VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2462: : Stuck again

Once Dark Night and Tokyo Myth come out of the black hole, they will pose a great threat to the middle server players. After all, their damage output is also very high at this time, so they need to continue to trap them and use [Space Enchantment]. It is a good way. After all, the space barrier can last for 10 minutes after being displayed. This long time is enough for Ye Luo and the others to do a lot of things. Even the battle here after the barrier disappears is over.

I also know that it’s important to keep trapping the dark night and the Tokyo mythology, so Ye Luo and the slender hand did not hesitate to agree to come down, and when the fireworks were easy to get cold and they said this, Ye Luo had already used [Space Portal] to send the slender hand coming.

"Little hand, when there are still 10 seconds left in the black hole, I will enter it to find out the location of Tokyo mythology and the dark night. Then you and I will share the perspective, you can find the location, and even if you have time to display [Space Enchantment], nearly 10 seconds Time should be enough for you to adjust your position." Ye Luo said, seeing the slender jade hands nodding, he once again issued the order: "Sister Feng, you and I are cleaning up the players on other servers at the edge of the black hole to prevent them from interrupting. The little hand displays [Space Enchantment]."

Having said this, he began to attack around the black hole, [Reincarnation * Hell Road] fell down and easily killed all the players in the outer service within 2, 30 meters of the black hole.

At the same time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind started to kill around the black hole from the other side. Coupled with the people like Yixiao Hongchen, Dongfang Xiaotian and others who had already rushed over, they teamed up to take the outer clothes around the black hole in more than 10 seconds. The players clean up everything, at least they can no longer interrupt the slender hand to display [Space Enchantment].

Soon there were only 10 seconds left in the black hole. At this time, Ye Luo stepped into the black hole. The slender hand could easily determine the positions of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology through a shared perspective, and then began to adjust their positions. Standing at a distance of less than 50 meters, the next step is to display [Space Enchantment] based on time.

Seeing the slender jade hand preparing to use the [Space Enchantment], Xiao Naihe, Dongfang Zhantian and others are alerting around her, preparing to stop the players who attack her.

"Sister Fireworks, they didn't seem to be gathered together, they were scattered, so [Space Enchantment] can't trap them all, and can only trap the dark night and Tokyo mythology as much as possible." The delicate jade hand grasped the situation. Told that fireworks are easy to cold.

"As long as you can trap the Tokyo myth and the dark night, it's fine. Others don't care too much." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then her tone changed, she continued: "Sister Feng, Ye Luo, you are going to intercept [Space Enchantment] No Those who are trapped, Sister Qin, you lead some Green Water Summoners to use control skills to control them in turn, and you must not let them disperse."

Hearing the command of the fireworks to be cold, she said a lot when she sat on the piano, and she took a group of green dragon summoners into action, and she was ready to use the powerful powers such as [Mad Lion Roar] and [Deafening] at any time. Preparation of large-scale group control skills.

At the same time, Dongfang Xiaotian and a smile, they led the cavalry to charge outward, and continued to clean up the players in the outer suit, and they also ordered the cavalry of the two squadrons to intercept and charge players who escaped from the black hole at any time. .

I have to say that the tactics of the fireworks easy-to-cold arrangement are very good, and the slender jade hand has a good psychological quality after experiencing so many battles. She accurately calculated the time, and at the moment when the black hole disappeared, she also successfully displayed the [Space Enchantment] ], it happened to trap more than 10 players such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

After doing this, she began to use the [Space Portal] as quickly as possible, and then teleported her and the players trapped in the space barrier, and soon there were only a few 10 of Dark Night and Tokyo Myth in the barrier. Players of Japanese and Hanbok.

In addition to Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, there are nearly 10 players who are not trapped by the space barrier, but these people will meet the [Mad Lion Roar] sitting on the heart of the piano at the end of the black hole, and then it will continue. [Nine Heavens Dragon Yin] and other control skills, so the negative effect of [Baqi Tianxiang] that they are holding up to reduce 90% is also controlled, and then the waves and the wind, Ye Luo also greeted them, and started to expand. The most violent attack.

Under the interception of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, it is very difficult for Ye Luo to kill players who are in the state of ultimatum and [Yaki Tianxiang]. However, at this time, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are trapped in the space barrier. He also worked with masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. Among them, there are many players with [Thunder God’s Heavenfall] and ultimate moves. Their overall damage output is terrifying, so the players in the Japanese and Korean servers are rapidly reducing their blood. With.

I also saw that more than 10 people were trapped, and I also knew that these people are very important, so the next players in the Japanese and Korean servers came to the rescue frantically, but they were led by the prepared Smile Hongchen and Dongfang Xiaotian. The cavalry was stopped.

