VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 250: : Skills of Thunder

Ye Luo and others were very excited when they heard the system prompt that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind successfully completed the Hidden Profession Trial quest and took up the job of Thunder Swordsman, and June Feixue couldn't help asking what skills he possessed. , But the latter actually sold it off, and talked about it in detail after reuniting with everyone.

Sending the news about going to Huxiao Slope to kill the Frost Demon Tiger to Break the Waves and Ride the Wind, Ye Luo looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Sister Feng is indeed a hidden career in the Thunder system who is inaugurated under the guidance of [Thunder Pearl]. [Thunder Orb] There is another characteristic..."

"It can be integrated with some powerful equipment and props to make it more powerful." Fireworks Yi Leng took the stubbornness, and then she said to herself: "We have analyzed before that powerful equipment and props should refer to spirit tools. Now the wind Sister has two spiritual weapons [Blade of Thunder] and [Crazy Thunder Cloak]. You can try to fuse them. When Sister Downwind arrives, we will discuss and see which spiritual tool we can incorporate."

"It doesn't seem to be the same for which spirit tool is incorporated. Anyway, it is a spirit tool. Sister Feng can continue to equip it until the game is over." June Feixue didn't care.

"Not at all." Ye Luo shook her head. Seeing June Feixue's doubts, she explained: "[Thunder Blade] is a weapon that focuses on attack and damage, and [Kuang Lei Zhi Cloe] also has an attack attribute bonus. , But it is definitely a lot worse than the weapon. If [Thunder Orb] merges with the weapon, it should be able to greatly increase the attack. Sister Feng's character should choose to attack."

After a little hesitation, June Feixue nodded: "It seems to be the case, but I don't know if [Thunder Pearl] can be integrated into that long sword."

Talking all the way, everyone quickly arrived at Huxiao Po, and then the fireworks were easy to get cold and strange, and Ye Luo topped the monster, and everyone gave their best.

The five people are all hidden professions, with many skills, and the output is much higher than that of ordinary professions. The killing speed is very fast, because the team has a team bonus, their upgrade speed is much faster than Ye Luo alone killing monsters.

Shortly afterwards, breaking the waves and riding the wind also arrived, and she joined the battle with a purple long sword. The lightning flashed everywhere, and the purple thunder and lightning flashed for a while, and the high damage figures floated up, making June Feixue and the others stunned.

"Thunder Swordsman is indeed a violent output career. This is just a basic skill that has such damage. It is much more powerful than my ice and snow magician." said Tuesday, and then she found something, her pretty face was full of surprise : "Hey, Sister Feng's attack speed seems to be much faster than before, even stronger than Uncle Ye Luo. She's about to catch up with Sister Fireworks."

"Hey, you found out, it's because of..." The waves and the wind were very proud, but they were interrupted by the fireworks before they even spoke.

"It's not just [Thunder Orb] that has a 10% attack speed bonus and a second-turn effect. Sister Feng's agile aptitude growth should also be improved." Fireworks said easily, and then the tone changed: "Let's take a look. Your qualifications for professional growth."

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also didn't sell the barriers, and directly posted a picture book:

Thunder Soul Crystal

Equal order: 2nd order

Qi and blood: +2000

Magic: +2000

Growth qualification:

[Power]: 11 stars

[Agility]: 11 stars

[Physique]: 4 stars

[Intelligence]: 4 stars

"What, the agile growth aptitude has reached the level of an ordinary hidden profession like strength?!" Jian Wu was shocked. He looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Doesn't this mean that Thunder Swordsman is a combination of two hidden professions?"

"Not at all, because Sister Feng will only add the upgraded free attribute points to her strength. After all, she prefers high attack." Fireworks Yi Cold shook her head, and then her tone changed: "But the agile growth aptitude is not an agile professional. An ordinary career is 7 stars higher. This is not much worse than an archer with full agility. No wonder her attack speed is so fast."

"The sum of the growth qualifications of the four basic attributes is 30 stars, which is much higher than normal occupations. It is 7 stars higher than when we were in the third revolution, and even 3 stars higher than that of Uncle Ye Luo after the third revolution. It’s too powerful.” June Feixue said, her tone couldn’t help but excitement: “It’s a hidden job that can only be transferred to level 160. Tsk tsk, after taking a job in this profession, Sister Feng should be no better than that desert lone smoke. Less."

"If nothing else, Damo Guyan will also take a job similar to Thunder Swordsman, so it doesn't necessarily mean who is better." Fireworks said coldly, and then his tone changed: "But now Feng Sister is very strong and attacking. It’s higher than Ye Luo, and its attack speed is slightly faster. Don’t forget that [Blade of Reincarnation]’s attack interval is only 1.8 seconds."

"I have turned two, he hasn't turned two yet. When he turns two, his attack power will be a bit higher than mine. As for the attack speed, it should be about the same." She was a little excited when he thought of something. "Ye Luo, hurry up to Level 80, Rank Two, sister doesn't want to bully you."

