VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 255: : Bacchus inquiry

The relationship between the Fine Wine Family and the Misty Pavilion is extremely good. They will talk to each other before discussing any major issues, especially things like fighting for the first kill of a copy. The two gangs avoid the fight to get the most benefit.

The level 70 dungeon mission is about to start. Bacchus Dukang wanted to ask Fireworks Yicold their choice, so he contacted Polangchengfeng, he was not polite, and directly asked Polangchengfeng their choice.

"Uncle Bacchus, let's not hide it from you, we still choose the six-player difficult dungeon. If you also want to choose this dungeon, you should pay attention to it. Our team is a bit strong this time." Po Lang Chengfeng is also quite straightforward.

"You girl is straightforward and blocked my next words directly. There is no room for negotiation." Bacchus Dukang smiled, and then he muttered: "You have taken the post of Thunder Swordsman, that girl in Feixue. Inaugurated the Flame Mage, and your newly recruited Jian Wu became a Taoist priest. These three occupations are all high-burst output occupations. Although the firework’s ice spirit archer and Tuesday’s ice magician have low output, they have many control skills. With them, you can attack boldly, and their output is pretty good. As for the kid Ye Luo, reincarnation is the only occupation, I am afraid it is stronger than the Thunder Swordsman, Demon Warrior and other occupations, as far as I know this The professional growth qualifications are very high, the skills are very abnormal, and it completely integrates the advantages of swordsmen and knights. It seems that your team is really strong."

"Hey, yeah, I'm a bit embarrassed to be strong." Po Lang Cheng Feng laughed, but she looked a little embarrassed in this way.

"You girl is a little awkward." Bacchus Du Kang laughed, and then changed his tone: "Although your strength is very strong, you can't care about it. There are many masters in the Eastern Family, and the Popular Gang is not too much, even the Heaven and Earth Alliance. With the menacing coming, Damo Guyan and Tiandi joined forces, and their strength should not be underestimated."

"Hey, the stronger the opponent, the better, otherwise it's more boring." Po Lang Chengfeng showed a hint of domineering, and then her tone changed: "Uncle Bacchus, your wine family is also a master, you are old and strong, and the state of inviting the moon is as good as the day. , Wuliangye and the others have also become powerful hidden occupations, but it is not without the opportunity, are you interested..."

"You first reveal to me the skills and growth aptitudes of Thunder Swordsman and Samsara. We will decide according to the situation." Bacchus Dukang said directly and without waiting for the waves and wind to answer, he continued: "Taoist, Bingxue There are already some people in the professions of magician and flame magician. We all know about the skills and everything, but you can give me a better information. Ice spirit archer, although only Fireworks works by herself, she works. It's been a long time, and there are many skills revealed, and only your Thunder Swordsman and Samsara I know very little."

"Hey, you are always a bit unkind, and you are so direct to inquire about our secrets." Po Lang said with a smile. Seeing the firework Yi Leng gestured to her, she decisively pulled it to the chat channel, and the latter directly Said: "Uncle Bacchus, I can give you our information and the information of Samsara and Thunder Swordsman, but..."

"Fireworks, I find that I am most afraid of dealing with you. You little girl negotiates too much, so I don't leave a little room for the opponent." Bacchus Dukang smiled, although he said that, his tone was calm and calm. : "Well, let's send out your skill information and growth aptitude. By the way, it's best to send the current attack, defense and qi and blood of that kid Ye Luo, and see if these can make me make a correct judgment. "

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, Dukang, the **** of wine, added: "Fireworks, don’t hide privately, or my old man will get angry."

"Don't worry, I do the fairest deal. Whatever promises is what you promised." Yanyi Yi said coldly. During the conversation, the information of Thunder Swordsman and Samsara, as well as her and June Feixue and others had been posted, as she said. In other words, she has no reservations.

"Tsk tusk, although we can guess that the Thunder system profession is mainly based on bursting and control, but I did not expect that the wind girl's skills are so strong, she has a higher chance of winning in a single-on-one PK, and has some advantages over the guy in the desert." God Du Kang did not conceal the shock in his tone: "The most important thing is that this profession is most in line with the personality of the wind girl, so that she can best display her strength and have a career suitable for her. This is the most in the game. Happy things."

"Hey, your old vision is really good." Po Lang said with a smile.

"You girl, do you praise me or yourself." Bacchus Du Kang smiled and cursed, and then glanced at Ye Luo's skills, his voice was a bit solemn: "Fireworks, you girl is a bit naughty. Why do you only send me these skills? Except for the advanced skills of the swordsman, the others are passive skills."

"Uncle Bacchus, there is nothing hidden in the fireworks." Po Lang Chengfeng replied, and then she laughed: "You keep watching, you will know why."

