VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2476: : Thousands of people chased and killed

The locations of the major servers are different, and at this time they are going to escape after all. If the targets are too large and their mobility will be weakened, they will be killed as many as possible, so they will choose to separate separately. Then each broke through.

Once the major servers choose to break through separately, the Chinese server will also change their strategy for chasing and killing. At present, it seems that it is more efficient to use the major gangs as the unit. Therefore, the major gangs have made their choices and become the first in the Chinese server and even the disaster The target chosen by the gang's Miomi Pavilion is naturally the strongest, and the truth is also true-Miomi Pavilion'passively' chose the two goals of Japanese and Hanbok, and these two goals are almost the strongest among the hostile servers. Two.

I also know that players who are chasing two servers at the same time will have some pressure on Miomi Pavilion, so Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will ask how Firework Yi Leng will hunt down.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, we took most of the dual-professional masters and a thousand-person flying archer team to chase down the Japanese players. We believe that our strength should be enough to kill most of them and even hit them all. Killed." Firework Yi Leng quickly made a decision: "Sister Shi, you and Yi Xiao Hongchen led the others in Miomi Pavilion to hunt down the people in Hanbok, let Xiaoshou follow you, and let us know if you need support."

Now Miomi Pavilion has many dual-professional masters, even more than 20, but it is indeed a bit reluctant to take these people to chase and kill the tens of thousands of troops, even if they are led by Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Fireworks Easy to Cold. , So the fireworks Yi was cold before ordering to lead a thousand-man flying archer brigade to hunt down and kill them, which was enough for them.

Think about it, too, dual professional masters such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng can easily cause greater casualties to Japanese players and disrupt their formation. At this time, the thousands of flying archers can naturally attack unscrupulously. Their strength can also provide a very powerful damage output-not to mention others, just say that Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Long River Sunset and Midnight Book can easily disrupt the formation of the day suit. , Not to mention that there are players in the team who are good at damage output and control, such as Night and Saturday.

Thousands of flying archer battalions, these archers have mastered [Flying] and are highly maneuverable, so they can’t be used to chase and kill them. In addition, the archers of the flying archer corps have all learned [Split Arrows]. And their equipment level is also the most powerful of all archers, so the damage output they can hit will also be very high, plus Ye Luo and other double professional masters, it is enough to deal with those players in the day server.

It is precisely this calculation that makes the fireworks easy to be so confident that they dare to pursue and kill tens of thousands or even 2 to 300,000 targets only with thousands of people.

As for the other side, although there are not many dual-professional masters that can be mobilized, samādhi can mobilize a large number of legions, and in addition, the Miomi Pavilion players previously supported from the world have blocked the Hanbok player’s retreat in front, and soon It is possible to form a front and back attack on it, so it is very easy to kill all of them with hundreds of thousands of people in the Misty Pavilion, not to mention the slender hand and Ye Luo can send a group of elite masters to rush over at any time through the [Space Portal] support.

Samadhi is also a wise person. She immediately judged that such an arrangement was the most wise, and then she took the order decisively, and then took the Othello chess, smiled and went to the direction where the Hanbok players fled, and went with them. In addition to a large number of Nightmare Cavalry, there are also the Blue Dragon Summoner Legion, Flying Archer Legion, and even Mammoth Cavalry. I believe these can pose a great threat to Hanbok players, even if the nightmare returns to support them.

At the same time, Samadhi did not forget to notify the players who came out of Tianxiacheng to support them and let them intercept them. Of course, it was not only Hanbok players, but also Japanese servers. She even ordered their people to help other gangs to intercept them slightly. People on servers such as the US server and India server, so that other gangs can hunt down more and cause more casualties.

The Samadhi and the others have already started the action, Ye Luo and the others have also started the action, because these double-professional masters can all fly, and the thousand archers accompanying them also have flying skills, so their mobility is very high, and soon After catching up with the large forces of the day suit, the next step is to kill them-the book in the middle of the night, the sunset of the river under the command of the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the state of [spell immunity] directly rushes to the air power of the day suit, and the fireworks Yi cold and Ye Ye unless led the archer to launch an attack. For a time, thousands of energy arrows shot out, and the damage figures floated. Many Japanese players were killed.

Japanese players have been attacking Feiye City for a long time, and they have also endured a lot of group attack skills, combination skills and even group combination skills. They have long exhausted the invincible means, so fireworks are easy to cold attack by their archers. It can play the damage output perfectly, so it can hit extremely high damage in a short period of time and then kill many people in Japanese clothes.