"Sister Feng, you are a little proud." June Feixue said with a smile on her face: "Although you are already in the second turn, your attack and attack speed are much stronger, but your skills are mostly elementary. If you really want to fight, you won't necessarily be able to defeat Uncle Ye Luo, so let's wait for you to upgrade your skills to the master level."

"That's also true. There is too much difference between elementary skills and master-level skills." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then looked at Ye Luo: "But this is also just right. During this period of time, I practice skill level, you will quickly rise to level 80. In the second round, we will learn from each other, hey, let you see that your only hidden class is not invincible."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a fighting madman. He used to know that he was very different from Ye Luo in terms of occupation and equipment. There was no chance of winning in the battle, so there was no discussion, but during this period of time, she was also suffocated. She wanted to vent her hidden career.

Of course, she also wanted to pursue fairness, so she wanted Ye Luo to compete again after the second round.

"Sister Feng, Thunder Swordsman has very high growth qualifications, let us see what skills you have." June Feixue couldn't help urging.

Fireworks are easy to be cold and not much to say, I directly made a few skills into an illustration and sent it out:

[Thunder Power] (Passive Skills * Elementary)

Skill introduction: Thunder professional skills, the attack contains the power of lightning, causing 30 additional lightning attribute damage, the power of lightning invades the target, there is a 2% chance that the target will be paralyzed for 1 second, and cannot move or attack in the paralyzed state. Can be superimposed with pill or other special effects.

【Thunder Slash】(Active Skill*Elementary)

Skill introduction: Thunder Swordsman is an advanced skill after learning [Slash]. After learning, he can gather energy to cut out a sword energy containing the power of Thunder, causing 130% damage to a single target, and a 10% chance of taking the target Paralyzed for 1 second, consumes 50 magic points, and the interval between skills is 10 seconds.

[Thunder Continuous Slash] (Active Skill * Elementary)

Skill introduction: Thunder Swordsman learns the advanced skills after [combo], and can quickly attack the target continuously after learning (the elementary level can only attack twice, the intermediate level is also twice, and the advanced level three times. The first attack is 80 ordinary damage. %, the second attack is 70% of the normal damage, and each hit has a 10% chance to paralyze the target for 1 second, consume 100 magic points, and the skill CD time is 10 seconds.

Elementary (80%, 70%)

Intermediate (90%, 80%)

Advanced (75%, 65%, 55%)

[Thunder Sweep] (Active Skill * Elementary)

Skill introduction: After learning the advanced skills of [Sweeping the Armies], the Thunder Swordsman swings the weapon with a mighty force to sweep a large area, so that the hostile target within 10 meters is attacked, causing it to suffer 120% damage , And there is a 50% chance that they will fall into a paralyzed state for 1 second, consume 200 magic points, and use skills at an interval of 30 seconds.

"Tsk tsk, the attack skills are very high, and I have the same skill as my flame magician." June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "But it can also be passively paralyzed. This is also a control skill, which integrates attack and control. This The profession is really strong."

"That's right." Firework Yi Cold nodded, and she continued to indulge a little: "Sister Feng also learned the three skills [Sword Qi aspect], [Fright Slash], and [Charge], and the two control skills are used well. Then, with other skills, it can cause huge damage to the target in a short period of time. This profession is not much worse than the reincarnation."

"Hey, that's because Big Brother Ye Luo hasn't gotten a job, after all, Big Brother Ye Luo will become stronger after taking the job." Jian Wudao, and then thought of something, he hurriedly asked: "Sister Feng, when you took office Aren’t they rewarded a book of vocational skills? What skills are they?"

"Not only that skill, you should also understand the new skills after the second rank." Although she was asking on Tuesday, her tone was quite sure: "Let's take a look at the second rank skill, tut, it should be very Be strong."

Hidden occupations cannot learn skills from the instructor, but they will understand the skills after changing jobs, just like Ye Luo comprehending the [Pupils of Reincarnation] when he took office, and comprehending the [Power of Reincarnation] during the first turn.

"Hey, the rewarded skill is called [Kuang Lei Slash], and the skill is very powerful." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, he said a skill booklet:

【Crazy Thunder Slash】(Active Skill*Elementary)

Skill introduction: The exclusive skill of Thunder Swordsman, integrated into the long sword with the power of violent thunder, inflicts 150% damage to a single target, and stuns the target for 3 seconds, the skill consumes 300 magic points, and the skill use interval is 1 minute.

"Uh, the primary skill has 150% damage. The damage of this skill is too high, and it can make the target stunned for 3 seconds after hitting. This is a high attack control skill, which is much better than Fright." June Feixue said, she became excited: "Sister Feng, this skill is used continuously with [Scary Slash], and in all likelihood, the target can be killed within the time the target is dizzy."

"The skill is good, but it takes 0.5 seconds to accumulate energy. During this period of time, others have avoided it, and it is almost useless for the master." Breaking the waves shook his head, and then changed his tone: "But [Frightening] The starting action should be smaller. If the target is now dizzy, then..."

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