VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2494: : Siege with all strength

The fireworks were easy to cold, and it was judged in an instant that the elite masters of Tokyo Mythology and other major servers sneaked into the middle server and then launched an attack on a gang station in order to force some of them to return to the middle server and then create a chance for the Indian server players to take back the white bull city. , So she did not worry about this, nor did she immediately send troops to support-at this time there are still many players left behind in the middle server. Even if Tokyo Shinhwa and others attack the city, it will take some time to capture it, and there is such time for the East. Masters such as Killing Heaven and Longteng Tianxia could return to support long ago.

Think about it, too, there are a lot of players in the Chinese server, and they can be teleported to the gangs of Tokyo Mythology and other masters to attack. Even if Tokyo Myth and other masters are extremely powerful, it is not so easy to attack the city, even if they attack. It takes a few minutes to enter the city and destroy the heart of the city, and this time is enough for the elite masters such as Dragon World to return.

"Yes, Tokyo Mythology, they definitely pretend to attack and force us to go back to support and then give the colorful sacred cows the opportunity to conquer the White Bull City." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly: "So let them continue to attack, and wait for them. There are some people who perform big moves or use [Group Blessing Scroll]. It’s not too late for us to go back. We can even let our people consume them first, so that we can deal with it more easily. Anyway, our people are in a state of defending the city. It's easy to be resurrected even if you kill it."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they no longer worried about this issue.

"Although that is the case, it is better for you to return to command everyone, Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing, so that everyone will have a backbone and you will not worry about anything." Samadhi Shi suggested, seeing the fireworks easily cold and nodding, she continued: "This way Well, I will also go back, and then I can mobilize some Blue Water Summoners and archers to deal with it, so as to be more sure about everything."

Because most of the elite masters of the major gangs are in White Bull City to make the defense a lot easier, so Misty Pavilion did not transfer all the combat players, such as some green dragon summoners, priests and archers still stay in the middle of the service. And leave summoners and archers can play a very important role in defense, especially when the number of siege players is relatively small.

"Yeah, good." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and after she agreed, the Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing, and Samadhi immediately returned to the Chinese server.

I have to say that the **** of Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing have a high reputation in the Chinese server game world. Before they returned to the Chinese server, the middle server players who were still a little turbulent completely settled down, and then he began to command according to the orders of the two gods of Bacchus Dukang. , Especially after Longteng Tianxia and other major gang leaders gave orders to the people of the major gangs, while Samadhi was only responsible for mobilizing the people of Misty Pavilion, and then they came to Tokyo Shinhwa and other people’s hands-on gang resident-Fei Yecheng.

That’s right, this time Tokyo Mythology and others chose to start with Feiye City, not because Feiye City was seriously damaged under the siege of major servers yesterday. After all, the damaged place in Feiye City has been restored a long time ago. As in the beginning, the reason for choosing this place was because the major servers left many teleportation points near Feiye City, which made it easier for them to get here.

If fireworks are easy to be cold, they speculate that Tokyo Mythology and others just pretended to put some pressure on the Chinese server players and then attracted a large number of Chinese server players to come back from the Indian server, so they would not attack at all. Nowadays, Samadhi, Bacchus Dukang, Fengxing himself Take command of Feiye City, so they will not be a threat to Feiye City.

If you want to attract more Chinese server players to return, then Tokyo Mythology and others must use big moves or other assassins, and they have to bear certain losses. The most important thing is that they may not be able to capture Feiye City. This is not What they want to see-like the speculation that fireworks are easy to be cold, the major servers used all the [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scrolls] yesterday. After all, yesterday was the best opportunity, although they still have some [Group Teleport Scrolls] ], but the number is not large, and their large forces have not crossed the border barrier and then sneaked into the middle service, so these scrolls are useless.

Think about it, Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, and they know that if they send a large force to sneak into the middle service, there will be greater losses. This is not what they want to see. In this case, he will naturally not do it, and cannot. It would be difficult to mobilize a large number of players to capture Feiye City only by relying on them.

Even if Tokyo Shinhwa and others can capture Feiye City, they will need to do everything possible, but at that time Ye Luo and others will definitely return and hunt them down. Without their big moves and killers, they have a good chance of being killed. Yes, so they will naturally not take risks.

That's it, Tokyo Mythology did not take further action, but hoped that the Indian server and British server could carry out further actions and then they waited for the opportunity to move.

