VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2455: : Bait dispatched

The plan could not keep up with the changes. The delay of foreign service players such as Tokyo Mythology and the addition of Eastern Killing Sky gave Ye Luo and the others a chance to destroy the heart of the city of White Bull City and then take it down. He also successfully destroyed the heart of the city in White Bull City, and then Ye Luo took out a [cross-server* heart of the city] and placed it on the original heart of the city. Without accident, he could quickly take it as his own.

However, after hearing a system prompt, Ye Luo's expression became a little more solemn. He looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and others: "The system prompts [Cross Server*City Heart] It takes 3 minutes to complete the integration with Bai Niu City. , Which means we have to wait another 3 minutes."

Tokyo Mythology and Perfume Beauty are leading an army to attack Mochizuki City and Feiye City. Every time they delay for some time, they are more likely to capture them. So Ye Luo will be a little worried after hearing the system prompts.

"It's okay, because Tokyo Mythology wants to capture our gang site and it takes 3 minutes of fusion." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. After a short meal, she issued an order on the team channel: "Little hands, let Sister Shi, Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing uses more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Don't be stingy at this time. If possible, let the people of Ye Yu use group combination skills."

Although the slender jade hand had doubts in his heart, he didn't say much, and he returned directly to the middle service and informed the **** of Bacchus Du Kang and others about the order for the fireworks to be cold.

"Fireworks, aren't we focusing on dealing with Tokyo Mythology and them? So shouldn't we keep the group combination skills to deal with them, why should we use them in Mochizuki City?" Po Lang Chengfeng directly asked everyone's doubts.

"Naturally, it is to reduce the defensive pressure on Uncle Fengxing and the others, and it can also confuse those people in Tokyo Mythology and make them mistakenly believe that we are going to work on the perfume beauty next." Ye Luodai explained, seeing the fireworks. Nodded coldly, he continued: "Unsurprisingly, people like us will also need to make noises, such as deliberately teleporting to the perfume beauty, or even doing it, so as to confuse the Tokyo Mythology people even more."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "And if Feiyecheng uses two group combo skills in succession while we are working on perfume beauties and them, then it will confuse Tokyo Mythology and them more, and then we will act more easily. "

Hearing the words, everyone’s eyes lit up, and then they all looked at the fireworks and it was cold. The latter nodded and said, “Well, it’s a good tactic. I think Uncle Fengxing has ordered Hua Nongyue to go to a suitable place. No, it is estimated that Perfume Beauty will not give him a chance to get close, and we don’t have to act behind them, just let Hua Nongyue teleport us to Mochizuki City, and the effect will be better."

Think about it, too, the commanders of the Perfume Beauty and other major servers are not fools. Naturally, I think that Ye Luo and the others will most likely attack them from behind, so they won’t give them such an opportunity, and it’s not a good idea to do this Difficult-Perfume Beauty They can arrange some assassins behind to survey the surroundings at any time, so it is very easy for the assassins in the middle service not to get close to the Perfume Beauty and others.

Everyone is smart, and they soon understood that fireworks are easy to be cold, and what Ye Luo said, and they all agreed with it.

Time passed slowly in the torment, 3 minutes was as long as a century, and after Ye Luo heard the system prompt that it had been fully integrated, he was delighted, and immediately told it that the fireworks are easy to cold.

Actually, Ye Luo didn’t have to explain it deliberately, because in the [Cross Server*City Heart], the energy shield appeared in a moment that was completely integrated with White Bull City, and the Indian players who were still in White Bull City were directly cleared out. From this point, everyone can naturally judge that [Cross Server*City Heart] has completed the integration with White Bull City-not only the Indian server players in White Bull City have been driven out, at this time outside White Bull City 'S players were also prevented from entering White Bull City, and their attacks also appeared'Miss'. It was clear that White Bull City was invincible at this time.

"Little hand, teleport us over." Firework Yi Leng gave the order, and the slender hand used the [Space Portal] as soon as she gave the order, and then all of them were teleported to the edge of the border between India and China. .

After that, everyone did not say much. They crossed the national border and returned to the Chinese server. After the fireworks became cold, they directly gave an order to Po Lang Cheng Feng: "Sister Feng, take me, Xiao Fei, Ye Luo, Xiao Shu, Qin sister, Dongfang Killing the Sky, Sunset, Xiaoxiao Beauty, Miaomiao Beauty, and Sword Eleven pulled into a team alone, and then performed [Thunder God Fall]."

While breaking the waves and riding the wind to form a team and then display [Thunder God’s Fall], the fireworks are easy to be cold and give the command to the East Killing the World: "The East Killing the Sky, you lock the Eidolon teleportation, and after the transmission is over, send it to the perfume beauty and the others at the fastest speed Rush over, remember to use big moves, and remember not to be controlled."