At the same time, Ye Luo displayed his personal combo skill [Sword Qi*Sword Rain], while Dongfang Xiaotian and Yixiao Hongchen also displayed powerful and wide-ranging skills such as [Wan Sword Return to Zong]. These skills are not just right. Players with a killer status such as [Baqi Tianxiang] caused great damage, and also killed many players from Japan and South Korea who came to support.

"It's a pity that I escaped by the foot of Mount Fuji." It was a pity that she watched the waves and rides the wind under Mount Fuji, who used her acceleration and displacement skills to escape. Of course, she did not forget to attack when she said this, and under her attack, the black dragon sky Zhan was the first to be killed. Although he still had the [Resurrection Prophecy], after resurrection, he would not have a big move, and he would be in the state of [Baqi Heavenly Fall], so it would be much easier for them to slay them through the waves and wind. Up.

In fact, even if Heilongtianzhan can escape the siege of the crowd, it will not cause much damage to the players in the middle server at this time. They also know this, so they did not pay attention to him anymore. Next, he focused on attacking Razor. Super master, killing him can also greatly reduce the pressure on the server.

As for the foot of Mount Fuji, he had good luck and happened to avoid the [Space Enchantment] and the control skills of sitting on the Qinxin. In addition, he reacted quickly and used the last invincible skill for the first time and then fled. Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng are also a little far away. It is not easy for other people to intercept him. They can only watch him escape.

The strength under Mount Fuji is very strong, especially now that he is in the state of withstands the ultimate move and [Yaki Tianxiang], the most important thing for others is that he still has a national weapon [Thunder God's Sword] in his hand, after all, he will kill it. There is still a chance to explode this national weapon-in fact, it is the main reason why she regrets that she cannot kill the foot of Mount Fuji and then explode the [Thunder God Sword] in his hands.

Although Po Lang Chengfeng already has [Moxie] which is a national weapon that is stronger than [Thunder God’s Sword], but Po Lang Chengfeng is still very interested in the national weapon exclusive to the Thunder class, even if she doesn’t equip it herself. You can give Jian Liu a smile and follow the wind, and this can greatly enhance their strength.

"No way, his luck is very good. If you haven't been controlled, let's say that you are a little far away from Sister Feng." Ye Luo said solemnly, as he spoke, he did not forget to continue to attack: "Not to mention we will It is also very important for Heilongtian to kill more than a dozen of them, so you can't hunt them down."

Think about it, Yeluo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind have the highest damage output among the people around, especially when they have full attack power. If they go to chase down Mount Fuji, then the remaining players want to kill the black dragon sky. A very difficult thing, and it may even let them break free of control and then escape. Once so, they can cause great casualties to the players in the middle server-in fact, even if they chase, they may not be able to kill Mount Fuji. After all, he rushed into the camp of Japanese and Korean players, and if he wanted to kill him, he would face thousands, tens of thousands of Japanese and Korean players.

Maybe Ye Luo and the others can kill these Japanese and Korean players, but it will take some time, and with this time, the foot of Mount Fuji will have long since escaped.

This is also true. After weighing the pros and cons, Ye Luo did not pursue the foot of Mount Fuji, but continued to attack Heilong Tianzhan and others.

Although she knew this, she was still a little unhappy. She couldn't help but muttered: "The Eastern Star has lost a national weapon in the previous action, and it is a middle-grade national weapon. Killed many foreign server players, but did not grab a national weapon..."

"Sister Feng, don't worry, the battle is still going on, and now we have a big upper hand, it is not a problem to kill them and then grab some national weapons." Sitting on Qin Xin comforted, then She glanced at the space barrier behind her: "What's more, the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others have been trapped by [Space Enchantment], and their big move will end in 10 minutes, although they can perform the second The big move, but the state of the assassins such as [Baqi Tianchuang] is gone, so it is easier for us to kill them."

Seeing the beautiful eyes of Polang Chengfeng light up, she focused on her head lightly: "Yeah, they have a lot of national weapons on them, and there are also national weapons that will explode if they are killed. Kill them and then rob them. We will make a lot of money for our national equipment."

"Yes, that's right." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded again and again: "After exploding their country [书趣阁www.shuquge.xyz], their strength will be greatly reduced, not to mention the loss of the [Five Poison Scepter] It’s an Eastern star, and not a member of our Misty Pavilion. Now we have a chance to grab some national weapons. We still have earned it, and we have made a lot of it."

Of course, they said these words on the team channel of Miomi Pavilion, otherwise it would be a little embarrassing to be heard by people from the Eastern family, such as the Eastern Killing Heaven, even if the waves said by the waves are facts, so much. Somewhat will affect the current battle.

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