaking the waves and riding the wind cheered up, she urged: "In that case, what are we waiting for, hurry up and dive into the printing service."

Next, everyone left the US server and entered the Indian server, and then naturally it was a 3[书趣阁www.shuquge.co]-level county town-Bai Niucheng, which was made to deal with the Indian server in the same way.

Although White Bull City is relatively powerful among the level 3 county towns, because this gang resident has a resident defensive item similar to [The Hive], although it is slightly inferior to the [Hive] after the upgrade, it also greatly increases the number of White Bulls. City's defense also made Ye Luo a little bit pressure on their actions.

The reason why I started with White Bull City instead of choosing other weaker gangs is because White Bull City is close to the border of the Chinese server, so it is convenient to mobilize manpower from the Chinese server and then occupy White Bull City. Of course, because White Bull City is close to the border, it is closer to the Chinese server. There is no other gang residence in the place, so don’t worry about being surrounded by Indian suit players coming from all directions, including after the gang’s residence is captured, the threat to Indian clothes will undoubtedly be greater. some.

Think about it, once Ye Luo and the others capture the next gang resident of Yinfu, they will definitely lead a large army to attack. At that time, millions or tens of millions of Yinfu players will come, and even more. Many. If Bai Niu City is closer to other Indian gangs and system cities, it will be more difficult for Yeluo and the others to defend the city. After all, it is only a level 3 county city. It will be very difficult to resist the siege of tens of millions of troops. , So it would be better to choose a county city far away from other Indian service gangs and system cities. Of course, it would be better to be close to the border of the Chinese service. This is not an isolated city.

Of course, the most important thing is that because there is no pressure in the middle server, even after the dark night leaves, it can be as usual, so Ye Luo and the others can slowly deal with the players of the Indian server, and this can also cause greater casualties.

It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they chose White Bull City. After choosing a good target, they launched an action, such as attacking the Black Eagle City and the Iron City. Ye Luo first relied on the "general" and "Moxie". The life and death feature destroys all kinds of defensive equipment on White Bull City. Although White Bull City has defensive power and attack power that are similar to [Honeycomb], it can also resist. Got it, especially after sitting on the Qin Xin to add blood to the waves and wind.

Since there is no need to worry about being killed, Ye Luo can safely and boldly attack the defense equipment on White Bull City, and they will be destroyed one by one under his attack, which makes his pressure further reduced. Leng, Ye Ye unless other masters can also participate in the attack, so their efficiency is further improved, especially after Midnight Book and Long River Sunset also joined the battle.

In this way, Bai Niu City’s defensive equipment was reduced at a faster rate, and all of them would be destroyed in a short time. At that time, Ye Luo and the others would be able to attack the teleportation array and then force the colorful sacred bull and others back. It would be better if they didn't return, because Ye Luo and the others could capture White Bull City more easily.

"Hey, soon we will destroy the defensive equipment on the city wall of this gang resident, and then we can attack the teleportation formation." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled: "I think the colorful **** cows should be able to Come back, they also know what it means for them to be captured by us in White Bull City, and then we can settle accounts with them and let them know that we are not good to bully."

"Yes, this time, Yinfu took the initiative to sneak into our server, so we didn't do it too much." Midnight Shu said casually, not forgetting to intercept a knight who rushed out to attack Ye Luo.

"But now we are going to attack the teleportation formation in White Bull City, why don't they come back?" Changhe Sunset said in a puzzled manner: "Obviously they are no longer a threat to our server, this shouldn't be taken advantage of. Do White Bull City still have some defense equipment to return early and then intercept us? After all, it would be easier for them, but they did not return. Why?"

The words of the Changhe sunset also made many people wonder. In their hearts, the colorful sacred cows should come when the defense equipment in White Bull City was destroyed, but they have not been there until now. This makes them wonder.

"It's not easy. They don't want to let go of this opportunity. After all, this opportunity is extremely rare for them." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "Not to mention that Wucai Shenniu was originally a very paranoid person. If it doesn’t cause great losses to us, I’m afraid they won’t return.”

"This reason is a bit far-fetched, after all, the colorful **** cow is not a fool, and things can still be distinguished." Yanyu Xiaoxiao said. When she said this, her brows frowned slightly: "Couldn't they have any conspiracy." "

"The people in the U.S. and Japanese servers have retired. What kind of threats can only Hanbok and them pose to us?" Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "Even if they use the [Cross Server * Group Teleport Scroll] What threat it poses to us is just a waste of time."

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