VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2556: : Sword of the Ice God

The major servers have not yet begun to attack the city, and at this time Ye Luo and the others are ready to defend the city. They think of breaking the waves and riding the wind and night unless they will receive generous rewards from the system or even a national weapon. Looking forward to it.

"Fireworks beauty, at this time, the people of the major servers are beginning to gather forces. The number of players is really large. In addition to the tens of millions of players in the printing service, there are hundreds of millions of players on the major servers." Ye Ling's voice sounded in the team. In the channel: "Moreover, they are simultaneously advancing towards Spirit Snake City, Curry City, and White Bull City. Obviously, they will attack these three gang sites at the same time."

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, he continued: "Of course, if there is no accident, the situation on the Australian server will be the same, because according to our inquiries, the players on the German server and other servers are preparing to help the players on the Australian server. They have mobilized before. A lot of people went to the Australian server, and it should be before Kangaroo City."

"Oh my god, they really mobilized hundreds of millions of elite players." The daughter said red, and when she said these, her tone became a little more serious: "The tens of millions of players in Yinfu are enough to cause us a big deal. Not to mention that the major servers have mobilized hundreds of millions of players. These are all elite players, and they are not comparable to ordinary players."

"What about the elite, as long as the dual-professional masters of the major servers cannot approach us or even cross the wall and start destroying the defense equipment, then they can't pose much threat to us. Is it possible that the major servers can still fight us attrition? "Othello doesn't take it seriously. Of course, when she says this, her tone is a little lack of confidence, because the power mobilized by the major servers is not worse than they expected, and it is not known whether the major servers have other killers.

I also felt the emotion of Othello. Zhiyue looked at the fireworks with anxiety and became cold: "Sister Fireworks, facing so many enemies, and almost enemies in peak state, can we bear it?"

"It is difficult to defend the two gang sites with the strength of our server, but the problem of concentrating our forces to defend the White Bull City is not too big, because too many players do not necessarily have a greater advantage when only attacking one gang site. , After all, the number of players who can attack at the same time is limited." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then changed his tone: "What's more, during this period, there should be other servers who will act and help us contain the major servers."

"Other servers help us?" Wei Wei was taken aback, but soon after June Feixue woke up, she blurted out: "Sister Fireworks, do you mean the Russian server will help us?"

"Well, the players on the Russian server must avenge their grievances. So many servers used to attack them, and even grabbed one of their national weapons. They will definitely do it when the major servers attack us, and they will also cooperate with other servers. "The firework is easy to cold, and the sound is soft but quite sure: "Once they start, they will help us contain some servers, and this will greatly reduce our pressure."

"The beauty of the fireworks is true. Since yesterday, the Russian server, the Korean server and other server coalition forces have been mobilizing troops to the German server. Obviously, even if they are not ready to help us contain some opponents, they will be consumed by the major servers. Doing it will make the major servers quite jealous." Jing Ke stab Qin's voice sounded in the team channel: "And this will also make the players of Defu not dare to use their full strength, they and other servers will be transferred back to some expert defense. This can more or less relieve our pressure."

Hearing that, everyone's expressions stretched slightly, after all, their pressure would be reduced a lot.

"Nevertheless, we shouldn't care about it. Next, we have to work hard, because no one knows what killers are hidden in the major servers." Bacchus Dukang said, and then he looked at the fireworks on the side and became cold: " Firework beauties, since the major servers and the people in the printing service have assembled forces, should we also take some actions, such as sending an elite team to sneak attacks, Ye Luo, Feng girl, they can more or less The server will cause some casualties, and the attack power can be filled at the least, and then it will be easier to defend the city.

"Well, you can do it." Fireworks Yi said coldly, not waiting to break the waves and ride the wind to speak, she continued: "But be careful, after all, at this time, many of us have not ended the CD, and the print server and major servers People are gathered together, and it is impossible to cause greater losses to them."

Think about it too, the major servers have gathered tens of millions of players, and most of these players are together, among them there are a large number of priests, even if Ye Luo and the others launch a sneak attack on it and kill hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of players, they can’t do anything. Weakened, even their attack power is difficult to add up, after all, Ye Luo and the others can't stay there forever, 5 minutes is enough time for a large number of priests to resurrect the killed.

"Understand, we will carry out sneak attacks on players at the leveling location of the printing service. After all, there are still a large number of printing service players who will not participate in the siege at this time, so it is easy for us to top up the attack power first." Ye Luo chuckled lightly. When he said these, his tone was full of confidence.