Perhaps Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, was a little skeptical of the tactics of cold fireworks trading, but he didn't have any doubts about breaking the waves and riding the wind. Hearing what she said, he became curious and continued to investigate. After a while, he exclaimed: "I'll go, The skills of this reincarnation are too overbearing. [Reincarnation* Soul Eater], [Reincarnation of the Eyes], [Six Paths Open], each is more perverted. The most important thing is that these skills are combined together, and the potential of reincarnation is amazing. "

When Bacchus Du Kang was chatting with Po Lang Chengfeng and others, Yin Yue toast and daughter Hong and others also watched. Seeing the surprised look of Bacchus Dukang, Yin Yue toast and others were even more surprised. Jian Nanchun said: "Tsk tsk, can make the boss so surprised, how abnormal is that samsara."

"Yes, the boss of Bacchus has played games for thirty years. He has a much better understanding of the game than us, and he has seen too many powerful professions. It has long been no surprise, but he was so surprised by this reincarnation. Very interesting.” The daughter red said, she glanced at Yueyue to toast: "Hey, Yueyue, both are swords professions, you should be even more curious about what kind of skills Ye Luo has."

"Naturally, the sword skill boss has also seen a lot. It must not be easy to surprise him." Yaoyue toasted and nodded: "Besides, I will have to discuss with Brother Ye Luo in the future. Only by knowing myself and knowing the enemy can I win the battle."

"Hey, I think you are afraid of losing to him." Hongxing Erguotou teased, his words made Yingyue a toast with a red face.

"Being more than honest, you still need to have reservations, otherwise you won't be friends." A cup of Wuliangye said, and then looked at the **** of wine Du Kang: "Okay, stop making trouble, see how the boss and Po Lang Chengfeng and their discussions, also I don’t know if we have a chance to compete for the six-man difficult copy, we can form a strong six-man team..."

"It's easy to get cold when there are fireworks. What do you think the boss can take advantage of in negotiations?" Qingmei asked in return. Seeing Yingyue toasting and others smiling bitterly, he shook his head: "I guess the boss is already It’s fallen, and I don’t know what conditions are promised to allow fireworks to be cold."

"I feel so." Daughter Hong nodded.

For the time being, I won’t talk about the discussion by Nie Hong and others, and let’s say that Dukang, the **** of wine, read the reincarnation information in detail.

With 30 years of experience in the game of Bacchus Dukang, he instantly analyzed how the reincarnation profession is, and calmed down a little bit. He said: "No wonder, the reincarnation is already very powerful. If there are more passive skills, I'm afraid it will not Several professions, no, I'm afraid no profession can compete with them."

Without waiting for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to reply, he continued: "Even though there are not a few active skills, but with the characteristics of [Samsara Pupils] replicating skills, this class is also a BUG-like existence in the late game. What's more, I feel that the Six Paths are awakened after the Six Paths are opened There will be some powerful skills."

"Hope." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Firework girl, are you hiding something from me?" Bacchus Dukang said suddenly, not waiting for the firework to speak easily, and he continued: "After the awakening of the Six Ways, it is not easy. It may be six career modes. I don't believe it. With a long sword, you can be competent for these six skills."

With a secret voice, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, had a very old look, and the fireworks were easy to cold say: "Ye Luo took a hidden mission. According to the mission introduction, we can analyze that there is a reincarnation profession for the reincarnation. The boss of Bacchus, our transaction does not include this. After all, what you are talking about is that Ye Luo hasn't completed the task yet and whether it can be completed is still a question, so this is not a concealment. Of course, we respect your personality, so we disclose it to you free of charge."

"Hey, I can hear the word'respect' from your girl, this old fellow should also be relieved." Bacchus Dukang said, and then he muttered to himself: "Samsara also has a profession of intergeneration, this In other words, reincarnation is a dual profession, so Ye Luo will become stronger, he is the only hidden profession. Wind girl, this time you have made a lot of money, and you have recruited such a master. He cooperates with reincarnation. This profession has a chance to be in the top ten of the celebrity list."

"It's good luck." Breaking the waves and riding the wind haha: "And you also know how difficult it is to complete the hidden task. It is not certain whether Ye Luo can successfully find a job."

"Don't give me sloppy eyes, there are fireworks, what mission can't be completed." Bacchus Dukang laughed, and then his tone changed: "Even if he can't find a job, the reincarnation itself is very powerful. ] Being able to replicate the characteristics of passive skills, coupled with Ye Luo's operations, there is no problem for him to become a super master. This profession is very domineering in the late game.

I also know what the eyes of the **** of Bacchus Dukang are. Breaking the waves and riding the wind didn't answer the conversation, and smirked.

"Ye Luo's attack is nearly 4,000, and his defense is almost the same, coupled with the skill bonus, tusk, his output will be very abnormal, more terrifying than the wind girl." Bacchus Du Kang quickly judged it, and then smiled bitterly. : "It seems that the probability that you can win six difficult copies this time is over 90%. Let's change to other types of copies."

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