VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2473: : Defu retreats

Ye Luo and the others have used various methods to enter a stalemate with the players on the major servers. If they rush forward 2, 30 meters, the pressure will increase exponentially, which will cause many middle server players to be killed, even Ye Luo. People will also be killed. Once so, even if the large forces from Invincible City and Tianxia City can arrive, it will be too late. After all, without masters such as Ye Luo, it is not impossible for the super masters such as Dark Night to fight against the supporting players. .

In addition, once Ye Luo and the others do not contain them, Dark Night and others will have the opportunity to break Feiye City and then occupy it, which will cause greater losses and threats to the Zhongfu.

In summary, it is extremely risky to use a combination of skills and then rush forward. The current situation does not allow Ye Luo and the others to take risks.

However, if the large forces supported by the Chinese server can arrive within one or two minutes, because Yeluo and the others can last for such a long time, and as long as they are not killed during this time, then they will be supported. Coming together, the large forces can completely defeat Dark Ye and them.

"It's a pity that our big troops still need 5 minutes to arrive." June Feixue muttered, and then thought of what she looked at those people in Dark Night expectantly: "However, they have no sign of retreating in Dark Night. Delay for some time. Once our large forces are close and only 1 minute can arrive, we will be able to take the initiative to attack. Then there will be no problem when two combination skills and various other large-scale and powerful skills are displayed. "

Hearing that, Zhiyue and the others got excited, and for them the benefits of killing the dark night and the others are many.

"Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are also smart people. I guess they also know that it will be extremely detrimental to them to continue to delay. Maybe they have plans to retreat." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel: "Let it go, they will definitely not Give us a chance."

"Hey, how did the people in the German service retreat, including their dual-professional masters, and even the first master of the German service armored chariot also retreated?!" Suddenly the voice of the **** of Bacchus Dukang sounded in the team channel, in his tone Full of doubts: "The players on the additional server, the India server, and other servers have no intention to retreat. This is a bit strange, maybe they have any conspiracy."

Think about it, the current situation is quite unfavorable for the major servers besieging Feiye City. After all, once the large troops of the Chinese server rush over, they will suffer heavy casualties, so it is reasonable for them to retreat, but at this time Only the players in the German server retreated, and the players on other servers showed no signs of retreating. Naturally, the Bacchus Dukang and the others were puzzled.

"According to the information we inquired, servers composed of Russian servers, Central Asian countries, and non-services have sneaked into the German server, and have launched a siege on a level 3 county town in the German server." An unnamed voice sounded in the team channel: " Although the Russian server has not assembled too many servers as helpers, the vast majority of dual-professional masters and a large number of elite masters in German server are here. This is a great opportunity for servers such as Russian server."

"What? The Russian server waited for the server to sneak into the German server and then launched a siege on their gang?!" After hearing the news, Feng Xing's voice increased a little, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Polar Silver Wolf, they are very smart Well, knowing that this time is the best time to start, because even if the armored tanks and their German masters all rush back, they may not be able to withstand their siege. After all, German players are attacking our Feiye City. , Mochizuki City used ultimatums, and also used all the [Group Blessing Scroll], [Group Guard Scroll] and other assassins, so they are likely to take down the gang resident of Defu."

Think about it too, in order to take down Mochizuki City and Feiye City, the servers participating in the siege used almost all the killers. In this case, they are no longer in their peak state at all, and even if they go back they will not be able to resist. Live, I have to say that the Polar Silver Wolf has a strong ability to seize opportunities.

"Polar Silver Wolf is very good at seizing opportunities. This time is no exception. It seems that while the major servers are calculating us, Russian servers are also calculating German services." The Eastern Star whispered, and then his tone changed: "But this is for us. That’s good news. After all, without the elites of the German service, our pressure will be further reduced, and there will be no problem in insisting on the support of our large forces."

"I feel that the armored tanks retreat only knowing that they can no longer take Feiye City and continue to attack will cause heavy casualties. The Russian server waiting for the server to sneak into their server is just an excuse for them to retreat." Authentic: "And I don’t think this is good news for us, because if they don’t retreat, they will all be killed by our people, so that we can cause more damage to them and we can get more benefits. After all, German players such as armored tanks have national weapons in their hands."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, the German server players retreat, and it may lead to other server people also retreat, so we want them to kill all of them, especially those who have national weapons, it is almost impossible to kill. It’s going to happen, it will save us a lot of benefits."