Although he was wondering why he wanted to do this, Dongfang Killing didn’t hesitate to order the fireworks to be cold, so he chose a target immediately and then teleported, and the target he chose was outside Mochizuki City, perfume beauty and others. The Eidolon hiding in a hidden mountain forest hundreds of meters behind him-Eidolon is a member of the Assassin's House, and his stay here is naturally an order given by no name. Of course, this is also what the fireworks Yilian instructed him to do.

The teleportation takes 10 seconds, and during this period, the waves and the wind are full of doubts: "Fireworks, isn't it that we are teleporting to Mochizuki City just to confuse the Tokyo mythology, so we can just teleport it directly, why let Dongfang kill the sky alone? How about sending it over?"

"Although it is a feint, it would be best if they can cause more casualties to the perfume beauty, and the more casualties we cause, the easier it will be for the uncle Feng to guard Mochizuki City." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "And the East kills. Teleporting us directly from the sky will undoubtedly help us attract a lot of attention, and then letting Hua Nongyue teleport us to the crowd will cause greater casualties."

"Oh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "After all, Dongfang Killing the Sky has performed a big move, and he is in the state of [Thunder God Heaven], plus he has 2 national artifacts on his body, even if only he Rushing over by ourselves can also greatly attract the attention of perfume beauties, and then the situation we faced will be better if we transmit it."

Dongfang Tiantian also heard that he was a'bait', but he knew that except for Ye Luo, he was the most suitable bait, and because of the guilt of the failure of the previous action, he naturally had no complaints, and even wanted to make up this time. His previous mistakes, so he was very grateful for the opportunity given to him by the fireworks Yield.

Soon Dongfang Tiantian completed the teleportation, and then, like a firework command, he rushed towards the perfume beauty as quickly as possible, because he used his ultimate move, acceleration skills, and was in the state of [Thunder God Fall] , At this time, his speed was terrifying, and the distance of several hundred meters did not take long to rush over, and because of his fast speed, he even got rid of the obstruction of the assassins below—the perfume beauty. A lot of assassins were arranged within a distance of hundreds of kilometers behind them. In addition to alerting, they were blocking players who might be teleporting over.

It has to be said that Eastern Killing the sky is fast and swift, and before the players of the French server, the Italian server and other servers react, he is only less than a hundred meters away from the large forces of these servers, and still Pulling in at a very fast speed.

Seeing that the speed of Dongfang's killing sky was so fast, the perfume beauty waited stunned, and watching the power of thunder and lightning that pervaded him, they quickly understood that he was in the state of [Thunder God's Fall], and they were a little nervous for a while Some of them, so decisively separated some masters to stop them, and even the first masters of Italian and German clothing greeted them-perfume beauty, they also knew that the East Killing Heaven of this matter would face their camp. What's the situation, especially when people from the Yeyu family have already used a group combination skill.

That’s right, after observing the fireworks’ easy-to-cold order, the people of the Yeyu family were ordered to perform group combination skills. I have to say that the power of group combination skills is very powerful. The most important thing is that it covers a wide range. The range of 1000 meters is almost Most enemies are shrouded in it, and a full 150 damage can also kill most players in seconds, so just this one skill will force the invincibility skills of most siege players, not to mention the following major players such as Yeyu Family and Fengxing. The combination skill team of the gang used multiple combination skills one after another, which forced many people to use invincible skills again.

Many invincible skills have been cast in succession, and many of the perfume beauty and others have no invincibility status. If at this time, the Eastern Killing of the Sky has been smashed into the crowd and displayed great power and large-scale skills, then I am afraid that there will be many people. Will be killed in seconds, it is precisely because of this perfume beauty they will send a number of super masters to intercept.

From this point, we can see the effect of the consumption tactics before the fireworks are easy to be cold. At the very least, the perfume beauty will be more cautious when facing Dongfang Tiantian and Ye Luo, and they have to separate a large number of players to intercept. , So it will naturally make Fengxing their defending easier.

I also saw the situation on Dongfang Qitian through a shared perspective, and Po Lang Chengfeng couldn’t help but laughed: "Only Dongfang Qitian attracted several super masters and dozens of dual professional masters to intercept. The decision to let him be the bait was too wise."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubborn words: "Eastern Killing Sky alone attracts so many people's attention, and then he will force the perfume beauty to use a lot of life-saving methods, so that we can send it to the past. It caused a lot of casualties. Maybe after we went to deal with the Tokyo Mythology and the others, Uncle Fengxing and they could really withstand the attack of the perfume beauty and then keep Mochizuki Castle."

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