Think about it, too, there are a lot of Indian server players, hundreds of millions, but the level of these players is a bit uneven, and there are even many players whose level is below 300, and these players will naturally not participate in the siege. It’s about leveling or doing some tasks. Once it’s difficult to support players from the major servers, it’s easy for Yeluo and the others to fill up their attack power. Before, Yeluo and the others left a lot of teleportation in the Indian server. At this time, a large number of assassins scattered out. It is really easy to find some leveling points in the Yinfu and then fill up the attack.

Naturally, he knew that Ye Luo was very careful and cautious, and he was quite relieved that the fireworks were easy to be cold. Then Ye Luo led an elite team to go out to hunt.

The fact is as Ye Luo said. At this time, there are still many leveling points in the Indian server, especially far away from the gangs such as Bainiu City. Then Ye Luo and the others easily attacked a few leveling points and then Increase the attack power, and then they did not sneak attack the players at the leveling point of the Indian server, but to harass the elite players of the Indian server army and the major servers, and cause casualties as much as possible. Of course, they can force some double It is even better for professional players to use their big moves in advance.

Soon after, a system reminder sounded throughout the game:


System Tips (Full Server): Congratulations to Ye Yu Fei Fei for taking the Kangaroo City under the Australian server. Since she has captured the players in other server gangs, the system will reward her with a random inferior national weapon and a Primordial Sage level. Equipment, 150 points for all attributes, random enhancement of a skill she learned, a special skill book, 3 lucky points, 100 [Clone] and 100 [Split Arrows], 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], 1 One [Group Guard Scroll], 1 [Group Teleport Scroll], 20,000 points for national warfare, 20,000 prestige points, and 20,000 military merit points. In addition, Ye Yufei Fei’s Chinese server will receive 1% of the Australian server daily Total taxes. 30% of these taxes are owned by Ye Yu Fei Fei’s gang, the Ye Yu family. All Chinese server players in the Australian server kill monsters, do missions, or reward an additional 20%, but once Kangaroo City is captured these Benefits will be taken back.

The system rang three times in a row. Although similar system prompts had already sounded three times before, this time it still shocked many people, including Ye Luo and others, because they heard the word ‘low-grade national equipment’ from the system prompts.

"Hey, Ye Yu Fei Fei has also been awarded a national weapon?!" said June Feixue. When she said this, her tone was full of shock: "She is the fourth player to take the residence of his service gang, logically. It is said that the chance of obtaining a national weapon should be very low, but she did not expect her luck to get one."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all thought that Ye Yu Fei Fei's luck was too good.

"Hurry up and ask what is the national weapon that Ye Yu Fei Fei has obtained." Po Lang Riding the Wind couldn't wait to be authentic, and she continued after a short meal: "It is also a good thing for us not to stay at Yu Fei Fei to obtain a national weapon. The device can greatly enhance the strength of the Yeyu family. Then they can cause more casualties, losses and consumption to the major servers. We also have a greater chance to defend Kangaroo City and White Bull City."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: “Of course, Ye Yu Fei Fei’s rewards include national weapons, and Xiao Fei and I’s rewards are also very likely to include national weapons. Even just one item can greatly enhance our strength."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "What's more, there must be scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] in the system rewards. I believe that Sister Feng and Xiao Fei can also get such rewards, and this can greatly increase our Strength, defending the city will be easier in the future."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed. Of course, at this time they were also quite interested in what national artifacts Ye Yufei had obtained, but this didn't make them wait any longer before asking.

"The national weapon obtained by the little girl of the Ye Yu family is called [Ice God Sword], an ice long sword, which is undoubtedly the exclusive national weapon of ice swordsmen, and Ye Yu Tiange is an ice dragon swordsman. The weapon is naturally given to him." Bacchus Du Kang told the people about the news he asked: "[The Sword of the Ice God] Although it is a national weapon, its overall attributes are very good, although it can't kill people and increase attack power like the dagger. Characteristics, but also added a lot of attack power and various characteristics, and also added 2 powerful, large-scale group attack skills, 100 meters in the city, and there is an [ice **** domain] that is related to the [five poisons] Poisonous Miasma] The same continuous damage and a very good ability to control the effect."

"Similar to [Five Poison Miasma] and [Vulcan Domain] skills?!" After hearing the words of Bacchus Dukang, June Feixue's beautiful eyes lit up: "Doesn't this mean that we already have 4 of these? Continuing skills, tusk, if they can be used together, the effect will be very good."

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