Think about it, the people on other servers are not fools. Not surprisingly, they have seen the current situation a long time ago. It's just that they are not easy to retreat because of the face. But now the German server players are the first to retreat, and they do not have this. With a little scruples, he can retreat naturally.

For the players of the major servers, the loss will be less if they retreat earlier. Of course, for the Chinese server players, fewer players will be killed, and the benefits will be much less, and even less national weapons will be obtained. It is precisely because of these thoughts that breaking the waves and riding the wind can be so "angry".

Everyone agreed with this, but at this point they did not entangle this issue. Then they increased their attack slightly to cause some losses to the people of the major servers as much as possible.

While breaking the waves and riding the wind said this, the heroic Jack’s'corpse' suddenly disappeared. Obviously, the time limit for him to lie down was up. When his body disappeared, a mana exuding a smell of fire and a cloak burst. When it came out, it was obvious that the magic value was the middle-grade national weapon-[Vulcan's Staff].

In the first time the hero Jack disappeared, hundreds of American players rushed over, but most of them were intercepted by Jianhachi and other melee cavalry. Of course, some players used displacement skills to get past the intercepted crowd and then went there. A magic wand went away, obviously they wanted to take back the [Vulcan Wand].

Not only the players in the US server, but also the players in the Japanese server, Hanbok and British server, many of them rushed over. Among them, there are many double-professional masters. Obviously they also want to grab the [Vulcan Staff], after all, it burst on the battlefield. Everyone is eligible to compete for the country’s machinery, especially in the current chaotic situation.

"Uncle Ye Luo, Sister Feng, hurry up and grab [Vulcan's Staff]!" Yue Feixue shouted, and when she said this, she had already rushed over in a flash, but this time However, many American players are ready to charge and then intercept her. In this case, the burst of her magician who wants to grab the ground is obviously unlikely.

However, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Ye Luo and the others have also been staring at the hero Jack. They reacted as soon as his'corpse' disappeared and the [Vulcan Staff] burst out. Ye Luo directly cast [Eight Shadows Clone] ] And [God Dance Step] playing Archie avoiding the charge, and then grabbing the [Vulcan Staff].

At the same time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Othello, Yixiao Hongchen and others rushed towards the players of the various servers who rushed in. They intercepted those people more easily, but they also won some for Ye Luo. It is precisely because of this. He can grab the [Vulcan Rod].

Before he had time to see the attributes of [Vulcan Rod], Ye Luo traded it to June Feixue who came behind him. At the same time, he did not forget to use the [Sword Qi], and then it was [Reincarnation Collapse]. Broken], these two skills have been strengthened, one has a strong damage output, and the other has a strong control ability. It is undoubtedly just right to display at this time. After all, most players have no invincible status at this time. 【Sword Qi aspect】It can't be killed by the control effect of 【Samsara Shattered】can also trap it, which will greatly reduce the pressure on the waves and wind and others.

Next, watching the skill end the CD, Ye Luo once again cast [Reincarnation Clone]. The major clones displayed various skills, and the damage output floated for a time. The players who rushed to the [Vulcan Staff] were lost. There were a lot of spikes, especially after the fireworks were easy to get cold, and every night unless the archers also launched key attacks on this side.

"Hehe, it really is [Vulcan's Staff]!" After getting the magic wand, June Feixue was pleasantly surprised: "The overall attributes are almost the same as Evian's [Garre* Ripper], but [Vulcan's Staff] ] It is more biased towards damage output, even the additional skills, and the two additional skills are high-damage skills within 100 meters."

When talking about this, June Feixue directly used the first additional skill of the [Vulcan Scepter]-[Vulcan Strike]. This skill can cause 300,000 damage to all enemies within 100 meters, with 25 % Chance of triggering a critical strike, and in the next 10 seconds, it will fall into a burning state, losing 20,000 points of vitality per second, and the combined damage to a single player is at least 500,000 points, which is almost half The blood players were killed in seconds, and many of the players on the surrounding major servers were half-blooded and in the state of residual blood. Many players were killed in seconds, and more were killed over time.

Almost 1,2,000 people have been killed after a skill was displayed. From this we can see how powerful this skill is. After seeing the effect of this skill, countless Chinese players were stunned, and then they were all surprised. After all, Nanmen is counted as such. It has completely stabilized, and at least there will be no problem persisting until the arrival of the large troops.

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