Although there are some priests in the Japanese service, the attacks of Ye Luo and the others are group attacks under the blessing of [Split Arrows]. Thousands of archers can attack at least 3000 people at the same time, plus June. Feixue, Misty Rain and other dual-professional magicians used group skills to be attacked by more players, so those priests did not have time to add [spell immunity] and increase blood, so many Japanese players were killed.

In addition, because most of the double-professional melee masters such as Midnight Book, Long River Sunset, and Jianliu rushed in front of the state of [spell immunity], they can unscrupulously attack the flying power of the day suit, and powerful attacks can easily control The toughness of the flying mounts knocks down and even kills those players, so every night unless they, archers, can almost attack unscrupulously-although the fireworks are easy to cold, only 1000 flying archers are required to accompany them, but they are also brought. Hundreds of priests. These priests can add blood to everyone and dispel negative states. Of course, the most important thing is to apply [Spell Immunity] status to Midnight Book and others. Hundreds of priests only apply status to players with less than 10 people. It is easy to ensure that each of them is in the state of [spell immunity].

Naturally, dual-professional magicians such as Feixue in June, Wednesday, Misty Yiyun, Misty Yiye, etc. were not idle. They followed Midnight Shu and the others. In front, Midnight Shu and others were covering, and the fireworks were easy to cold later. Hand protection, they can attack unscrupulously, various group skills are displayed, and the damage output they can hit is very powerful, especially June Feixue and Misty Yiyun, who have [Vulcan Staff] and [Gunwind* Torn]者] After.

Not only that, dual professional magicians such as June Feixue have their own dedicated mounts. Summoning the mounts further increases their strength and greatly increases their damage output. It is no exaggeration to say that these magicians played by them. Players who damage and then kill are no worse than hundreds of archers.

As for Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, the latter directly rushed into the Japanese server's camp with the state of [Spell Immunity]. The double swords were swung. Although most of them were normal attacks, she could attack under splash damage. There are also a lot of targets. In addition, she is still in the state of [Tao Chi Dao] at this time, and her attack power is also full, so the damage output that can be hit is also extremely high, even higher than that of dual professional magicians such as June Feixue. The sum is even higher, after all, she is in a state of full attack power.

In addition, because Ye Luo has the characteristic of "Simultaneous Life and Death" of [Ghanjiang*Moxie] and the state of holding [Taozhidao], Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind does not worry about being killed at all, especially on Saturdays and Sundays and other pastors from time to time. Give her 【Spell Immunity】——Only normal attacks can cause damage to Wave Breaking Wind in the state of spell immunity, but at this time there are not many players attacking Wave Breaking Wind and her equipment level is too high, and she is always attacked The damage she received was not high, and she could even keep her vitality full by relying on her powerful blood sucking ability, not to mention that the priest would add blood to her on Saturday.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind directly rushed into the Japanese service camp, which undoubtedly disrupted the formation of Japanese service players, and this also made it easier for the fireworks to be easy to cold and the June flying snow to attack.

As for Ye Luo, he rushed to the front of the Japanese server players at the fastest speed under the order of the fireworks and easy to cold, and he was also sitting on the piano heart, and then he summoned the colorful unicorn to use the ultra-long range of the archer The attack advantage launched an attack on the players of the Japanese server. The powerful attack and control ability not only killed many Japanese players, but also greatly slowed the speed of the Japanese players' escape. It is no exaggeration to say that he relied on the power of two people. It restrained hundreds of thousands of players in the Japanese service-sitting on Qin Xin with him, and also participating in the hands-on.

Of course, the effect of sitting on the Qinxin is also obvious. She summons a flying mount to follow Ye Luo. In addition to giving Ye Luoga [spell immunity] and other states and dispelling his negative state at any time, she also does not forget to launch various attacks. Of course What she displayed was more control skills, so that she could further restrain those flying forces that escaped from the Japanese suit, so that Ye Luo could attack unscrupulously.

"Hey, with our current damage output and mobility, we can completely kill all Japanese players in 10 minutes, even if we don’t have much power and wide range of skills, even if the front line drawn by Japanese players is already very high. Long.” Po Lang Chengfeng laughed strangely, and she did not forget to continue the attack as she said.

"If the Japanese players divide into more teams and then disperse and escape, it will not take a short time for us to kill them all." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed: "And this is not Tokyo. Shinhwa they returned to support the situation."

"Hey, do they dare to come back and support? I wish they would dare." Po Lang Riding Wind laughed strangely.

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