VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2458: : Interlocking

Miomi Pavilion also has a group combination skill that has not been used, and such a method can undoubtedly cause a lot of casualties to players such as Tokyo Mythology who attacked Feiye City and allow many people to use life-saving methods. Then Ye Luo and the others will undoubtedly teleport over. Easier.

Of course, during this period, Hong Chen and Dongfang Xiaotian will lead the elite army to kill Tokyo Mythology. They will then give Dragon Sakura and invite the moon to the shadow to approach the enemy and then use the opportunity to display [Space Portal], and if these two space professions can It would be better to rush into the enemy camp, so that Ye Luo and the others would appear even more unexpectedly.

Knowing that it’s easier this way, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind nodded, she didn’t say anything, and continued to cooperate with Jianliu and others to attack the people close to Mochizuki City, and with the powerful damage output, the vacuum before Mochizuki City was taken away. , And this has a great advantage for Ye Luo and the others, that is, the priest above Mochizuki City can always increase blood and add [spell immunity] to them, so they don't need to consume their own invincible means.

Think about it too. At this time, other people in the Chinese server are allowed to consume Tokyo mythology and perfume beauty, but they are not used to consume Ye Luo and others. Therefore, under the command of the fireworks, the priest of Mochizuki City should take turns to Ye Luo and others. Cast [Spell Immunity], although this skill can only resist spells, but at present, ordinary attacks can't threaten Ye Luo and the others. Only by relying on the powerful self-recovery ability to keep the blood full, not to mention they can still The blood sucking and the priests behind them can add blood to it-Ye Luo and the others are in the state of [Thunder God Falling], the damage output is very high, and the vitality, defense and vitality recovery capabilities are very strong.

"Fireworks, we have caused a lot of casualties and consumption to the perfume beauties, and even killed many of their dual professional masters. After we leave, Uncle Bacchus should be able to hold Mochizuki City." The attacking side asked expectantly.

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "What's more, Uncle Feng Xing has also transferred dozens of legions from other places to besiege. That is a very powerful force and a new force, which will consume seven or eight. It’s okay to kill or drive away the eight perfume beauty."

"There is little hope." Po Lang Chengfeng shook her head, seeing the doubtful and questioning look of Po Lang Chengfeng, she continued: "Perfume beauty they besieged Mochizuki City from all sides, and we only intercepted them. The other aspects are not so optimistic."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "Although Uncle Fengxing arranged for many people to come from other places, it is very difficult for those people to be able to get there before Mochizuki City is breached, and Uncle Fengxing wants to It is almost impossible to stop the perfume beauty from entering the city, not to mention that the people from the major servers will continue to mobilize their staff."

Although they don’t want to admit it, they also know that they are right. Even at this time, they have discovered through the shared perspective that the defense equipment on the other walls has been destroyed. I am afraid that some people will be there soon. Killing on the city wall, when popular, they want to hold it is really problematic.

"If Uncle Feng Xing really can't keep them, wouldn't it mean that many people on our side have been killed, some of them have national weapons, once they are killed..." Sitting on the piano is full of worry, but he hasn't finished. Was interrupted.

"It doesn't matter if you can't keep it, I have already asked Uncle Fengxing and Ye Yu Fei to abandon Mochizuki City directly when the situation is not good. Uncle Feng Xing and them also prioritize them, and there shouldn't be much loss." Coldly said: "As I said before, a gang resident can only belong to one server. If our plan goes well, they can only occupy Mochizuki City. People on other servers will be killed by us or driven out of the server. It’s easy to regain Mochizuki’s strength."

Everyone agrees with this point. The reason why sitting on Qin Xin is worried is only because they are worried that those players who possess the national equipment will be killed and then robbed of the national equipment. Since Fengxing has been prepared for them, then naturally there is nothing. So worried.

While breaking waves and riding wind they said this, Samadhi commanded another group combination skill squadron of Miaomiaoge to display a combination skill, and this skill killed more players in seconds, and naturally forced more people to use invincible means.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, after being teleported by Dragon Sakura and the others, you can use [Remnant Shadow] or [Crazy Thunder Charge] as soon as possible to reach a place where you can use [Heaven Tribulation * Destruction] to cover the dark night and Tokyo mythology, according to Sister Shi’s reply showed that the two of them are less than 100 meters apart, which means that [Heavenly Tribulation*Destruction] has the opportunity to cover them all." Fireworks Yi Cold issued an order: "Sister Feng, then your task will be Intercept the players who prevent Ye Luo from casting [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole]."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo continued, she continued: "I have asked a chess sister to lead a squadron of a hundred knights to lock you in and teleport. These people are responsible for assisting you."