For the time being, Samadhi and their command in Feiye City made Tokyo Shinhwa and others afraid to increase their offensive further, let alone the situation in White Bull City.

The colorful sacred cows have notified Tokyo Shinhwa and others to take action. Although they were pleasantly surprised when they first saw Samadhi and others retreating, they soon discovered that things did not develop as they expected, which disappointed them. After waiting for another 2 or 3 minutes, they found that there were no more players in the server to return. In desperation, they could only start the action, because the longer the delay, the greater their loss, such as the previous short 2 In 3 minutes, they had dozens of millions of players killed.

Now that you have decided to take action, you must do your best. For a time, all the dual-professional masters, combination skill teams, and group combination skill teams such as Wucai Shenniu will be dispatched: dual-professional masters perform big moves, have combination magic weapons and make up Players with all the components used the skills similar to the [Five Elements Great Array], and then they brazenly attacked White Bull City, and of course they also ordered other Indian players to charge at all costs.

At the same time, a group combined skill team used a skill that covers 1,000 meters, naturally in order to cause casualties to players in the middle server or force a large number of players to use invincible means, so that the next action of the colorful sacred cow will be even greater. It's easier.

It is worth mentioning that the players in the Indian server only have 1 group combination skill, and when this skill is displayed, the fireworks are easy to be cold and the people who are covered are ordered to act: the priest casts [Spell Immunity], and there is no player with [Spell Immunity] or It is to take [Reducing Damage San], or directly cast invincible skills.

Because the middle server players have been prepared for a long time, and there is still time to adjust to gain the upper hand in the previous battles, not many middle server players have been killed after the group combination skills were displayed, even if some priests around were killed. It can be resurrected, but there is no big problem.

Of course, in the face of the colorful sacred cow and other master costumes that will rush up next, there are still some actions to be done, but at this time [新笔趣阁www.xsbiquge.vip] When the fireworks are easy to cold, they directly order 2 [Group Blessing Scroll], in this way, it is equivalent to more than 200 dual-professional masters who have performed big moves. This number is already more than all the dual-professional masters of Yinfu-it is worth mentioning that it is now [Group Blessing Scroll] Players in the state are mostly dual-professional masters in the middle server, such as Eastern Killing Sky, Ye Luo, etc., and in this state, they can best play the power of the scroll.

The reason for using the [Group Blessing Scroll] to use the big move is because you still have to keep the big move for emergencies. After all, the elite masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers are likely to perform their big moves in the East. Do it, it is necessary to keep some big moves like this. After all, the state of big moves is better than the state of holding the [Group Blessing Scroll], and the powerful state is naturally reserved for more powerful enemies-masters of major servers It is better than Wucai Shenniu and others.

In addition, Miomi Pavilion now has 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the total number of other gangs add up to a few. Keeping these can also be used in case of emergency.

"All double-professional masters in Yinfu have used their ultimatums. 1,200 dual-professional masters plus they used 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and 1 skill similar to [Five Elements Great Array]. 500 dual-professional masters who have performed their ultimatum have attacked the city." Nangong Yunlong said solemnly, his tone was a little worried: "And we only use 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], is that enough?"

"What's more, the Yinfu players also displayed a group combination skill." Nangong Yunlong added.

"We are defending the city. Under normal circumstances, the attacking power must be two or three times the defense to have a chance to attack." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Without waiting for Nangong Yunlong to speak, she continued: "The most important thing is in our team. There are 6 people with full attack power and more than 20 national weapons. With so many advantages, if we can't resist the attack of the colorful sacred cows, then we are too weak."

"That's right." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly: "What's more, we still retain a lot of killer tricks. We can use it whenever we see something wrong, so it won't be a problem at all."

Since the fireworks are easy to get cold, and the Oriental stars have said so, then Nangong Yunlong and others no longer worry about anything. They each direct their own gang to fight. Of course, they are not idle, and various methods are displayed, but they are also printed. The service players have caused a lot of casualties, especially Nangong Yunlong used [World Extinguishing Thunder] and together with the Thousand Miles Solo Riding [World Extinguishing Thunder (group)].

"Fireworks. At this time, a large number of printing service players rushed over. Among them, there are many elite masters. Even the colorful sacred cows rushed over. Do we want to use some powerful and large-scale skills?" Inquired, especially after seeing Nangong Yunlong, Thousand Miles Walking Alone using a combination of skills, and [World Destroying Thunder] killing many Indian players.

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