100 knights locked Ye Luo and them to teleport. These people are all professions known for their defensive power and high energy and blood, and they have [Charge], intercepting people who rush to Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then assist Ye Luo to display [ Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole] There is still no problem.

Although Othello and Othello will be harmed and even killed in the [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], if they can trap the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other elite masters and kill them, then the 100 people will be worth killing. Not to mention that they won’t be killed when that happens.

When the fireworks were easy to be cold, the voice just fell, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and there was a wave of spatial fluctuations beside Ye Luo. Anyone familiar with this fluctuation knew that someone locked Ye Luo and sent them over, and this made the perfume beauty a little nervous, after all In their hearts, Ye Luo and the others were determined to intercept them, but they were overwhelmed just to deal with Ye Luo and the others, not to mention that other players would come to support them.

At this time, it is normal for a large number of masters in the middle service to rush to Mochizuki City in the hearts of perfume beauties, because the masters in his heart give up guarding Feiye City and concentrate on watching Moon City, so like Dragon Tengtianxia, ​​Yueyue toasting, Dongfang Xiaotian like this 'S super masters will also come, which will undoubtedly make their attack on the city even more frustrated, and it will even be difficult to capture Mochizuki City again.

It has come to the stage where Mochizuki City is about to be captured. Naturally, the perfume beauty and the others don’t want to give up all their previous efforts, so they have also issued orders to let people from major servers use all the [Cross-server*Group Transmission Scrolls] and [Group Transmission Scrolls] 】, so as to mobilize players to support as much as possible, in order to defend Mochizuki Castle, the worst is to hold on for some time-in the hearts of perfume beauties, they can hold on for some time, Tokyo Mythology, they can take Feiye City Then came to support, so that they could not only capture Mochizuki City, but also have the opportunity to kill Ye Luo and the others.

Firework Yi Leng kept counting the time. After the time was up, she ordered Yingyue to the shadow and Long Ying to display [Space Portal] to teleport all of them.

At this time, Long Ying, Yingyue Duying and Tokyo Mythology’s troops were only two or thirty meters apart, but because Dongfang Xiaotian and Yixiao Hongchen directly killed them and hid them behind, Tokyo The people in the myth didn't find it and allowed them to successfully use the [Space Portal] and then sent Ye Luo and the others.

Ye Luo has always locked the location of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology through a shared perspective. After being teleported, he did not hesitate to use [Remnant Shadows]. The next moment he appeared in the center of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, separated from it. More than 50 meters, and this distance is an excellent location for him, because dark night and Tokyo mythology are very difficult to come and stop, and it is difficult to escape, not to mention the previous samādhi and they sent people to entangle Tokyo mythology and dark night. Up.

That’s right, Samadhi also knew that Ye Luo and the others would act next, so they sent some players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] to force them to kill Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, so as to entangle them, but they also succeeded. Approaching and then fought fiercely with it.

Of course, the main reason is that in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, these people crazy attacking themselves and these people at this time are just a stubborn resistance and the last struggle, so they did not get rid of them immediately, but prepared to forcibly kill them. , After all, the people rushing towards them are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and among them there are some dual-professional masters who perform ultimatums. Killing them is a very heavy blow to the middle server, and they will be killed. It would be easier to take Feiye City afterwards.

It is precisely because of this that Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night gave those people a chance to be entangled, and this also gave Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves some opportunities.

They did not hesitate to use [Reincarnation Clone] and [Raiking Clone] between Ye Luo, Breaking Waves and Ride the Wind Teleportation Dark Night, and Tokyo Mythology. Then various group attack skills were displayed, because they suddenly appeared, plus Their damage output at this time was extremely powerful, but it was easy for them to clear out a vacuum zone around them.

At the same time, the squadron of 100 knights led by Othello also locked them in and sent them over. They didn't say much, and rushed directly to the surrounding area, and then the group surrounded Ye Luo. Someone can disturb Ye Luo.

Seeing Othello and Othello leading the players to come, Ye Luo also relieved his heart. He fully guided his preparations to perform [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole], but he also allowed him to successfully display it. However, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were too late to respond. Trapped in the black hole, unable to go out at all for 1 minute, and this time was enough for Ye Luo.

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